

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
2節 米国加州日本移民排斥問題
3款 日米関係委員会

第34巻 p.247-250(DK340029k) ページ画像




(阪谷芳郎)日米関係委員会日記 大正一三年(DK340029k-0001)
第34巻 p.247 ページ画像

(阪谷芳郎)日米関係委員会日記 大正一三年
十三、五、一二 王子邸午餐シカゴ・ミルオーキー・エンドセントポール鉄道社長エッチ・イーバイラム、同夫人、同令嬢及《(秘書脱)》チャンバーレン嬢招待渋沢・阪谷・頭本・添田・浅野・伊東・根津等別室ニテ排日法案ノ件ニ付談ス高等委員ノ件ニ付クーリツジ大統領ト話スへシト同人語ル

(増田明六)日誌 大正一三年(DK340029k-0002)
第34巻 p.247 ページ画像

(増田明六)日誌 大正一三年      (増田正純氏所蔵)
五月十二日 月 晴
 - 第34巻 p.248 -ページ画像 

(ハリ・イー・バイラム)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二四年五月一四日(DK340029k-0003)
第34巻 p.248 ページ画像

(ハリ・イー・バイラム)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二四年五月一四日
         Admiral Oriental Line
    Managing Operators U. S. Shipping Board
         SS "President Grant"
                      May 14, 1924.
My dear Viscount Shibusawa:
  Please accept the sincere thanks of my family and me for your very kind hospitality while we were in Tokyo, particularly the very enjoyable tiffin and visit which we had at your home on Monday.
  It is a fine thing to enjoy the love and respect of the entire Japanese nation as you deservedly do and we hope you will live long to receive their respect and homage and your interest in the welfare of your country. Let us hope that the clouds which are at present interfering with the sunshine will soon disappear which I know is your earnest wish.
  With our best wishes,
               Sincerely your friend
                (Singed) Harry E. Byram
 東京市      白石(六月十六日入手)
右御礼旁御挨拶まで如此御座候 敬具

(ハリ・イー・バイラム)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二四年八月一八日(DK340029k-0004)
第34巻 p.248-250 ページ画像

(ハリ・イー・バイラム)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二四年八月一八日
                     August 18, 1924.
Viscount Shibusawa,
  Tokyo, Japan.
My dear Viscount Shibusawa:
  I am still carrying in my memory the very pleasant occa
 - 第34巻 p.249 -ページ画像 
sion of the luncheon and conference to which you invited me at your home in Tokyo when we were in Japan ; but I have felt somewhat guilty about not having written you before in regard to your expressed desire that some sort of conference should be arranged between the United States and Japan with a view toward endeavoring to repair the damage that has been done to our international relations by the hasty and inconsiderate action taken by our Congress with reference to the Immigration Act as it affects the Japanese people which, by the way, does not meet with the approval of the majority of the citizens of this country.
  I think the feeling is quite general that our people do not approve of the manner in which this matter was handled, and that the very friendly relations between our two countries required more consideration for the veiws of the Japanese people than was given by our Congress, especially in view of the fact that for sixteen years the subject had been handled in a satisfactory way by mutual agreement. The President's recent expression on this particular subject in his speech of acceptance shows how he feels and I think his veiw represents the veiw of our people generally.
  However, the act had not actually been passed on the occasion of our conference and at that time I hoped when I returned to America it would be possible for me to be of assistance in Washington in the matter; but since that time the law has been passed and put into effect so that I have not felt there was an opportunity to do anything about your suggestion. In addition, Secretary Hughes is in Europe and the President has been engrossed with the sorrow of losing his son and later in the activities of the political campaign. Therefore, the time has not seemed favorable for taking the matter up and probably will not be until after the election in November. This will explain the reason why I have not acted more promptly on the suggestion which you made. I have had it in mind, however, and shall be glad to be of assistance whenever the time comes. If you have any suggestions to make which would be helpful in connection with recent developments I shall be glad indeed to hear from you.
  My family and I have many times reflected on our very pleasant visit at your home and especially on the kindliness and wisdom of your own personality, and that experience remains very strongly and pleasantly fixed in our memories.
  We all join in best wishes.
             Yours very truly,
 - 第34巻 p.250 -ページ画像 
              (Singed) Harry E. Byram
 東京市                 (九月八日入手)
  渋沢子爵閣下     市俄古、一九二四年八月十八日
私共家族は楽しかりし貴邸御訪問と殊に閣下の懇切と聡明とを屡々回顧し、強く且愉快なる印象を喜び居候次第に御座候 拝具