

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
4節 国際記念事業
2款 タウンゼンド・ハリス記念碑建設

第38巻 p.414-431(DK380041k) ページ画像




(エム・イー・カウフマン) 書翰 小畑久五郎宛 一九二八年五月三日(DK380041k-0001)
第38巻 p.414 ページ画像


(ヘンリー・エム・ウォルフ) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二八年二月二三日(DK380041k-0002)
第38巻 p.414-421 ページ画像

(ヘンリー・エム・ウォルフ) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二八年二月二三日
 - 第38巻 p.415 -ページ画像 
        Judah, Willard, Wolf &. Reichmann
         Attorneys & Counselors, at Law
          134 South La Salle Street
            Chicago       February 23, 1928
Dear Viscount Shibusawa,
  In the beginning may I tell you how deeply I appreciate, how entirely I approve, and how cordially I thank you for all that you have done to complete and so fittingly dedicate the Memorial to Townsend Harris. What you did, what you said, what you inscribed in your own words on the Stone, and what, in more imperishable form, you wrote in your excellent "The Record of Townsend Harris in Japan," all justify me in saying that you are continuing to crown your distinguished life with service of the noblest character to insure the friendship of our two countries. Personally, I am most grateful to you.
  While I regret that I was not fortunate enough to be present at Shimoda on October first, nevertheless the photographs that you sent me picture so well, and the letters you have written me so beautifully describe, the scene, the guests and the dedication ceremonies, that I feel that I have a clear, and I am sure a very correct, idea of what took place on that historic occasion.
  So that you may see that everything that you took such good care to send me reached me, may I tell you in detail what I received from you :
  1. Your New Year's cablegram acknowledging mine.
  2. On January 3, 1928, a set of six photographs of the Monument and the guests at Shimoda.
  3. On January 7, 1928, your letter of November 14, 1927, enclosing:
     (a) A copy of your cablegram of October 3, 1927
     (b) A copy of the program printed in Japanese
     (c) An English translation thereof
     (d) Your Mr. Obata's kind letter of December 16, 1927.
  4. On January 13, 1928, twenty copies of your booklet in Japanese and English entitled "The Record of Townsend Harris in Japan."
  5. On January 16, 1928, Mr. Obata's letter of December 29, 1927 relating to the black print (rubbing) of the Japanese inscription.
  6. On January 17, 1928, the black print (rubbing) of the Japanese inscription.
  7. On February 17, 1928, your letter of January 26, 1928.
For all of them please accept my sincerest thanks.
 - 第38巻 p.416 -ページ画像 
  Everything that you have written, I have read with more than a deep personal interest. "The Record of Townsend Harris in Japan" is an historic document ― doubly important, because it preserves for the American reader the facts within the experience and knowledge of the Japanese, and shows that our two countries are in perfect accord about Harris' work and life in Japan.
  Some of the copies of your book I have already sent to the libraries of different colleges, and one to our Secretary of State, who has written me a personal letter congratulating us and saying, "This Memorial and the ceremonies that attended its dedication on October 1, 1927 possess a significance which the passage of time can serve only to make more profound."
  If you can spare me a few more copies of "The Record of Townsend Harris in Japan" I should be glad to receive them and send them to different college libraries.
  In the translation of the inscription in Japanese, I note you say, "While in my youth I was exerting myself in the affairs of my country, I heard much of the achievements of Mr. Harris, and have always held him in high admiration for his lofty character." While in Japan I was told that you were one of the young men who acted as a guard for Townsend Harris following the assassination of January 5, 1861 of Mr. Heusken. Within the last year I have heard such statements here, and have also often seen them in print. Now I am wondering whether they are correct, and I should be pleased if you would tell me.
  What you wrote about your gladness that you could express your sentiment to Harris' spirit in heaven has deeply touched not only me but also those friends who have been privileged to read it; indeed, one of them on reading it wrote in his paper :
