

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
3節 国際団体及ビ親善事業

第37巻 p.429-432(DK370103k) ページ画像


PAN-PACIFIC UNION主催ニ係ル第二回汎太平洋商業会議開催ニ関シ、開催予定地ロス・アンジェルスノ商業会議所ヨリ栄一ニ宛テ、是日付ヲ以テ、報告ト共ニ援助ヲ求メ来ル。


(アーサー・ジー・アーノル)書翰 渋沢栄一宛(一九二七年一二月一五日)(DK370103k-0001)
第37巻 p.429-431 ページ画像

(アーサー・ジー・アーノル)書翰 渋沢栄一宛(一九二七年一二月一五日)
                  LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA
Viscount E. Shibusawa
 - 第37巻 p.430 -ページ画像 
 No. 1. Nichome, Eirakucho
 Kojimachi, Tokyo
Dear Sir: -
  May we take the liberty of calling your attention to the fact that the Pan-Pacific Union which has its head-quarters in Honolulu, has called a second Pan-Pacific Commercial Conference to meet in Los Angeles at some date yet to be fixed late next year.
  As you doubtless know, the first Pan-Pacific Commercial Conference was held in Honolulu in 1922 during a period of adjustment after the great war. Since then tremendous commercial developments have taken place in the countries around the Pacific and it is evident that the commercial arena of the world is rapidly shifting in this direction.
  It seems opportune, therefore, that a second conference of the commercial interests in the countries bordering on the great Pacific Ocean should meet in the near future to discuss some of our mutual problems and hasten the development of the trade and commerce of the many countries bordering on this greatest of all oceans.
  Under separate cover we are sending you a recent copy of "Pan-Pacific Progress" in which you will find an article outlining some of the purposes of the second Pan-Pacific Commercial Conference and giving a skeleton of the proposed agenda for this gathering.
  We have recently had a visit from Governor Wallace R. Farrington, who by virtue of being Governor of Hawaii, is President of the Pan-Pacific Union, and some of the details of the proposed Conference were discussed with him but much remains yet to be worked out. A definite date for the Conference will be decided upon within a short time.
  We desire to call this subject to your earnest attention and enlist your serious thought as to suggestions relative to the problems and program which should be discussed at this conference.
  May we not hear from you along this line?
  With assurance of our high personal regard, we are
           Very truly yours,
             (Signed) A. G. Arnoll
              Secretary & General Manager
   ○本書翰ハ日付ヲ脱セリ。他ノLos Angeles Chamber of Commerceノ用箋ヲ用ヒタルClarence H. Matsonノ小畑久五郎ニ宛タル書面ト同時
 - 第37巻 p.431 -ページ画像 
          一般的書状 秘書ノ名義ヲ以テ適当ノ回答ヲ発セル回答文添附
 東京市            (一九二八年一月十一日入手)
  子爵 渋沢栄一 閣下
本会は右会議に対する閣下の熱心なる御声援を請ふと共に、会議に於て協議せらるべき問題、並に議案に関する真摯なる御意見を拝聴致す事を得ば仕合に御座候、右に関し御返事を賜はる事を得ば幸甚に存候謹んで敬意を奉表候 敬具

(小畑久五郎)書翰控 クレアレンス・エッチ・マトソン宛一九二八年二月六日(DK370103k-0002)
第37巻 p.431-432 ページ画像

(小畑久五郎)書翰控 クレアレンス・エッチ・マトソン宛一九二八年二月六日
                   February 6, 1928
Mr. Clarence H. Matson
  Department of Foreign Commerce and Shipping
  Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce
  Los Angeles, Cal.
My dear Mr. Matson,
  Your favour of December 15 last year reached me duly. Will you please tell Mr. Arnoll that Viscount Shibusawa retired from his business activities in 1916, ever since giving his time and energy to public works, such as educational, social and
 - 第37巻 p.432 -ページ画像 
international. He has been long out of touch from actual conditions of business life and feels quite unfit to give out any valuable advice or counsel regarding the enterprise. Of course it is understood that he is deeply interested in it and wishes its success.
  Hoping to be able to see you someday and somewhere, I am
              Yours very sincerely,
                  (Signed) K. Obata
               Secretary to Viscount Shibusawa