

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
7節 其他ノ資料
2款 日米関係諸資料

第40巻 p.386-403(DK400122k) ページ画像




(ウオレス・エム・アレグザンダー ロバート・エヌ・リンチ) 電報 渋沢栄一宛 一九二四年八月二六日(DK400122k-0001)
第40巻 p.386-387 ページ画像

(ウォレス・エム・アレグザンダー ロバート・エヌ・リンチ) 電報  渋沢栄一宛 一九二四年八月二六日
  Radio, Sanfrancisco
Viscount Shibusawa, Tokyo.          Aug. 26, 1924
Learn with great interest and pleasure prospective visit japanese cruiser squadron to pacific coast in november stop behalf chamber of commerce and committee desire extend cordial welcome sanfrancisco for long stay as possible stop all elements here including labor anxious to show courtesy to fleet stop personally believe visit here will be helpful and will give opportunity for expressing cordial goodwill stop will you kindly convey these sentiments and invitation to proper government authorities
 Alexander Lynch
    電報          (大正十三年八月廿六日入手)
  渋沢子爵             桑港 アレキサンダー
 - 第40巻 p.387 -ページ画像 

渋沢栄一電報控 アサキサンダー、リンチ宛 大正一三年九月四日(DK400122k-0002)
第40巻 p.387 ページ画像

渋沢栄一電報控  アサキサンダー、リンチ宛 大正一三年九月四日
大正十三年九月四日             渋沢栄一

(ウオレス・エム・アレグザンダー) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二四年九月五日(DK400122k-0003)
第40巻 p.387-388 ページ画像

(ウォレス・エム・アレグザンダー) 書翰  渋沢栄一宛 一九二四年九月五日
           SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.
                    September 5, 1924
Viscount E. Shibusawa,
  Tokyo, Japan.
Dear Viscount :
  Your very kind letter of August 1st, addressed to Mr. Lynch and myself, at hand, and I appreciate very much the kind sentiments expressed in your letter.
  Mr. Lynch and I are endeavoring in every way possible to bring about a better feeling between the two countries. We agree with you to the fullest extent that the friendship between the two peoples is not only indispensable to the peace of the Orient but also to the civilization and peace of the entire world, and it is worth while to go to almost any sacrifice in order to achieve such a mighty and far-reaching object. We appreciate very much your effort on your side of the Pacific to prevent any movement to stir up bad blood against America.
  It is rumored that the Japanese Cruiser Squadron is likely to visit the Pacific Coast in November and I cabled you the following message :
  We might add to our cablegram that we believe all elements here will unite in welcoming the Japanese Squadron if they should do us the honor of visiting San Francisco.
 - 第40巻 p.388 -ページ画像 
  Your cablegram of the 4th inst. as follows has just been received :
  Thank you very much for your kindness in taking up this matter of the visit of the Cruiser Squadron to the Pacific Coast with your Government authorities and your promise to cable us as soon as a definite announcement is made.
          Yours very sincerely,
         (Signed) Wallace M. Alexander
  子爵渋沢栄一閣下    桑港、一九二四年九月五日
貴国艦隊の太平洋沿岸に巡航の件につき、閣下には態々日本政府当局者に御交渉被下、猶ほ愈々確定致候上は御電報被下候趣承知致し、御厚意誠に難有奉謝候 敬具

渋沢栄一電報控 アレグザンダー、リンチ宛 (大正一三年一〇月一六曰)(DK400122k-0004)
第40巻 p.388-389 ページ画像

渋沢栄一電報控  アレグザンダー、リンチ宛 (大正一三年一〇月一六日)
 - 第40巻 p.389 -ページ画像 

(ウオレス・エム・アレグザンダー ロバート・エヌ・リンチ) 電報 渋沢栄一宛 一九二四年一一月一日(DK400122k-0005)
第40巻 p.389 ページ画像

(ウォレス・エム・アレグザンダー ロバート・エヌ・リンチ) 電報  渋沢栄一宛 一九二四年一一月一日
  Radio, Sanfrancisco,
Viscount Shibusawa, Tokio.       Nov. 1, 1924
Your cablegram regarding training squadron just received by alexander on his return from east stop we are delighted to receive the good news and assure you that warm welcome awaits them stop please convey our sincere appreciation to your government
                Alexander and Lynch
    電報         (大正十三年十一月三日入手)
                   桑港 アレキサンダー

