

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
3節 国際団体及ビ親善事業
8款 聖路加国際病院

第36巻 p.184-191(DK360068k) ページ画像






聖路加国際病院一覧 同病院編 第一七―一九頁大正一四年刊(DK360068k-0001)
第36巻 p.184 ページ画像

聖路加国際病院一覧 同病院編  第一七―一九頁大正一四年刊
△ 大正十二年(一九二三)の三月先づ基礎工事を起し、爾来五ケ月鉄筋コンクリートに頼る礎盤漸く成つて僅かに三週日、終に驚天動地の大震火災は、同年九月一日を以て当院の事業を根底より覆がへすに至りました。本建物は勿論、看護婦養成学校々舎、寄宿舎、職員幹部の住宅、倉庫等一夜にして咸く灰燼に帰し、損害総数約七十万円の額に達したのです。然れ共当時築地一帯火焔の海と化すや、従業員一同平素の試練は此時に在矣の意気組は、聊か当院の世界に対して衿り得るものが有ると思ひます。即ち世は阿鼻叫喚の声、焦熱地獄の苦に鎖されたる裡、而も入院患者全部を例の新基礎の地下室に搬入し、幾個の霑畳を蔽ふて辛くも粉火を防ぎ、敢て一人の焼者死者を出さゞりしが如き、更に一面老若男女の別なく狂奔馳駆せる幾千の避難者を玆に収容して遺憾無からしめたる如き、其沈勇と其剛毅とは世人をして激賞措かざらしめました。時の米国陸軍大臣パーシング将軍の篤き同情は、直ちに在マニラの野戦病院一切の設備を挙げ、極めて迅速に当院へ廻送し提供せしめたので、十月十五日早くも天幕病院を施設して当時許多の負傷者、重患者且つ外来患者をも収容して殆んど平日に譲らざる応急の手段を取りましたのです。

集会日時通知表 大正一二年(DK360068k-0002)
第36巻 p.184-185 ページ画像

集会日時通知表  大正一二年      (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
十一月七日 水 午前十時 トイスラー氏来約(事務所)
 - 第36巻 p.185 -ページ画像 

〔参考〕(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰 小畑久五郎宛一九二三年一一月五日(DK360068k-0003)
第36巻 p.185-186 ページ画像

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰  小畑久五郎宛一九二三年一一月五日
Office of the Director
                    November 5th, 1923
Mr. Obata
  Secretary to Viscount Shibusawa
  Kabutocho, Nihonbashi, Tokyo
My dear Mr. Obata:
  Enclosed please find a letter to Viscount Shibusawa which I will appreciate your explaining to him when he can conveniently give it the necessary time.
  Also in accordance with your suggestion, I am glad to give you an outline of the present actitivies of St. Luke's Hospital with regard to the emergency work within our own field.
  When in the United States, General Pershing kindly ordered a field hospital to be assigned for the use of St. Luke's and this was promptly done by cable to General McCoy. In this connection, it is interesting to recall that General Pershing's eldest son was born in St. Luke's Hospital some sixteen years ago and it was a pleasure to find how quickly the General responded to our need and the promptness with which the field hospital was secured.
  On my return to Tokyo I found the field hospital in the process of being turned over for our use, and on the 20th of October patients were moved in. This morning you saw the two camps in operation and can explain to Viscount Shibusawa their general appearance.
  In addition to the hospital work, the City has asked us to have the direction of the nursing and medical attendance in connection with ten of the milk distributing stations they are establishing in the devastated parts of the City. Also we are asked to supervise and direct a maternity and childeren's hospital to be erected here in Tsukiji on part of the ground at our disposition, formerly occupied by St. Paul's Middle School. This week five barracks, one hundred feet by twentysix feet each, have arrived from the United States, which we hope to erect as promptly as possible, and, at the request of the City, we have telegraphed for five more of these barracks which should be here in six weeks, and in about two months should be ready for use. They will be used for the maternity and children's hospital above referred to. In addition, we require
 - 第36巻 p.186 -ページ画像 
 barracks for our personnel, both Japanese and American, and we are building now an operating suite, laboratory and X-Ray quarters. When the hospital is completed, it will probably accommodate between two hundred and fifty and three hundred patients. Of course these wooden structures are only to last a year or so. This, however, will give us time to decide whether it is wise to continue our plans to build the new St. Luke's Hospital in Tsukiji, or whether, especially if an arrangement is made whereby the Rockefeller Foundation uses St. Luke's as a center for the clinical development of its graduate study in medicine, we had best not move the whole institution out into some other part of the City in larger grounds.
  One more thing before closing, ― the Japanese staff of doctors and nurses showed really wonderful presence of mind and heroism during the earthquake and especially during the fire which followed that night, when not only the hospital, but every building in Tsukiji, was destroyed. The heat, as I am told, was terrific and the patients had to be placed in the foundations of the new hospital, which are some five or six feet below the surface of the ground, where they spent the night in six or seven inches of rainwater, with futons and blankets over their heads, which had to be constantly kept wet to save them from burning to death. Throughout this terrible experience the doctors and nurses showed the most sustained and selfsacrificing devotion to their charges, and I would greatly appreciate it if later the proper authorities would be kind enough to write letters of commendation and appreciation to the staff that they might realize how sincerely their loyalty and devotion is appreciated, and that some record and recognition be made permanent of their heroism. This, of course, can be taken up later but I thought it not unfitting to mention it at this time.
  With kind regards and always warm thanks for your helpfulness in forwarding the plans of the hospital, I am
             Sincerely yours,
             (Signed) R. B. Teusler

