

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
2節 米国加州日本移民排斥問題
3款 日米関係委員会

第35巻 p.122-127(DK350028k) ページ画像




日米関係委員会往復書類 (二)(DK350028k-0001)
第35巻 p.122 ページ画像

日米関係委員会往復書類 (二)      (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
               四年五月廿四日一覧 栄一
拝啓、益御清適賀上候、然ば左記事項に付篤と御協議相願度小委員会開催致候間、御多用中恐縮に候得共、来三十日(木)午前十一時半丸ノ内東京銀行倶楽部へ尊来被成下度、此段御案内申上候 敬具
  昭和四年五月廿四日     日米関係委員会
                 常務委員 渋沢栄一
                 同    藤山雷太

第35巻 p.122-123 ページ画像

日米関係委員会集会記事摘要        (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
 - 第35巻 p.123 -ページ画像 
  出席者 団男爵。堀越氏。井上氏。阪谷男爵。内田氏。頭本氏。渋沢子爵。藤山氏。幹事 小畑
渋沢子爵 本日は臨時小委員会を催ふするに至りましたのは三つの事柄が私の手元に参つて居ります為め、之れに関し御協議致し度い為めであります。先般鶴見祐輔氏の注意などもありましたが、其れは来る十月京都に開催せらるゝ太平洋問題調査会大会に移民コータ法を提出しては如何にやといふのであります。而して右提出の方法としては自分一個の意見として之れを表示すべきか或は条理に訴へ正正堂々と之れを論するかにあります。更に紐育米日関係委員会の報告を含める原田助氏の書面(爰に書面を朗読す)によればコータ法応用の時期到来せるに非らずやとの意味を明かにして居ります。就ては同氏の書面に付き考慮する必要があると思ひます。尚ほモー一つの事柄はコールマン氏の提出にかゝる意見書を如何に扱ふべきかといふ事であります。
井上氏 子爵は日本太平洋問題調査会評議員長でいらつしやるから、今秋の大会には相成るべくは御出席を願ひ度い。而して大会参列者に対する歓迎の辞を述べらるゝ時に、あつさりと移民問題に触れて戴けば、必ず之れを問題にすべしとの意見がどの方面からか出やうと思ひます。子爵としては之れ位の所が却つて有効の遣方と思ひます。御出席が万一叶はないにしても御意見は是非発表して戴き度いと存じます。
阪谷男 大会の議長は井上君で御座いますが、子爵が移民問題に触れられゝば、取扱方は種々あると存じます。之れは二度と得られない好機会と思ひますから、井上君の言はれた様な方法を御取りなさる事が至極結構と存じます。
頭本氏 私は永く子爵に接近して居りますから大抵子爵の御意向及態度を御忖度申上ぐる事が出来ると思ひますから、兎に角立案致して子爵に御閲覧を願ふ事と致しませう。尚ほコールマン氏の提案は一種の宣伝に過きないものと思ひますから、之れは取置にてよろしいと存じます。原田君に対しては子爵が適当に御処置下されば結構と存じます。以上
  ○コールマンノ提案トハReason for a FAR EASTERN BUREAU for INTERNATIONAL UNDERSTANDINGト称スル意見ナリ。略ス。

(原田助)書翰 渋沢栄一宛 昭和四年二月四日(DK350028k-0003)
第35巻 p.123-127 ページ画像

(原田助)書翰  渋沢栄一宛 昭和四年二月四日  (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
 東京            一九二九年二月四日
  渋沢子爵閣下              原田助
 - 第35巻 p.124 -ページ画像 
尚余寒之折柄折角御自愛被遊度切ニ御健康ヲ奉祈候 匁々敬具
    Committee on the Orient
    National Committee on American-Japanese Relations
         Thursday, December 20, 1928