(ウオレス・エム・アレグザンダー) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二四年一〇月三一日(DK400122k-0006)
第40巻 p.389-390 ページ画像

(ウォレス・エム・アレグザンダー) 書翰  渋沢栄一宛 一九二四年一〇月三一日
                   October 31, 1924
Viscount E. Shibusawa,
  Tokyo, Japan.
My dear Viscount :
  I returned from a visit to Washington and New York on
 - 第40巻 p.390 -ページ画像 
 the 29th of this month and found your good cablegram of the 16th inst. as follows on my desk :
    "Minister Foreign Office requests me to transmit news Training Squadron in question will arrive San Francisco 23 January next leaving there 29 and to convey appreciation of our Government to you"
  Mr. Lynch and I are delighted to hear of your success in persuading your Government to send the Training Squadron to San Francisco and we assure you the Squadron will receive a royal welcome on its arrival here. Consul General Oyama advises us that San Francisco will be the only port at which the Training Squadron will touch on the Pacific Coast. Please accept our very sincere thanks for your efforts in this connection.
  I am sending you the following cablegram tonight from Mr. Lynch and myself :
    "Your cablegram regarding Training Squadron just received by Alexander on his return from East stop We are delighted to receive good news and assure you that warm welcome awaits them stop Please convey our sincere appreciation to your Government "
             Yours very sincerely,
            (Signed) Wallace M. Alexander
 東京市                 (十一月廿日入手)

(ウオレス・エム・アレグザンダー) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二五年二月五日(DK400122k-0007)
第40巻 p.390-392 ページ画像

(ウォレス・エム・アレグザンダー) 書翰  渋沢栄一宛 一九二五年二月五日
 - 第40巻 p.391 -ページ画像 
                   February 5, 1925
Viscount E. Shibusawa,
  Tokyo, Japan.
My dear Viscount :
  I am in receipt of your esteemed letter of December 25th, enclosing another letter of the same date, in which you have expressed the sentiment of the Japanese-American Relations Committee regarding the issues born of the exclusion measure of the new immigration law. I also note that a similar letter, to the one enclosed, has been sent to some seventy friends in America.
  I believe you have taken a wise and statesmanlike stand in the above last named document, and your friends here will appreciate very sincerely the spirit in which it was written.
  I regret very much to hear of your sickness and trust that by this time you are entirely recovered.
  I am in thorough accord with your opinion that President Coolidge in sending Ambassador Bancroft to Japan, has sent the right man at this most important time of Japanese-American relationship. Mr. Bancroft impressed me as a man of very high standards and broad vision and one in whose judgment both countries could safely rely.
  We have just completed a very pleasant week. The Japanese Training Squadron, headed by Vice-Admiral Saburo Hyakutake, has been the guests of the city of San Francisco, and we have done our utmost to show to him and his men that the feeling of the people of San Francisco is most friendly to your nation. We trust we have succeeded in making his stay here and that of his men interesting and profitable and I believe that a bond of friendship has been created between the two countries which will stand the test of any possible difficulties that may arise in the future. Admiral Hyakutake and his officers, and his men, were very worthy representatives of the great nation from which they came.
  Please let me express again my very heartfelt appreciation of your efforts in preparing the way for the visit of the Japanese Training Squadron to San Francisco.
  I have requested the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce to send a photograph to you of the official reception tendered to Vice-Admiral Hyakutake and his officers by the city of San
 - 第40巻 p.392 -ページ画像 
 Francisco, which photograph was taken on the front steps of the City Hall.
            Yours very sincerely,
            (Signed) Wallace M. Alexander
 東京市                (二月二十四日入手)
  子爵渋沢栄一閣下      一九二五年二月五日
日本練習艦隊の桑港来訪につきては種々御尽力を蒙り玆に重ねて御礼申上候、桑港市の百武中将及将校歓迎会の際、桑港公会堂正面に於て紀念撮影致候に付、写真一葉御贈呈申上度桑港商業会議所に発送方依頼申置候 敬具

