

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
1節 外遊
4款 第四回米国行

第33巻 p.278-302(DK330013k) ページ画像





渋沢栄一 日記 大正一〇年(DK330013k-0001)
第33巻 p.278-282 ページ画像

渋沢栄一 日記 大正一〇年 (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
十二月十二日 曇 軽暖
十二月十三日 晴 軽暖
十二月十四日 晴 軽暖
 - 第33巻 p.279 -ページ画像 
十二月十五日 晴 軽暖
十二月十六日 晴 暖
十二月十七日 曇 軽暖
十二月十八日 雨 軽暖
十二月十九日 雨 軽暖
午前七時半起床、入浴シテ朝飧ス、午前十時米人〔    〕《(原本脱字)》氏来話ス
 - 第33巻 p.280 -ページ画像 
十二月二十日 雨 軽暖
今日ハサンジーゴー市ニ抵リ、ライマン・ゲージ氏訪問ノ筈ニテ、数日前ヨリ書信又ハ電話ニテ往復シ置キタレバ、午前九時四十五分サシタヘー《(ン)》行汽車ニテ当市ヲ発ス、一行四人ニ郷隆三郎氏及近藤氏ヲ加ヘテ、車中種々ノ談話ヲ交換シ、午後一時頃〔    〕《(原本欠字)》○デルマルニ抵リテ道路ニ破壊アリテ汽車不通トナリ、終ニ車ヲ下リ同地ナル旅亭ニ於テ午飧ニ代ルニサンドイツチヲ以テシ、長時間休憩ノ後自働車ヲ呼ヒ迎ヘテ一同搭乗シ、午後六時過サンジーゴー市ニ達シ、有名ナルコルナード・ホテルニ投宿ス、夜飧後ゲージ氏ト電話シテ明日ノ会見ヲ約ス此日鉄路ニ故障アリテ下車シタル〔    〕《(原文欠字)》ノ地ハ海岸ニ在リテ眺望絶佳ノ地ナリ、而シテ休憩セシホテルハ風光明媚稀ニ見ル所ノ遊息客舎ナリ
十二月二十一日 曇 軽暖
 - 第33巻 p.281 -ページ画像 
十二月二十九日 半晴 寒
十二月三十日 曇 寒
十二月三十一日 曇 軽寒
 - 第33巻 p.282 -ページ画像 

渋沢栄一 日記 大正一一年(DK330013k-0002)
第33巻 p.282 ページ画像

渋沢栄一日記 大正一一年 (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
大正十一年一月一日 桑港客舎
一月二日 半晴 軽寒

