

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
5節 外賓接待
11款 イギリス皇太子エドワード歓迎

第39巻 p.5-14(DK390001k) ページ画像




集会日時通知表 大正一一年(DK390001k-0001)
第39巻 p.5-6 ページ画像

集会日時通知表 大正一一年      (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
四月八日 土 午後二時―三時 英皇太子歓迎委員学生、向・斉藤両氏来約(兜町)
四月十三日 木 午後四時  英国大使館主催
四月十五日 土 午後四時  英国協会井上侯爵ヨリ御案内(同侯邸)(英太子殿下御台臨)
四月十七日 月 午後八時半 東京市長ヨリ御案内(帝劇)英国皇太子殿下御歓迎(エンビフク本綬佩用)
四月十八日 火 正午    英国皇太子殿下平和博御成ニ付御出向(同博覧会)(第一会場平和館)
        午後四時  英国皇太子殿下歓迎学生大会(日比谷公園)
四月廿一日 金 午後七時  三井男爵ヨリ御案内(麻布今井町同邸)
 - 第39巻 p.6 -ページ画像 
五月三日 水 午後五時   英太子殿下歓迎学生大会ヨリ御招待(富士見軒)

東京朝日新聞 第一二八七九号大正一一年四月一四日 【英国皇太子殿下には十三…】(DK390001k-0002)
第39巻 p.6 ページ画像

東京朝日新聞 第一二八七九号大正一一年四月一四日

東京朝日新聞 第一二八八一号大正一一年四月一六日 【英太子は徳川邸の午餐会…】(DK390001k-0003)
第39巻 p.6 ページ画像

東京朝日新聞 第一二八八一号大正一一年四月一六日

東京朝日新聞 第一二八八四号大正一一年四月一九日 若き『武』の日本に御感動 残桜の日比谷で光栄の学生達(DK390001k-0004)
第39巻 p.6-7 ページ画像

東京朝日新聞 第一二八八四号大正一一年四月一九日
 - 第39巻 p.7 -ページ画像 

Japan Advertizer[Japan Advertiser] No. 9.798 April 19, 1922 STUDENTS OF TOKYO GREET ROYAL GUEST(DK390001k-0005)
第39巻 p.7-11 ページ画像

