

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
3節 国際団体及ビ親善事業

第37巻 p.412-420(DK370101k) ページ画像


是ヨリ先、栄一、アメリカ合衆国ハワイ、ホノルルニ在ルPAN-PACIFIC UNION(汎太平洋同盟)ノ名誉副会頭トナリ、ソノ活動情況ニツキ報告ヲ受ケ来リシガ、是日付ヲ以テ、同盟理事アレグザンダー・エッチ・フォードヨリ、本年七月末ヨリ開催セラルル汎太平洋食糧保存会議ニ代表者派遣方ノ要請ヲ受ク。


(アレグザンダー・エッチ・フォード)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二三年一一月九日(DK370101k-0001)
第37巻 p.412-415 ページ画像

(アレグザンダー・エッチ・フォード)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二三年一一月九日
           HONOLULU November 9, 1923
Viscount E. Shibusawa
 Tokyo, Japan
My dear Viscount :
  I am enclosing one of the Honolulu newspaper clippings which will indicate what we are doing here to bring about better relations between Japanese and Americans.
  Our Shinko Club of the young Japanese is doing splendid work. Every week they have one or two of our leading Americans meet with them, and I see to it that distinguished Americans from the Mainland attend some of their dinners, and they are doing excellent work.
  We have inaugurated an annual Japanese-American dinner on the Emperor's birthday, at which the American who has done the most to bring about better relations between the Japanese and Americans in Hawaii during the year will be the guest of honor. We are now arranging for an annual dinner of Japanese and Americans on Washington's birthday when the Japanese in Hawaii who has done most to bring about better relations between the Japanese and Americans here will be the guest of honor.
  It is very hard to get a real Japanese-American Good-Relations society here to function, as all of the Americans and all of the Japanese seem already to belong to such an organization. For fifteen years the Pan-Pacific Union has been having these meetings of Americans, Japanese, and Chinese,
 - 第37巻 p.413 -ページ画像 
 with the result that the three races now sit down together forgetfull of the fact that there is any difference in race. Especially is this true of the young people growing up here.
  Mr. Wallace Alexander, President of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, is here and we expect to entertain him. Last week I gave a dinner to one hundred of the visiting members of the San Francisco Chamber and had an equal number of Japanese and Chinese business men meet them. No one else was invited and the meeting was a wonderful success.
  I am just now arranging a dinner for one hundred of the visiting members of the Los Angeles Chamber and as many Japanese and some Chinese. They will sit down together and discuss matters in an amicable way. Whenever any distinguished Japanese comes to Honolulu we take pleasure in entertaining him and inviting everybody to meet him and hear him.
  I presume you are acquainted with the fact that President Coolidge has accepted honorary presidency of the Pan-Pacific Union. We are all working now toward our Pan-Pacific Food Conservation Conference which, after the terrible disaster in Japan, assumes a more important aspect than ever.
  We entertained Dr. Jaggar yesterday and had an overflow meeting when he talked on Japan and the marvelous manner in which your brave people are lifting Japan to her old position again.
  I just had a wireless from our Ambassador, Mr. Cyrus Woods, and we expect to see him Thursday on the arrival of the Steamship "Cleveland."
  As you are Honorary Vice-President of the Pan-Pacific Union, I feel that from time to time I must just keep you informed of what we are doing here to bring about better feeling.
  Our hearts are full of sympathy and a desire to help your people in Japan. Let us know what we can do.
            Very sincerely yours,
               (Signed) A. H. Ford
                     PAN PACIFIC UNION
(右訳文)              (栄一墨書)
 - 第37巻 p.414 -ページ画像 
閣下は汎太平洋同盟の名誉副会長に有之候へば、当地に於て私共が日米の親善の為め活動致し居る情況に付、時々御報告可致所存に御座候私共は日本に対する同情と援助の希望を有し居り候へは、如何なる方法をとれば可なるかにつき、御一報相仰度と存候 敬具
   ○右ノ書翰ニ栄一ヲ名誉副会長ト記セルモ、副会長就任ノ資料ヲ欠ク為メ、就任ノ時日ハ未詳。但、一九二四年七月末ヨリ八月中旬マデ催サレタル、PAN-PACIFIC FOOD CONSERVATION CONFERENCEニツキ
 - 第37巻 p.415 -ページ画像 
当同盟会報New Series No. 57, July, 1924ニ当同盟役員ヲ列記セル中ニ栄一ヲ名誉副会長トセリ。右ニヨル役員氏名ハ左ノ如シ。
    Calvin Coolige ……… President of the United States
    S. M. Bruce ……… Prime Minister, Australia
    W. F. Massey ……… Prime Minister, New Zealand
    Tsao Kun ……… President of China
    W. L. Mackenzie King ……… Prime Minister of Canada
    Prince I. Tokugawa ……… President, House of Peers, Tokyo
    His Majesty, Rama VI. ……… King of Siam
    Charles Evans Hughes. ……… Secretary of State, U. S. A.
    Dr. L. S. Rowe ……… Director-General. Pan-American Union
    Leonard Wood ……… Govenor-General of the Philippines
    John D. Oliver ……… The Premier of British Columbia
    Dr. D. Fock ……… Governor-General of Netherlands East Indies
    Scott C. Bone ……… Govenor of Alaska
    Viscount Eiichi Shibusawa ……… Japan
    The Premiers of Australian States
    President―Hon. Wallace R. Farrington ……… Governor of Hawaii
    Director―Alxander Hume Ford ……… Honolulu

