

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.7

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
2節 米国加州日本移民排斥問題
3款 日米関係委員会

第34巻 p.418-454(DK340047k) ページ画像




日米関係委員会往復書類 (一)(DK340047k-0001)
第34巻 p.418-422 ページ画像

日米関係委員会往復書類 (一) (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
拝啓益御清適奉賀候、然ハ予テ御深慮ヲ煩シ居候米国新移民法実施ニ対スル本会ノ方針ニ付テハ、爾来種々考慮仕候上、此程小数委員ノ意見ヲモ聴取致、別紙ノ通相決シ、ギユーリツク博士外七十名ノ米国友人諸氏ニ発送致候間供貴覧候 敬具
  大正十三年十二月三十一日  日米関係委員会
                 常務委員 渋沢栄一
                 同    藤山雷太
                 December 25, 1924.
My dear Sir,
  I feel sorry to say that to our mutual regret the year now drawing to a close has witnessed a most lamentable episode in the relations between our two countries. It was a sad blow to all friends of good relations between the two nations.
  The situation created by the passage of the Immigration Law with the unfortunate anti-Japanese clause, is indeed a serious one, requiring as it does very careful handling.
  My present purpose in writing you is not to discuss the subject at any length, but just to bring to your attention one or two things.
  First, let me thank you for the very courageous and generous manner in which you stuck to your gun of friendship and justice throughout the dark hours of the present crisis. Indeed the noble attitude of fearless devotion to the cause of righteousness and international understanding which so many of American leaders of thought and action maintained, has deeply touched our grateful hearts. It was our chief source of comfort and encouragement in moments otherwise entirely disheartening.
 - 第34巻 p.419 -ページ画像 
 It was, indeed, a gleam in darkness that assured us of light and day beyond, and it mightily strengthened our firm belief in the ultimate straightening out of all the tangles and knots that now interfere with the smooth run of friendship between the two countries.
  I am thus happy to assure you that we are not only unshaken but strengthened in our faith in the ultimate triumph of forces working for peace and goodwill between our two nations. At the same time it must be borne in mind that matters have entered upon a stage where extreme care and circumspection is incumbent upon us Japanese workers in the cause of mutual friendship. We hold that the immigration question has not been settled and will not be settled until it is settled right, but the official American view is that it is a closed issue. Under the circumstances, therefore, any activity on our part with a view to securing a settlement less offensive to our national susceptibility will be bound to create suspicion and miscomprehension among your countrymen, who will consider such activity as an attempt at interfering with their internal affairs. Nor does our sense of national dignity permit us to go to America hat in hand and implore her special favour in this or any other matter. Whatever action may be needed for getting the existing legislative arrangement rectified must originate in America and among American people themselves.
  Trusting, therefore, entirely upon the initiative and perseverance of our American friends, who, for the sake of their traditional principles of justice and equality as much as for the sake of friendship for us, are, we are happy to learn, already bestirring themselves in this matter, I wish to beg you to understand that the members of the important body, as whose spokesman I am writing, will for the present abstain from all activities in connection with this question.
  I need not assure you that this passive attitude on our part does not in any way imply any weakening of our enthusiasm for the cause of friendship between our two nations. Far from it, we are more than ever resolved in our intentions to do our best for bringing the two countries closer together, which we consider as a duty we owe not only to our country or yours but to the progress and welfare of the whole world.
  You will, therefore, find us always ready to respond to your call whenever you think that for the promotion of your great task we can be of any use to you free from the risk of engendering any injurious misconception or providing weapons to mischiefmakers.
 - 第34巻 p.420 -ページ画像 
  In conclusion, let me thank you once more for your very sympathetic attitude throughout the painful crisis.
  With warmest regards from myself and all my colleagues, and with hearty greetings of the season,
          I remain,
            Yours very truly,
              (Signed) E. Shibusawa.

