

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
5節 外賓接待
15款 其他ノ外国人接待

第39巻 p.189-195(DK390104k) ページ画像




渋沢栄一 日記 大正九年(DK390104k-0001)
第39巻 p.189 ページ画像

渋沢栄一 日記 大正九年          (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
三月十三日 曇 軽寒
○上略 零時半三井倶楽部(三田綱町)ニ抵リ、米国ヨリ来レル機業家ノ歓迎会ニ出席ス、来会者男女五十名許リナリ、食後団長チヱニー氏ト談話シ、四月二十六日同氏支那旅行ヲ畢リ帰京ノ際、東京ニ於テ充分ナル会談ヲ為シ、日米間ノ生糸貿易ノ進展ヲ謀ル事ヲ約ス○下略

集会日時通知表 大正九年(DK390104k-0002)
第39巻 p.189 ページ画像

集会日時通知表 大正九年          (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
四月廿六日 月 午後四時半 清浦子爵ヨリ御案内(帝国ホテル)(令夫人共)(チニイ氏一行歓迎会)燕尾服

竜門雑誌 第三八四号・第五六頁大正九年五月 ○米賓チニー氏歓迎会(DK390104k-0003)
第39巻 p.189 ページ画像

竜門雑誌 第三八四号・第五六頁大正九年五月
○米賓チニー氏歓迎会 米国絹糸業家チヤールス・チニー氏一行歓迎会は、四月二十六日午後四時半より帝国ホテルに於て開かれたり。出席者は青淵先生、清浦子、山本農相、大倉・浅野・森村諸氏等五百余名にて手品・能楽等の余興あり、六時半晩餐会を開きデザートコースに入るや、清浦子爵の歓迎辞に対しチニー氏の挨拶あり、最後に青淵先生は起ちて

大日本蚕糸会報 第二九年・第三四一号大正九年六月 正直と親切とは最上の商略である 米国絹業団の歓迎会席上に於て 男爵 渋沢栄一氏(DK390104k-0004)
第39巻 p.189-191 ページ画像

大日本蚕糸会報 第二九年・第三四一号大正九年六月
                  男爵 渋沢栄一氏
 - 第39巻 p.190 -ページ画像 
 - 第39巻 p.191 -ページ画像 

渋沢栄一書翰 チャールズ・チェニー宛一九二〇年五月一四日(DK390104k-0005)
第39巻 p.191-193 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰 チャールズ・チェニー宛一九二〇年五月一四日
 - 第39巻 p.192 -ページ画像 
Baron E. Shibusawa
No. 2, Kabutocho,
  Tokyo, Japan
                  Tokio, May 14th, 1920
Mr. Charles Cheney
  c/o Grand Hotel, Yokohama.
Dear Sir :
  I feel that I lost one of the finest opportunities for doing a public good in missing my interviews with you on account of my illness.
  I take it for granted that your visit at this time to the Orient is for the silk business. As you know better than I, the raw silk export of Japan is the biggest commercial item for our country and America is the greatest consumer of the product. Here is a mighty factor either for weal or woe in the international relations between the two countries.
  If any good and solid understanding should exist between any two groups of people it must be between the consumer and producer of the raw silk of Japan. Therefore I am very anxious that there shall be a perfect reciprocity between the two parties and one of the best means to carry this relation satisfactorily is to keep the price of the silk steady, avoiding two extremes. If the producer busy himself for trying to raise the price and the consumer for lowering it, there shall certainaly come a crush, which may affect the good relations of the two countries.
  I regret very much that I could not hear you tell about your trip to China. I for one have no apprehension regarding the expansion of your business in China. Only I fear that, while the climatic and geographic advantages may exist there, the human skill along this line is quite primitive compared with ours. What I honestly believe is that America and Japan should closely co-operate, even for helping China to develop this industry. This does not mean at all that we Japanese silk manufacturers are interfering with the enterprise in China.
  I would like to urge upon you to seriously consider a project of establishing a co-operative industry of silk business in Japan. If you try to approach Japanese businessmen like Baron Okura, I am sure that you will recieve a proper attention, and I shall be pleased to do my very best for promoting this kind of work, though I am now a retired man from the active business world wherein I have moved during more that fortyfive years. For the purpose of talking over these and other matters, I planned a small gathering at my Asukayama home
 - 第39巻 p.193 -ページ画像 
on the 3rd inst., but to my great disappointment this was frustrated on account of my illness. I regret also that I cannot be present at the banquet to be given by you this evening at the Grand Hotel, Yokohama, to which you were very kind to invite me to attend. However, I feel just as grateful to you for it as though I participated in it.
  Wishing you a bon voyage, I remain
            Very truly yours,
             (Signed) E. Shibusawa

