

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
3節 国際団体及ビ親善事業
23款 大阪聖バルナバ病院

第38巻 p.182-195(DK380016k) ページ画像





渋沢栄一 日記 昭和二年(DK380016k-0001)
第38巻 p.182 ページ画像

渋沢栄一 日記 昭和二年 (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
一月四日 晴又曇 寒気昨日ト同 朝来少ク雲アレトモ風無クシテ寒威モ亦タ強カラス、午後ヨリ快晴
一月二十日 快晴 寒気昨ト同シ
二月一日 快晴 寒気強シ
三月七日 晴 寒気昨ト同シ

渋沢栄一書翰控 中川望大阪府知事宛 昭和二年三月七日(DK380016k-0002)
第38巻 p.182-183 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰控 中川望大阪府知事宛 昭和二年三月七日 (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
 - 第38巻 p.183 -ページ画像 
従来病院設立いたし、追々其規模を発展せる聖路加院長は、今般貴地に於て一病院建設相成、其経営に付而貴地方大方諸彦の御賛同御援助相願度との趣旨により、曾而老生及当地の有志者に内話有之候間、過般本山彦一君へ御相談いたし、過日同君御出京にて老生も会見して委曲申述へ、尚右病院長も御逢の上詳細に其要望の件々申上、本山君御帰阪後老閣へも拝陳致候由、就而此度院長トエスラー氏今日出立貴地へ参上の事に相成候、依而老生代理として小畑久五郎と申英語通訳の者同行為致候に付而は、何卒御接見被下可然御援助被下度候、尚委曲は本人より拝陳の筈に付、紹介旁一書可得貴意如此御座候 敬具

渋沢栄一書翰控 本山彦一宛 昭和二年三月七日(DK380016k-0003)
第38巻 p.183 ページ画像

渋沢栄一翰控 本山彦一宛 昭和二年三月七日 (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
為め今夕東京出立貴地へ罷出候筈に御座候、依而其必要も無之とは相考候へとも、老生代理の積にて小畑久五郎同行致候に付而は、詳細の事は直接御聴取被下、此上の御援助只管御願申上候、尚知事・市長・村山君にも一書拝呈候間御打合相成、此上の御添心奉願候、右一書可得貴意匆々 敬具
  昭和二年三月七日             渋沢栄一

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二六年一一月一五日(DK380016k-0004)
第38巻 p.183-187 ページ画像