第37巻 p.415-417 ページ画像

布哇知人往復(一)             (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
              HONOLULU April 5, 1924
Viscount E. Shibusawa
 Tokyo, JAPAN
My dear Viscount :
  I am enclosing copy of a letter I am sending to some of the Premiers of Pacific lands; it explains itself.
  We sincerely hope that Japan will be adequately represented at this most important Conference.
  We all rejoice in your continued good health and splendid usefulness to your country.
  With sincere regards, believe me, for the Pan-Pacific Union,
                 Truly yours,
                 (Signed) A. H. Ford
                     PAN PACIFIC UNION
                     April 5, 1924
Your Excellency :
  I am safe in stating that Washington will send a most
 - 第37巻 p.416 -ページ画像 
 representative group of delegates to the Pan-Pacific Food Conservation Conference in Honolulu, July 31 to August 14, 1924.
  President Coolidge will prepare a paper to be read at the Conference and there are hopes that the Secretary of Agriculture will head the delegation from Washington; Dr. L. O. Howard, Chairman, going on in advance to prepare for the overseas delegates when they arrive in Honolulu. May we hope that your excellency will also prepare a paper or a message to the Conference?
  We are inviting leading authorities from Pacific lands on International Law to advise with the fishery men as to the possibilities of securing agreements looking toward the preservation and conservation of the food fish and fisheries of the Pacific, and also to confer with the entomologists, etc., as to the securing of uniform laws in the Pacific area in regard to plant and animal quarantine. It is possible that a Pan-Pacific Bar Association may result from this meeting.
  We believe that Washington will be represented by at least one delegate to each of the groups, and we trust other countires will send similar delegations. We expect from Washington :
  Mr. Henry O'Malley, chief of Bureau of Fisheries, U.S.A.
  Dr. Charles F. Marvin, Chief U.S Weather Bureau.
  Colonel Lester E. Jones, Chief of Coast and Geodetic.
  With sincere regards, believe me, for the Pan-Pacific Union,
                   Truly yours,

                     PAN-PACIFIC UNION
 東京市                (四月廿四日入手)
 - 第37巻 p.417 -ページ画像 
汎太平洋同盟を代表致し謹而敬意を奉表候 敬具
  ………閣下      布哇、一九二四年四月五日
米国漁業局長 ヘンリー・オモレイ氏
同気象局長 チヤールス・エフ・マーヴヰン博士
海岸、測地調査局長 レスター・イー・ジヨーンズ大佐(水先案内共)

(アレグザンダー・エッチ・フォード)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二四年五月一六日(DK370101k-0003)
第37巻 p.417-418 ページ画像