Japan Advertizer No. 9.798 April 19, 1922
    Thousands Give Prince of Wales Noisy,
    Demonstrative Reception at Hibiya Park
     Asks to Meet Student Committee --
   Is Greatly Interested in Athletic Contests Staged
  "Arigato de Gozaimasu!"
  This Japanese phrase, pronounced clearly and forcefully by the heir to the Throne of Great Britain, was the signal for a most enthusiastic and demonstrative banzaiing and waving of flags by some 20,000 students, boys and girls, in Hibiya Park yesterday afternoon.
  The Prince of Wales for a very crowded half hour was the guest of the students of all the normal schools, colleges and universities in Tokyo. The students, in long narrow lanes, were massed in a big square in front of an attractive pavilion built at the edge of the shrubbery facing the big gravel open space in the park. At the head of each column of students was a placard giving the name of the school or college in both English and Japanese, the English for the distingushed guest and his suite and the Japanese on the reverse side for the students to find their places by.
  The Prince made an address from the pavilion and was
 - 第39巻 p.8 -ページ画像 
able to reach with his voice representatives of every school.
  The students had arrived early in the afternoon and were arranged according to schools when the Prince arrived by motor at a little before 4:30 o'clock. As the big red motor car swung into the park His Royal Highness was given a noisy demonstrative reception. The file of half a dozen cars made the round of the big assembly to the pavilion, the Prince and his suite then ascending to the platform. There again he received enthusiastic cheers from the admiring young people, and again as before rewarded them with a smile and frequent salutes.
         Prince Faces Inspiring Sight
  Standing on the platform, his slender figure in the closely fitting naval uniform was clearly outlined against the white background so that the thousands of students had a good view of their guest; and in turn the Prince himself faced an inspiring sight--the immense gathering of students, all cheering lustily and waving small British flags with the word "Welcome" written on them, and over the whole gathering long streaming ropes of flags extended from the tops of two tall poles much as big ocean liners or battleships are dressed.
  As the Prince arrived on the platform and sureveyed the gathering, the band struck up "God Save the King" and he saluted until it was finished. Baron Sakatani, chairman of the committee for the 70,000 students whose welcome was being given in the park yesterday, greeted the Prince and delivered the address of welcome.
  At the end of the address the Royal guest bowed in recognition and immediately stepped forward to deliver in a strong voice his response, expressing his sincere thanks for the reception he had received and his pleasure "to meet those of my own age." "The welcome given me today by so many of the rising generation of Japan is an event in my visit that I shall never forget," he declared, and in conclusion expressed the wish "that your future careers may not only bring you individual success and happiness, but prove of real and lasting benefit to the land in which you dwell."
  Six students, a special presentation committee which had stood in a small row directly in front of the platform, ascended the pure white steps and presented the Prince with two plain wooden boxes, one of which contained the address which Baron Sakatani had read and the other the complete list of the 70,000 students who were represented by those present. The Prince touched the boxes and acknowledged the gifts briefly.
        Student Committee Presented
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  The band, which was in another pavilion about 100 yards from the one the Prince occupied, played the "Kimigayo, " and the Prince of Wales was the first on the platform to bring his hand to salute. After the completion of the anthem he expressed the wish to have the members of the students' committee presented to him. They again ascended the steps, and the Prince shook hands with each cordially, the small group of students in their dark blue school suits mixing for a few minutes with the uniformed officers on the platform. Then another wild demonstration, and the Prince and his suite went to their waiting motors and were taken to another place in the park to see an exhibition of fencing and wrestling.
  This exhibition the Royal visitor seemed to thoroughly enjoy, smiling, watching first one portion of the field and then another and frequently asking for information about something he had seen.
  Two fields, each containing between 150 and 200 students, were immediately in front of platform erected for the Royal party. On the one to the left the fencing ("Kendo") was held and on the right 100 pairs of youths were exhibiting Japan's art of Judo. The fencing was the ancient Japanese sport now practised for exercise in most of the universities of the Empire, partaking of the nature of the jousting tournaments of feudal Europe. Sides were lined up, the youths dressed in padded helmets, heavy wire masks, breast plates and padded gloves and armed with bamboo clubs four or five feet long.
  The signal was given and with shouts the sides rushed at each other and entered into fierce combat, fencing and clubbing each other unmercifully.
  Some bruised shoulders and arms and a few well bumped heads must have been among the results of the exhibition. When the fight seemed to have been won by one side or the other, drums were beat and new contestants entered into a new engagement, four sections thus presenting a continuous and lively sight.
  The Judo men were dressed in loosely fitting, white clothes, with black belts around their waists. They were on a field of mats, and they engaged in individual encounters, demonstrating all the tricks and holds of Japanese native wrestling and constantly throwing each other with thuds on the mats.
  The individual encounters or matches were quick and short, for as soon as a man got his hold he immediately threw his opponent violently. After some minutes at a signal all went to the carpet and demonstrated the follow holds by which
 - 第39巻 p.10 -ページ画像 
 initial victories of throwing the opponent should be followed up on the floor.
       Great Ovation on Departure
  The Prince was given ovation after ovation as he left the sports pavilion, entered his motor car and left the park, and he showed his pleasure at the cheering and flag waving by friendly smiles and salutes.
  The whole reception and exhibition was planned, arranged and carried out by students. It was a student function throughout and was a tribute to the abilities and initiative of Japanese students both in the way it was planned and in its execution. The pavilions and arrangements were all designed by students; student committeemen instead of police were in active charge; a student band of 120 pieces creditably furnished the music; students gave the wrestling and fencing exhibitions, and students presented the gifts. They were just students, and they tried in no way, by assumption of too much authority, by dress or otherwise to make it appear as if they were anything else. Courteous but firm, they discharged efficiently the duties ordinarily performed by police. A foreign professor in his eagerness to witness some little scene stepped too far out of the ranks; a student courteously asked him to get back into ranks, and many other details demonstrated the efficiency and courtesy of the student management.
  After the Prince had left the big crowd dispersed, but a large portion of it gathered again around the band stand and enjoyed a concert by the student band.
  In the evening another large student crowd gathered in the park to see motion pictures of the Prince of Wales in Tokyo.
         Baron Sakatani Speaks
  The address Baron Sakatani delivered in welcoming the Royal guest said:
  "Your Royal Highness the Prince of Wales:
  "Your Highness has arrived safely in our country after a long journey. We, who for a long time have pictured your glorious countenance to ourselves and loved and revered you, are exceedingly rejoiced.
  "Moreover, we have no word to express our gratitude for your kind presence at this welcome meeting to-day.
  "When our Imperial Highness the Crown Prince visited your country, you personally guided and entertained him. We can never forget that, and feeling deep emotion especially at this occasion, we respectfully express our gratitude.
  "It seems that the post-bellum world has seen a dawn of
 - 第39巻 p.11 -ページ画像 
 universal peace and that there is a trend to develop a new and better civilization.
  "At this very moment we fortunately welcome Your Highness, young and noble, and on whose shoulders the future of Great Britain rests, we cannot help feeling in high spirits.
  "The world knows that Your Highness, wise and glorious, has always exerted yourself for the prosperity of your country and the happiness of the human race.
  "We, the students of Japan, especially expect much from your youth, vigor and wisdom, for the spirit of youth and vitality in new life are indispensable factors in every country and at all times, and we ardently wish for your best health and great success.
  "We are mere students, and, being poorly equipped both intellectually and financially are afraid that there may be some serious faults in our manner of welcoming you. We believe, however, our sincerity does not fall behind that of any one else and beg that Your Highness would approve our genuine inmost feelings toward you."
        His Royal Highness Replies
  Replying the Prince of Wales said to thronged park:
  "I greatly appreciate the words in which the President of the Japanese Students Association has greeted me on your behalf, and I thank you sincerely for the manner in which you have received me here this afternoon.
  "It is always a great pleasure to me to meet those of my own age, and the welcome given me to-day by so many of the rising generation of Japan is an event in my visit that I shall never forget.
  "In your hands you hold the future as a book wherein you can write what you will; it is to your determination, industry and patriotism that Japan will look in the years that lie ahead. I feel sure that you will follow the worthy example of your predecessors, who have brought this Island Empire to its present high position in the world, and my most earnest wish is that your future careers may not only bring you individual success and happiness but prove of real and lasting beneft to the land in which you dwell."