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二六年一一月一五日
         ST. LUKE'S
 - 第38巻 p.184 -ページ画像 
                November 15th, 1926
His Excellency Viscount E. Shibusawa
  27, Nakadori, Marunouchi
  Tokyo, Japan
My dear Viscount Shibusawa :
  Again I am your debtor, and please accept my thanks for the interview Saturday, and the care and attention you are giving our plans for the Hospital in Osaka. I was especially delighted to have my son meet you. He has heard me talk so much of your friendship and kindness to me and to the Hospital that it was an exceptional privilege to present him.
  Enclosed is the memorandum you requested, giving an outline of the general development of our plans for the Hospital. Of course this is only tentative, and whatever changes are advisable can easily be made. I feel that with three years careful effort, we will be able to demonstrate the real usefulness of such an institution and that this once accomplished, its future can be taken care of without serious inconvenience to any one concerned.
  I am ready to go at any time to Osaka to see Mr. Motoyama, if you think this advisable.
  With deepest appreciation, I am
      Gratefully and sincerely yours,
               (Signed) R. B. Teulses
 東京市                (十一月十五日入手)
  子爵渋沢栄一閣下    東京、一九二六年十一月十五日
 - 第38巻 p.185 -ページ画像 
乍末筆謹んで御礼申上候 敬具
                November 15th, 1926
  Outline of Plan for Organizing of Advisory Council
    and Opening St. Barnabas' Hospital, Osaka.
  1 ― Formation of Advisory Council of from eight to fifteen, or more, prominent Japanese gentlemen, with an Honorary Chairman and Honorary Secretary.
  2 ― Advisory Council to decide how frequently its meetings are to take place. Formation of Executive Committee of three members, to facilitate cooperation with the Hospital and prompt execution of plans for its development.
  3 ― The raising of a fund of from twelve to fifteen thousand yen per annum for three years, to be added to the twelve thousand yen per annum already guaranteed by the National Council in New York for the support of the Hospital.
  4 ― Accounts to be audited twice a year and reports submitted to the Advisory Council.
  5 ― The purpose of the Council is to interest itself in the welfare of the Hospital and present to the public the motive for its existence and its needs.
  The Hospital is endeavoring to establish in Osaka a thoroughly modern outpatient and inpatient clinic for the care of maternity cases, babies and young children. It has a capacity of approximately seventy-five to ninety beds and when opened will be thoroughly equipped from a modern standpoint, and maintained on this basis. The capital invested is nearly half a million yen and in addition to the twelve thousand yen a year already pledged in New York towards its support, the salaries of a doctor and a nurse are also donated.
  It is highly important that active connection be made with one or more prominent Japanese physicians in Osaka, and this arrangement would be made later, probably before actually opening the Hospital.
  It is highly desirable that prompt action be taken with regard to the pledging of the needed twelve to fifteen thousand yen here in Japan, that further delay in opening the Hospital may be avoided. It is not necessary that the money be paid in advance. An assurance that it will be subscribed is quite sufficient. On. receiving this, the Hospital will be equipped as rapidly as possible, and opened within two or three months.
  No one on the Staff of the Hospital has any idea of personal gain involved in their service, and all professional fees from the Staff itself will be entirely used for the support of the institution
 - 第38巻 p.186 -ページ画像 
 and its work. This is an important point and one of the basic principles on which the institution will be conducted.
  For the betterment of the work, it is desirable that the Advisory Council in Osaka have free communication with the Advisory Council of St. Luke's International Hospital in Tokyo,
as both institutions will be carried forward towards the same end, namely, public welfare and social service work here in Japan.
           Respectfully submitted,
              (Signed) R. B. Teusler
              Director, St.Luke's International
              Hospital, Tokyo
 - 第38巻 p.187 -ページ画像 

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰 小畑久五郎宛 一九二七年二月一五日(DK380016k-0005)
第38巻 p.187-188 ページ画像

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰 小畑久五郎宛 一九二七年二月一五日
               February 15th, 1927
Mr. K. Obata,
  C/O H. E. Viscount Shibusawa
  28, Nakadori, Marunouchi
  Tokyo, Japan
Dear Mr. Obata,
  Thank you for your letter of February 10th, and your very discerning comments regarding the wisdom of not trying to insist too much upon speed in accomplishing the ends I know both you and I have in view, in connection with the work in St. Barnabas' Hospital. I especially appreciate the approval and understanding evinced in your letter, because, looking back over a rather long lifetime's work here in Japan, I can say with certainty, and without fear of contradiction, that the most inspiring man I have had the good fortune to be associated with is your Chief, Viscount Shibusawa. I have never known the Viscount to fail in the slightest promise, even indicated in my contacts with him, and his unfailing generosity of motive and unflagging spirit of devotion to the welfare of his people has always been to me an outstanding inspiration in my own work.
I know that you too share my admiration for him, and it is an added pleasure, therefore, that we can work together in this particular effort we are trying to inaugurate in Osaka.
  It was a pleasure to meet Mr. Motoyama. He impressed me at once as a man of substance and integrity, and I hope we will truly succeed in enlisting his whole-hearted endorsement for St. Barnabas' Hospital. With such a committee, we can feel sure of success and I am ready whenever word comes to go with you to Osaka, to do my part in trying to arouse their interest in behalf of the undertaking. By this mail I am writing also to Mr. Motoyama, expressing my appreciation of his coming to the Hospital.
  With kindest personal regards and renewed thanks, I am,
             Sincerely yours,
 - 第38巻 p.188 -ページ画像 
             (Signed) R. B. Teusler

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰 小畑久五郎宛 一九二七年二月二八日(DK380016k-0006)
第38巻 p.188 ページ画像

