

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
4節 国際記念事業
2款 タウンゼンド・ハリス記念碑建設

第38巻 p.323-328(DK380035k) ページ画像




(エドガー・エー・バンクロフト)書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二五年四月二〇日(DK380035k-0001)
第38巻 p.323-324 ページ画像

(エドガー・エー・バンクロフト)書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二五年四月二〇日
                Tokyo, April 20th, 1925
My dear Viscount Shibusawa :
  It was very good of you to send me word concerning Gyokusen-ji. As you have seen by the papers, I was given a most enthusiastic welcome there. Everything was done to make my visit enjoyable and memorable.
  I think I might have very comfortably slept in the temple, but on your suggestion a different arrangement was made for me at a Japanese inn. I found it comfortable in every way.
  Your message as to a monument to Townsend Harris there pleases me very much. Will you not write the inscription now, so that having it cast in bronze may soon begin?
  I shall be most happy if you will let me participate in the planning and erection of the monument.
  A Chicago friend of mine who is visiting Japan has also suggested that he would like to show his appreciation of the many courtesies that he has received here, by offering prizes for the best designs for such a monument. I told him that that matter would be entirely in your hands and that, above all things, whatever the monument had,it must bear a tablet in your hand-writing in bronze.
  Please let me come and see you and talk this matter over with you. I will be glad to come at any time you will indicate.
  The day at Shimoda was so fine that it would have made it perfect if you could have participated in it.
                Sincerely yours,
 - 第38巻 p.324 -ページ画像 
                (Signed) Edgar A. Bancroft
His Excellency
Viscount Shibusawa,
 東京市                 (四月廿三日入手)


(エドガー・エー・バンクロフト)書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二五年四月二九日(DK380035k-0002)
第38巻 p.324-326 ページ画像

(エドガー・エー・バンクロフト)書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二五年四月二九日
                 Tokyo, April 29, 1925
My dear Viscount Shibusawa:
  I have just learned from Mr. Obata of your interest in the repair of Gyokusen-ji, near Shimoda, where Consul-General Townsend Harris, America's first diplomatic representative to
 - 第38巻 p.325 -ページ画像 
 Japan, dwelt from September 3, 1856 to November 23, 1857. It was in front of this temple, overlooking the Bay of Shimoda, that he erected a flagstaff and hoisted the American flag September 4, 1856.
  The interest that I already had in this place, because of the great work of Townsend Harris in framing the first full Treaty of Trade and Commerce between Japan and any foreign country, was greatly increased by my visit there on April 16, 1925.
  It is a historic temple of associations valuable to both nations. Therefore I wish to participate in its preservation, and enclose my check for that purpose for three hundred yen (Yen 300.00).
              Sincerely yours,
             (Signed) Edgar A. Bancroft
H. E. Viscount Shibusawa.
                  May 12th, 1925
P. S. I learned from Mr. Obata last Saturday that you are agreeable to the suggestion of a monument to Townsend Harris in front of Gyokusen-ji where he placed the flagstaff and raised the American flag, September fourth, 1856.
     My Chicago friend and I will gladly defray all expenses and set about having the work started as soon as you and Mr. Obata indicate the best way to secure an artistic design.
                  (Signed) EaB
 東京市                (五月十三日入手)
  子爵 渋沢栄一閣下   東京、一九二五年四月廿九日
同寺は日米両国々交上興味ある場所に候へば、同寺の保存の為には小生も微力を尽し度と存候に付き、不取敢金三百円也の小切手を同封致置候間御落手被下度候 敬具
 - 第38巻 p.326 -ページ画像 

渋沢栄一書翰 控 エドガー・エー・バンクロフト宛 大正一四年五月二五日(DK380035k-0003)
第38巻 p.326 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰 控 エドガー・エー・バンクロフト宛 大正一四年五月二五日
                  東京市 渋沢栄一
右得貴意度如此御座候 敬具