(チャールズ・チェニー)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二〇年五月一四日(DK390104k-0006)
第39巻 p.193-195 ページ画像

(チャールズ・チェニー)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二〇年五月一四日
               (財団法人 竜門社所蔵)
April 6, 1920
Copy from memory
               Yokohama, May 14, 1920
Baron E. Shibusawa
  Tokio, Japan
Dear Baron :
  In closing our visit to Japan we are obliged to leave many important things undone and uncompleted, but there is nothing that I regret more than that we have not been able to hold a conference with you. This is especially regrettable as the cause of our failure to meet has been your ill health. I hope that you will soon be restored to health and activity.
  I have noted your suggestion that we Americans should join in a cooperative interest in your Japanese silk industry. I have been much interested in this idea since Baron Okura made the proposal to us, and I am writing to him to ask him to explain to us more fully what his ideas upon the subject are.
  Aside from quesetions relating to the silk industry, I should have liked to have talked with you about those questions which are so much occupying our minds in connection with our international relationships. First I hope that it is not necessary for me to explain that I am frankly and openly friendly to the Japanese, and I should like to add that I am a life member of the Japan Society. Furthermore I believe that I am right in stating that the American people admire the Japanese and are very friendly in their feelings towards them and wish them well. How then shall we explain their objection to Japanese immigration? The answer must be found in other reasons than those of hostility or unfriendliness. I believe that this matter is not so difficult to understand as it seems to be at first sight. We must consider two different sides of the matter.
  First comes our historical experience and secondly the
 - 第39巻 p.194 -ページ画像 
economic problems involved. I hope that you will not think from what follows that I have any intention of making a comparison between the Japanese and the negro, but I do wish to point out that we have had a terrible experience with a race problem due to the great numbers of negoroes living in America and that it has taught us that there are many serious and dangerous problems which arise when peoples of different races live together. Our experience in this thing has been further impressed upon us by like experiences with our own Indians, with the Chinese and the half-breed Mexicans.
  The difficulties and the dangers of these race problems do not seem to be less when the two races in question are of equal standing, but are perhaps even more perplexing and dangerous than in cases where one of the races is inferior.
  Next comes the economic considerations. As long as the Japanese, or other Asiatic peoples, are willing to work and live under conditions which are not acceptable to our American laborers, they will look upon their presence as a competition likely to lower the American standard of living, and wages, and will oppose their entry into the country. This will be the point of view of the labor unions who are powerful, and who will use all possible means of opposing further immigration.
  As a result of these considerations, I believe that I am right in saying that it has been generally accepted as a fixed and fundamental part of our national policy that we shall oppose any further immigration of other races than our own, and I do not believe that any arguments can be used which will be strong enough to change the general public opinion upon these qusetions.
  It is going to be much easier to keep our two nations in a state of friendliness than it would be to bring them back into paths of friendship after they had become separated in sympathy by strains and differences and I can think of no surer way of creating such strains than by continuing a succession of exchanges of demands and refusals. It is essential to our mutual safety and good feeling that we should as soon as possible arrive at a common understanding upon these questions which can serve as a permanent basis of agreement.
  It is so easy for even the best of men to persuade themselves that their own view point is representative of public opinion, that it is well to get the reflection of many minds upon important matters, so that an average may be obtained which will fairly represent the truth.
  You have been so fair and generous in your understanding
 - 第39巻 p.195 -ページ画像 
of our aims, and in your attitude towards our visit to the Chinese, that I feel safe in addressing you with such open frankness, and I am sure that you will believe that my purpose is one of true friendship, and my only desire to help avoid dangerous situations.
         Yours most respectfully,
           (Signed) Charles Cheney
  Baron Shibusawa's letter was received by me on the evening before sailing from Yokohama, and much to my regret I was unable to confer with other members of the Silk Mission―except Mr. Douty―before sending an answar.
  There were no means available for getting a copy and I am therefore making this reproduction as closely as possible from memory. It may differ from the original in the working and the form, but does fairly represent the meaning.
                     C. C.

竜門雑誌 第五八〇号・第六―七頁昭和一二年一月 渋沢翁追懐談 伯爵 清浦奎吾(DK390104k-0007)
第39巻 p.195 ページ画像

竜門雑誌 第五八〇号・第六―七頁昭和一二年一月
    渋沢翁追懐談          伯爵 清浦奎吾
 生糸のことでは、その頃私が帝国蚕糸会と蚕糸同業組合の二つの会長をしておりましたので、 これについては度々お話をしたことがあります。生糸の取引は特にアメリカが多いが、その頃の日本の生糸は今日の如く改良されてゐず、看貫秤で、水分が多いとか、節が多いとかアメリカから色々註文を云つて来まして、チニー氏等五・六人やつて来たこともありました。