

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

2編 実業界指導並ニ社会公共事業尽力時代

2部 社会公共事業

2章 国際親善
3節 外賓接待
14款 其他ノ外国人接待

第25巻 p.650-658(DK250078k) ページ画像


 - 第25巻 p.651 -ページ画像 


渋沢栄一 日記 明治三四年(DK250078k-0001)
第25巻 p.651 ページ画像

渋沢栄一 日記  明治三四年     (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
五月七日 曇
○上略 二時兜町ニ帰リ、英国ヨリ米遊スル評論雑誌記者ステツト氏ノ訪問ヲ受ク、高木正義 ○第一銀行員通訳シテ、我邦経済ニ関スル長談話ヲ為ス更ニ各種ノ統計調査ノ事ヲ依頼セラル、四時過退散ス ○下略
五月十四日 曇
○上略 午後 ○中略 兜町咤ニ於テ ○中略 英人ステット来話ス ○下略
五月廿二日 晴
○上略 一時英国人ステット氏ヲ青山高木町ニ訪フテ午餐ノ饗ヲ享ク ○下略
五月廿八日 晴
○上略 十時小石川養育院ニ抵ル、英国人ステット夫妻来会ス、同伴シテ院内ヲ一覧セシム、午後一時ステット夫妻ト共ニ王子ニ抵リ、同族相会シテ午餐ヲ饗ス、食後庭園ヲ散歩ス ○下略
六月十日 晴
○上略 十二時井上伯ヲ麻布ノ邸ニ訪ヒ、ステット氏ト共ニ午餐ス ○下略
六月十一日 晴
○上略 六時帝国ホテルニ抵リ、ステット氏紹介ノ小宴ヲ開ク、近藤廉平氏ト共ニ開宴スルモノナリ、来会者十八名、食卓上一場ノ演説ヲ為ス ○下略
六月十六日 曇
六月十七日 晴
午前十時女子大学校ニ抵ル、大隈伯・英人ステット氏等来会ス、一覧後早稲田大隈伯邸ニ抵リ、其学校ニ於テ午餐ス、食後庭中ヲ散歩シ三時辞シ ○下略
六月三十日 雨
○上略 十二時兼子ト共ニ青山高木町ステット氏ノ寓居ヲ訪ヒ、阪谷・都築 ○馨六二氏来会シテ午餐ノ饗アリ、食後王子別荘ニ帰宿ス

渋沢栄一書翰 井上馨宛 (明治三四年)五月十五日(DK250078k-0002)
第25巻 p.651-652 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰  井上馨宛 (明治三四年)五月十五日   (井上侯爵家所蔵)
 - 第25巻 p.652 -ページ画像 
右添書如此御坐候 匆々拝具

渋沢栄一書翰 大隈重信宛 (明治三四年)五月十五日(DK250078k-0003)
第25巻 p.652 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰  大隈重信宛 (明治三四年)五月十五日   (大隈侯爵家所蔵)
奉啓、益御清適御坐可被成、抃賀之至ニ候、然者此一書相添御紹介申上候ハ、英国評論之評論と申雑誌之記者ニて、此度新婚旅行之為本邦ヘ被参候由、小生ヘハ林英国公使より添書有之、頃日面会致候処、本邦経済上之真想知悉致度ニ付、有名之諸公ニ紹介相願度旨被申聞候間即拙書相添候義ニ御坐候、何卒御接見之上高案御垂示被下度候、右相願まて如此御坐候 匆々拝具

〔参考〕東京市養育院月報 第一四号・第一四頁 明治三五年四月 ○ステッド氏の指定寄附(DK250078k-0004)
第25巻 p.652 ページ画像

東京市養育院月報  第一四号・第一四頁 明治三五年四月
○ステッド氏の指定寄附  客歳観光の為め来朝せられたる英人アルフレッド・ステド氏は、其滞京中喜賓会の紹介に依り本院を参観せられたりしが、先般金百九拾弐円六拾銭を遥々院長へ宛送附し来り、幼童音楽教育開始の資金に充てられたき旨申添へられたるにより、成規の手続を経て之を受領し、風琴・「ヴヰオリン」其他諸種の楽器を購入して其芳志に酬いつゝあり。

〔参考〕Alfred Stead: Japan To-Day pp.73-76 1902.(DK250078k-0005)
第25巻 p.652-654 ページ画像

Alfred Stead:
Japan To-Day pp.73-76 1902.
           CHAPTER VII
 ………I have had the benefit of many conversations with leading Japanese business men, as well as political leaders, and possibly a few of their ideas may help to make the felling in Japan on this point more clear.
  Baron Shibusawa says:“I think we can supply the
 - 第25巻 p.653 -ページ画像 
Oriental markets even now better than other nations can, although the trade is necessarily mostly in the form of an exchange of products. For instance, from Korea we receive rice, beans,hides, bones, and we send there cotton thread, cotton stuff, silk cloth-such articles as are in use among the Koreans.
  The trade of the Oriental countries will come to be regarded as Japan's natural share, and she is already well capable of supplying it.”
  The same authority holds the following views as regards the chances of Japanese competition in American and European markets―
  “I do not think it will be easy for Japan to compete in American or European markets as far as the production of everyday manufactured goods is concerned. The superior machinery of the older countries necessarily tends to cheapen the cost of production of the finished articles. Besides, Japanese workmen, though their wages are cheaper, are not as a rule skilled artisans in this work. It is true that these are many such, but it will take two or three generations before the mass of labour is equal to that of older countries in skill. Until that time comes it is more profitable to export unfinished goods to foreign countries to be finished there. This pays far better than to attempt to produce the finished articles here.
  “To Europe and America we export tea, rice, raw silk, roughly woven and undyed or in thread; coal, copper and some fine porcelain. The latter is, however, not very acceptable in foreign markets and only a small art exhibit is to be hoped for. It may come, and I hope it will, that Japan will compete with powers already in the field on all lines of manufactured goods, but this time must necessarily be far distant.”