東京朝日新聞 第一二八八七号大正一一年四月二二日 「紅葉狩」を台覧 英太子殿下三井邸御成(DK390001k-0006)
第39巻 p.11-12 ページ画像

東京朝日新聞 第一二八八七号大正一一年四月二二日
 - 第39巻 p.12 -ページ画像 

竜門雑誌 第四〇八号・第五七―五九頁大正一一年五月 ○英太子歓迎レセプシヨン(DK390001k-0007)
第39巻 p.12-13 ページ画像

竜門雑誌 第四〇八号・第五七―五九頁大正一一年五月
○英太子歓迎レセプシヨン 英国皇太子殿下には、昨年我皇太子殿下御訪英に対する御答礼並御見学の為め、四月十二日午前十時四十五分御入京被遊たるに依り、英国大使館にては翌十三日午後四時より歓迎レセプシヨンを催し、本邦知名の諸氏並外交団及在留英人等六百余名を招待する所あり、依りて青淵先生にも参候の上、謁を賜ひ、親しく握手の栄に浴されたりと云ふ。
○英太子歓迎園遊会 英国皇太子殿下には四月十五日午後四時より内田山なる井上侯爵邸に成らせられ、同侯夫妻並に日英協会主催の園遊会に臨まれたる由なるが、当日は青淵先生にも出席せられたりと云ふ
○英太子の平和記念東京博覧会御成 平和記念東京博覧会にては四月十八日午前十時三十分、英国皇太子殿下の台臨を仰ぎ、総裁閑院宮殿下を始め会長宇佐美勝夫氏、協賛会長青淵先生其他諸員参列の上奉迎式を挙行し、宇佐美会長より奉迎文を捧呈し、殿下の御答辞あり、終つて総員起立裡に御退場、総裁宮殿下の御案内にて各館御巡覧の上、十一時五十分御帰還遊されたる由。
○英太子歓迎学生聯合会 都下各大学及専門学校学生等は、今般来朝の英太子殿下歓迎の為め、我国に於ける学生々活の一端を表はす趣旨を以て、武道の演技を台覧に供すべく、英太子歓迎学生聯合会を組織し、本部を文部省に置き、委員長に阪谷男爵、事務監督に文部省社会教育課長乗杉嘉寿氏、又顧問に青淵先生・藤山雷太・和田豊治・江口定条・有賀長文の五氏を推し、更に準備委員として右各学校長並に後藤市長を挙げ、尚学生側より準備委員を設け、三月十六日文部省修文館に於ける打合会を始として屡々会合を催し、歓迎当日の順序其他に関して具体的の協議を遂げ、且右に要する費用支弁の為め各校並に一般有志の寄附を仰ぐことゝし、之が実行に着手したる由なるが、右は昨年東宮殿下の御訪英の砌、彼地の学生等が国技たる漕艇其他の体育競技を台覧に供し、長途の御旅情を慰め奉りしに酬ゆる為めなりと云ふ。
○東京市主催英太子奉迎会 東京市主催の英国皇太子殿下奉迎会は、
 - 第39巻 p.13 -ページ画像 
○三井男邸英太子歓迎晩餐会 英国皇太子殿下には四月廿一日東京御退京の前夜、午後七時半より麻布今井町に於ける三井八郎右衛門男爵主催の歓迎晩餐会に成らせられ、東伏見宮・同妃殿下を始め奉り、三井男夫妻並同一門及来賓徳川公爵・高橋首相・内田外相・青淵先生・後藤市長其他八十余名の諸氏と共に、饗宴の席に着かせらせられ、三井男爵の御挨拶、殿下の御答辞ありて、乾杯と共に八時四十五分晩餐会を畢り、夫より別室にて席画及能楽を御覧の上、十時三十分御機嫌麗しく御帰還被遊たる由。