      The List of the Names of the Gentlemen to whom the letters of Viscount Shibusawa of December 25, 1924, were despatched.
Mr. W. F. Frear, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Governor W. R. Farrington,  do.
Mr. A. H. Ford,        do.
Prof. K. C. Leeblick,     do.
Mr. John Waterhouse,     do.
Mr. Robert N. Lynch, San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, San Francisco.
Mr. Chester H. Rowell,    do.
Mr. Robert Dollar,      do.
Mr. H. H. Guy,        do.
Dr. Benj. I. Wheeler, University of California, Berkeley, Calif.
Senator Charles B. Bills, Sacramento, Calif.
President Blaisdell, Pomona College, Claremont, Calif.
Mr. E. C. Bellows, 1422 Gramercy Place, Los Angeles, Calif.
Mr. C. C. Pierce, 810 South Flower St., Los Angeles, Calif.
Mr. Henry Chamberlain, 735 Van Nuys Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif.
Mr. Samuel Hill, Seattle, Wash.
Judge Thomas Burke, do.
Mr.O. M. Clark, Portland, Oregon.
Mr. Lionberger Davis, St. Louis, Mo.
Dr. Shailer Mathews, Chicago University, Chicago, I11.
Dr. Paul Goode, Chicago University, Chicago, I11.
Mr. Rodman Wanamaker, Philadelphia, Pa.
Mr. E. M. Herr, Westinghouse Electric Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
President Butler, Columbia University, New York City.
Dr. H. E. Fosdick, Union Theological Seminary, New York City.
Mr. Charles Mitchel, National City Bank, New York City.
Dr. George W. Wickersham, Wall St., New York City.
Mr. Don C. Seitz, "The World," New York City.
Dr. William Axling, American Baptist Mission, 276 5th Ave., New York City.
 - 第34巻 p.421 -ページ画像 
Dr. James H. Franklin, American Baptist Mission, New York City.
Dr. John R. Mott, Y. M. C. A. Headquarters, New York City.
Mr. Royall A. Osborn, Westinghouse Electric Co., New York City.
Mr. Charles Cheney, South Manchester, Conn.
Dr. Elmer A. Sperry, Brooklyn, New York City.
Mr. James A. Goldsmith, Silk Merchant Association, New York City.
Mr. George Eastman, Rochester, N. Y.
Mr. Morton Prince, Boston, Mass.
Dr. Charles Eliot, do.
Mr. J. B. Millet, do.
Mr. Hamilton Holt, "The Independent," New York City.
Dr. Sidney L. Gulick, New York City.
Mr. Frank C. Atherton, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Dr. A. L. Dean, do.
Mr. W. Dillingham, do.
Mr. Wallace M. Alexander, San Francisco, Calif.
Dr. David Starr Jordan, Stanford University, Calif.
Mr. W. T. Sesnon, San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, San Francisco.
Mr. W. N. Moore, do.
Mr. J. D. Lowman, Seattle, Wash.
Mr. Cowin S. Shank, do.
Mr. E. G. Griggs, Tacoma, Wash.
Mr. Harry. E. Byram, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co., Chicago.
Mr. W. F. Hypes, The Marshal Field, Chicago, I11.
Dr. A. W. Palmer, Oak Park Congregational Church, Chicago, I11.
Mr. Howard Heinz, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Mr. Roland S. Morris, Philadelphia, Pa.
Mr. Julian Street, Princeton, N. J.
Judge Elbert H. Gary, New York City.
Mr. Frank A. Vanderlip, Scarborough-on-Hudson, N. Y.
Mr. Darwin P. Kingsley, New York Life Insurance Co., New York City.
Mr. L. L. Clarke, National Exchange Bank, New York City.
Mr. Henry Taft, Wall St., New York City.
Mr. Thomas W. Lamont, John P. Morgan & Co., New York City.
Mr. Paultney Bigelow, Malden-on-Hudson, N. Y.
Mr. Horace E. Coleman, Worlds S. S. Headquarters, New York
 - 第34巻 p.422 -ページ画像 
Mr. Seymour L. Cromwell, Stock Exchange, New York City.
Mr. Edward Mulligan, Rochester, N. Y.
Mr. Cyrus E. Woods, Greensburg, Pa.
Mr. Charles B. Warren, Grosse Point Farms, Michigan.
Mr. Kermit Roosevelt, Roosevelt S. S. Co., New York City.

渋沢栄一書翰 控 シドニー・エル・ギューリック宛大正一三年一二月二五日(DK340047k-0002)
第34巻 p.422-424 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰 控 シドニー・エル・ギューリック宛大正一三年一二月二五日
                   東京 渋沢栄一
 - 第34巻 p.423 -ページ画像 
 - 第34巻 p.424 -ページ画像 
貴下が平和と親善との為に不屈不撓の御努力を以て終始せらるゝ事に対し重ねて感謝の意を表し候 敬具
 追而六月十一日附貴翰正に落手、此機会に於て厚く御礼申上候、此れ迄返事を遅延致したるは誠に申訳御座無く何卒御容赦被下度候、事情変化致候為め当方の態度を決するに時を費し候次第に付、何卒本状並に同封の書類を以て六月十一日附の貴翰に対する返書と御了承被下度候 以上

渋沢栄一書翰 控 ウォレス・エム・アレグザンダー宛大正一三年一二月二五日(DK340047k-0003)
第34巻 p.424-425 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰 控 ウォレス・エム・アレグザンダー宛大正一三年一二月二五日
乍末筆貴下並に御家族に対し季節の御挨拶を申上候 敬具
 - 第34巻 p.425 -ページ画像 

渋沢栄一書翰 控 ジョージ・ダブリュー・ウィカシャム宛大正一三年一二月二五日(DK340047k-0004)
第34巻 p.425 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰 控 ジョージ・ダブリュー・ウィカシャム宛大正一三年一二月二五日
                   東京 渋沢栄一
右御挨拶まで得貴意度如此御座候 敬具

