

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
2節 米国加州日本移民排斥問題
3款 日米関係委員会

第33巻 p.576-581(DK330071k) ページ画像




(阪谷芳郎) 日米関係委員会日記 大正九年(DK330071k-0001)
第33巻 p.576-577 ページ画像

(阪谷芳郎) 日米関係委員会日記 大正九年
 九、十、一 兜町邸渋沢・金子・添田・井上ト、スタツホルド、フランシス、セルドン、タクトヒル、コールマン外小畑、加州排日問題ニ付胸襟ヲ開ヒテ痛論ス
 - 第33巻 p.577 -ページ画像 

〔参考〕(シドニー・エル・ギユーリック) 書翰控 渋沢栄一宛一九二〇年一〇月二一日(DK330071k-0002)
第33巻 p.577 ページ画像

(シドニー・エル・ギユーリック) 書翰控 渋沢栄一宛一九二〇年一〇月二一日
                    Octoher 21, 1920
Viscount E. Shibusawa,
  Tokyo, Japan.
My dear Viscount Shibusawa :
  I do not think that the Califorina referendum bill even if passed will at once cause any very serious economic difficulties to Japanese in California. My personal opinion is that the bill is unconstitutional. Some Japanese in America should immediately, purposely transgress the law and make a test case out of it to be taken to the Supreme Court of the United States, if necessary. In this procedure it will be conducive to the best results, I believe, that the Japanese Government should take no cognizance of the case. Before the Japanese Government would be justified in dealing with the matter, it should be made clear that the law does not damage the rights of the Japanese who are here.
  One of the criticisms which I frequently hear made against the Japanese is that the Government is conducting a program for the building up in America of a powerful Japanese body. This accusation is more ea sily made because there are a number of cases in which the Japanese people in America appeal to the Japanese Government to help them, whereas they ought to appeal to the American courts to protect the rights that they have. The general American method of procedure in cases of difficulty is different from that of Japan. Before appealing to the government for aid or protection in cases where it is alleged that treaty rights are being violated, according to our system the individuals concerned should use every method open through the courts for the settlement of the matter privately. I hope in this case the Japanese in California will follow that course and that the Japanese Government will not take the matter up until it is clear that the American courts have upheld a law, which in the judgment of the Japanese Government does violate the rights guaranteed by the treaty.
  Praying for the continuance of your good health, I am
             Very cordially yours,
 - 第33巻 p.578 -ページ画像 

〔参考〕渋沢栄一書翰 シドニー・エル・ギユーリック宛一九二一年三月二九日(DK330071k-0003)
第33巻 p.578-579 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰 シドニー・エル・ギユーリック宛一九二一年三月二九日
           Viscount Shibusawa
        2 Kabutocho Nihonbashi, Tokyo
                     March 29, 1921
Dr. Sidney L. Gulick,
  105 East 22nd Street, New York.
Dear Dr. Gulick :
  It would be as foolish as to cry over the spilled milk to grumble over the California situation after such a drastic measure as the Initiative Alien-Land Law was passed. But it is highly important for the lovers of peace between the two countries to deliberate upon the plan whereby to avoid the recurrence of such an ugly event. I believe just as you do in the method of solution --- that is --- the government representatives of the both countries should give the most fair and unbiassed publicity of their judgments to the public of the two countries, after they have given thoroughgoing investigations to such questions as the double nationality, and segregation of the California Japanese, the language school and the immigration. Your country covers a vast area and the State Rights are conspicuously strong. Therefore there is a tendency that the people of the Eastern States belittle the damaging effect of the California agitation, explaining it away as a local question, but to us the voice of California sounds big on account of its nearness to us. If you would allow California to repeat such an act as the Initiative Land Law of Nov. 2nd, 1920, in the future, surely the international relation of the two countries will be threatened. You stated in your letter that the Japanese in California act differently from other foreign residents in that the former inevitably appeal to their native government for a redress if any grievance occurs instead of going in to the courts of the United States which method the latter pursue. Here I don't want to contradict your argument, but this much I think I am safe to say that our people are placed in so helpless position in California being deprived of the right of naturalization as they almost unconsciously fall back on their government for a help. Please don't misunderstand me as though I am blindly defending my people in California. It is my strong stand that whatever is wrong or erroneous should at once be corrected.
  At any rate, the permanent frisndship between the two
 - 第33巻 p.579 -ページ画像 
countries is one of my desires which I would like to see accomplished in my declining years. To this end, I would devote my time and energy on this side of the Pacific Ocean, wishing your cooperation on the other side. I felt that the best way for me to express my things to your exceeding kindness is to give you my frank words regarding the entire question.
  Trusting that you are well, I beg to remain
             Very truly yours,