竜門雑誌 第四〇七号・第三九―四四頁 大正一一年四月 ○渡米日誌 青淵先生(DK330013k-0003)
第33巻 p.282-286 ページ画像

竜門雑誌 第四〇七号・第三九―四四頁大正一一年四月
 十二月十二日(月) 車中。
 十二月十三日(火) 午前九時四十分ニユーオルレアンス着。
 十二月十四日(水) 午後零時十分ニユーオルレアンスを発車す。
 十二月十五日(木) 車中。
 十二月十六日(金) 午後九時三十分ロスアンゼルス着、大山領事其他多数邦人の出迎を受け、ホテル・アレキサンドリアに投宿す。
 十二月十七日(土) 朝来新聞記者其他来客に接見、正午ホテル・アレキサンドリアに於ける大山領事主催の午餐会に臨み、子爵は一場の演説を試みらる、夜は六時より南加中央日本人会及日本人商業会議所主催の晩餐会へ出席せられ、又一場の演説を試みられ、更に同夜日本人会主催の演説会に於て子爵及頭本氏の演説ありたり。
 十二月十八日(日) 午前南加大学邦人学生会館一覧、正午中央日本人会主催の午餐会及有志懇談会に出席して一場の演説ありたり。
 十二月十九日(月) 正午カリフオルニア・クラブに於ける米人商業会議所主催の午餐会に出席し、会頭の挨拶に対して子爵の答辞あり。
 - 第33巻 p.283 -ページ画像 
 十二月二十日(火) 午前九時四十五分ロスアンゼルスを発し、サンヂヱコに向ふ、数日来の強雨にて鉄道線路は破壊を生じ、途中デルマー駅にて下車するの余義なきに至り、同駅より自働車を雇ふて夕刻到着、コロナド・ホテルに投宿す。
 十二月二十一日(水) 午前同ホテルに於てライマン・ゲージ氏の来訪を受け会談す、正午近藤政治氏宅にて午餐の饗を受け、午後市中を巡覧す。
 十二月二十二日(木) 午前九時サンチヱゴを発し、午後二時ロスアンゼルスに帰着、午後早川雪州氏活動写真製作所一覧、茶菓の饗を受く、夜ホテル・アレキサンドリアに於て重なる内外人数十名を招き、留別の宴を開かれたり。
 十二月二十三日(金) 午前大山領事を訪問し、正午ポモナ大学総長ブレイスデール氏の来訪を受け日米問題に付き意見を交換し、午餐を倶にしたる後著名なるハサデナを巡覧し、同六時出発桑港に向はる。
 十二月二十四日(土) 午前八時四十分桑港着、アレキサンダー、リンチ、ガイ、添田博士、牛島氏等の出迎を受け、フエイアモント・ホテルに投宿す、内外新聞記者の来訪終日絶えず、夜牛島氏より晩餐の饗応を受く。
 十二月二十五日(日) 午後四時シアトルに向つて桑港を発す、途中積雪多し。
 十二月二十六日(月) 車中。
 十二月二十七日(火) 午前六時シアトル着、ローマン及バーク両氏を始め、佐藤領事代理及在留邦人の出迎を受け、ニユー・ワシントンホテルに投宿、正午サミユール・ヒル氏邸の午餐会に出席す、帰途ヘンレー氏の美術館を一覧す、夜はレイニーア・クラブに於ける同地商業会議所主催の晩餐会に臨む、同クラブ会長スチムソン氏歓迎辞を陳べ、次で会議所会頭代理として同貿易局長アンダーソン氏司会者となり、バーソンジヤー、グリフイス、パークス諸氏に次で子爵及添田氏の卓上演説ありたり。
 十二月二十八日(水) 午前マシユース氏等諸氏の来訪あり、同十時日本人代表者諸氏と懇談す、諸氏より訴訟費支弁、モリス・幣原案の不当、領事館昇格等に関する意見の開陳あり、正午レイニーア・クラブに於て佐藤領事代理主催の午餐会に臨み、市長其他の挨拶に対し、子爵及添田氏の答辞あり、右終りて在ワシントン大学邦人学生会館を一覧の上、午後四時ローマン氏邸に於ける茶会に出席す、夕刻一先帰宿、夜日本人実業倶楽部に於て、在同地日本人の各種団体聯合主催の晩餐会に臨み、各代表者の歓迎の辞に対し、子爵及添田氏の答辞あり夫より在留日本人の為めの講演会に出席し、子爵及添田氏の演説あり右終つて更に深更に至る迄有志諸氏と会談す。
 - 第33巻 p.284 -ページ画像 
 十二月二十九日(木) 早朝邦人代表者数氏来訪、会談、午前十時ローマン、バーク及邦人諸氏に送られてシアトル市を発し、午後四時ポートランド着、クラーク氏、吉田領事其他諸氏の出迎を受け、マルトマー・ホテルへ投宿す、夜クラーク氏主催の晩餐会に臨み、市長代理グラント、商業会議所会頭バンデユザー諸氏及其他の演説に次で、子爵・添田氏の答辞あり、終つて日本人会主催の演説会へ出席、子爵及添田氏の演説あり。
