

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
6節 国際災害援助
9款 関東大震災ニ対スル外国ノ援助

第40巻 p.233-235(DK400060k) ページ画像



44. ライマン・ジェー・ゲージ


(ライマン・ジェー・ゲージ)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二三年一〇月一二日(DK400060k-0001)
第40巻 p.234-235 ページ画像

(ライマン・ジェー・ゲージ)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二三年一〇月一二日
                 Point Loma, California,
                  October 12th, 1923
Viscount E. Shibusawa,
  Asukayama, Tokyo.
Dear Friend :
  It is impossible for me to express in feeling terms my satisfaction in learning from your esteemed letter of September 11th, that you and your family had substantially escaped injury from the unprecedented effects of the catastrophy which has overtaken your country. I am rejoiced beyond measure at your present good fortune.
  The shocking event stirred deeply the sympathies of the Americcan people. As you will no doubt learn, almost overnight ten millions of dollars was voluntarily pledged to the Red Cross for relief work, and if occasion requires, I have no doubt this sum can be easily doubled. It is said that "Out of every evil, some good may be born," and I am sure that the suffering of your people has awakened a keen sense of the unity of races, divers as these races may be in their social life and habits.
  My own mind harkens back to the days spent by the members of the "Vanderlip party" in conference with you and other representative men of Japan. I hope that all the members of that group which we meet from day to day for a week, have been as fortunate as you in escaping the great disaster. To the extent that this may be true as to Viscount Kaneko and the other gentlemen, please convey to them as you meet them, my most sympathetic congratulations.
  It is fine to note that the spirit of Japan is rising superior to the calamity. Time, the great healer, will repair the wounds your country has suffered, and from the ashes of Tokyo and Yokohama will rise in the years to come, nobler cities and a nobler civilization.
  Please convey to the members of your family my warmest expressions of esteem and good will.
             Cordially yours,
             (Signed) Lyman J. Gage
 東京市              (十一月五日入手)
 - 第40巻 p.235 -ページ画像 
終に臨み御家族様方に敬意と好意を奉捧候 敬具

渋沢栄一書翰 控 ライマン・ジェー・ゲージ宛大正一三年二月一四日(DK400060k-0002)
第40巻 p.235 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰 控  ライマン・ジェー・ゲージ宛大正一三年二月一四日
今回の災厄の報一たび至るや、貴国官民の同情翕然として我邦に集り少時にして莫大の義捐金を募集し以て我国の罹災者を救恤せられたる多大の御友情は、我国民の深く感銘して忘るゝ能はざる処に候、尊示の通り此災厄を機会として、一層両国民の親善を増進するに至りしは老生等多年両国の親善に微力を尽せるものゝ満足を覚え且つ欣喜罷在次第に御座候、右乍延引御礼まで如此御座候 敬具