                   E. Shibusawa

〔参考〕(シドニー・エル・ギユーリック)書翰控 渋沢栄一宛一九二一年四月二五日(DK330071k-0004)
第33巻 p.579 ページ画像

(シドニー・エル・ギユーリック)書翰控 渋沢栄一宛一九二一年四月二五日
                      April 25, 1921
Viscount E. Shibusawa,
  Tokyo, Japan.
My dear Viscount :
  I was delighted to receive this morning your letter of March 29th, with your cordial words of greeting and appreciation.
  You are quite right in thinking of the Japanese in California as placed in a rather helpless position because of the law which forbids them from becoming American citizens. This is one of the things which we must strive to overcome.
            Cordially yours,

〔参考〕中外商業新報 第一二四〇六号大正九年一〇月三日 ○在邦の米人五団体が加州排日を憂へて奮起 取敢ず一考を促すべき決議文打電 二委員を選出し帰米の上運動開始 =米人協会顧問ラ博士語る=(DK330071k-0005)
第33巻 p.579-580 ページ画像

中外商業新報 第一二四〇六号大正九年一〇月三日
◇五団体 を以て有力なる活動機関たらしめ、右団体中より二名の委員を選定して帰米運動を開始せしむることゝなり、取敢ず近く其一考を促すべく五団体の決議文を作製打電するといふ、其結果として同問題に対し幾何の効果を齎すかは別とし在留米人の活動は非常なる注目に値する、之が為め右五団体中に数へらるゝ東京側米人協会に於ては近く
◇総会を 開催して、加州問題に対する具体的態度を決する筈であるが、同協会顧問たる立教学院総理ライフ・スナイダー博士は曰く「加州問題に就ては我々も及ばずながら非常に心痛して居る一人である、
 - 第33巻 p.580 -ページ画像 
◇今後の 運動方法も決定したいと考へて居る、元来移民問題は列国と同様米国自身の問題であるが、之を以て人種上の差別を設けることは宜しくない、之等は国際間の条約もあるし之を遵守すべきは勿論である、併し加州問題の根本原因は矢張経済問題に培はれて居るので、之に就ては既に日本駐在のモーリス大使も帰国し、コールビー
◇国務卿 と幣原大使間に充分協議を遂げて州権と中央権と相反せざるやう苦心して居るから、或時期迄忍耐して形勢観望が必要であるまいか、自分は州権を以て中央政府の条約を破る程の力はないと思ふ、現に此事実は南北戦争が説明して居る、或る加州人は曰く、此運動は三年前の土地所有権問題を元々通り法律的に履行すべしとの叫びであると、例へば加州で生れた子供は米国の
◇法律に 依り当然米国人であるから、其児の名で土地を買ひ親とか後見人とかゞ監督するのは法律が無意味に帰するといふのである、そして其児は日本から日本人とされて居る、所謂二重国籍問題である、之等は米国では歓迎しない、世界戦争でも米国では独逸人の二重国籍問題が起つて困つたことがある、又日本でも
◇外人の 土地所有は許されて居ないから加州人だけを責める訳には行かぬが、日本で法人ならば外人も認めて居るに反し加州が認めぬのは非情である、今一つ日本は軍国主義に就て或点迄誤解されて居る、之等は日本の立場とか亜細亜全洲に対する態度とか、歴史・習慣等を充分に説明する
◇必要が あるし同時に米国の夫等をも理解して、例へば軍艦を派遣するといへば其必要の意志を考へてやらねばならぬ、斯して本当の理解が其処に生じて加州問題の如きも平静に解決し得ると思ふ、兎に角此際委員を送るのは大に事宜に適したことである」

〔参考〕時事新報 第一三三九五号大正九年一一月七日(夕刊) 邦人より首相へ打電 国民の冷静隠忍を望む(DK330071k-0006)
第33巻 p.580 ページ画像

時事新報 第一三三九五号大正九年一一月七日(夕刊)

〔参考〕(阪谷芳郎) 日米関係委員会日記 大正九年(DK330071k-0007)
第33巻 p.580-581 ページ画像

(阪谷芳郎) 日米関係委員会日記 大正九年
 - 第33巻 p.581 -ページ画像 