 十二月三十日(金) 午前同地日本人会の幹部と会談の後、クラーク氏の案内にてコロンビヤ河畔の製材所一覧、正午同地商業会議所主催の午餐会に出席、会頭バンデユザー氏司会の下に子爵及添田氏より謝辞を陳述す、右終り再度日本人代表者と会談、午後四時発車、クラーク氏其他に送られて桑港に向ふ。
 十二月三十一日(土) 午後九時半桑港に着す、桑港商業会議所より特に書記を派し、自働車を以て一行を迎ふ、伴はれてフエーアモントホテルに入る。
 大正十一年一月一日(日) 朝総領事官舎に於ける遥拝式に参列、正午国府精一氏より午餐の饗を受け、夜は矢田総領事に招かれ晩餐の饗応を受く。
 一月二日(月) 午前十時半ホテルに於てマクラツチー氏と会見し、日本人同化問題に付種々意見を交換す、正午同ホテルに於て岩永祐吉氏、マクラツチー、ベントレー、ムア、ヘイス、チル諸氏の為めに午餐会を催し、午後ジヨルダン博士と会談の後、在留日本人の主たる人人との懇談会に臨席し、引続き晩餐会に移り、主人たる牛島氏、其他諸氏の挨拶に対し子爵及添田氏の答辞ありたり。
 一月三日(火) 午前九時桑港商業会議所副会頭リンチ氏の案内にて同会議所書記デグラフ氏及サザーン・パシヒイツク鉄道会社より派遣のレースローブ氏等一行の接待役として特に用意せられたる列車に乗じ、フレスノに向つて出発す、午後四時同地着、市長・商業会議所会頭・上院議員等其他日本人会幹部の出迎を受け、直にフレスノ・ホテルに投宿、小憩の後同地日本人の経営に属するインダストリアル・バンク一見の上、日本人会事務所に於ける在留日本人の懇談会に臨み、各地方在留邦人の代表者の希望を聴取したる後、子爵より一場の訓話を試み、夜はフレスノ・ホテルに於ける同地商業会議所主催の晩餐会に出席、市長ハリス氏等の挨拶に対し子爵及添田氏の答辞ありたり。
 一月四日(水) 午前八時一同自働車に分乗してフレスノを出発、十一時半リビングストンに到着、在留邦人と会談し、進で正午ターロツクに到り、同地商業会議所主催の午餐会に臨み、子爵及添田氏の演説あり、曾て当市の掲示したる「日本人入用なし」の立札に関する悪感一掃に言及する所ありたり、午後二時同所より汽車の人となり、同七時桑港に帰着す。
 一月五日(木) 朝矢田総領事来談、午前十一時市役所に於て催されたる多数の市民・市吏員の重なる人々を網羅せるレセプシヨンに赴き市長より丁重なる歓迎の辞あり。
 - 第33巻 p.285 -ページ画像 
 一月六日(金) 桑港商業会議所会頭アレキサンダー及同副会頭リンチ氏の両氏一行に加はり、桜府桑港電車会社々長アーンステイン氏の先導にて特別車に乗じ、朝九時桑港発、正午サクラメントに着、スビルス氏始め多数の出迎あり。
 一月七日(土) 朝桑港よりジヨルダン博士来会す、一行自働車にてスタクトンに向ふ、途中フロリン及ローダイに於て在留邦人と会談す正午過スタクトン着、スタクトン・ホテルに投宿、直に牛島氏の案内にて石油発動艇に乗じ、同氏のマンデヒル農園に赴き、午餐の饗を受く、夜スタクトン・ホテルに於ける同地商業会議所主催の晩餐会に出席、会頭を始めニユーシラー、ジヨルダン博士、アレキサンダー諸氏の挨拶に対して子爵より謝辞を述べ、夫より在留同胞の講演会へ出席し、子爵並に添田氏の講演ありたり。
 一月八日(日) 午前七時十分スタクトン発車、同十時桑港着、午後三時在留同胞講演会に臨み、子爵及添田氏の講演あり、夜日本倶楽部に於ける日本人商業会議所の催にかゝる晩餐会及懇談会に出席す。
 一月九日(月) 朝シヤーレンブルグ氏来訪、労働問題就中布哇に於ける支那人労働者を以て補充するの非なるを力説せり、正午子爵はフエアモント・ホテルに於て日米の重なる人々七十余名を招待して留別の宴を開く、子爵より一場の挨拶あり、次で矢田総領事、ホルステツド中将、ラウエル、ゴルドン、ホウヰーラーの諸氏演説せり、又アレキサンダー氏は桑港商業会議所会頭として、子爵が日米親善の為め多年貢献せられたるを謝し、尚将来益々努力せられんことを希望する旨を陳べ、且同一の意味の文字を彫刻せる金製紀念品を子爵に贈呈せり子爵は深く其厚意を謝し、尚将来奮つて日米の為めに尽すべきことを答へらる、続いて別室にて日米関係委員協議会を開き、五日の議事を継続せり、詳細は別に議事録あるを以て之に譲る可きも、先づリビン
 - 第33巻 p.286 -ページ画像 