竜門雑誌 第四〇八号・第二七―二八頁大正一一年五月 ○英国皇太子殿下 御帰国に際して 永の御旅路一路平安なれ 青淵先生(DK390001k-0008)
第39巻 p.13-14 ページ画像

竜門雑誌 第四〇八号・第二七―二八頁大正一一年五月
△御微恙だも 在せられず、九日我国土を去らせ給ふ事は、我が国民上下の予ての所期とは云へ、無量の感に堪えぬものがあるを覚えます謹んで拝し奉るに殿下の御滞在四週間の長きに亘らせらるゝに拘らず殿下には我国民が熱誠罩めた御歓迎に非常に御満足を遊ばされたことは、我国民の以て無上の光栄とせねばなりませぬ。客年我が東宮殿下御渡英の節は、英国は挙国的の大歓迎を以て迎へられたるに対し、今回殿下の御来遊に対しても我国民の
△白熱的歓迎 は決して優るとも劣ることのなきを信じ、華府会議に於て形式的日英の同盟は破棄されましても、日英両国が相互に国賓殿下を迎へ奉つた事に依つて両国の親善は益々確保され、両国将来の保全の為めから見るも大いなる意義を生じたものとせねばなりませぬ。私は幸にも英大使館レセプシヨンや博覧会・学生聯合歓迎会等で拝謁握手の栄を賜はり、平常平民的で居らせられる殿下の御英姿に接し、只管心嬉しく存じて居るのであります、嘗て私は訪英実業団を組織し三井男を団長に、大橋新太郎氏を副団長に挙げて、大戦後の
△英国経済界 を視察する事の決して無意義でない事を主唱しました即ち大戦後各交戦国の産業悉く疲弊し、従つて我が国との通商交易も昔日の観なきが如き傾きがありましたので、彼此有力なる実業家が懇
 - 第39巻 p.14 -ページ画像 
△希望を述べ ました処、英国当局も之れを承諾して呉れましたから好機を逸せず約五十名の団員が渡英いたしました。滞英中は英国の実業団は勿論、畏くも皇室に於かせられて非常に御歓待を賜はり、殊に皇帝陛下には親しく拝謁を仰付けられ、御握手の栄を賜りました。之に対し団員何れも感喜に満されましたが、去る廿一日三井男爵家主催の晩餐会席上で、三井男と私とが親しく拝謁して其の節御礼を言上致しましたが、其際も握手を賜はりました。殿下に拝謁する度毎に御活溌な御態度に接し、唯々恐悦致す次第であります。尚ほ殿下の御帰還に際しては、永の御旅路も一路平安、御恙なく故国に御安着あらせられんことを衷心から祈るものであります。