

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
5節 外賓接待
15款 其他ノ外国人接待

第39巻 p.205-206(DK390110k) ページ画像




竜門雑誌 第三八九号・第七〇頁大正九年一〇月 英国大使館午餐会(DK390110k-0001)
第39巻 p.205 ページ画像

竜門雑誌 第三八九号・第七〇頁大正九年一〇月
○英国大使館午餐会 英国大使エリオツト博士は、十月三日正午より同大使館に於て、青淵先生を招待して午餐会を開催したるが、席上日英通商問題に付、懇談せらるゝ所ありたりと云ふ。

〔参考〕Japan Advertiser Sept. 24, 1919. (Eliot) Has Distinguished Career(DK390110k-0002)
第39巻 p.205-206 ページ画像

Japan Advertiser, Sept. 24, 1919.
    (Eliot) Has Distinguished Career
  Sir Charles Norton Edgecumbe Eliot is 55 years of age and has had a distinguished career of which the greater part was passed in the public service, though he resigned in 1904 in consquence of a difference of opinion regarding his course of action as British Commissioner for East Africa. At Oxford, where he took a large number of important prizes and honors, he was appointed third secretary at the St. Petersburg Embassy. He served at Constantinople, Morocco, Sofia, Belgrade and Washington respectively, and left the beaten track of diplomatic service in 1899 to become British Commissioner to Samoa. In the following year he was appointed to East Africa and Zanzibar and he administered those territories with much vigor and ability until in 1904 he sent in his resignation. Next year he was appointed Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sheffield, and the following years were filled with educatinol work and with travel and literature. The range of his interests may be seen from the subjects on which he has written books. Besides works on politics and travel he has written a Finnish grammar and many papers on marine zoology. When the University of Hongkong was founded to make English education available to the youth of China, Sir Charles Eliot was appointed its
 - 第39巻 p.206 -ページ画像 
 first Principal, nad he held that position until last year when his Government despatched him to Siberia as High Commissioner.