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰 小畑久五郎宛 一九二七年二月二八日
                  February 28, 1927
Mr. K. Obata:
  28 Nakadori, Marunouchi
  Tokyo, Japan
Dear Mr. Obata :
  A day or two ago I received from Dr. Southworth a letter expressing appreciation and thanks for the visit of Mr. Motoyama, Mr. Nakamura, and Mr. Oya to St. Barnabas' Hospital.
Of course he was very much pleased to meet these gentlemen, and find their awakened interest in the welfare of the institution.
  Will you please express to Viscount Shibusawa, and accept for yourself, my hearty thanks for this continued growth of interest on the part of our Osaka friends in our plans for St. Barnabas'. Do not trouble to answer this letter. I merely send it to keep you in tocuh with information received from Osaka, and let you understand how sincerely I appreciate what is being done.
  With my best compliments to Viscount Shibusawa, and best wishes to you, I am,
             Sincerely yours,
              (Signed) R. B. Teusler

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰 小畑久五郎宛 一九二七年二月二八日(DK380016k-0007)
第38巻 p.188-189 ページ画像

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰 小畑久五郎宛 一九二七年二月二八日
                February 28th, 1927
Mr. K. Obata
  28 Nakadori, Marunouchi
  Tokyo, Japan
Dear Mr. Obata :
  This morning a letter has come from Mr. Motoyama to me, which I herewith enclose to you with the request that you keep it for me safely, that I may have it for my files later.
 - 第38巻 p.189 -ページ画像 
  Of course I have learned with a great deal of pleasure that Governor Nakagawa, Mayor Seki, and Mr. Murayama have all accepted service on our Committee. This letter I am sending to you promptly that you may know of its arrival, and I will see you within a day or two that we may consult as to the best time for us to go to Osaka, and notify Mr. Motoyama of this decision.
  Again with best wishes, and my compliments,
              Sincerely yours,
               (Signed) R. B. Teusler

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰 小畑久五郎宛 一九二七年四月二六日(DK380016k-0008)
第38巻 p.189-190 ページ画像

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰 小畑久五郎宛 一九二七年四月二六日
             ST. LUKE'S
                    April 26th, 1927
Mr. K. Obata,
  28 Nakadori, Marunouchi
  Tokyo, Japan
Dear Mr. Obata:
  Enclosed are copies of letters I am sending today to Dr. Southworth and Bishop Nichols. Of course both letters explain themselves, but I would like to add the information that Bishop Nichols has shown much interest in this whole undertaking, and as he knows the Governor personally, I think the proposed interview is well worthwhile, if he can find time to see him.
  If the gentlemen in Osaka would only realize that we want their sympathy, support and understanding, even more than we want their money, much more in fact, it would pave the way to a quicker realization of the whole plan. I know that Viscount Shibusawa understands this, with his clearheaded and big views of life, but I am not altogether sure that the Governor, the Mayor, and Mr. Motoyama place this truth in its right light, with regard to the lesser question of the amount of financial assistance we are trying to obtain in Osaka, towards the annual support of the Hospital.
  If Viscount Shibusawa is willing to write to Mr. Motoyama dwelling upon this fact, and urging that at least we have this comittee meeting just as soon as possible, I believe it would do good. We have never intended at this meeting to beg for
 - 第38巻 p.190 -ページ画像 
 money. The purpose is more to bring to these men, the plans and ideals we are trying to establish, in the belief that once they understand the situation, the relatively small sum of money involved will be forthcoming without very much effort. Please talk the matter over with Viscount Shibusawa, when he has time, and if he thoroughly approves, I believe a letter to Mr. Motoyama or the Governor would be very beneficial.
  With best wishes,
             Cordially yours,
              (Signed) R. B. Teusler

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰写 シャーリー・エッチ・ニコルズ宛 一九二七年四月二五日(DK380016k-0009)
第38巻 p.190-192 ページ画像

