

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

8章 軍事関係諸事業
1節 第一次世界大戦関係
4款 聯合国傷病兵罹災者慰問会

第48巻 p.572-577(DK480158k) ページ画像




中外商業新報 第一一七五六号 大正七年一二月一九日 ○聯軍慰問完了 十八日会務報告終る(DK480158k-0001)
第48巻 p.572 ページ画像

中外商業新報  第一一七五六号 大正七年一二月一九日

東京日日新聞 第一五一五一号 大正七年一二月一九日 慰問会々務完了(DK480158k-0002)
第48巻 p.572-573 ページ画像

東京日日新聞  第一五一五一号 大正七年一二月一九日
 - 第48巻 p.573 -ページ画像 

〔参考〕ルーズヴェルト氏の日本観 渋沢栄一編訳 訳文第四五―五一頁 大正九年刊(DK480158k-0003)
第48巻 p.573-574 ページ画像

ルーズヴェルト氏の日本観 渋沢栄一編訳
  金額      寄贈先
 金拾八万四千弗  大英国
 金拾八万四千弗  仏蘭西
 金拾八万四千弗  露西亜
 金拾八万四千弗  伊太利
 金拾八万四千弗  白耳義
 金六万弗     塞爾比亜
 金六万弗     羅馬尼亜
 - 第48巻 p.574 -ページ画像 

 - 第48巻 p.575 -ページ画像 

〔参考〕ルーズヴェルト氏の日本観 渋沢栄一編訳 英文第三一―三八頁 大正九年刊(DK480158k-0004)
第48巻 p.575-577 ページ画像

ルーズヴェルト氏の日本観 渋沢栄一編訳
  Japan, alone among the Allies, has borrowed no money from the United States; and she has lent hundreds of millions to the other allied nations. The Japanese have made a record in war charities during the last four years which is of really extraordinary finenss and disinterestedness. The women of Japan used the same methods for raising money to be sent to Belgium and Serbia and elsewhere that our own women did. They had their "Japan Belgian Relief Society", their "Japan Serbian Relief Society", &c. They sent $150,000 to the Italian refugees who lost their homes when the Teutonic armies invaded Italy. Stimulated by these smaller but very active organizations, a movement was started which spread from end to end of the empire and then across to Korea. Its title is "The Japanese Association for Aiding the Sick and Wounded Soldiers and Others Suffering from the War with Allied Countries." Its President is Prince Iyesato Tokugawa, President of the House of Peers. The Vice President is Baron Shibusawa, the financier so well known in this country. The fund collected amounted to $1,000,000 and was distributed as follows:
  To Great Britain ……… $ 184,000
  France ……………………  184,000
  Russia ……………………  184,000
  Italy ……………………  184,000
  Belgium …………………  184,000
  Serbia ……………………  60,000
  Rumania ……………………  60,000
  Ordinarily funds of this size and character are distributed by a committee, but this association adopted a less expensive and much more modern method. The money was sent to the Japanese official representatives in the various countries. A pamphlet was published in Japanese and in English under the title "Japan to Her Allies", which stated the purposes of the association and also included articles written by leading men of the country, in which they set forth their sympathy with all the sufferers, their opinion of Germany's responsibility for the war, and her abomin
 - 第48巻 p.576 -ページ画像 
able methods of conducting it, and their belief in the ultimate victory of the Allies. It is a remarkable publication, nothing quite equal to it has originated in any of the Occidental countries. The quality of the pamphlet is shown by the following quotation from the dignified and impressive statement of Count Terauchi, the Prime Minister and official spokesman of the Japanese people: "Far removed as the Empire of Japan is from the centre of action, and little as the people of Japan have suffered in comparison with their European allies, Japan and her people, none the less, know the meaning of war, and are able, therefore, to appreciate the sufferings and sacrifices of their allies as their own. The people of Japan feel themselves one with the people of the invaded countries, just as the people of the Allies do. They are one in sympathy and in the fight for international justice, and stand ready to share the hardships of the struggle to the fullest extent. *** As the Prime Minister of Japan it is my privilege and pleasure hereby to express the sympathy and good-will of the people of Japan for the allied armies and peoples in this day of trial. *** Though the amount contributed may seem no more than a mere trifle in comparison with the need of the suffering nations, the heartfelt sympathy and admiration of a whole nation go with it. Those who receive the gift from Japan may well look upon it as the widow's mite that means more than all the offerings of the rich."
  There is not time in this message to discuss fully our proper relations to Japan; I have set them forth as I see them ― and as I see our proper position as regards all our international relations ― in my book "Fear God and Take Your Own Part." But there is always time to point out the elemental fact that this country should feel for Japan a peculiar admiration and respect, and that one of the cardinal principles of our foreign policy should be to secure and retain her friendship, respect, and good-will. There is not the slightest real or necessary conflict of interest between the United States and Japan in the Pacific; her interest is in Asia, ours in America; neither has any desire or excuse for acquiring territory in the other continent. Japan is playing a great part in the civilized world; a good understanding between her and the United States is essential to international progress, and it is a grave offense against the United States for any man by word or deed to jeopardize this good understanding.
  The case has been put in a nutshell in Viscount Ishii's eloquent and appealing address at Fair Haven, Mass., on July 4, which he closed with these words:
  We trust you, we love you, and, if you will let us, we will
 - 第48巻 p.577 -ページ画像 
 walk at your side in loyal good-fellowship down all the coming years.
  All good Americans should act toward Japan in precisely the spirit shown toward America by this able and eloquent Japanese statesman.

  3. There are some discrepancies between the figures given in the text and those taken from the official statement in regard to the contributions Japan made towards the relief of the sick and wounded soldiers and others suffering from the War. The following figures are taken from the official records and amount to the sum of one million nine hundred and forty thousand yen (\ 1,940,000):
  The contribution for Russia and Rumania were withheld for a certain reason.