東京日日新聞 第一六二六七号大正一一年一月一二日 渋沢子留別会(DK330013k-0004)
第33巻 p.286 ページ画像

東京日日新聞 第一六二六七号大正一一年一月一二日
〔桑港特電〕(九日発) 渋沢子は十日布哇に向け出発する筈で、九日留別の午餐会をフエアモント・ホテルで開催し添田氏が司会者となり鉄道監督官ウエスター・ローウエル、カリフオルニヤ大学総長フエーラー氏、商業会議所会頭アレキサンダー諸氏の演説があつた後、委員側からは渋沢子が両国の為努力されたる功績に対し感謝状を贈つた

Japan Advertiser Jan. 12, 1922 SHIBUSAWA IS GIVEN SOLID GOLD SCROLL(DK330013k-0005)
第33巻 p.286-287 ページ画像

Japan Advertiser Jan. 12, 1922.
       San Francisco Makes Present
         Out of Respect for Aged
        Japanese, Sailing for Home
Kokusai Direct
  SAN FRANCISCO. January 10 ― Viscount Shibusawa has sailed for home after pledging to leading business and professional men of California that he will continue "until death" the self-imposed task for bringing about an amicable adjustment, satisfactory to the United States and Japan for
 - 第33巻 p.287 -ページ画像 
 the vexatious land and immigration problems.
  He carries with him data gathered throughout the nation in conferences on the subject.
  The San Francisco Chamber of Commerce presented him with a scroll of solid gold on which is inscribed under the entwined flags of Japan and the United States "presented to Viscount Shibusawa by his friends of the Japanese Relations Committee of the Chamber of Commerce in grateful recognition of his untiring and unselfish devotion and zeal in the interests of closer friendship and friendlier relations between the peoples of the United Sates and Japan."
  There was a great demonstration as the boat sailed.
Everywhere Viscount Shibusawa was hailed as the best loved Japanese who ever visited America.

第33巻 p.287-288 ページ画像

       CHAPTER X
  On the day before he left San Francisco, the Japanese Relations Committee of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, headed by Mr. Wallace M. Alexander, gave a farewell luncheon to the Viscount. Table speeches were made, and Mr. Alexander presented to the Viscount on behalf of the Japanese Relations Committee of San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, a souvenir of a gold tablet on which a statement of appreciation was engraved. It reads:
             Presented to
         Viscount Eiichi Shibusawa
           by his friends
     the Japanese Relations Committee
             of the
      San Francisco Chamber of Commerce
      in grateful recognition of his unitiring
        and unselfish devotion and zeal
       in the interest of closer and more
      friendly relations between the peoples
        Japan and the United States.
  The next day the city papers mentioned both speeches. A lady who was staying at the Fairmont, occupying a suite of
 - 第33巻 p.288 -ページ画像 
 rooms, telephoned the Viscount and requested him to send to her his secretary. The Viscount acquiesced and the secretary was sent to her. She told him how deeply she was impressed by reading the newspaper account of the speech the Viscount made the day before, especially the expression of "carrying with him his coffin." She told him that, though a woman, she would do her utmost in the same work, and that as a pledge, she would present to the Viscount a special keepsake which she desired to be fastened to his watch-chain. Struck by her zeal and eloquence, the secretary received the charm on behalf of the Viscount taking it for granted that he would accept such a high compliment. The Viscount received it in good humor and pursuant to her request he ever after wore it fastened to his watch-chain. As a return compliment, the Viscount presented to her a book containing a collection of the fifty-three scenic pictures along the Tokaido, the highway the ancient Daimyo used to travel between Kyoto and Yedo.
  The Viscount later found that the lady occupied an important post in the municipal government of San Francisco during the World War, and that she was a cousin of one of the San Francisco friends of the Viscount.