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰写 シャーリー・エッチ・ニコルズ宛 一九二七年四月二五日
                   April 25th, 1927
Rt. Rev. Shirley H. Nichols, D. D.,
  American Church Mission
  Kyoto, Japan
Dear Bishop Nichols :
  Again our plans for St. Barnabas' have received a setback, but I hope it is only a short delay in time, and that no more serious interference will develop.
  This morning Mr. Obata told me over the telephone that yesterday he received a letter from Osaka (I think from Governor Nakagawa), stating that the three or four gentlemen immediately concerned in furthering our plans, have talked over the situation informally, and decided that it would be a mistake to try and have the proposed meeting early in May, in view of the present financial situation. They believe that an effort to float the Hospital when an actual moratorium exists, might even be misunderstood and therefore prejudice the good will we are seeking to develop, As the letter to Viscount Shibusawa seemed to be very definite, I acquiesced in their conclusion, because it would have been hopeless, and bad taste for me to do anything else, especially as the message was given to me from Viscount Shibusawa, through Mr. Obata, practically as a final decision already settled.
  What do you think of your going personally with Dr. Southworth to call upon Governor Nakagawa, and expressing your regret that this postponement is a necessity? Of course
 - 第38巻 p.191 -ページ画像 
 we can safely assume that these gentlemen, including the Governor, Mayor, Mr. Motoyama, and one or two others are genuinely interested. Certainly they have shown themselves so, in carrying forward the plans until this sudden financial exposure has for the moment delayed it. I believe a personal request from you to the Governor, that we hold the meeting as soon as possible consistent with the views of the gentlemen who are largely engineering it, would help a great deal. The request should be made tactfully, but certainly it should be pointed out to them that if the whole thing goes over through the summer, without active approval and cooperation on the part of the Japanese, we are going to find it difficult to hold the interest and sympathy of our friends in New York. The Hospital is practically ready to open; an order for the complete equipment stands ready for execution in New York on cabled notice, and all we need is the assurance from a sufficiently large group of responsible men that for at least three years the sum of money required to help maintain the Hospital, will be forth-coming. So far as our side of the matter is concerned, that is the establishment of this half million yen institution; the cooperation in putting up six thousand dollars, plus salaries, and the value from an international good will standpoint, we are certainly at liberty to stress with emphasis. After all, the giving of a finished hospital to the City of Osaka, together with the salary of several doctors and nurses, plus twelve thousand yen a year towards its annual support, is so obviously generous and friendly act on the part of the American people, that I believe it would cause an injurious reaction at this late date to many of our friends in the United States, if the undertaking is much more delayed or completely falls through. I know that Viscount Shibusawa is supporting this whole movement largely because of this international aspect, and am equally certain that the gentlemen in Osaka will not regret the cooperation we ask if they will only push their side to maturity. I think you could also dwell upon the point that you and I, as well as Dr. Southworth, feel embarrassed, having gone so far, to have to countenance any further considerable delay. Although there is financial stress at this moment, certainly the sum involved (some twelve to fifteen thousand yen, preferrably the latter figure), is not enough to give any grave concern to a large number of the wealthiest men in Osaka. If we were asking for a hundred thousand yen or more, this would not be true, but the actual sum of money involved is not the measure of the cooperation we are seeking, and I would like the Governor and
 - 第38巻 p.192 -ページ画像 
 Mr. Motoyama to properly understand that we are more anxious to secure their moral support, and their influence in the community, in making the Hospital a success, than we are concerned about the actual amount of money it is proposed they contribute towards the yearly upkeep of the institution.
  If you can find time to go over and see the Governor or Mr. Motoyama, or both, I know it would be worthwhile, and will wait anxiously for your answer.
  With warm personal regards,
            Sincerely yours,

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰写 ジョン・ディー・サウスワース宛 一九二七年四月二五日(DK380016k-0010)
第38巻 p.192-193 ページ画像