  A joint meeting of the Committee on the Orient and of the National Committee on American-Japanese Relations was held on Thursday, December 20, at 2 : 30 P. M., in Room 33, 289 Fourth Avenue, New York.
  There were present : Drs. Brockman, A. J. Brown, Chamberlain, Franklin, Hinman, Hurvey, Gulick and Van Kirk.
  Dr. Franklin, Chairman of the Committee on the Orient, presided. Dr. Brockman led in prayer.
  Dr. Gulick summarized the situation in regard to the conference on American-Asiatic relations which had been proposed two years ago and also in regard to the proposed study of Second Generation Japanese, and stated that a silent leaven was working through the nation in favor of a change in the quota law. At its last meeting the Committee had felt it unwise to stir up propaganda, before the election, but this was now over and the Asiatic question had not come up.
  Dr. Gulick also referred to recent expressions of dissatisfaction on the part of the Japanese with the present situation ; he called attention to the statements made at the Honolulu Institute and in the Chicago Tribune in favor of putting Japanese on the quota, to the statement of Professor Murray S. Wildman of Stanford University in favor of granting the citizenship if they were admitted to the country, to the appeal from India concerning the Hindoos who were deprived of their citizenship papers by the action of the Supreme Court in determining that
 - 第35巻 p.125 -ページ画像 
 they were not "white" in the usual meaning of the word, and to the statement of the Reverend E. Stanley Jones that a high offical of the Bureau of Immigration had told him that the Labor Department and the Department of State were now in favor of putting Asiatics on the quota. He also called attention to the fact that the method of determining quotas on a "National Origins" basis which was to have gone into effect on July 1, 1927, has not yet been adopted; showed how the tentative schedule worked out on this basis would differ from the present quotas on the basis of 2% of the foreign born in the country according to the census of 1890; and stated that Secretary of Labor Davis has recently announced a policy of combining the two methods of determining quotas so as to give each country the maximum number to which it would be entitled under either method. This would give a total of 204,000 instead of 150,000, but Secretary Davis also advocated applying the quota restrictions to immigrants from all parts of this hemisphere except Canada.
  The Federal Council at its Quadrennial Meeting had renewed the substance to the Declaration of the Executive Committee, adopted in 1925, in regard to the application of the immigration laws to Orientals, and the House of Bishops of the Episcopalian General Assembly had passed (October, 1928) a resolution in regard to naturalization and immigration which, however, got to the House of Deputies too late for favorable action.
  The Committee expressed much gratification at the signs of improvement in the situation, and after discussion it was
VOTED: To authorize Dr. Gulick to call together advisers and to take whatever action seemed best and make contacts in the most effective places, and to call the Committee together again as occasion required.
  Dr. Gulick stated that it would be much better for others to appear before Congressional committees and also interview influential men than for him to do so, for he had become known as an advocate for the Japanese. Dr. Brockman and others agreed to help in any way possible.
  Dr. Brockman spoke of the reception given him in Japan as a member of this Committee, of the request that he speak on American-Japanese relations, and of Viscount Shibusawa's message to the Committees that the Japanese expected them to be very active in promoting better understanding and in securing a change in the immigration situation. Dr. Franklin spoke of similar experiences which he had had, and both men called attention to the very high regard of the Japanese
 - 第35巻 p.126 -ページ画像 
 for Dr. Gulick, and to their belief in the efforts of these Committees.
  Dr. Hinman stated that he had been informed that the House Committee on Immigration was now considering the Canadian and Mexican problems and was not devoting any attention to Orientals.
  After discussion of the work in Hawaii of Mr. Okumura for the Second Generation Japanese, of the proposal for fellowships to bring Japanese youth to Eastern cities to continue their education, of the few openings in employment in New York City for Japanese, and of the study of Second Generation Japanese on the Pacific Coast now being carried on by Mr. Akagi of the Y.M.C.A., it was decided to be desirable for the Secretary to make every possible effort to bring these Committees into cooperation with such movements.
  The Committees adjourned shortly after hour.
     Honolulu Man's View Is Expressed at
      Meeting of Hawaiian Civic Club

  "In my opinion the immigration quota allowance should apply to Japan."
  Such was the view of Ed Towse, Mercantile Printing Co. owner and prominent Honolulu Rotarian, expressed today at the weekly meeting of the Hawaiian Civic Club at the Sweet Shop Den. Towse was the principal speaker, telling of his experiences at the recent Rotary convention held in Japan.
  "The Japanese people are not viciously resentful over the immigration situation but are deeply hurt about the U. S. immigration laws," Towse declared. "I believe that the quota allowance should apply to Japan. With such a restriction the immigration to the United States from Japan would not exceed more than 150 Japanese anually. But whatever my opinion in this matter may be I do object to the local Japanese criticizing the United States policy. This is a matter of my own personal loyalty and it should also be a matter of personal loyalty among Japanese residing within the boundaries of the United States."
  In his talk, Towse outlined the immense building projects
 - 第35巻 p.127 -ページ画像 
 undertaken in Japan since the earthquake of 1923. He characterized the Japanese as the "most progressive people of the Orient," pointing to the immense wealth of the country.
  "The Japanese people have a peculiar talent for the successful development of business enterprises," the speaker said.

渋沢栄一書翰控 原田助宛 昭和四年六月八日(DK350028k-0004)
第35巻 p.127 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰控  原田助宛 昭和四年六月八日 (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
                   東京 渋沢栄一
右乍遷延貴答如此御座候 敬具