〔参考〕(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰 小畑久五郎宛一九二三年一一月六日(DK360068k-0004)
第36巻 p.186-190 ページ画像

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰 小畑久五郎宛一九二三年一一月六日
Office of the Director
                  November 6th, 1923
 - 第36巻 p.187 -ページ画像 
Mr. Obata, Secretary
  Kabutocho, Nihonbashi
  Tokyo, Japan
Dear Mr. Obata:
  In our conversation yesterday you were kind enough to say you felt confident Viscount Shibusawa would be glad to write to General Pershing and thank him for his prompt generosity in assigning a field hospital for the use of St. Luke's. I know the General would appreciate such an attention from Viscount Shibusawa very much. If you decide to speak to him about it, the follwoing facts may be of some interest in framing your letter.
  About ten days after the earthquake, having received definite telegraphic information that St. Luke's Hospital, the School for Nurses, and all other buildings connected with the institution were completely destroyed, I went to General Pershing and explained that it would be several months at the best before we could secure any shelter at all to take care of our patients and for the protection of our staff. The General was immediately sympathetic and before I could even finish the full details of the situation, volunteered to supply the hospital with a field unit complete with beds, bedding, stores, hospital supplies, equipment and surgical appliances enough for the care of two hundred and sixteen patients. He immediately telephoned to the Munitions Department, in Washington, and authorized Colonel Patterson, who also was most helpful, to cable to General McCoy to assign the field hospital to St. Luke's as soon as possible. Attached is a copy of this order sent to the Adjutant General's office, and also a copy of the additional cablegram sent by General McCoy regarding further service to the hospital so far as it lay in the scope of the army equipment available.
  It so happened that at that time General Pershing was not only the senior commanding officer of the American Army, but Acting Secretary of War, and it really was in that latter capacity he had immediate authority to transfer to us the field hospital.
  General Pershing expressed himself then and later as most deeply sympathetic regarding the terrible calamity in Japan, and asked me to convey to his friends and acquaintances here his most sincere good wishes and sympathy with them in their great losses.
  I know the General would appreciate ever so much a personal letter from Viscount Shibusawa thanking him for his
 - 第36巻 p.188 -ページ画像 
 generous and prompt action on this occasion, and such a letter comes especially fittingly from the Viscount inasmuch as he is the Chairman of our Advisory Committee here in Japan, and the one to whom we have always turned in our need, for the benefit of the work here in the Hospital.
  Will you please convey to Viscount Shibusawa my warmest personal regards and ask that at his convenience, he be good enough to send a letter to General Pershing, if he approves.
  Thanking you, I am, with best wishes,
             Sincerely yours,
                 R. B. Teusler
P. S. May I suggest in this connection that it is entirely fitting for the letter from Viscount Shibusawa to be written in Japanese and in this way it would bear his own signature. A letter of interpretation could accompany the Japanese original, and to my mind, General Pershing would appreciate even more this original document in Japanese from the Viscount, than the formal thanks expressed in English, which does not convey so directly the Viscount's facile mode of expression.
             Sincerly yours,
             (Signed) R. B. Teusler

  Copy of letter from Lieut. Colonel Rob't. U. Patterson, Executive Officer, Medical Corps, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C.
              War Department
            Office of Surgeon General
                 September 15, 1923
Dr. Rudolph B. Teusler
  The New Willard
  Washington, D. C.
My dear Dr. Teusler:
  I inclose you a copy of the message which has been sent to the Adjutant General, by which you will see that we have taken steps to make certain that the tents you will need for the Field Hospital will be turned over to you.
  I hope every thing goes well and that your hospital will be operating in sufficient time to help those who need it as a result of the terrible disaster in Japan. Feel free to communicate with me at any time that we can help you. General Ireland, who is absent, is always anxious to do anything he can to assist in any worthy project.
 - 第36巻 p.189 -ページ画像 
      With kindest regards,
         Sincerely yours,
      (Signed) Rob't U. Patterson
       Lieut. Colonel, Medical Corps,
           Executive Officer