渋沢栄一書翰控 アレグザンダー、リンチ宛 大正一四年二月二四日(DK400122k-0008)
第40巻 p.392-393 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰控  アレグザンダー、リンチ宛 大正一四年二月二四日
  ロバート・エン・リンチ殿      東京
 - 第40巻 p.393 -ページ画像 
右は新聞を一読し感謝の意を深ふ致候まゝ不取敢御礼の意を表し度、一書如此に御座候 敬具

(ロバート・エヌ・リンチ) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二五年二月二四日(DK400122k-0009)
第40巻 p.393-394 ページ画像

(ロバート・エヌ・リンチ) 書翰  渋沢栄一宛 一九二五年二月二四日
                  February 24th, 1925
Viscount E. Shibusawa,
  Tokyo, Japan.
My dear Viscount :
  Your valued letter of December 25th came duly to hand, and you have certainly taken a very splendid and statesmanlike position. I agree with you that our mutual efforts for friendly relations should be carried on in the same high spirit which characterizes your letter. My own convicition is that we in California should do everything in our power to secure the kindest and most friendly treatment to the Japanese residents here. I never make an address before any public audience but that I emphasize this point and I am happy to report that there is more and more of a better appreciation of the Japanese as individuals and I am looking forward to a much more satisfactory situation than has ever occurred in the past. The Japanese themselves here are doing their part more intelligently. The moral influence of this should be felt on both sides of the Pacific.
  You will doubtless be given a good report on the reception of the Japanese Fleet here. You know that we urged you to encourage the Fleet to come here, and we tried not to miss any opportunity to give Admiral Hyakutake and his men a genuine and friendly reception. The whole city participated in this attitude and I hope that there will be some helpful results from the visit.
  I do not need to assure you that I personally am doing all in my power following the consistent course which has been our policy for several years. In all of this I am more than inspired
 - 第40巻 p.394 -ページ画像 
 by your own fine attitude. It is my hope that before the year is out I may be able to come to Japan at least for a brief visit. I certainly would like the privilege of sitting down with you and discussing the whole matter.
  With kindest regards,
            Affectionately yours,
             Robert Newton Lynch,
 東京市                 (三月廿四日入手)
  子爵渋沢栄一閣下    桑港、一九二五年二月廿四日
小生亦乍不及全力を挙げて、数年来終始一貫せる方針の為に尽力罷在候、此点に於ても小生は閣下の立派なる態度に感動致居るものに候、小生は少くとも本年中には少時日本に旅行致し度希望に御座候、小生は閣下と対座して同問題につき御協議申上度と存候 敬具

渋沢栄一書翰控 ウオレス・エム・アレグザンダー宛 大正一四年六月二二日(DK400122k-0010)
第40巻 p.394-395 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰控  ウォレス・エム・アレグザンダー宛 大正一四年六月二二日
    大正十四年五月廿九日        渋沢栄一
 - 第40巻 p.395 -ページ画像 
右は疾に御礼可申上義ニ候処小生義去冬来病褥に呻吟致居候様の始末にて、心ならすも遷引ニ相及候、不悪御承引被下度候、御願旁得貴意度如此御座候 敬具

渋沢栄一書翰控 ロバート・エヌ・リンチ宛 大正一四年六月二二日(DK400122k-0011)
第40巻 p.395 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰控  ロバート・エヌ・リンチ宛 大正一四年六月二二日
右は早速可申上候筈の処旧臘以来の病気未だ全快に不至、依然褥中に籠居致専心療養致居候為め遷延今日に及候も、頃者漸く少しく快方に赴き玆に一番得貴意候義に御座候間、事情御諒察被下度候 敬具

(ウオレス・エム・アレグザンダー) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二五年七月八日(DK400122k-0012)
第40巻 p.395-397 ページ画像