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰写 ジョン・ディー・サウスワース宛 一九二七年四月二五日
                   April 25th, 1927
Dr. John D. Southworth
  St. Barnabas' Hospital
  Saikudani machi, Tennoji
  Osaka, Japan
Dear Doctor Southworth :
  Your letter of Apirl 22nd received, and I am of course sorry to learn there is a possibility of the resignation of Governor Nakagawa. No definite news has come to me during the past five days, with regard to the proposed meeting at Osaka, but a week ago approximately, the invitation form was sent to Governor Nakagawa, and I hoped the invitations were already out. Today I will telephone Mr. Obata, and find out if there has been any further news.
  Later― I have talked with Mr. Obata over the telephone, and find that he received a letter yesterday from Governor Nakagawa stating that the three or four gentlemen forming the central committee, so to speak, have talked informally together and all of one mind, that it would be a mistake to hold the proposed meeting in early May. They base their objection on the fact that Osaka is one of the hardest hit of all of the cities in Japan, in the financial exposures, and that it would be a bad stroke of policy to undertake to float an enterprise of this kind when a moratorium actually exists. Governor Nakagawa states that he will have the meeting at the latest in early June, and asks Viscount Shibusawa's approval to this end. Mr. Obata and I had a long talk over the telephone, and although I expressed very sincere regret that there was any further delay, I felt it wiser to agree to this plan in the end.
  Please do not be too much disheartened. The dis
 - 第38巻 p.193 -ページ画像 
appointment is a very keen one to me as well as to you, because I felt so confident things were finally under way. I will continue to push the situation from this end, and by this mail am writing to Bishop Nichols suggesting that he go with you to see Governor Nakagawa in the early future. I will enclose a copy of my letter to Bishop Nichols, for your information.
                    Cordially yours,
                          R. B. Teusler
L. Enclosure

(中村三徳) 書翰 小畑久五郎宛 昭和二年六月三日(DK380016k-0011)
第38巻 p.193 ページ画像

(中村三徳) 書翰 小畑久五郎宛 昭和二年六月三日 (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
                  慈善園 中村三徳
右其後の模様を御通報旁々前陳の次第を、小生より貴下迄御内報申上候間、御承知被成下度 草々敬具

(小畑久五郎) 書翰控 ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー宛 一九二七年七月二日(DK380016k-0012)
第38巻 p.193-194 ページ画像

(小畑久五郎) 書翰控 ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー宛 一九二七年七月二日
           1. Nichome Yeirakucho
            Kojimachi Ku, Tokyo
                      July 2 1927
Dr. R. B. Teusler
  Director, St. Luke's International Hospital
  Akashicho, Tsukiji, Kyobashiku
Dear Dr. Teusler,
 - 第38巻 p.194 -ページ画像 
  I called on Governor Tanabe on the morning of 30 and this morning again in the Station Hotel. He is terribly busy and prospect for Viscount Shibusawa to see him is rather precarious.
  So, I asked him whether he will not see you, and he consented to see you if you call on him at 7 o'clock on Monday morning, that is on the 4th which is your national holiday. I told him that you and I would call on him as specified by the Governor. I phoned you, but found that you were away. Tomorrow I will be at the Viscount's from 10 o'clock. I shall be there whole forenoon. Please call me up ringing Koishikawa 460 or 461. If early in the morning, you can reach me at my home ringing Aoyama 6834. I am very sorry that the Governor is so busy that he can not see the Viscount.
  He does not say that he can not see him, but his proposal for the hour of interview is too early either for the Viscount to call on him or for him to call on The Viscount. However, your seeing him may do a lot of good for making him understand the real desire on the part of the hospital authorities. I will have to tell you when I can be put in touch with you.
  With my warm regards to you, I am,
            Yours very cordially,
             (Signed) Kyugoro Obata

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰 本山彦一宛 一九二七年七月五日(DK380016k-0013)
第38巻 p.194-195 ページ画像

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰 本山彦一宛 一九二七年七月五日
                  July 5th, 1927
Mr. Hikoichi Motoyama
  Osaka Mainichi Shimbun
  Osaka, Japan
Dear Mr. Motoyama :
  Yesterday morning I saw Governor Tanabe, together with Mr. Obata, and we had a satisfactory talk about the plans to open the hospital in Osaka. Viscount Shibusawa sent Mr. Obata to see the Governor several days ago and our talk yesterday morning was by appointment in consequence of this.
  I believe Governor Tanabe is interested and he has promised to confer with you and, I suppose, with Mayor Seki. I explained to the Governor that in view of the long delay, I hoped very much he would be able to give this matter his early at
 - 第38巻 p.195 -ページ画像 
tention as I am most anxious to send definite, favorable word to our Committee in New York, who have been so generous in their support and interest in this undertaking.
  I know the Hospital can be of very real service in Osaka, if we can only launch it properly and again I wish to thank you for your sympathetic interest and continued activity in securing the needed support.
  With kind personal regards, I am,
               Sincerely yours,
L.                   R. B. Teusler