雑綴 (日米関係委員会)(一)(DK340047k-0005)
第34巻 p.425-426 ページ画像

雑綴 (日米関係委員会)(一) (日米関係委員会所蔵)
 桑港        ロバート・エン・リンチ
 同         ロバート・ダラー
 同         ダブルユー・エム・アレキサンダー
 同         ウォルトン・エン・モーア
 スタンフォード大学 デヴヰツト・スター・ジョルダン
 ホノルヽ      ダブルユー・ディリンガム
 ロスアンゼルス   ジェームス・エー・ブレズデル
 同         イー・シー・ベーローズ
 同         ヘンリー・チェムバーレーン
 沙市        トーマス・バーク
 タコマ       イー・ジー・グリッグス
 セントルヰス    ライオンバージャー・デヴヰス
 シカゴ       ハーリー・イー・バイラム
 同         エー・ダブルユー・パーマー
 ピッツバーグ    (代筆)ハワード・ハインツ
 同         ディー・エム・ハー
 - 第34巻 p.426 -ページ画像 
 フイラデルフィア  (代筆)ロドマン・ワナメーカー
 紐育        エルバート・エチ・ゲーリー
 同         エル・エル・クラーク
 同         ヘンリー・タフト
 同         エヌ・エム・バトラー
 同         チャールス・ミッチェル
 同         ハーリー・エマソン・フォスディック
 同         ジョージ・ダブルユー・ウヰツカーシャム
 同         シドニー・エル・ギューリック
 同         カーミット・ルーズヴェルト
 同         ドン・シー・サイツ
 同         ハミルトン・ホルト
 同         ジョン・アール・モット
 同         チャールス・チェニー
 同         ジェームス・エー・ゴールドスミス
 同         シーモア・エル・クロンウェル
 ボストン      ジェー・ビー・ミレット
    合計 三十三名

(ハリ・エマソン・フォスディック)書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二五年一月二一日(DK340047k-0006)
第34巻 p.426-427 ページ画像


(シドニー・エル・ギユーリツク)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二五年一月二二日(DK340047k-0007)
第34巻 p.427-430 ページ画像

(シドニー・エル・ギユーリツク)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二五年一月二二日
        287 FOURTH AVE., NEW YORK
                   January 22, 1925.
Viscount E. Shibusawa,
  2 Kabutocho Nihonbashi,
My dear Viscount Shibusawa:
  I wish to thank you for your important letters of December 25, 1924, the long one to me, and the carbon copy of the one sent to many others. Your statement of the situation is exceedingly clear and forceful. I am sure it will set all your friends to thinking seriously on the question of what to do, and will help them to feel their personal responsibility.
  I am especially grateful for your longer and fuller letter to me, with the more intimate statement of the situation. This will be of real help to me both in understanding the stituation myself, and in talking about it to others here. I might add that this is exactly the kind of information which I need to have
 - 第34巻 p.428 -ページ画像 
 but which it seems so hard to secure from such English Japanese papers as the Japan Advertizer and the Trans Pacific
  Thank you for your kind words regarding my letter to Mr. McClatchy. You will be interested in knowing that it is to be printed ― with some changes and additions.
  We have, of course, been considering what kind of procedure we should pursue in order to produce a change of mind among our people. The situation is very perplexing because not a few of our best citizens, who believe that Congress committed a serious mistake, even a wrong, also believe that any effort now to rectify matters would only make them worse by letting loose a new storm of abuse and misrepresentation, and in the end would get no positive results.
  They are saying with the McClatchy crowd that the matter has been settled; that we cannot possibly get Congress to change the law; that any effort on our part would raise expectations in Japan which would be again disappointed; and that therefore it will be better for us all, both here and in Japan also, to accept the situation and work vigorously for friendship along other lines.
  How widespread this opinion is among our best leaders we do not yet know, but it is by no means universal. A strong group feels that the time has now come for a real educational movement and we are accordingly making plans. The enclosed "confidential" document on "Reestablishing Right Relations Between Japan and America" shows what we are planning.
I hope before the end of February to know pretty definitely what we shall be able to do.
  Let me thank you heartily for writing so fully and so frankly. This is the only way by which we may hope to get on with our stupendous undertaking.
  With regard to your general letter to American friends, let me express my admiration for the fine way in which you have expressed your thought. You are quite right in saying that Japan's national dignity will not permit her to come to America hat in hand to ask for special favors, and that any initiative or insistence by Japan that something be done would only arouse fresh antagonism and misrepresentations here.
  Personally I do not believe that the best thought in America accepts the position that "the last word has been said." I still believe, as I have for ten years believed, that when the American people as a whole understand the situation, they will rectify it. Wherever I speak on this question I secure good responses and assurances that they had not
 - 第34巻 p.429 -ページ画像 
 understood or known the facts. Other speakers whom I know report similar experiences.
  Our Federal Council of Churches and the American Japanese Relations Committee will keep right on and in the end will, I believe, win out, although some years may be needed.
Our present objective is to secure a revision of the immigration law next winter, ― 1926. But it may be defficult to secure the necessary national education by that time.
  I trust that you are enjoying good health. Kindly give my best regards to members of your Committee.
           Very cordially yours,
             (Signed) Sidney L. Gulick
         回答発送ノ事ヲ調査セラレタキ事 但他ノ書状之参考ヲ要スル事
 東京市 (二月廿四日入手)
  子爵渋沢栄一閣下    一九二五年一月二十二日
 - 第34巻 p.430 -ページ画像 
遥かに閣下の御健康を祈り、併て委員各位へ宜しく御鳳声被下度願上候 敬具

