

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

6章 学術及ビ其他ノ文化事業
4節 編纂事業
4款 ルーズヴェルト氏の日本観

第48巻 p.26-33(DK480011k) ページ画像




渋沢栄一 日記 大正九年(DK480011k-0001)
第48巻 p.26 ページ画像

渋沢栄一 日記 大正九年           (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
二月十七日 晴寒
○上略 午後一時事務所ヲ出テ帝国ホテルニ抵リ、田中太郎氏ニ会見シテ故ルーズベルト氏遺書刊行ノ事ニ付種々ノ談話ヲ為ス○下略

ルーズヴェルト氏の日本観 渋沢栄一編訳 第一一―一九頁大正九年九月刊(DK480011k-0002)
第48巻 p.26-28 ページ画像

ルーズヴェルト氏の日本観 渋沢栄一編訳 第一一―一九頁大正九年九月刊
 - 第48巻 p.27 -ページ画像 
 - 第48巻 p.28 -ページ画像 
  大正九年九月           子爵渋沢栄一

ルーズヴェルト氏の日本観 渋沢栄一編訳 英文欄・第九―一五頁 大正九年九月刊(DK480011k-0003)
第48巻 p.28-32 ページ画像

ルーズヴェルト氏の日本観 渋沢栄一編訳
                   英文欄・第九―一五頁 大正九年九月刊

  Ex-President of the United States of America Theodore Roosevelt prepared an article sometime during the five or six months preceding his most lamented death which took place in January 1919. The article was published in the Sunday issue of the New York Times on the 30th of November of the same year. This posthumous article has as its title "What the Japanese stood for in the World War." The article praises Japan, one of the Allied Nations, as one that stood for justice and humanity showing her bravery and chivalry in all her actions. Then he dwells on the details of how such a noble country as Japan should receive deep appreciations from other nations.
 - 第48巻 p.29 -ページ画像 
  I received a copy of this article from Mr. J. B. Millet, a Boston journalist and a very intimate friend of the late ex-President. Mr. Millet is also my acquaintance. He enclosed a copy in his letter to me explaining how the article came to be published. Its translation was submitted to me at once and I read it over and over again with increasing interest. The more I read it the better I became acquainted with the views of the author whose purpose and logic were most clearly set forth. Not only that, but his warm friendship for Japan was so graphically pictured that the article is indeed a rare production of logical acumen and of moral beauty. Japan, yea the whole world, should join in praise of this great patriot of America because of the revelation made through this production of such a high order. Such being the case, its publication will naturally serve to cement the friendly relations existing between America and Japan. My aim in reproducing it with its translation into the vernacular and of distributing copies to my friends at home and abroad was born of this conviction.
  I also believe that in this way I can think of his noble life and repay the debt of love I owe him as my choice friend in the years gone by.
  Looking backward to the scene which took place eighteen years ago, the summer of 1902, when I made my trips to America and Europe, I can recall a happy occasion whereon I was permitted to call on President Roosevelt in the White House. This was the first time that I met him. There he received me with an utmost frankness and cordiality which could only be accorded to those who are most intimate with him, and in his resourceful talks he went on to praise the exquisite delicacy of Japanese fine arts and the thoroughness of the military equipment of our army, especially the bravery, orderliness, and cleanliness of the Japanese army demonstrated at the time of the Boxer trouble in China. Then, squarely looking at me, he said that he was perfectly delighted to welcome a distinguished representative of a great nation like Japan. Responding to his kind remarks, I said to him: "I am a business man (I was then President of the Dai-ichi Ginko) who is intensely interested in the development of modern industry in Japan and therefore I am somewhat embarrassed in failing to hear your remarks along that line of our national life, because your silence on this matter speaks loudly that the development of our industry had not kept pace with that of art and the army. But my word should not be understood as an indication of depreciation on my part of your just comments on our art and military power. Now we who are
 - 第48巻 p.30 -ページ画像 
 professed business men will so endeavor in the future that, when I see you again, I may have the privilege and joy of hearing from you an encouraging word about our industrial improvement." Giving a cracking peal of laughter, he said something like this: "It was rather discourteous on my part that I failed to recognize the marvelous achievements of the Japanese people along the line of modern industry in the presence of a famous banker like yourself. However, there was no intention on my part to ignore that phase of the life of your people. Please rest assured that I shall never let the opportunity of speaking of your industry go by when I enjoy the pleasure of meeting you again." Thus I bade him good-by.
  I caught a glimpse of the good understanding and warm feeling of the eminent statesman towards Japan in this brief visit with him and this my impression was later corroborated by his noble work accomplished during the Russo-Japanese War. Although his arbitration work was undoubtedly prompted by his desire to bring about peace into the world, yet I believe that I am not far astray in construing his deed as an expression of his good-will towards Japan.
  Later in 1915, it was my good fortune to find myself again in the United States. The occasion of my visit at this time was to attend the Memorial Exposition of the Opening of the Panama Canal, held in San Francisco. I visited the Exposition first and then the Pacific coast. After that I proceeded towards New York, reaching there the latter part of November, 1915. It was during my stay there that I was accorded another prviliege of calling on the ex-President. Having found out that I was in the city, he sent me an invitation to take lunch with him at his Oyster Bay home on the second of December. He gave me a warm reception, the occasion being altogether a home-like one. The Japanese guests were, besides myself, my intimate friends Dr. Jōkichi Takamine and Motosada Zumoto. There were two or three Americans present also.
  Among the various matters talked about on that occasion, there were two or three things which are as fresh in my memory as the events but of yesterday. The first thing was his admiration of the success of the Japanese Government in the administrative work in Chosen. It was evident that the Oyster Bay hero already had read the printed report issued by the Government-General of Chosen concerning the administration, which was distributed to the leading statesmen at home and abroad. The point of his admiration was the fact that Japan, in spite of her new experience in her colonial policy, had well
 - 第48巻 p.31 -ページ画像 
 managed affairs in Chosen. Then he began to talk about Japan's industry, resorting to this strategy: "I incurred somewhat of displeasure from you in your former visit with me for not mentioning the industrial development of Japan, but this time I am ready to redeem myself from my old fault." He was most emphatic in commending the banking system of Japan and said that, although Japan started her financial system under the tutelage of the United States, yet she is now far ahead of the States in that she has a perfectly centralized organization of banking. He seemed to have been impressed with this phase of centralization, because at that time the United States did not have any federated system of the banking enterprise and the organization of the Federal Reserve Banks was not yet completed. Then again the conversation was turned on Japanese immigration. I told him that the "Gentlemen's Agreement" is a detestable pact, looking at it from the standpoint of human equality. He took an exception to this proposition shaking his head horizontally and expressed his views about it somewhat in the following fashion:-- namely, "There are differences of customs and manners in different countries. To allow into the United States a group of laborers whose manners are uncouth and who work for cheap wages, aiming to return to their own country as soon as their earnings reach a certain amount, is undesirable and there must certainly be a restrictive measure against the influx of such a class of people. However, this idea should not be construed as a discrimination against them because they belong to a different race and believe a strange religion. You notice that I don't entertain in the least the idea of discrimination while I am talking to you face to face." Regarding the Chinese question, I gave my opinion, which I was holding in those days, and which was in gist that America and Japan should carry on a financial cooperation in order to develop industry in China. Then I asked him to give me his views about the 21 demands Japan was making on China. He said that he was not quite prepared to give his impromptu answer to this question, but he continued saying that he had not the slightest doubt as to Japan's status as the leader of the Orient and that he was trying to instill into the minds of his countrymen this thought. Thus almost endless streams of conversation ran through till about dusk. Reluctant to part, I bade him farewell, promising to see him again, but alas, he is no more!
  The above is a brief sketch of our free and frank conversations on the two different occasions we met. No careful reader
 - 第48巻 p.32 -ページ画像 
 can fail to catch the principles and ideas enunciated by this statesman-warrior even in these cursory conversations. Certainly he well understood Japan and acted accordingly. I have always taken much pride in holding him as one of my esteemed friends beyond the Pacific Ocean, although we were differently cut out so far as the spheres of life's activity were concerned. But now he has crossed the bar never more to return. This booklet is prepared as a memorial whereby I may pay my tribute to him whom I respected and loved all through his public career.
   It was in the month of February this year that I received this article from Mr. Millet. My desire of publishing it sprang up within me after the wonderful joy I felt in my first reading of its translation. I at once began to prepare my introduction for it, but in the meantime I was crowded with many things that demanded my immediate attention, besides being ill. Thus its publication has been delayed altogether too long, which fact is a source of my sincere regret. As the booklet is about to start on its mission I wish to make this explanation to the reader.
              VISCOUNT E. SHIBUSAWA.