(ヴィー・エス・マクラチ)書翰控 渋沢栄一宛一九二一年一二月一三日(DK330013k-0007)
第33巻 p.288-289 ページ画像

(ヴィー・エス・マクラチ)書翰控 渋沢栄一宛一九二一年一二月一三日
            Prince George Hotel, New York City,
                     December 13, 1921.
Viscount E. Shibusawa,
  Arlington Hotel,
  Washington, D. C.
My dear Viscount Shibusawa:
  Permit me to express my appreciation of the courtesy extended by you when in Washington, and the opportunity afforded me for a very frank discussion with you on the important problem in which we are both so much interested.
  I look forward with pleasure to the prospect of seeing you again in California, and shall be glad to be of any service to you in the way of information or otherwise, if you will give me the opportunity.
  We certainly have this feeling in common; that Japan and the United States cannot afford to disturb the friendly relations which have thus far marked their intercourse, and that loyal Japanese, like yourself, and loyal Americans, like myself, owe it to their respective countries, as well as to world progress, to
 - 第33巻 p.289 -ページ画像 
do all that we can to secure such an adjustment of existing questions as may be at the same time just and fair to both countries.
          Very sincerely yours,
                  V. S. McClatchy

(滝本為三)書翰 ヴィー・エス・マクラチ宛一九二一年一二月三〇日(DK330013k-0008)
第33巻 p.289 ページ画像


Japanese Immigration The California point of View pp.1-8 Jan., 1922(DK330013k-0009)
第33巻 p.289-296 ページ画像

Japanese Immigration The California point of View
                      pp. 1-8
                      Jan., 1922.
        Japanese Immigration
      The California Point of View
    In Conference and Correspondence with
       Sacramento, California
         January, 1922
  Viscount Ei-ichi Shibusawa is, it is said, the most prominent and influential private citizen of Japan. Over eighty years of age, but still vigorous, he has devoted his activities for the
 - 第33巻 p.290 -ページ画像 
 past twenty years since retirement from official position to his country's welfare, and more particularly to betterment of her relations with the outside world.
  To this end he has made four trips to Europe and the United States, his last visit to this country being during the Winter of 1921-22. Prior to coming he wrote to V. S. McClatchy, suggesting a meeting between the two for careful consideration of the so-called "California question," in the hope of better understanding between the two peoples in connection therewith.
  Lengthy conferences between the two were had in Washington in December, 1921; and in San Francisco in January, 1922; and following the latter there was prepared, at Viscount Shibusawa's suggestion, a memorandum of the points involved in the California point of view.
  The memorandum was sent in the form of a letter, dated January 3, 1922 (reproduced herewith). which the Viscount took with him to Japan when he left a few days later.
  The brief to which frequent reference is made therein, is the brief prepared in 1921 by V. S. McClatchy for consideration of the State Department at Washington, in connection with the Morris-Shidehara conferences, looking to revision of the "Gentlemen's Agreement". The brief was presented to Secretary of State Hughes by the entire California Congressional delegation, acting for the State, as embodying the State's point of view already unanimously endorsed by the California Legislature in its approval of the four principles of the Japanese Exclusion League of California.