(チヤールズ・チエニー)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二五年二月三日(DK340047k-0008)
第34巻 p.430-435 ページ画像

(チヤールズ・チエニー)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二五年二月三日
                  February 3, 1925.
Viscount E. Shibusawa,
  Tokyo, Japan.
My dear Viscount:
  I have your letter bearing date of December 25, 1924 and wish to thank you very sincerely for it. Your attitude is dignified, just and generous and I shall be very proud if your spirit is reciprocated upon this side of the ocean so that we may ultimately make amends for the very great wrong which was done (I feel without full understanding), at the time that our Congress enacted the Immigration law, including in it the objectionable Japanese exclusion feature. While I condemn that act, I do not feel that its significance was fairly understood in Japan and I have very deeply regretted that the Japanese nation has looked upon it as implying a belief, on the part of Americans, that the Japanese were, in some way, inferior
 - 第34巻 p.431 -ページ画像 
 to our own race and that they should be excluded on that ground. That I believe to be very far from the truth. We appreciate the pride of your people in your long established civilization and in your national qualities which are so splendidly shown in the recent acceptance and adaptation of modern ideas and methods, and we sincerely hope that the present misunderstanding between us can be adjusted so that we can continue the traditional friendship that we have shared these many years.
  It is not unnatural that the circumstances attending the passage of our new Immigration law have wounded the pride of our Japanese friends. In the heat of debate some harsh, unkind and unjustifiable things have been said; but they represent nothing but the opinions of the individuals uttering them. Among such statements it has even been said that the sentiment favoring the exclusion of the laboring class has been based upon the inferiority of the Japanese race to our own. Such an implication could hardly fail to arouse deep resentment in Japan, but I wish to assure you that in my judgment the action taken by Congress was based upon considerations of much broader public policy. Peoples of different races generally do not live together with complete sympathy and understanding, and rarely succeed in creating social and economic conditions which easily blend. Neither do inter-marriage and the mixing of bloods usually produce fortunate results. America has had race problems of infinite difficulty and does not wish to enter too lightly upon the solution of another. It need not now be considered whether from the ethnological standpoint your race and ours may be assimilated. It is enough at present to say that the two races, both of a superior character, are yet different. The very fact that your people have so many admirable qualities, makes the problem the more difficult. If they were inferior to ours the solution would be easier. But contact in the same country between peoples like ours, of different standards of civilization but of equal standing and power, presents possibilities of conflict, racial, social, economic and political which cannot be lightly regarded.
  The economic questions involved have already proven most serious. The Japanese of the working classes, who are the only ones to be excluded under the new law, have been accustomed to a manner of living and to a scale of compensation quite different from those prevailing here. When they come to our country they do not change their standards of living. The inevitable consequence is a competiton for employment, which American citizens can only meet by a
 - 第34巻 p.432 -ページ画像 
 lowering of their own standards, which they naturally are unwilling to contemplate. It results that the ranks of our laboring classes have been aligned upon the side of Japanese exclusion. If in the heat of controversy charges of inferiority have been made, that is not what has brought about the present situation. Except in racial and economic conflicts, our people are attached to your people and have a genuine respect and admiration for their remarkable progress in the last century and for their specific achievements. They wish to be friends and will be friends if the causes of misunderstanding are avoided, and I assure Japan and the Japanese that I and those who are of our mind will do all that we can to perpetuate the traditional friendship between the peoples of the two countries.
  I am very glad indeed to see from your letter that you keenly appreciate the delicate nature of the situation and that it has to be handled with great tact and wisdom. I hope that will lead you to understand my attitude at the present time. I have recently been approached by some of your very sincere friends who wish to enlist my interest in a new movement which they are preparing to launch and by which they hope to obtain a reversal of the action which was taken and to undo the wrong which was done at that time. In spite of the fact that I thoroughly sympathize with their desires, I have felt it necessary to advise them that I feel that such a movement undertaken at this time would be unwise and unproductive of good results and that it would, on the contray, in all probability, simply serve to stir up again a stare of acute irritation.
  As a practical matter, I do not believe that there is the slightest chance of obtaining any amendments to our Immigration law until sufficient time has elapsed for us to take up the whole problem anew. Any effort to correct the present law will certainly meet with failure, due principally to inertia and the press of many other things which are clamoring for attention. I think that to simply succeed in arousing discussion, which would be fruitless of results, would be to build up false hopes on your side and possibly give rise to new sources of irritation. I am, therefore, firmly of the opinion that it is not the right moment to take up the discussion of this subject and I am very sure that there are a large number of people who are your earnest and sincere friends who believe as I do about this matter. Therefore, if you do not find our names included with those who are earnestly but, as we believe, unwisely seeking to obtain redress, I hope that you will not feel it is any indication of coolness or aloofness on our part.
 - 第34巻 p.433 -ページ画像 
  I very sincerely believe that you and I and all others who have at heart the perpetuation of friendship and peaceful international relations can best bring about the desired result through the exercise of patience and restraint and by doing all that we possibly can to promote mutual confidence and respect through our manner of living, dealing and thinking about each other, rather than by means of legislative enactment, until such time as the atmosphere shall have become cleared, tempers cooled and calm judgment has an opportunity to assert itself again. Then and only then can we hope to conclude the matter by a revision of the legislative status. I know that this is a difficult program, but I believe it is the only one which we can undertake with confidence and safety.
  Assuring you of my great respect and consideration, I am,
          Yours very sincerely,
            (Signed) Charles Cheney
 東京市 (二月二十三日入手)
 - 第34巻 p.434 -ページ画像 
 - 第34巻 p.435 -ページ画像 
擱筆に臨み謹んで敬意を表し上げ候 敬具