  "Beautiful sentiment and eloquence are native to Japanese genius, and probably nowhere are these found in more charming or impressive form than in Viscount Shibusawa's appreciation of Townsend Harris' imperishable diplomatic work begun so percariously and painfully at Shimoda."
  I constantly find myself wondering what the history of the people on your side of the Pacific would be today if there had been more foreign representiatives from our side of the world who had thought and had acted as Harris did.
  You, no doubt, have received a copy of the December 1927 News Bulletin of the Japan Society of New York, of which we are both members; but fortunately I have an additional copy, and I take pleasure in enclosing it to you herewith.
 - 第38巻 p.417 -ページ画像 
  It seems to me particularly noteworthy that at the same time that you and the distinguished body of men and women were assembled at Shimoda paying tribute to the memory of Townsend Harris, the people of another Eastern country only a few hundred miles away from Japan were continuing their efforts to expel the representatives of foreign nations. And so I am reminded that one of our great writers said :
 "The true Past departs not, nothing that was worthy in the Past departs; no Truth or Goodness realized by man ever dies or can die; but all is still here and recognized or not, lives and works through endless change."
  I was pleased to learn your explanation about the change in the date of the dedication ceremonies from October 4 to October 1. On September 16 Mr. Neville cabled me that the dedication would take place on October 4, and accordingly on October 1 Mr. Pierce and I sent Mr. Neville the cable message which you received the day after the dedication ceremonies.
  Will you kindly tell Shimidzu Gumi that I appreciate and thank them for the excellence of their work on the Memorial stone and the fence surrounding it. The proportions are most satisfactory. I have already written you how much I admire the carving of the English inscription and, while I am familiar with only a few of the Japanese characters, they seem to me to be equally well done.
  Whoever laid out the English inscription of the Stone should, I think, be told that a member of one of the great architectural firms of the United States, after examining the rubbing, said: "That inscription is as nearly perfect as it can be made, and I wish you would give me permission to have a large size photograph made of it so that I can hang it in my office as an example for our young men."
  You will, I am sure, not misunderstand my asking what steps have been taken to insure that the Monument will always be maintained and cared for, and that such planting around it as may be proper will always be done by the Gyokusenji authorities or the people of Shimoda. Nor will you misunderstand my asking that I be permitted to contribute to the fund that has been or may be created to raise the income to be devoted to and carry out such purposes; and accordingly I take pleasure in enclosing herewith check of Continental National Bank and Trust Company, Chicago, Illinois, No. Fed. 68124, dated February 23, 1928, to The National City Bank of New York, successors to International Banking Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, for 500 yen to my order and endorsed by me to your order, which
 - 第38巻 p.418 -ページ画像 
it is needless to add I shall be pleased to have you deal with as you deem best. This may be added to whatever other fund there may be on hand to insure the perpetual care of the Memorial, as stated above. Whether there is such a fund, I do not know. But if there is not, and if you desire to begin one with this money, it would be well to do that, and provide that others may contribute to the fund if they wish. If you should want to be relieved of the care of it, it is possible that you may wish to do with it as we do here, namely, to place it in trust with a responsible bank or trust company (in Tokyo) to hold in trust in perpetuity and safely invest and reinvest the principal and pay out the income only for the purposes specified; but whatever manner of dealing with the money that you approve will be acceptable to me.
  With my renewed best wishes for your continued good health and my kindest personal regards, believe me, Dear Viscount Shibusawa,
          Always yours faithfully,
             (Signed)_Henry M. Wolf
Viscount Eiichi Shibusawa
  1 Nichome, Yeirakucho, Kojimachiku
       Tokyo, Japan.
 東京市               (五月二十六日入手)
  子爵 渋沢栄一閣下
 - 第38巻 p.419 -ページ画像 
 - 第38巻 p.420 -ページ画像 
 - 第38巻 p.421 -ページ画像 

