

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
3節 国際団体及ビ親善事業
8款 聖路加国際病院

第36巻 p.222-228(DK360073k) ページ画像




渋沢栄一 日記 昭和三年(DK360073k-0001)
第36巻 p.222-223 ページ画像

渋沢栄一 日記  昭和三年      (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
二月九日 晴 寒気強カラス
○上略 小畑氏来リ、明日米国大使ト共ニ、国際病院ノ事ニ関スル援助ノ事ヲ談話スヘシト告ク○下略
二月十日 晴 寒気強カラス
二月十一日 雪 寒気強シ
二月十三日 晴 寒気強カラス
○上略 小畑氏来訪、一昨日挙行アリシトヱスラー氏国際病院地鎮祭ノ景況ヲ詳話ス○下略
二月二十七日 晴 寒気厳ナラズ
 - 第36巻 p.223 -ページ画像 

竜門雑誌 第四七五号・第八五―八七頁 昭和三年四月 国際病院地鎮祭に於ける祝辞(DK360073k-0002)
第36巻 p.223-224 ページ画像

竜門雑誌  第四七五号・第八五―八七頁 昭和三年四月
 - 第36巻 p.224 -ページ画像 
  昭和三年二月十一日         子爵 渋沢栄一

アメリカ合衆国大使及渋沢栄一招待状 小畑久五郎宛 一九二八年二月一〇日(DK360073k-0003)
第36巻 p.224 ページ画像

アメリカ合衆国大使及渋沢栄一招待状  小畑久五郎宛 一九二八年二月一〇日
         The American Ambassador
         Viscount Eiichi Shibusawa
      request the honor of the company of
           Mr. Kyugoro Obata
        at luncheon at the Tokyo Club
          on Friday, Feburary 10th,
         at half past twelve o'clock.
Please reply to the
American Embassy, Tokyo.

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー)書翰 小畑久五郎苑 一九二八年二月一〇日(DK360073k-0004)
第36巻 p.224-225 ページ画像

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー)書翰  小畑久五郎苑 一九二八年二月一〇日
                   February 10th, 1928
Mr. K. Obata
  1, Nichome, Eiraku cho
  Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo
Dear Mr. Obata :
  Before the day is over, I want to send you just a few words
 - 第36巻 p.225 -ページ画像 
 of thanks for the pains you have taken during the past days in arranging for our luncheon this afternoon. To me it seemed a very real success, and I am especially appreciative of the clearcut support and approval given the movement by Baron Sakatani.
  Please express to Viscount Shibusawa my renewed thanks and tell him how glad I am we had this meeting, and the Committee once more well under way before my journey to the States. The arrangement for the Executive Committee will simplify our task a great deal, and I am looking forward with much satisfaction to a meeting of this Committee before going home, that the problems confronting us may be discussed quietly and such measures adopted as will be most helpful.
  I know I am to have the pleasure of seeing you tomorrow, but I want this note to go tonight that you may know how grateful I am to you.
  With warm regards and best wishes,
              Sincerely yours,
              (Signed) R. B. Teusler
 東京市渋沢事務所            (二月十三日入手)
右御礼旁得貴意度如此御座候 敬具