渋沢栄一書翰 控 チヤールズ・チエニー宛一九二五年五月一九日(DK340047k-0009)
第34巻 p.435-436 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰 控 チャールズ・チェニー宛 一九二五年五月一九日
 - 第34巻 p.436 -ページ画像 
終りに臨み貴下より示されたる御友情と公明正大の御精神とに対し、衷心より感謝の意を表し奉り候 敬具

(チャールズ・チェニー)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二五年六月一〇日(DK340047k-0010)
第34巻 p.436-437 ページ画像

(チャールズ・チェニー)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二五年六月一〇日
                      June 10, 1925.
Viscount E. Shibusawa,
  Tokyo, Japan.
My dear Viscount:
 - 第34巻 p.437 -ページ画像 
  I have your letter of May 19, which serves to increase and deepen my respect for you and to still further deepen my regret at the unfortunate situation created by the enactment of our Immigration law, which I deplore as deeply as you do.
  I do not feel that there is any new light that I can throw upon the situation or that there is much I can add to what I have already placed before you, unless it be a renewal of my assurance to you that I shall take great pleasure in joining with your other American well-wishers in rectifying mistakes of the past when it appears to me that the proper moment has arrived.
  In the meantime I feel it the part of friendship to avoid irritating the sore or giving rise to uneral hopes by premature action. Time is the great healer and time and goodwill must prepare for us the opportunity for action.
  At this time I renew to you my expressions of friendship and respect.
           Yours very sincerely,
              (Signed) Charles Cheney
         此純潔なる回答に対してハ尚一書相答申度候、就而是迄之往復手続概略取調日本之日米関係委員会ハ目下斯く努力致し居る云々と大方針丈申通置度と存候事 七月十八日一覧
 東京 (七月三日入手)
終に臨み謹んで敬意を奉表候 敬具
 - 第34巻 p.438 -ページ画像 

渋沢栄一書翰控 チャールズ・チェニー宛 大正一四年八月二一日(DK340047k-0011)
第34巻 p.438 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰控 チャールズ・チェニー宛大正一四年八月二一日
    大正十四年 月 日
                   東京 渋沢栄一
右御回答迄得貴意度如此御座候 敬具

(アレグザンダー・エッチ、フォード)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二五年二月九日(DK340047k-0012)
第34巻 p.438-442 ページ画像