渋沢栄一書翰控 ヘンリー・エム・ウォルフ宛 昭和三年七月六日(DK380041k-0003)
第38巻 p.421-422 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰控 ヘンリー・エム・ウォルフ宛昭和三年七月六日
         三・七・五飛鳥山邸にて朗読、子爵の御承認を受く 明六
                   東京 渋沢栄一
 - 第38巻 p.422 -ページ画像 
御友人なる建築技師が碑文の彫刻の出来栄を御賞讃相成り、右碑面の大なる写真を御懇望の由御申越に候処、写真よりは石摺の方彫刻明瞭に候間石摺一枚、貴台を通じて同技師に送呈致候、可然御取計被下度候、尚ほ御申越に依りハリス君の事蹟五拾部別便を以て御送付申上候間御受納被下度候、老生去る四月下旬以来病気に被冒、爾来引籠療養罷在候処、漸く昨今殆んど全快の状態に回復致候間御安心可被下候、夫等の為め貴書に対する御返事心ならずも延引と相成候、不悪御承引被下度候 匆々

(ヘンリー・エム・ウォルフ)書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二八年 八月二七日(DK380041k-0004)
第38巻 p.422-425 ページ画像

(ヘンリー・エム・ウォルフ)書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二八年八月二七日
       Judah, Willard, Wolf & Reichmann
        Attorneys & Counselors, at Law
           134 South La Salle Street
             Chicago     August 27, 1928
Dear Viscount Shibusawa,
  Your kind letter of July 6, like all of the letters tha I have had the pleasure of receiving from you, is both interesting and beautiful ― interesting because of the facts that you tell me, and beautiful because each paragraph ― indeed, each sentence ― seems to me to show the influence of writing and reading those wonderful poems that tell so much in so few words; of course, I mean jewel-like hokku, scholarly uta and stately Nō which unfortunately I am not able to read except in translations.
  Again I am delighted by your friendliness in sending me the excellent photograph of your good self, and also the two packages, one containing additional copies of your "The Record of Townsend Harris in Japan" the other containing further copies of it, and also ten of the "Address Delivered at the Dedication of Townsend Harris Monument" by Ambassador MacVeagh, as well as a second rubbing of the English inscription on the Townsend Harris Stone. The two packages reached me some time after your letter, because they were held and
 - 第38巻 p.423 -ページ画像 
opened by the Customs House. My good friend, Mr. J. R. Geary of Tokyo, several months ago sent me one copy of Ambassador MacVeagh's Address,and I was particulary glad to have the copies that you sent me, because what you wrote about the Address was, I thought,so impressively stated that it seemed to me well that our Department of State should know of your gracious compliment to one of its representatives;accordingly, under date of August 11, I wrote the Secretary of State a letter,copy of which I take pleasure in enclosing herewith. Notwithstanding the fact that Secretary Kellogg was sailing from New York for France on August 17 for the purpose of signing there on August 27 what is now known as the Pact of Paris, in which the sixteen signatory nations"condemn recourse to war for the solution of international controversies and renounce it as an instrument of national policy in their relations with one another, "he nevertheless on August 16 sent me from Washington a letter in which he speaks in such high terms of what you have done that I have taken the liberty of having photostatic copies of his letter made, and enclose two herewith for you.
  Even yet American jounals are referring to the Memorial and the dedication ceremonies. The monthly publication of the N. Y. K. "Japan" for September contains as its leading article"A NEWS SHRINE ON AN ANCIENT SHORE, A Pilgrimage to the Townsend Harris Memorial" by Ethel Laffin Stillwell, and three of the pictures are the same as those in your "Record." You, too, are a non-resident member of the Japan Society and will no doubt receive a copy of the September number of "Japan," but if not, it will be a pleasure to send you an extra one that I have.
  I shall look forward with interest to learning the details of the plan that you may work out for the perpetual care of the Stone.
  I greatly regret to learn that since the latter part of April you were confined to your home with illness until quite recently, but I am glad that you also tell me that you have recovered your health, and sincerely hope that this letter will find you well and strong again.
  I cannot let this letter go without expressing my deep appreciation of what you so beautifully say about my share in our joint work.
  With my high personal regard,believe me,
              Yours sincerely,
            (Signed) Henry M. Wolf
 - 第38巻 p.424 -ページ画像 
Viscount Eiichi Shibusawa
  1 Nichome, Yeirakucho, Kojimachiku
     Tokyo, Japan
          日本郵船会社月刊雑誌九月号は老生未た一覧せさる様存候、何卒一閲相望申候也 栄一
 東京市               (九月二十二日入手)
    一九二八年八月廿七日    ヘンリー・エム・ウルフ
 - 第38巻 p.425 -ページ画像 
右御回答旁得貴意度如此御座候 敬具