東京日日新聞 第一七四九七号 大正一四年五月二七日 国際記念碑に感激の表徴 米人ウオルフ氏の発起に渋沢子等の援助 床し、下田の玉泉寺(DK380035k-0004)
第38巻 p.326-327 ページ画像

東京日日新聞 第一七四九七号 大正一四年五月二七日
 - 第38巻 p.327 -ページ画像 

(エドガー・エー・バンクロフト)書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二五年七月九日(DK380035k-0005)
第38巻 p.327-328 ページ画像

(エドガー・エー・バンクロフト)書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二五年七月九日
          EMBASSY OF THE
               Karuizawa, July 9, 1925
Dear Viscount Shibusawa :
  My friend, Mr. Henry M. Wolf, returned a few days ago to take a boat for America. We discussed the Shimoda monument and this is his suggestion in the matter :
 A simple stone monument, say eight or nine feet high, four-1/4 feet wide and six or seven inches thick, with the inscription in Japanese cut in the stone on one side, and in English on the other side.
 The stone to be granite or other durable stone. The monument should have a stone base, first on a single stone, say twelve inches thick and five feet by three feet wide, resting on a concrete foundation.
 We thought that such a monument completed, should not cost more than about Yen 2,000, but of course we know nothing about costs at Shimoda.
 The shape of the monument might well be similar and in the general proportions of the Commodore Perry monument (excluding the base) at Yokosuka.
A suggestion for the inscription is :
            In Memory of
         American Consul General
        Who by the Treaty of Yeddo
        July 29, 1858 opened Japan
        to the World and on this
       spot, September 4, 1856 raised
       the first Consular flag in this
       Empire and here resided until
          November 23, 1857.
           Erected by
         Viscount E. Shibusawa
          Edgar A. Bancroft
         By the generosity of
 - 第38巻 p.328 -ページ画像 
           Henry M. Wolf.
          September 4, 1925.
  Mr. Wolf's further suggestion was, if it would not add too much to the cost, that there be carved in the top of the monument in bas relief and in simplest outline, the American Eagle. I enclose a rough sketch.
  Is there suitable stone at Shimoda, and are there work-men there who could do this work properly, and what do you think of the plans? Is Mr. Wolf's estimate of two thousand yen large enough to cover it, and can we hope to have it erected for dedication by September 4, 1925?
  I shall be in Tokyo for part of a day at least on the thirteenth, and perhaps Mr. Obata could let me know your suggestions.
  Meanwhile believe me, my dear Viscount Shibusawa,
           Yours very sincerely,
           (Signed) Edgar A. Bancroft
His Excellency
Viscount E. Shibusawa,

〔参考〕渋沢栄一 日記 明治三四年(DK380035k-0006)
第38巻 p.328 ページ画像

渋沢栄一日記 明治三四年          (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
九月十四日 晴
○上略 夜食後竜門社月次会ニ出席シ、安政ノ初年米国公使ハルリス我邦ニ来リ始テ条約ヲ締結セシ、奉使日記ナルモノヲ会衆一同ニ談話ス、日記ハ蓋シ四十年前ノモノニシテ、曩ニ栗野公使カ米国ニ於テ得タルトテ福地桜痴ニ送リシヲ、桜痴翻訳シテ余ニ送リタルナリ、日記ニ依テ当時ヲ想見スルニ、或ハ感慨ノ事アリ、或ハ抱腹ノ事アリテ、事々ハルリス氏カ一意忠実ニ我邦ヲ誘掖セシハ今尚感スルニ余リアルヲ覚フ、而シテ此誘導ニヨリテ今日アルヲ得タルハ、実ニ我邦ノ幸慶ト云フヘシ、今此書ヲ読テ当時ヲ追懐スレハ、啻ニ今昔ノ感ノミナラス、実ニ隔世ノ夢ヲ談スルノ想アルナリ、畢テ夜十二時王子ニ帰宿ス