(アレグザンダー・エッチ・フォード)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二五年二月九日
                   February 9, 1925.
Viscount E. Shibusawa,
  Tokyo, Japan.
My dear Viscount Shibusawa;
  Many thanks for your letter of December 25th, Christmas Day, the day on which we were presented with the buildings and grounds for our Pan-Pacific Research Institution by the Castle family, and for which we are now looking forward to an endowment from people of every part of the city and world.I hope sometime Japan will be able to assist in this, for we
 - 第34巻 p.439 -ページ画像 
 will need every cooperation.
  I am inclosing for you some remarks that I made before the Portland Chamber of Commerce at the time of the excitement over the immigration problem here. I followed this up before the Chambers of Commerce all along the Pacific Coast, and did much to bring about protests that were made to Congress against the discourteous method in which the immigration bill was passed.
(We now have Pan Pacific Clubs or Committees in one of these Chambers of Commerce.)
  My dear Viscount, you and I have been such frank friends in Washington, Honolulu and Tokyo, that I am going to be perfectly truthful with you, and tell you that I do not believe that for a long time will anything be done to modify the law on the exclusion of our Oriental friends. I am not speaking now of the justice, I am speaking of the absolute facts. It will take much time and education. I think that within a few years the prices of vegetables and garden products will go so high in California that probably some arrangement will be made to bring over Oriental gardeners to help out.
  I honestly feel that primarily this is an economic question, but in everything if we are going to have cooperation and confidence about the Pacific, it must be a matter of give and take and generosity at all times. At our Pan-Pacific Ethical Conference in 1929, I think we could perhaps discuss these matters more amicably, as at our Pan-Pacific Research Institution we are establishing a department on the study of race problems and population. That should give us a basis, and I do wish that in this department you could help. Perhaps you might put a Japanese investigator over here who would help those from other countries to come to a scientific knowledge of the exact population that each country of the Pacific could maintain today, and the population it could maintain with intensive agriculture in operation. I think this department should likewise make a study of the psychology of the different races. Some races have wonderful initiative and some seem made only to be guided and helped by others.We should know these things scientifically and without prejudice. The Anglo-Saxon and the Japanese, for instance, seem to me to be the two great forceful bodies in the Pacific, and this should be gotten at through careful study by scientifically trained men.
  When we can know the needs of each country and its capacity for producing food to the limit, (for the population
 - 第34巻 p.440 -ページ画像 
 problems must be based on food production and possible food production), we may come to a better understanding.
  During the years that this work is going on I think the bulletins issued from time to time will help to link the peoples of all Pacific countries and promote friendly understanding. The visit here of Sir Joseph Carruthers, (the man who founded the Australian Commonwealth) is likely to have a tremendous influence in making the Australians know Japan better and understand the Japanese. He was so pleased with his racial studies here that this ex-premier is returning to spend this summer with us and is bringing several distinguished Australians.I do wish we might have some really distinguished Japanese scientist along psychological lines here by that time for the study of race and population problems. We would never use the word 'immigration' but that would be included, but psychologically, it is not wise to dwell on it at the present time. I think if this would happen, we could get scientists on this subject from Australia and one from America.
  You have done a wonderful and marvelous work in your life-time in Japan, and I hope that sometime you may be a guest here in Hawaii, and you may rest assured that we will be glad to prepare one of our best rooms in the Pan-Pacific Research Institution for you, and this will command the most beautiful view of scenery in the Hawaiian Islands.
  With greatest reverence, respect and aloha for you, believe me,
              Sincerely yours
                (Signed) A. H. Ford
AHF : A                 Director,
Incl.                PAN-PACIFIC UNION
P.S. I need not remind you that if you can get a scientist here from Japan to study the race and population problems, the better English he speaks the greater will be his influence.
Men like Dr. Sakurai, the late Baron Kanda, and my friend Tamura of Kobe and Zumoto could always wield a wonderful influence in private conversation as well as in public addresses ; and having this matter so keenly at heart as I have, it would be unjust if I did not call this to your attention. I would give anything if I could speak Japanese.
                     A. H. F.
 - 第34巻 p.441 -ページ画像 
 東京市 (二月廿五日入手)
 - 第34巻 p.442 -ページ画像 
謹而敬意を表し奉候 敬具
   ○Dr. Sakurai ハ桜井錠二、Baron Kanda ハ神田乃武、Mr. Tamura ハ神戸商業会議所会頭田村新吉、Mr. Zumoto ハ頭本元貞ヲ指ス。

(ジエー・ビー・ミレツト)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二五年二月二〇日(DK340047k-0013)
第34巻 p.442-445 ページ画像

(ジエー・ビー・ミレツト)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二五年二月二〇日
           NEW YORK
                February 20, 1925.
My dear Vsicount,
  I have to thank you very much for your letter of December 25th, which in some way has been delayed so that it only reached me a very short time ago. I have been unable to reply to it owing to the fact that I have not been entirely able to carry out all my work each day, but now that I am more restored in strength, I am beginning to catch up with my correspondence.
  I am sure it is not necessary for me to say much in assuring you how earnest my purpose is to assist in every way I can in the matter which is referred to in your letter. In saying this I wish once more to thank you for the kind references which you have made in your communication to me. All along I have believed that in the end the American people, guided by the sense of fair play, which is in their very blood, would do the right and just thing, whatever it is, towards Japan. I still believe so. I may say that I am in pretty close touch with people of varied interests, both here and in
 - 第34巻 p.443 -ページ画像 
 other parts of this country, and I can say to you most emphatically that there is a deep, strong undercurrent of dissatisfaction with the manner in which our Congress treated your country in the Exclusion Act. We do not here regard that the matter is finally closed. We cannot think so. We understand that Congressmen with loud voices have said that the issue has been settled, but the great undercurrent of public opinion here goes on saying that nothing of the sort is settled unless it is settled as it should be.
  I am, therefore, a firm believer of the fact that sooner or later the revulsion of feeling which now exists in this country in the hearts of the best people will make itself felt. It must be so, because it is in the eternal justice of things that it should be.
  It is my opinion that when the American public is aroused to the fact that the California agitators, by their misrepresentations, their unjust criticisms, their ungrounded predictions, have deceived the great mass of thinking people in this country, when that realization enters the minds of the great public in this country and gets its lodgment there, which it will sooner or later, then there will be a feeling of indignation which will startle the agitators on the Pacific coast.
  There is no question whatever that men like Phelan, Johnson, McClatchy, Shortridge and others, used any arguments they saw fit to use, made any statements they saw fit to make, whether true or false, in persuading our members of Congress that Japan was a menace to peace and that the Exclusion Act should be passed.
  In the meantime, I think the matter could best be left for solution to the people of this country. I know that there are those at work quietly who have your interest at heart. It will take time because prejudices exist which must be removed and our people must take a greater interest than they have taken in the character of the Japanese people.
  One good thing that the Exclusion Act has done for Japan is that it has roused public opinion and has shown us all how unfair we have been and from now on people are going to be much more willing to listen to Japan's side and to realize the one great fact that peace on the Pacific depends upon a perfectly complete, friendly understanding between our two countries.
Every sane-minded man wants that; every thinking person who carries his thoughts far enough wants it.
  In conclusion, let me assure you, that so long as I have strength enough to sign my name, I shall continue in the work which has occupied my entire thoughts in the last twenty-
 - 第34巻 p.444 -ページ画像 
five years.
               Yours very truly,
                     J. B. Millet.
Viscount Shibusawa
 東京市 (三月十九日)
  渋沢子爵閣下 紐育、一九二五年二月廿日
 - 第34巻 p.445 -ページ画像 
終に臨み小生が署名の筆を執り得る力のある限り、過去廿五年間全精神を傾注し来れる事業の為に、不相変尽力可致候 敬具