  000.92-1 (Japan) F          rup ell
               September 14, 1923
MEMORANDUM for The Adjutant General:
 SUBJECT: Transfer of Field Hospital.
  1. The Acting Secretary of War, General Pershing, has just telephoned this office and instructed me to take the necessary steps to see that the following cable is sent to Brigadier General Frank H. McCoy, U.S.A., c/o American Embassy, Tokyo, Japan:
    "Upon the arrival of the transport SOMME you will order one complete field hospital, Medical Department, U. S. Army, to be turned over to representatives of Dr. Teusler of St. Luke's Hospital, Tokio."
  2. Will you kindly expedite this message.
    For the Surgeon General:
              Rob't U. Patterson
             Lieut. Colonel, Medical Corps,
               Executive Officer

               September 15, 1923
MEMORANDUM for The Adjutant General:
 SUBJECT: Transfer of tentage for Field Hospital.
  1. Under verbal instructions from the Acting Secretary of War (General Pershing), in which he desired this office to see that everything was done to assist Dr. Teusler of Tokio, Japan, that could be, it develops that the Field Hospital which is to be turned over to Dr. Teusler's representatives on the arrival of the transport SOMME at Japan did not have packed with it the necessary tentage. However, the Quartermaster Department at San Francisco turned over and placed on board in bulk tentage for this and other needs.
  2. In order that there may be no doubt that Dr. Teusler's representatives will receive the necessary tentage to accompany the Field Hospital, it is desired to send the following cable to Brigadier General Frank R. McCoy, c/o American Embassy, Tokio, Japan. The Deputy Chief of Staff,
 - 第36巻 p.190 -ページ画像 
 General Hines, who is acting in General Pershing's absence, has instructed me to carry out General Pershing's wishes in this matter and desires to have this message sent:
    "On arrival transport SOMME, when turning over Field Hospital to officials of St. Luke's Hospital, Tokio, representing Dr. Teusler, be sure to include tentage called for by Par. 879, Manual Medical Department, 1916. "
    For the Surgeon General:
                Rob't U. Patterson
                Lieut. Colonel, Med. Corps,
                   Executive Officer

〔参考〕集会日時通知表 大正一三年(DK360068k-0005)
第36巻 p.190 ページ画像

集会日時通知表  大正一三年      (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
一月十五日 火 午後四時 トイスラー氏来約(事務所)

〔参考〕渋沢栄一書翰 控 ジョン・ジェー・パーシング宛大正一三年二月二九日(DK360068k-0006)
第36巻 p.190 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰 控  ジョン・ジェー・パーシング宛大正一三年二月二九日
右者トヰスラー氏之事業御援助之為には候へとも、現に東京に建設する国際病院之義に付参与致居候小生としては斯の如き多大之御好意に対し、一言謝辞なかるへからすと存候間、遷延之至に候得共玆に一書を裁して、深甚之謝意を表し候 敬具
                   子爵 渋沢栄一

〔参考〕(ジョン・ジェー・パーシング) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二四年四月一四日(DK360068k-0007)
第36巻 p.190-191 ページ画像

(ジョン・ジェー・パーシング) 書翰  渋沢栄一宛一九二四年四月一四日
 - 第36巻 p.191 -ページ画像 
                    April 14, 1924
Viscount Shibusawa
  No. 1 Yaesucho Itchome
  Kojimachiku, Tokyo
My dear Viscount Shibusawa:
  The receipt of your generous message of appreciation for the little aid which I was able to render to St. Luke's Hospital immediately following the great earthquake gave me much pleasure. You may be sure that, in common with all of America, I felt a very deep sympathy for the Japanese people in their unprecedented calamity, and it was a pleasure to be able to help, even to a small degree, through the medium of the St. Luke's Hospital and my old friend, Dr. Teusler.
  I have followed with deep sympathy and appreciation your self-sacrificing labors extending over a long period of years for the promotion of better relations between our two countries. It is a question in which I am intensely interested and it is a source of great satisfaction to me to be associated with you in such a cause.
              Very truly yours,
             (Signed) John, J. Pershing
 東京市                  (五月八日入手)
  渋沢子爵閣下      華府、一九二四年四月十四日
閣下が多年日米両国親善助長の為め、犠牲的に御努力被成候事は小生の深く御同情し感謝致せる処に御座候、右は小生の深く興味を抱ける問題に有之候へば、之に関して閣下と御協力致すべき光栄を得る事は満足に堪えざる処に御座候 敬具