(ウオレス・エム・アレグザンダー) 書翰  渋沢栄一宛 一九二五年七月八日
             ALEXANDER & BALDWIN, LTD.
               MATSON BUILDING
              SAN FRANCISCO CAL.
                       July 8, 1925
Viscount E. Shibusawa,
  Honolulu, T.H.
My dear Viscounts :
 - 第40巻 p.396 -ページ画像 
  Your good letter of June 22nd, in regard to the visit made on you by Vice-Admiral Hyakutake has just been received, and I appreciate very much the kind expressions of friendship contained therein.
  It was a very great pleasure to entertain Vice-Admiral Hyakutake and his men. One meets many men in the course of a lifetime, but I have rarely met any man that gave me such a great sense of sincerity and nobleness of character as did Vice-Admiral Hyakutake. He embodies the real spirit of Japan in a splendid way, and the fine impression he and his officers made on Vice-Admiral Wiley and his Staff, and on the people of San Francisco, will be a lasting one. If I should visit Japan again, I would look forward with great pleasure to meeting him again.
  I am delighted to note from your letter that you are greatly improved in health. I have been much concerned over the reports I have received of your condition. I trust that when this letter arrives in Japan, it will find you fully restored.
  Mr. Robert Newton Lynch and President Wilbur of Stanford University will soon return from Honolulu where the Pacific Conference has been held and I am anxious to receive from their lips an account of the meeting.
  Thanking you again for your very kind letter, I am as always
             Faithfully yours,
           (Signed) Wallace M. Alexander
 東京市                  (八月一日入手)
  子爵渋沢栄一閣下   桑港、一九二五年七月八日
 - 第40巻 p.397 -ページ画像 
右御返事旁得貴意度如此御座候 敬具
  ○Pacific Conferenceニ就イテハ、本資料第三十七巻所収「太平洋問題調査会」参照。

〔参考〕桑港日米関係委員会来翰(一) 【 ADDRESS BY ROBERT NEWTON LYNCH】(DK400122k-0013)
第40巻 p.397-403 ページ画像

桑港日米関係委員会来翰(一)        (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
            to the
            at the
        Saturday, January 24, 1925.