第36巻 p.225-228 ページ画像

聖路加国際病院書類(一)       (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
 - 第36巻 p.226 -ページ画像 
                 February 17th, 1928
Mr. K. Obata
  1, Nichome, Eiraku-cho
  Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo
Dear Mr. Obata :
  Enclosed is a memorandum of our luncheon given at the Tokyo Club on February tenth, and I am sending it to you as Viscount Shibusawa will probably be interested to see it. No doubt he has seen the report in the Japan Advertiser, but in a sense this is more official, and please give it to him at your convenience.
  Again I want to thank you for your presence at that luncheon, and your continued help and interest in the Hospital work.
  With best wishes,
            Sincerely yours,
             (Signed) R. B. Teusler
                February 10th, 1928
Memorandum of luncheon given February 10, 1928, at twelve-thirty, at the Tokyo Club, to the Advisory Council of St. Luke's International Hospital, and some additional gentlemen who were elected as members of the Council following the luncheon.
  The following members of the Council were present :
Dr. Takuma Dan Count Kabayama     Baron Sakatani
Mr. K. Fukui  Hon. Charles MacVeagh Mr. Tokutaro Sakai
Mr. K. Hattori Prof. K. Miura     Hon.T. Sekiya
Gov. Hiratsuka Prof. M. Nagayo    Mr. T. Shirani
Mr. J. Inouye  Prof. W. Okada     Mr. T. Yuki
Mr. Obata    Dr.Kubo        Dr. Teusler
  His Excellency, Mr. Charles MacVeagh, the American Ambassador, and His Excellency, Viscount Shibusawa, were the hosts at the luncheon, but owing to the illness of Viscount Shibusawa, he was unable to attend, and deputed his place to his son-in-law, Baron Sakatani.
  At the end of the luncheon, Mr. MacVeagh spoke in most fitting terms of the position and aims of the Hospital, and explained to the Council the developments since the earlier contracts were let for the new Hospital that was to have been built on the block near the River, had not the earthquake intervened. Attached is the larger part of the address of the Ambassador. Unfortunately many of his best statements were
 - 第36巻 p.227 -ページ画像 
made during the reading of this address, and do not, therefore, appear in this record.
  Following the Ambassador's address, Baron Sakatani spoke in Japanese, eulogizing the whole work of the Hospital, commenting on its increased activities and accepted position in the hearts of the Japanese people. He endorsed the suggestions and resolutions of the Ambassador, and reviewed in detail the work of the Director, in connection with the institution, and his long association with him. At the end of Baron Sakatani's address, he stated that, speaking for the Chairman Viscount Shibusawa, who was unfortunately absent, he had already received instructions to approve the plan of making a direct appeal to the Government to remit the customs duties and creation in the neighborhood of the new Hospital a quiet zone for the protection of the whole work.
  Dr. Teusler thanked the Committee for their kindness in coming to the luncheon on the eve of Kigensetsu, and in spite of the heavy demands upon them just at this time, because of the approaching elections. He pointed out the importance of thinking of St. Luke's in larger terms than that of a clinical hospital. During its years of development, its work has increased in many directions and a more accurate interpretation is signified by designing the work as a "Medical Center" which includes in addition to its public, semi-private, and private wards for in-patients, a large dispensary, afternoon clinics for School Children, public health visiting in the neighborhood of the Hospital, the training of midwives, and recently in cooperation with the Department of Education, the creation of the first College of Nursing in Japan. The new Hospital will carry forward all of these activities, and undoubtedly new avenues of usefulness will be developed as the institution grows in value.
Reference was made to the planns《(plans)》 soon to be put into action in the United States to secure over three million dollars, to complete the buildings, pay for a part of the land and create a million dollar endowment fund.
  A cablegram received this morning from Mr. Samuel Thorn, Secretary of the American Committee, stating that the National Council of the Church, in conjunction with the Committee, have decided that the campaign for the needed funds will occupy the coming twelve months and close March 1st, 1929, was read.
Dr. Teusler emphasized the importance of securing freedom from customs dues, and assistance in improving conditions around the Hospital, both in quietness and appearance, as not only substantial assistance to the work itself, but very definite
 - 第36巻 p.228 -ページ画像 
proof to present to our friends in the United States that the Japanese people and the Japanese Government authorities want the new hospital buildings, and the creation of this work here in their capital city.
  The blueprints and elevations of the Hospital were then explained to the Committee, and once more they expressed their interest and promised support of the undertaking.
  Baron Sakatani then suggested that a cable should be sent to the American Council in New York expressing the cordial willingness of the Japanese Council to cooperate and do anything in their power to make the work a success. The wording of the telegram was outlined and is herewith attached as sent.
  Baron Sakatani then asked for action with regard to the resolution presented by the Ambassador. This resolution was duly seconded and passed by all of the members present. The Chairman, in closing, explained that the Executive Committee would be appointed after consultation with Viscount Shibusawa and it was hoped a meeting of the Executive Committee would be held before Dr. Teusler leaves for the United States. The meeting was then closed.
             (Signed) R. B. Teusler