        California to Japan
    The Message Carried Back by Viscount
      Shibusawa in January, 1922
            Janurary 3rd, 1922.
Viscount E. Shibusawa,
  Fairmont Hotel,
  San Francisco, Calif.
My Dear Sir:
  In furtherance of the understanding had in our interview January 2nd, I submit a statement in logical sequence of existing conditions and proposed remedies in connection with the various phases of the problem created by Japanese immigration into the United States.
  After consideration of the points herein made, you may
 - 第33巻 p.291 -ページ画像 
desire to discuss the subject further. You may assume that I will make any appointment suitable to your convenience for such purpose. We are both striving so earnestly to reach an adjustment which will be fair to both nations and remove possible causes for misunderstanding that I am anixous to take advantage of your visit to find a common basis of principle and facts upon which such an adjustment can be predicated.
  We can, perhaps, readily agree as to mutual disposition in the case to the following effect:
 1. That there is earnest desire on both sides to avoid or remove sources of friction that will inevitably, or even probably, lead to racial conflict and international misunderstanding.
 2. That there is mutual desire to avoid or remove such sources of friction without unnecessary hurt to the pride of either nation and without invasion of individual rights legally acquired.
 3. That there is no disposition on the part of either nation to force its emigration on the other nation, or on states or provinces thereof, against the expressed objection of such nation, or its states or provinces.
  Going a step further, perhaps you will agree with me, as a number of leaders of Japanese thought have, that the racial conflict and international misunderstanding which we are striving to prevent may be easily caused by:
 (a) The development in either country of an alien, unassimilable element with such advantages in economic competition as will enable it to displace domestic labor and secure control of certain industries. (See Dr. Iyenaga's statement, Section 110 of my brief prepared for the Department of State.)
 (b) The rapid increase of such an element, either through immigration or through a birth rate many times greater than that of the home population.
  Assuming agreement between us that the causes outlined in (a) and (b) above would produce results we desire to prevent, the question is, do any or all of these conditions apply to the Japanese in California and will those conditions be found in other states should Japanese immigration extend to them.
  You will perhaps agree that the facts are conclusive as to existence of all those conditions in California, with the possible exception of the element introduced by Japanese immigration being unassimilable. Should you make issue on that point the
 - 第33巻 p.292 -ページ画像 
difference between us will be found to be one of terms rather than of facts. Let us clear up that point first.
  Whatever may be claimed as to future possibilities in this regard, it will be conceded that at present there is no general assimilation, and no attempt or indication of assimilation of any kind save in individual cases. Whether the fault be charged to whites, or to the Japanese, or to nature, the fact remains.
  This present condition is due to a difference in race, religion, ideals and customs so great that admittedly it will require a number of generations to assimilate the Japanese immigration if, indeed, it can ever be assimilated. California frankly declines to encourage an experiment so dangerous because failure would mean the end of the white race in California. Japan would not permit such an experiment in her own country.
  All the known facts, however, point to the impracticability of assimilation of the Japanese by the whites in California. Perfect assimilation or amalgamation would depend on intermarriage, which is out of the question; apparently repugnant to both nations; unwise from the biological standpoint and inducing loss of social standing for parents and children on both sides of the Pacific. (See Brief, Sections 126 to 134.)
  Japanese may not, can not and will not be assimilated into good American citizens, save with rare exceptions, for reasons set forth in my Brief, Sections 119 to 122. The general Subject of assimilaion will be found discussed at length in my article, "Japanese in the Melting Pot," in "Annals of American Academy of Political and Social Science," page 29, and in "Assimilation of Japanese" (copy herewith). Among Japanese authorities, Dr. Iyenaga and C. Kondo and J. Sacamori have pointed out practical difficulties in the way of assimilating Japanese. (See Sections 132, 133 and 228 of Brief.) Their pride of race and national consciousness forbid merging their identity in other races, which they are taught to regard as inferior.
  On the other points involved in my paragraphs (a) and (b) above, there will not be question as to their applicability to the Japanese in California.
  The Japanese have undoubted advantage in economic competition with the whites, and displace them in industries and in localities when opportunity offers. That has been demonstrated not only in California, but in other states of the Union and in Hawaii. (The facts in connection therewith are
 - 第33巻 p.293 -ページ画像 
fully treated in the Brief, Sections 160 to 192.)
  There has been, and is, a steady influx of Japanese immigration, authorized and surreptitious, as shown by the great increase of Japanese popultion in California and Continental United States, after making due allowance for births. In Continental United States there has been an increase of Japanese population from immigration since 1906 of 62,000. Of this number 47,000 are in California. (See Section 245 of Brief.) It should be borne in mind that the United States census figures of Japanese population are entirely wrong. (See Sections 68 to 83 of Brief.)
  Japan is still sending over large numbers of women immigrants. She discontinued the sending of "picture brides", but has inaugurated the plan of "Kankodan, or excursion brides, with the result that there came into Seattle and San Francisco during the year ending September 1, 1921, 2197 new Japanese wives who had never been in this country before. The Japanese government now allows Japanese visiting Japan to get wives 90 days' stay instead of 30, as called for by law, without performance of conscription duties.