  Mr. Chairman, Admiral Hyakutake, Admiral Wiley, Officers and men of the Japanese and American Fleets, Ladies and Gentlemen :
  Admiral Hyakukate : no fleet of warships of your country has ever come to this port with greater anticipation or with a warmer welcome. During the days that you will stay here you are assured of a most sincere and genuine reception. It is my pleasure and important duty to interpret to you at the beginning of your visit the significance of the character of this welcome that you may know the real heart and spirit of San Francisco. The fact is that we coveted the opportunity of making this expression. In the moving and perplexing events which have marked the relations of our respective countries, we were exceedingly anxious that the real attitude of San Francisco and of California should not be misunderstood. We are especially gratified for the opportunity of meeting several hundred of the future officers of your Navy and having them see at first hand in the impressionable days of their youth something of the spirit of our city. These young men will be leaders in your country, and it is important that their knowledge of our country should be obtained at first hand and under favorable circumstances. We are therefore profoundly impressed with the opportunity afforded us to give to you, as the representatives of your great nation, a true indication of our attitude, that when you return your ships may carry to your country a great cargo of friendliness and goodwill.
 - 第40巻 p.398 -ページ画像 
  I. San Francisco is a world port. This great harbor is the first and the best point of contact with the ports of Asia. Our merchants have crossed and recrossed this ocean in dealings with Oriental peoples for upwards of fifty years. We have better opportunity for knowledge and intimate contact with your people than any other section of the United States. We must inevitably have a great influence in our own country in fixing the temper and character of our relationships, and we earnestly desire to meet this responsibility and opportunity in the best and the highest manner.
  II. This is a meeting of businessmen. You are the guests today of our leading commercial organizations. Today business men all over the world have new and higher responsibilities. The emphasis of our present-day civilization is economic. With the rapid development of transportation and communication, commerce has an increasing and dominant effect upon human life and happiness. You have doubtless discovered this fact in Japan where your business leaders, men like Viscount Shibusawa and Dr. Dan, have been in the fore-front of a great body of businessmen who are rendering priceless service to your country. Here in San Francisco we businessmen have studied with as much intelligence and sympathy as we possess the inevitable problems that have grown up in connection with the contacts between Oriental and Occidental peoples. Business is national, and whenever there is deficit or surplus business becomes international. This principle is peculiarly recognized in this organization and we have therefore applied ourselves to the end that the best minds should control when difficult and delicate problems are to be settled. The record of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce has been consistent and constant in its policy and we have encouraged in ourselves the qualities which we have on many occasions admired in you, those qualities of faith and patience in meeting the situations which grow up due to the meetings and adaptations of peoples of different cultures.
  III. The civilized world is making the most far-reaching and important decisions these days. The fundamental question which is now being determined is : Shall we always resort to force when our personal or national interests are involved or shall we face international problems in the spirit of fairness and of mutual concession? We are trying to learn some lessons from the World War. It has been somewhat discouraging that the determination to find some better means of adjusting our difficulties than a resort to force seems to weaken as we get
 - 第40巻 p.399 -ページ画像 
 further away from the awful circumstances of that terrible carnage and as we face the practical difficulties of building up some machinery which will serve well-meaning nations in the adjustment of their disputes. This country has, however, taken its stand and announced its policy upon these matters. We believe that our leaders have rightly interpreted our national spirit when they express the conviction that there is no international question, however great, which will not yield to friendly discussion, and there is no difference, however small, which may not be the occasion of difficulty or even war when discussed in the atmosphere of hostility and jealousy.
  Thoughtful men have now discovered what caused the Great War. It was not because one nation was entirely or supremely wicked and the other nations righteous, though the burden of the responsibility must certainly fall upon the chief agressor, but, as someone has remarked, the war was caused because businessmen desired profits at any price, Society demanded Pleasure at any price, and Nations desired Power at any price.
  IV. Especially we welcome here representative ships of your Navy. Nothing is more reassuring than visits of Navies to friendly countries. We ourselves believe in an adequate Navy. We think that a strong Navy is the necessary accompaniment of peaceful world commerce. We think of your ships not as an instrument of warlike demonstration, but as evidence of our partnership with you in policing the seven seas and keeping the channels of commerce open. The world has grown in population and high economic standards for the precise reason that it is possible to grow foodstuffs in sparsely occupied regions and transport them safely and quickly to populous centres of the world. No world commerce is possible without battleships, and we therefore welcome your ships as symbols of the great commerce which is growing up in this Pacific area whose resources and opportunities are great enough for all.
  We ourselves are partners with you in the Orient. The economic future of this Pacific Coast is inextricably bound up with your development and that of China. We are located in the Phillippines and we must have our part in determining the relations and developments of the many races and peoples in the whole Pacific Basin.
  V. We desire you to know that our people recognize the problems of your country. We have not looked so exclusively at our own point of view that we have failed to study your si
 - 第40巻 p.400 -ページ画像 
tuation. One of the most commendable attitudes of the human mind is to look at the other man's point of view, and we have made some effort to look at the world through your eyes. We recognize that you have an enormous population in an exceedingly restricted land area. We recognize that yon have tremendous social and industrial problems. The development of your people and the proper provision for their maintenance and happinsess presents to you perhaps even greater problems than we have had to face, and the human rights of your people is not only your concern but is part of the world's problem. It is to the interest of the United States that there should be a proper solution to all of these matters which have troubled you and the way should be opened that we may cooperate with you in finding a fair and proper solution.
  VI. So, gentlemen, we welcome you as representatives of a great country, the people of which we most greatly respect, who are partners with us in the development of this Pacific Area. Our mutual responsibilities are great and there is nothing more important than that we should deal with each other with sincerity and friendship. Recently we had occasion to receive in this port a battle fleet of the British Navy and we showed to them the same spirit and reception which we are undertaking to give to you. It is more than a coincidence that on this very spot in a brief space of time there should be the meeting of the forces of these great countries. It is my conviction that without discounting the strength and representatives upon a tripod consisting of Great Britain, the United States, and Japan. God grant that these great nations may be very strong and very just.
 - 第40巻 p.401 -ページ画像 
 - 第40巻 p.402 -ページ画像 
 - 第40巻 p.403 -ページ画像 
が、其節にも只今諸君に対すると同様の歓迎の意を表したのであります、僅かな時日を隔てゝ両大国の艦隊が当地を訪問せられたといふ事は、全く偶然ではないと思ひます、私は日・英・米三大国が鼎立致し、互に益々強く、愈正しからん事を祈つて止まぬものであります (終り)

〔参考〕日米外交史 川島伊佐美著 第七八四頁 昭和七年二月刊(DK400122k-0014)
第40巻 p.403 ページ画像