今日の日本 アルフレッド・ステッド著  第七三―七六頁 一九〇二年刊
    第七章 日本の商業
○上略 私はこれまで政治要路者にはもちろん日本の有力な実業家たちと多く話し合う恩恵に浴したのであるが、彼らの考え方のうち次にのべる二・三のものは、恐らくこの点について、日本の気持をよりはつきりさせるに役立つだろう。
 - 第25巻 p.654 -ページ画像 

〔参考〕Alfred Stead: Japan To-Day pp.128-129 1902.(DK250078k-0006)
第25巻 p.654-655 ページ画像

Alfred Stead:
Japan To-Day pp.128-129 1902.
          CHAPTER XII
 ………Of the industrial and commercial enterprises entered into with precipitate haste, it is of interest to quote Baron Shibusawa's views upon the national characteristics which produce the real difficulties of economic growth in Japan. He says:―
  “There are four points in the Japanese character which make it hard for the people to achieve business success. These are, first, impulsiveness, which causes them to be most enthusiastic during successful and prosperous movements, and progressive even to rashness; secondly, lack of perseverance, which causes too easy discouragement when economic conditions are not so easy-a characteristic which causes many of the failures of which the world hears so much, as the heads of enterprises
 - 第25巻 p.655 -ページ画像 
sometimes prefer to close their doors during the trouble rather than struggle with the difficulties; thirdly, disinclination for union; and, fourthly, dislike for credit, that which is so much a necessity of modern economic existence. These four characteristics are always to be met with in a more or less degree in Japanese business men.”

今日の日本 アルフレッド・ステッド著  第一二八―一二九頁 一九〇二年刊
    第一二章 日本の財政状態
○上略 急速に伸びてきた商工業の企業については、日本の経済成長を現実にさまたげている国民的特徴に関する渋沢男爵の見解を引用することは興味あるところだ。渋沢男は次のようにいつている。

〔参考〕Alfred Stead: Japan To-Day pp.197-200 1902.(DK250078k-0007)
第25巻 p.655-658 ページ画像

Alfred Stead:
Japan To-Day pp.197-200 1902.
  I HAVE selected the following six names from the many able Japanese whom it has been my privilege to know; to describe more would result in the descriptions being too short to be useful. The Marquis Yamagata, Count Inouye, Count Okuma, Count Matsukata, Baron Shibusawa and Mr.Tsudzuki are all men who, whether in office or in private life, will always exert the greatest influence upon the course of the nation.
  Although not in the Government, Baron Shibusawa is by far the most influential nonpolitical in Japan at the present time. The Marquis Ito is the great political power, but there is a power behind that of political leadership, and it is that of finance. Baron Shibusawa recognised the importance of finance and commerce early in the new era and resigned his position as Vice-Minister of
 - 第25巻 p.656 -ページ画像 
Finance to enter the commercial arena. His life is the history of the industrical development of the country, he having been closely connected with every step made in the path of progress by Japan. Now at the age of sixtytwo years he holds a unique position in the nation. He is president or director of nearly fifty large companies, and a shareholder in practically every enterprise which tends to advance the national credit and position. Recently he was offered the position of Minister of Finance but declined, beliveing rightly that he is able to exercise far greater influence upon the Government when he is not a member of the Cabinet. His acceptance of the office would have thrown the economic world of Japan into chaos, since in Japan no Cabinet Minister may be a director of any company. It is only fair to Baron Shibusawa to say that he would not have hesitated a moment to undertake the office of Minister of Finance if he had been convinced that it was the best policy for the nation. Baron Shibusawa is intensely devoted to his country and all his efforts are directed in the ablest manner. He has built almshouses and supports them, he has endowed schools and founded charitable organisations, besides having been the introducer of the company system into Japan.
  Before the Restoration Baron Shibusawa, visited France and England, accompanying the brother of the Tokugawa Shogun. Everywhere they were well received and the Baron still has the warmest recollection of the kindness extended to him then. He left Japan wearing the two swords of the warrior, but in France he adopted modern European costume, realising that the carrying of swords was inconsistent with peaceable and rapid development. When his portrait arrived from France, showing the young man in his new garb, the family wept at the degradation which had come upon them. But Baron Shibusawa persevered in his desire for progress and has always led the van in Japan for the adoption of all that is good in Western civilisation.
  Baron Shibusawa is beloved of all, rich and poor, great and small, and, go where one will, it is impossible to hear a bad word about him or hear tell of an unkind action. Such a reputation is rare, and yet with it Baron Shibusawa is acknowledged as the most powerful influence in economic circles in Japan. In appearance the Baron is short and rather thick-set, his face is rugged and always cheerful,
 - 第25巻 p.657 -ページ画像 
while his eyes are piercing and keen, taking in all that goes on around him. Baron Shibusawa still speaks a little French, which is wonderful, when on thinks that it is nearly thirty-eight years since he was in France. But this feat of memory is typical of the Baron, and it is very doubtful if he ever forgets anything which he has experienced. To be a friend of Baron Shibusawa is to ensure the most deep consideration everywhere in Japan, and his name is the password to all places in the Empire. It will be a hard day for Japan when Baron Shibusawa is no longer in the midst of the nation, for nobody can take his place.

今日の日本 アルフレッド・ステッド著  第一九七―二〇〇頁 一九〇二年刊
    第十八章 日本の指導者たち
 - 第25巻 p.658 -ページ画像 