  There is an alarming increase of Japanese population in California due to a birth rate three times as great per thousand as that of the whites, and to the fact that practically all Japanese women are married and producing children, while many white women are not married, and those married have few or no children. Because of these conditions the Japanese in California are increasing by reproduction ten times as fast as the whites. The Registrar of Vital Statistics of the State Board of Health holds the opinion that "unless checked, the Japanese will, in time, equal the whites in number in California." (See Sections 141 to 159 of Brief.) This situation grows worse because Japan is now encouraging the shipment of Kankodan brides and new wives, as noted above. The intent is, from published statements in Japanese newspapers, to supply a wife as speedily as possible to each of the 45,000 or 50,000 wifeless Japanese in Continental United States, and, through their efforts, swell the Japanese population.
  It is claimed that to refuse the unmarried Japanese now here to bring in wives from Japan would be neither fair nor human. But if it be agreed that the rapid increase of Japanese population in California is likely to jeopardize the friendly relations between Japan and the United States, then it would be
 - 第33巻 p.294 -ページ画像 
most unwise for us to do the one thing which would be most certain to produce that rapid increase. And the interest of the individual should be subordinated to the greater interests of the two nations.
  In Hawaii nearly half the total population is now Japanese and rapidly increasing, while "picture brides" (not forbidden for Hawaii) and new wives continue to flow in in great number.
  It is natural for California and other sections of the United States to view this situation with alarm. Japan would not permit similar conditions to exist in her empire, whereby any of her provinces would be overrun by an alien population, no matter how friendly she might be with the nation from which they came.
  Having thus glanced at existing conditions and the serious results which must flow therefrom, we look into the cause for these conditions. It is to be found in the operation of the Gentlemen's Agreement which was made for the definite, expressed purpose of "keeping Japanese labor, skilled and unskilled, out of Continental United States", and with the tacit understanding that it would serve, through Japan's voluntary act, in preventing the increase in this country of an alien Japanese population, as the Exclusion Act prevents similar results with regard to Chinese. (Sec. 236-242 of Brief.)
  The Gentlemen's Agreement has failed signally to accomplish its declared purpose. It has flooded California with Japanese labor, skilled and unskilled, and it has multiplied the Japanese population of that state and of the United States instead of preventing increase of that population. (Sections 244 to 253 of Brief.)
  The suggested remedies for the serious situation outlined, as formally approved by the California Legislature by unanimous vote in April 1921 (see Brief, page 99) are in effect as follows:
 1. Cancellation of the Gentlemen's Agreement. It is not necessary to accuse Japan of violating the agreement or even of so carelessly performing her obligations under it that her nationals have been able to evade not only its intent but its plain provisions. It is sufficient to say that the agreement in operation has done, or permitted, the very things which it was supposed to prevent. That being so, Japan should have no hesitation in agreeing to its cancellation, since it does not carry out her declared intent and since it offers a steady, growing
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menace to friendly relations between the two countries.
 2. Substitution in place of the Gentlemen's Agreement of treaty or laws based on the right of every nation to regulate its immigration as a domestic question without demand or suggestion from any other nation.
  The United States has committed the extraordinary blunder of giving temporarily to Japan the privilege of determining the number and character of immigration coming into this country from Japan. That is a privilege granted by us to no other nation. It is a privilege not granted by any other nation, including Japan, to a foreign nation. (Sections 237, 241, 242, 243 of Brief.)
  This country has a pride no less than Japan and the present situation is a source of humiliation to any American who understands it. Japan should bear that point in mind when speaking of her own pride.
 3. Such treaty or laws should provide for absolute exclusion hereafter of all Japanese, male and female, who desire to enter this country as permanent residents. Provision should be made for temporary residence by diplomats, tourists, commercial men, etc. And that there may be no suggestion of discrimination, similar laws or treaty provisions should exclude Americans from Japan. This is in accord with the principle enunciated by Theodore Roosevelt. (See Brief, page 104).
 4. The personal and property rights of Japanese who have acquired residence legally in California should be carefully safeguarded, as declared in the Fourth Section of the Declaration of Principles approved by the California Legislature. The State of California and her people have given every proof of good faith in fair treatment of Japanese now in the State. (See Brief, Sections 14 to 21.)
  When your time permits, I hope you will carefully consider the points herein made, and make such frank criticism thereof as suggests itself to you, pointing out any mistake I may have made as to facts or any lack of logical reasoning in drawing deductions therefrom.
  Permit me to express my great admiration for your ability and for the work you have undertaken in bringing your country into closer and more friendly relations with the outside world. I feel that you credit me with an earnestness equal to your own and that, therefore, you will approve rather than condemn
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the frankness with which I present the California point of view to your attention. It has been an honor to dicsuss these questions with you, and it will be a greater honor if, through interchange of thought, I can, even in a small way, assist in bringing about a permanent friendly relation between our two countries.
              (Signed) V. S. McCLATCHY.

