

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
7節 其他ノ資料
4款 慶弔

第40巻 p.611-616(DK400204k) ページ画像




渋沢栄一電報控 スペリ・ディベロップメント・カンパニー宛昭和五年六月一八日(DK400204k-0001)
第40巻 p.611-612 ページ画像

渋沢栄一電報控  スペリ・ディベロップメント・カンパニー宛昭和五年六月一八日
    電報案          六月十八日御承認済
 - 第40巻 p.612 -ページ画像 

集会日時通知表 昭和五年(DK400204k-0002)
第40巻 p.612 ページ画像

集会日時通知表  昭和五年        (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
七月一日 火 午後四時 故スペリー博士追悼会(神田基督教青年会)

我等の知れるスペリー博士 スペリー博士追想録編纂委員会編 第四〇三―四二三頁 昭和六年七月刊(DK400204k-0003)
第40巻 p.612-614 ページ画像

我等の知れるスペリー博士  スペリー博士追想録編纂委員会編
         Dr. Elmer Ambrose Sperry
       Young Men's Christian Association
         Tuesday, July 1, 1930
      Mr. Hampei Nagao, Presiding
ORGAN PRELUDE……………………………………Mr. Fred Gealy
SCRIPTURE READING……………………………… Dr. Y. Chiba
PRAYER………………………………………………Dr. K. lbuka
MUSIC……………………………………………… Quartet
EULOGY………………………………………………Dr. William Axling
            Foreign Minister, Baron K. Shidehara
WORDS OF               Viscount E. Shibusawa
TRIBUTE                 Baron Y. Sakatani
        American charge d'Affaires, Mr. E. L. Neville
RESPONSE FOR THE FAMILY…………………………Admiral Hideo Takeda
ORGAN POSTLUDE…………………………………………Mr. Fred Gealy
         Baron Kijuro Shidehara
        Viscount Eiichi Shibusawa
         Baron Koi Furuichi
         Baron Yoshiro Sakatani
         Baron Takuma Dan
 - 第40巻 p.613 -ページ画像 
         Hantaro Nagaoka
         Hyo Hamada
         Hideo Takeda
         Kaneo Nanjo
         Yoshihira Wada
         Kajinosuke Ibuka
         Hampei Nagao
         Tadaoki Yamamoto
          Viscount E. Shibusawa
  Dr. Elmer A. Sperry attended the World Engineering Congress which was held in Tokyo last fall. I met him on different occasions during his stay in the city. But it seems to me only yesterday that I listened to his lively talks. This freshness of my memory of him shocked me almost to doubt whether the sad news about him might not be a dream. Dr. Sperry lost his wife last March and I know from his letters how deeply he was affected by that sad event. Two months later he follows her. Certainly this is a severe blow to the bereaved family, and I know no words to adequately express my sorrow and sympathy to the stricken family.
  Besides the invention of the gyroscope, Dr. Sperry made several hundred other inventions, thus greatly contributing to the scientific world. Needless to say Japan is much indebted to him.
  Along with this envious record in his career, Dr. Sperry was greatly interested in the promotion of peace among men, especially of goodwill between America and the Far East. He paid particular attention to the promotion of friendly relations among the peoples of America, China, and Japan.
  There is an interesting episode to illustrate Dr. Sperry's interest in this triple friendship. When he was coming to Japan for the Congress just referred to, there was a group of ten American college students on board the same steamer, on their way to China for a year's study of that country. Dr. Sperry in his amiable manner approached them and soon became their friend. He told them that China and Japan are like lips and teeth or the wheel and axle in their mutual relations, and then he asked them saying : "Have you gentlemen ever visited Japan? If not, you should stop and spend a few days to study the country. I don't intend to pry into your prviate affairs, but if it is a question of travelling expense, I shall deem it a privilege to assist you."
 - 第40巻 p.614 -ページ画像 
  They accepted the kind offer, and travelled through certain parts of Japan. At the completion of this journey, they expressed a very high appreciation to him for giving them the opportunity of visiting this country before proceeding to China. This is one of the instances which illustrate Dr. Sperry's interest in the high ideal of the love for humanity.
  The drift of the friendly relations between America and Japan is growing favorable, but we must not remit our efforts to further strengthen the mutual understanding and helpfulness, so as to insure a perfect harmony between our two countries. To accomplish this object should be the aim and duty of those of us who have survived him. When I ponder over this important question, I can not help but feel a keen sense of loss in the death of Dr. Sperry, our most trustworthy and strong friend.
  As one of the close Japanese friends of Dr. Sperry, I take this occasion to express my sincere sorrow and condolence over his death.
  ○「我等の知れるスペリー博士」ハ書名ニDR. SPERRY AS KNEW HIMナル英文ヲ併記シ、本文モ亦、前半ハ日本文、後半ハ英文ナリ。後掲栄一追懐ハ序文トシテ両文収載サル。

(エドワード・ジー・スペリ)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九三〇年八月四日(DK400204k-0004)
第40巻 p.614-615 ページ画像

(エドワード・ジー・スペリ)書翰  渋沢栄一宛一九三〇年八月四日
         SPERRY PRODUCTS, Inc.
      Sperry Building Manhattan Bridge Plaza
           Brooklyn, N.Y.
                      August 4, 1930
Viscount E. Shibusawa,
  Tokyo, Japan.
My dear Viscount Shibusawa :
  On behalf of all the members of our family I wish to express to you our heartfelt appreciation of all your kind thought at the time of the death of our father, Dr. Elmer A. Sperry. Your cablegram of sympathy was very lovely, but we are most grateful for the beautiful tribute you paid him during the memorial services in Tokyo, which you so kindly sponsored.
  Father was always a true friend and admirer of the Japanese and they have shown him many courtesies, but this memorial service was quite overwhelming and made us fell very proud and grateful… It was a great honor to have so many distinguished persons present and such marvelous tribute paid him. We cannot tell you how much we appreciated your own attendance and hope it did not cause you any inconvenience. We cannot help but feel that Father's spirit was with you on that occasion.
 - 第40巻 p.615 -ページ画像 
  Again expressing our profound gratitude, and with kindest regards from us all, I beg to remain,
               Sincerely yours,
             (Signed) Edward G. Sperry
 東京市                 (八月廿四日入手)
玆に再び一同に代り深厚なる謝意表し上げ度如此御座候 敬具

総長ト外国人トノ談話筆記集 【追憶 スペリ博士】(DK400204k-0005)
第40巻 p.615-616 ページ画像

総長ト外国人トノ談話筆記集        (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
 - 第40巻 p.616 -ページ画像 
  ○右ハ標題ノ綴込中ニ収メラル。「我等の知れるスペリ博士」ニハ右ト同文ノモノヲ「序文」トシテ掲ゲ、又ソノ英文ノ部 Dr. SPERRY AS WE KNEW HIM ノPREFACE IIハ右ノ英訳文ナリ。