(ハーヴェー・エッチ・ガイ)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二五年三月三日(DK340047k-0014)
第34巻 p.445-449 ページ画像

(ハーヴェー・エッチ・ガイ)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二五年三月三日
                     HARVEY HUGO GUY
                     2515 HILLEGASS AVE.
                       BERKELEY. CAL.
                     March 3, 1925.
Viscount Shibusawa,
  Tokyo, Japan.
My dear Viscount:
  In the first place I must apologize for this delay in replying to your letter. The delay is due to a desire to have a little more definite information to give you concerning our proposed actions in the furture.
  I share quite fully your regret at the lamentable turn events have taken as they concern the relations of our two countries. You know, of course, that I stood against the enactment of the present immigration law with all the earnestness at my, command even to the extent of endangering my standing with my own countrymen. Yet I have no regrets for in the sight of God my conscience is clear.
  The Japanese question has been temporarily settled ― it is only temporary because both in method and in spirit the settlement is unjust and unfair and consequently it must come up again and again. Of this I am sure and because of this fact I take courage and continue my work ― which seems to me to be my "heavenly mission."
  For the present it is useless, or nearly useless, to make any appeal to diplomacy. We tried that once and failed. To try again would only mean to stir up old prejudices and excite old though unfounded fears. We shall have now to attack the problem from another angle and it is to that matter I am giving my best thought and endeavour.
  You will recall that at the meeting in the Pacific Union Club and again at a Conference in the Fairmont Hotel I contended for a compromise which would permit single Japanese
 - 第34巻 p.446 -ページ画像 
 men now residing in the United States to call their brides from Japan within a certain period ― say five years. I did that in the interest of the Japanese homes in America being sure that if the men were permitted to call their brides from Japan they would settle down and become industrious and law abiding residents to the mutual advantage of both Japan and America. Later in many conferences with Mr. McClatdhy and Paul Scharrenberg and others I took the same course. It looked like our cause had won. These anti-Japanese leaders went so far as to say they would be willing at least to submit the whole matter to the diplomatic agencies of the two countries. This was just before the enactment of the present inmigration law. Then something happened in Washington. Your Ambassador's letter of protest was published, distorted, misinterpreted and made the instrument of pressure to force the Congress of the United States to act in direct violation of the spirit and purpose of our agreement with Japan and the exclusion of Japanese became a fact.
  Senator Phelan spent large sums of money to do this work. He sent delegation after delegation to Washington. He, with others, sent V.S. McClatchy far and wide to stir up opposition to Japanese. A group of anti-Japanese formed the California Joint Immigration Committee with representatives from the American Legion, the Native Sons, the State Grange and the Federation of Labor. The Attorney General for the State joined them. This committee is still in existence and very active, ready to oppose any compromise which might give Orientals a better standing in the United States.
  You naturally wish to know what we are going to do about it. I think I may answer by telling you of two movements now getting underway.
  1. The Pacific Council on International Relations. This is an organization which proposes to carry on a comprehensive campaign of education along racial and national lines. We propose to call conferences and deliver lectures and circulate pamphlets which will spread information concerning Japan and other Oriental nations. This council will seek also to promote cooperation in many international enterprises.
  2. We are proposing also to organize a new Japanese Relations Committee which will be composed only of men willing to stand for justice and right to the last ditch. It is our purpose to seek to have the present alien land laws of this state modified. We may not be able to do this just now but we may affect something at the meeting of the Legislature
 - 第34巻 p.447 -ページ画像 
 in 1926.
  Something will surely come out of the efforts of these two organizations. Of course these organizations need to be continually stirred up and informed, otherwise they will do little. Here in San Francisco it has fallen to me to do this work and though it is a heavy burden to me I shall go on hoping that when it becomes too heavy my good friends will come to my rescue. This is my "heavenly mission" and I shall be satisfied when I see the relations between our two countries growing more friendly and cordial.
  These two things we are going to seek for the Japanese.
  1. A change in the alien land laws of California which will make it possible for Japanese farmers to get on with more hopefulness.
  2. A change in the naturalization laws which will admit persons to citizenship on individual merits and not on racial grounds. This is in the future but it is the fundamental settlement of the Japanese problem.
  We shall need patience in a campaign like this. It will take great wisdom and we shall need to seek advice far and wide. We shall particularly need your advice and help. Before we undertake any definite work I wish it were possible for me to go to Japan and talk all these matters over with you quietly ― in your own language which for so many happy years was my adopted language ― but I don't just now see how that is possible. Perhaps such a visit should be suggested not by me but by my frineds in Japan. At any rate I am hoping the way may open for me to make this trip some day.
  In the meantime permit me to thank you for your frank letter and may I request that you keep us informed from time to time as to conditions in Japan.
  I hope our plan of work will please you and may I request that this letter be considered confidential as publicity would defeat our plans at this time.
          With high regard,
           Sincerely yours,
              Harvey H. Guy.
               要回答 五月一日御一覧
 - 第34巻 p.448 -ページ画像 
 東京市 (三月廿日入手)
  渋沢子爵閣下 加州バークレー、一九二五年三月三日
 - 第34巻 p.449 -ページ画像 
私共の計画に対し御賛成被下候様御願申上候、尚ほ此書状を只今公表致候事は計画を破る因と可相成候へば御内密に附し被下度候 敬具