(小畑久五郎)書翰 ヴィー・エス・マクラチ宛一九二二年一月七日(DK330013k-0010)
第33巻 p.296 ページ画像

(小畑久五郎)書翰 ヴィー・エス・マクラチ宛一九二二年一月七日
                 Sacramento, California
                   January 7, 1922.
Dear Mr. McClatchy:
  Complying to your request, I obtained an autograph of the Viscount, and left it in the office of the hotel. On the left "Presented to Mr. V.S. McClatchy" is written and on the right "Shibusawa Ei'Ichi." According to the Japanese style a given name comes next to the family name.
  I rejoice with you over the fact that you found one of the best interpreters of the Japanese life and ideal in Viscount Shibusawa.
  Trusting that your friendship with him may be one of a good fruitage in every way, I remain,
                Yours truly,
                 (Signed) K. Obata

(ヴィー・エス・マクラチ)書翰控 渋沢栄一宛一九二二年一月一〇日(DK330013k-0011)
第33巻 p.296-297 ページ画像

(ヴィー・エス・マクラチ)書翰控 渋沢栄一宛一九二二年一月一〇日
                     January Ten, 1922.
Viscount Ei-ichi Shibusawa,
  2 Kabutocho Nihonbashi,
  Tokyo, Japan.
My dear Viscount:
  Through the courtesy of Mr. Kyugoro Obata, I have received your portrait with inscription thereon. Permit me to express my deep appreciation of the indication of your friendship and confidence thereby conveyed. The portrait hangs framed in my office as a living tribute to the determination shared by me with you that we shall do our utmost, each on his side of the water, to bring about such adjustment of existing problems as will insure permanent maintenance of friendly relations between our two countries.
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  I shall remember with pleasure our brief intercourse and trust we may keep in touch with each other in fulfilment of our mutual purpose.
        Very sincerely yours,

            V. S. McClatchy.

(熊崎恭)書翰 渋沢栄一宛(大正一〇年)一二月一九日(DK330013k-0012)
第33巻 p.297-298 ページ画像

(熊崎恭)書翰 渋沢栄一宛(大正一〇年)一二月一九日
 - 第33巻 p.298 -ページ画像 

竜門雑誌 第四一三号・第三八―四〇頁大正一一年一〇月 渋沢子爵とは如何なる人ぞや フレツト・ロツクレー(DK330013k-0013)
第33巻 p.298-300 ページ画像


〔参考〕竜門雑誌 第四八〇号・第一三―一五頁昭和三年九月 華府会議と渋沢子爵 添田寿一(DK330013k-0014)
第33巻 p.300-301 ページ画像

竜門雑誌 第四八〇号・第一三―一五頁昭和三年九月
 大正十一年一月元旦総領事館に赴かれ 陛下の万歳を祝し申上げられた。此の日子爵の作られた詩は左の如くである。
    不嫌無酒答佳辰  客裏韶光亦覚新
    米寿算来猶欠五  金門迎得太平春
 - 第33巻 p.301 -ページ画像 

〔参考〕竜門雑誌 第五三〇号・第六一―六二頁昭和七年一一月 米国に於ける渋沢翁 穂積重遠(DK330013k-0015)
第33巻 p.301-302 ページ画像

竜門雑誌 第五三〇号・第六一―六二頁昭和七年一一月
 - 第33巻 p.302 -ページ画像 

〔参考〕(三浦たまき)書翰 渋沢栄一宛(大正一〇年)一二月二〇日(DK330013k-0016)
第33巻 p.302 ページ画像

(三浦たまき)書翰 渋沢栄一宛(大正一〇年)一二月二〇日
御道中御無事をいのり上候 かしこ
  十二月廿日                三浦たまき