ルーズヴェルト氏の日本観 渋沢栄一編訳 英文欄・第一七頁 大正九年九月刊(DK480011k-0004)
第48巻 p.32 ページ画像

ルーズヴェルト氏の日本観 渋沢栄一編訳
                   英文欄・第一七頁 大正九年九月刊
                 Century Club,
              New York, December 3, 1919
My dear Sir:
  I have never forgotten your great kindness to me when I was in Japan in 1916. Your magnificent present adorns my library at home and has always been greatly admired by my friends. I take the liberty of reminding you that my purpose in visiting Japan at that time was to see what could be done to establish better relations. Upon my return here I was active in this effort and after a while decided that a most effective way would be to get my friend Col. Roosevelt to write an article for me to publish at the right time. As our public has been "overfed" on pro-Chinese talk, by paid agents, and is now in a frame of mind to listen more judicially, I have caused the enclosed message to be published in many newspapers in this country. I am already assured that it is doing great good in influencing Senators in Washington who needed just the assurance this former leader, ex-Pres. Roosevelt, has given them.
               Sincerely yours,
                      J. B. MILLET.

 - 第48巻 p.33 -ページ画像 

ルーズヴェルト氏の日本観 渋沢栄一編訳 第二一―二二頁 大正九年九月刊 【ミレット氏の書翰】(DK480011k-0005)
第48巻 p.33 ページ画像

ルーズヴェルト氏の日本観 渋沢栄一編訳 第二一―二二頁 大正九年九月刊
拝啓 千九百十六年小生が貴国訪問の際、閣下より享けたる御厚意は小生の決して忘るゝこと能はざる所に御座候。閣下の壮麓なる御贈物は、小生の図書室を飾りて、多くの友人等より称讚致され候。閣下も今尚ほ御記憶の事と存じ候が、小生が貴国訪問当時の目的は、如何にせば両国間の親善に関し、多少なりとも貢献する所あるべきかを知らんが為に有之候。爾来今日に至るまで此方面に活動を試み居り候中、不図思ひ付き申候は、或る好機会を得て、小生の友人故ルーズヴェルト大佐の論文を公表致すことの、最も有効なる企図にあらずやといふ事に御座候。近来我が国民は米支親善の宣伝(此宣伝は特に雇はれたる有給者によりて鼓吹せられ居候)に食傷致し、唯今と相成り候ては却て真面目に事相を研究せんとの心理状態に復帰致し候間、小生は玆に封入する大佐の論文を、米国内の諸新聞紙に掲載せしむることゝ致し申候。其結果は甚だ良好にして、特に華盛頓府に於ける現上院議員に対しては、嘗て其指導者たりし故ルーズヴェルト氏の此論文が、多大の感化を与へたること確実なる由に御座候。敬具。
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