渋沢栄一書翰控 ハーヴエー・エツチ・ガイ宛 大正一四年五月二九日(DK340047k-0015)
第34巻 p.449-450 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰控 ハーヴエー・エツチ・ガイ宛大正一四年五月二九日
 - 第34巻 p.450 -ページ画像 
右貴答旁可得貴意如此御座候 敬具

(オー・エム・クラーク)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二四年一一月一八日(DK340047k-0016)
第34巻 p.450-452 ページ画像

(オー・エム・クラーク)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二四年一一月一八日
         O. M. CLARK
              November 18th, 1924
Viscount E. Shibusawa,
  Tokyo, Japan.
My dear Friend :
  A year ago today I was on board the SS "TAIYO MARU" nearing your country, and I will never forget the kind messages I received from you and other friends bidding us a safe landing and good will. Then after landing the welcome we received throughout our visit.
  Upon arrival home we did considerable work in endeavoring to block the Exclusion Act, as you no doubt have learned, but the President, even with the help of thousands of your friends, could not change the opinion of our Senate who no doubt were pledged to their labor supporters.
  I believe in the near future our President, who was strongly supported at our election on November 4th, will do something to heal the insult that was given our Japanese neighbors and long-time friends.
  I, personally, am in favor of including Japanese in the quota provision of the new Immigration Law, and have told
 - 第34巻 p.451 -ページ画像 
 my hearers so at a number of meetings where I have talked on Japan and her people.
  I quite often hear from my friends in Japan, but I am a poor correspondent and have been somewhat dilatory in answering some of their letters. I receive letters quite frequently from Mr. K. Inada, who gives me considerable news about my Japanese friends.
  I hope that the Viscountess and yourself are enjoying the usual good health and will be spared to each other for many years to come.
  I wish to be remembered to my good friend Dr. Obata.
  With kind regards to my friends whom I met through your courtesy, and wishing you all a prosperous and Happy New Year, I remain,
             Your Friend,
             (Signed) O. M. Clark
             回答済 十二月十七日御一覧
                 回答を要す 明六
 東京市 (十二月五日入手)
 - 第34巻 p.452 -ページ画像 
芽出度新年を御迎へ被遊候様祈上候 敬具

渋沢栄一書翰 控 オー・エム・クラーク宛大正一四年二月三日(DK340047k-0017)
第34巻 p.452 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰 控 オー・エム・クラーク宛大正一四年二月三日
                   東京 渋沢栄一
右御返事旁御礼まで得貴意度如此御座候 敬具

(オー・エム・クラーク)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二八年一〇月二九日(DK340047k-0018)
第34巻 p.452-454 ページ画像

(オー・エム・クラーク)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二八年一〇月二九日
       The Clark and Wilson Lumber Company
            GENERAL OFFICE
            LINNTON, OREGON
                   October 29, 1928
Viscount E. Shibusawa
  Tokyo, Japan
My dear Friend :
  I have heard from you indirectly quite often, but it has been sometime since I have received any letter directly.
  I have had a couple of quite severe operations which necessitated my spending sometime in the hospital, but I am again at my office and giving a little time to business.
  Lately I have been giving sometime to Consul and Mrs. Inou'e, helping them to arrange a banquet in celebration of the Coronation of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, which will be held on Saturday, November tenth. I am very much
 - 第34巻 p.453 -ページ画像 
 disappointed that I will not be able to attend as Mrs. Clark and I have made arrangements to leave Portland on the 9th, with a special party, for a trip to Honolulu, where I will likely meet out friend Consul General S. Akamatsu, also Dr. Iga Mori.
  It is really wonderful how you do keep up and keep interested in public affairs.
  We were sorry that your Ambassador, Mr. Tsuneo Matsudaira, was recalled. The last time I was in Washington, Mrs. Clark and I took lunch with him and his family and enjoyed them very much. We want to wish the Daughter the best of health and happiness. We also lunched with Consul Midzusausa《(Midzusawa)》 a short time ago.
  Please remember me to such of my friends in Tokyo as you may meet.
  With kindest regards to your good wife, The Countess《(Viscountess)》, I remain,
           Your sincere friend,
                    O. M. Clark
 東京市 (十一月十七日入手)
    一九二八年十月廿九日     オー・エム・クラーク
 - 第34巻 p.454 -ページ画像 
右御挨拶旁得貴意度如此御座候 敬具