(アレグザンダー・エッチ・フォード)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二四年五月一六日
             HONOLULU, May 16, 1924
Viscount E. Shibusawa
 Tokyo, Japan
My dear Viscount :
  Prof. K. C. Leebrick will tell you of the Friday luncheon meetings we have inaugurated of twelve leading Japanese and twelve leading Americans for friendly conversation and better understanding. We are providing them with one of our Pan-
 - 第37巻 p.418 -ページ画像 
Pacific Club rooms for their meetings. I enclose list of the guests at the first lunch.
  I sent Mr. Kawai copy of my speech at the Portland Chamber of Commerce that caused the members to give three rousing banzais for Japan. They have organized a Pan-Pacific Committee and the returning Consul can tell you of this and the Pan-Pacific Club. We are organizing these clubs with the assistance of the Chambers of Commerce in Los Angles and San Francisco. We are glad that our two honorary officers of the Pan-Pacific Union in Washington, President Coolidge and Secretary Hughes, stood out for fair treatment to our friends across the sea. Now is the time we must begin to understand each other better. I do hope the Japan Society can send a delegate to our Pan-Pacific Food Conservation Conference, August 1 to 14th. Prof. Leebrick can tell you of this. He is a splendid fellow. Glad you invited him.
               Truly yours,
              (Signed) A. H. Ford
                   PAN PACIFIC UNION
 東京市              (六月二日入手)
  子爵渋沢栄一閣下 ホノルヽ、一九二四年五月十六日
小生がポートランド商業会議所に於て為せる演説により、出席者一同は日本万歳を三唱致候が、右演説の原稿は河井○弥八氏に送附致置候、右商業会議所の一同は玆に汎太平洋委員会を組織する事と相成候に付同委員会及び汎太平洋倶楽部の件に就而、今回日本へ帰らるゝ山崎領事より御聞取被下度候、此種の委員会はロサンゼルス及桑港商業会議所の後援を得て組織せるものに御座候、華府に於ける汎太平洋同盟の名誉役員たるクーリツヂ大統領及ヒユーズ国務長官が、太平洋の彼方の友邦に対して公平なる態度に出で候事は、我々の愉快に堪えざる処にして、今や吾等両国は互に諒解の増進を計るべき時期と存候、来る八月一日より十四日まで当地に開かるべき汎太平洋食糧保存会議には日本協会よりも代表者を一名派遣せられん事を希望罷在候、此件に就てもリーブリツク教授より御聴取被下度候、同教授は勝れたる人物に候へば、御引見被下候はゞ喜敷存申候 敬具
 - 第37巻 p.419 -ページ画像 

〔参考〕BULLETIN OF THE PAN-PACIFIC UNION New Series No.57, p 2. July, 1924 THE PAN-PACIFIC UNION(DK370101k-0004)
第37巻 p.419-420 ページ画像

                 New Series No.57, p 2.
                 July, 1924
  An organization not in any way an agency of the Government of the United States or of any other Pacific Government, but having their good-will in bringing about friendly and unofficial gatherings of the leaders from the peoples of Pacific lands in different lines of thought and action that there may grow throughout the Pacific area better understanding with real cooperation for the advancement of the interests of all Pacific peoples.
  The invitations to participate in the Pan-Pacific Conferences are forwarded through Federal or other channels, and Government appropriations are sometimes made to aid these, but the Conferences are held entirely under the auspices of the Union and not under those of any government. An entire freedom of discussion exists that would be difficult to secure at an official conference or at one called in an official manner. Affiliated or working with the Union are educational and scientific bodies, Chambers of Commerce and kindred bodies, striving for the advancement of Pacific communites, and for a greater cooperation among and between the people of all races in Pacific lands. Its central office is in Honolulu at the ocean crossroads.
  The Pan-Pacific Union is incorporated with an International Board of Trustees, representing the different races of the Pacific.
  The following are the main objects set forth in the charter of the Pan-Pacific Union :
  1. To call in conference delegates from all Pacific peoples for the purpose of discussing and furthering the interests common to Pacific nations.
  2. To maintain in Hawaii and other Pacific lands bureaus of information and education concerning matters of interest to the peoples of the Pacific, and to disseminate to the world information of every kind of progress and opportunity in Pacific lands, and to promote the comfort and interests of all visitors.
  3. To aid and assist those in all Pacific communities to better understand each other, and to work together for the furtherance of the best interests of the land of their adoption, and, through them, to spread abroad about the Pacific the friendly spirit of inter-racial cooperation.
  4. To assist and to aid the different races in lands of the
 - 第37巻 p.420 -ページ画像 
 Pacific to cooperate in local fairs, to raise produce, and to create home manufactured goods.
  5. To own real estate, erect buildings needed for housing exhibits, provided and maintained by the respective local committees.
  6. To maintain a Pan-Pacific Commercial Museum, and Art Gallery.
  7. To create dioramas, gather exhibits, books and other Pan-Pacific material of educational or instructive value.
  8. To promote and conduct a Pan-Pacific Exposition of the handicrafts of the Pacific peoples, of their works of art, and scenic dioramas of the most beautiful bits of Pacific lands, or illustrating great Pacific industries.
  9. To establish and maintain a permanent college and "clearing house" of information (printed and otherwise) concerning the lands, commerce, peoples, and trade opportunities in countries of the Pacific, creating libraries of commercial knowledge, and training men in this commercial knowledge of Pacific lands.
  10. To secure the cooperation and support of Federal and State governments, chambers of commerce, city governments, and of individuals.
  ll. To enlist for this work of publicity in behalf of Alaska, the Territory of Hawaii, and the Philippines, Federal aid and financial support, as well as similar cooperation and support from all Pacific governments.
  12. To bring all nations and peoples about the Pacific Ocean into closer friendly and commercial contact and relationship.