(ヘンリー・エム・ウォルフ) 書翰写 フランク・ビー・ケロッグ宛 一九二八年八月一一日(DK380041k-0005)
第38巻 p.425-426 ページ画像

(ヘンリー・エム・ウォルフ) 書翰写 フランク・ビー・ケロッグ宛 一九二八年八月一一日
                   August 11, 1928
Dear Mr. Secretary,
  Your very kind and appreciative letter of March 31 to me (F E 893, 413/8) makes me feel that you may be interested in learning that in a most interesting letter which has just reached me from Viscount Shibusawa he writes :
    "Although we missed you greatly at the dedication ceremonies of the monument on the first day of October 1927, yet it was fortunate and significant that we could have the honor of having Mr. MacVeagh your Ambassador not only attend the occasion representing his country men, but also deliver the most carefully prepared address. Later I had his Excellecy's address printed in the form of a pamphlet containing both his original speech in English and its Japanese translation and distributed its copies among my friends. Under a separate cover I mailed you ten copies of the same for your kind perusal."
One of the ten copies of Ambassador MacVeagh's address, I take pleasure in enclosing herewith.
  Viscount Shibusawa (who in Japan is considered the "Grand Old Man" ― he is now in his ninetieth year ― as much as Gladstone was in England) answers a question that I asked him, and because some of our newspapers have said that he was one of the bodyguards of Townsend Harris after Heusken's assassination, you, too, may be glad to know the fact, and so I quote another paragraph from his letter:
 - 第38巻 p.426 -ページ画像 
    "As you say, it is a true fact that after the assassination of Heusken took place,the Shogun's Government kept guards for Townsend Harris to secure his personal safety, but it is an erroneous report that I was one of the guards. In those days I was engaged in the farming work in my native place some fifty miles away from Edo (Present Tokyo). I admire Harris not because I knew him personally, but because I heard of his noble deeds from my colleagues and by my own study of his career in Japan. I was deeply impressed by his lofty character"
             Yours respectfully,
             (Signed) Henry M. Wolf
The Honorable Frank B. Kellogg,
  Secretary of State of the United States,
     Washington, D.C
 ワシントン市           (九月二十二日入手ウルフ氏書状に同封)
     一九二八年八月十一日    ヘンリー・エム・ウルフ
右御礼旁得貴意度如此御座候 敬具

 - 第38巻 p.427 -ページ画像 

(フランク・ビー・ケロツグ) 書翰写 ヘンリー・エム・ウォルフ宛 一九二八年八月十六日(DK380041k-0006)
第38巻 p.427 ページ画像

(フランク・ビー・ケロッグ) 書翰写 ヘンリー・エム・ウォルフ宛 一九二八年八月十六日
                 August 16, 1928
My dear Mr. Wolf:
  I have received your letter of August ll, 1928, in which you were so good as to enclose a copy of an address made by Ambassador MacVeagh at the dedication of the Townsend Harris Monument at Shimoda, Japan.
  I was much interested in the quotations contained in your letter from Viscount Shibusawa's communication to you regarding his admiration for Townsend Harris. The Viscount's devotion to the cause of friendship between Japan and the United States, as is evidenced by the trouble he took to have Ambassador MacVeagh's address translated into Japanese and printed, is very gratifying.
  I am, my dear Mr. Wolf,
               Sincerely yours,
            (Signed) Frank B. Kellogg
Mr. Henry M. Wolf,
  134 South La Salle Street
 シカゴ市           (九月二十二日入手ウルフ氏書状ニ同封)
               ワシントン市 国務省
    一九二八年八月十六日   フランク・ビー・ケロツグ

