

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

4章 道徳・宗教
4節 キリスト教団体
4款 東京基督教青年会館復興建築資金募集後援会

第42巻 p.283-287(DK420070k) ページ画像




(松沢光茂)書翰 小畑久五郎宛 昭和四年九月一日(DK420070k-0001)
第42巻 p.283 ページ画像


渋沢栄一 書翰 控 フレッチャー・エス・ブロックマン宛 昭和四年九月二六日(DK420070k-0002)
第42巻 p.284 ページ画像

渋沢栄一 書翰 控  フレッチャー・エス・ブロックマン宛 昭和四年九月二六日
  昭和四年九月 日            渋沢栄一
擱筆に臨み平和と幸福とに満ちたる残生を御享受被遊候様、切望の至りに御座候 敬具

(松沢光茂) 書翰 小畑久五郎宛 昭和四年一一月一九日(DK420070k-0003)
第42巻 p.284-285 ページ画像


〔参考〕(アール・エル・ダーギン) 書翰 小畑久五郎宛 一九二九年九月未詳日(DK420070k-0004)
第42巻 p.285-287 ページ画像

(アール・エル・ダーギン) 書翰  小畑久五郎宛 一九二九年九月未詳日
 - 第42巻 p.286 -ページ画像 
Dear Dr. Obata
  Mr. Saito has asked me to send you a brief statement about some of the International activities of Mr. Flecher Brockman.
  I am enclosing a brief statement which will, I think, cover what you want.
  If there is any further information I can give you, please feel free to call on me.
           Sincerely, and with best wishes
               (Signed) R. L. Durgin
    A few facts about the International service of
         Fletcher S. Brockman
  After graduating from college in 1888, Fletcher Brockman was one of the leading Student Secretaries in the United States. Within two or three years, however, Dr. Mott, realizing his ability, asked him to go to China, where for many years Fletcher Brockman rendered an outstanding piece of service Some of the outstanding leaders of the business, diplomatic, government, educational and religious circles are to be counted today among his personal and intimate friends.
  In 1915 when Dr. John R. Mott was called to be the General Secretary of the whole Association movement in North America, he asked Mr. Brockman to return and become the Associate General Secretary. Most of the time since then he has served in the capacity of Dr. Mott's most trusted and closest advisor, and also as head of the Far Eastern Section of the Foreign Department. In this capacity, Mr. Brockman has shown a most sympathetic and understanding knoweldge of Japan and the Japanese people. His leadership and influence have had a farreaching effect in improving the relationships between the Associations and the Christian leaders in Japan, China and Korea.
  Together with Mr. Sidney L. Gulick, Mr. Brockman has been one of the leading figures in the American-Japanese Relationship Committee organized several years ago in New York. They have brought together a group of men who have had at heart the best interests of these two countries, and have accomplished great results. In cooperation with the similar group in Japan under the leadership of Viscount Shibusawa and others, there has come about a greatly improved relationship between the two countries.
 - 第42巻 p.287 -ページ画像 
  Mr. Brockman's name will always be closely associated with the beginnings and early days of the Institute of Pacific Relations. He always has, and still does maintain a very deep interest in this means of improving the information and knowledge people have about the peoples of the Pacific.
  Following the great disaster of the Kwanto region in 1923, Mr. Brockman, as Dr. Mott's chief Associate, bore a large share of the burden of securing the funds which have since then been sent to Japan for the purpose of reconstruction and relief. Also in making possible the present Tokyo Y. M. C. A. building, Mr. Brockman deserves great credit.
  It is not too much to say the Mr. Brockman's heart and deepest interests lie here in the Orient, and in the improvement of relationships between the people of the Occident and those of the Orient.