(ヘンリー・エム・ウォルフ) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二八年九月五日(DK380041k-0007)
第38巻 p.427-430 ページ画像

(ヘンリー・エム・ウォルフ) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二八年九月五日
           Judah, Willard, Wolf & Reichmann
            Attorneys & Counselors, at Law
                134 South La Salle Street
                   Chicago September 5, 1928
 - 第38巻 p.428 -ページ画像 
Dear Viscount Shibusawa,
  In my letter of August 27, I wrote you that
     "Even yet American journals are referring to the Memorial and the dedication ceremonies".
Yesterday was September 4, the anniversary of the first day that Townsend Harriss staid on Japanese soil, and it was a source of great pleasure to read in yesterday's The New York Times an appreciative editorial entitled "Townsend Harris Day," a copy of which is enclosed herewith.
  The Times you doubtless know is regarded as one of the greatest and most influential newspapers of the world and, while I do not know who wrote the editorial, I am inclined to think it was written by Dr. John H. Finley, a distinguished publicist who is one of our most eminent editorial writers.
  In your letter of November 14, 1927, you wrote me,
    "In the quoted paragraph of Mr. Harris' diary, you will notice that he has the phrase 'Query, ― if for real good of Japan?' To this question, I loudly replied in the presence of the large audience, saying 'Surely Japan mightily profited herself and achieved the national prosperity by your leadership just as you anticipated.' I am glad that I could thus express my sentiment to his spirit in heaven"
  You will notice that the editorial states that you "accurately reflected the sentiments of the Japanese people by replying to Harris' query without hesitation : 'It has been for the everlasting good of Japan.' " But the editorial goes even farther than you did and says, "And America today adds, 'Also for the good of the world,' " ― an expression of feeling that I know will gratify you.
  Always with my kindest regards,
            Yours sincerely,
            (Signed) Henry M. Wolf
Viscount Eiichi Shibusawa,
  1 Nichome, Yeirakucho, Kojimachiku,
     Tokyo, Japan
 - 第38巻 p.429 -ページ画像 
  渋沢子爵閣下        シカゴ市
    一九二八年九月五日     ヘンリー・エム・ウルフ
右御通報旁得貴意度如此御座候 敬具
 - 第38巻 p.430 -ページ画像 

第38巻 p.430 ページ画像

タウンゼンド・ハリス記念碑建設ニ関スル書類 (渋沢子爵家所蔵)

(村上文機) 書翰 小畑久五郎宛 昭和四年九月二八日(DK380041k-0009)
第38巻 p.430-431 ページ画像

(村上文機) 書翰 小畑久五郎宛 昭和四年九月二八日
 - 第38巻 p.431 -ページ画像 
猶先般上京之節御願仕候子爵閣下之御墨跡之儀、あつかましくは存候へ共御話被下度御願申上候 頓首
   小畑久五郎殿           村上文機
                 村上文機  圭瑞文機
                 寺川嘉三郎 寺川嘉三郎
   渋沢事務所 御中

(小畑久五郎)書翰控 ヘンリー・エム・ウォルフ宛 一九三〇年九月二七日(DK380041k-0010)
第38巻 p.431 ページ画像

(小畑久五郎)書翰控 ヘンリー・エム・ウォルフ宛 一九三〇年九月二七日
    一千九百三十年九月廿七日  秘書 小畑久五郎
右得貴意度如此御座候 敬具