

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
3節 国際団体及ビ親善事業
22款 日本国際児童親善会

第38巻 p.24-38(DK380002k) ページ画像


 - 第38巻 p.25 -ページ画像 



シドニー・エル・ギューリック) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二六年一二月二〇日(DK380002k-0001)
第38巻 p.25-35 ページ画像

シドニー・エル・ギューリック 書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二六年一二月二〇日
          289 FOURTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N.Y.
                 December 20, 1926
My dear Viscount :
  I have written a rather full letter of explanations to Vice Minister Matsuura, with regard to the Doll Messenger Project. I am sure you will be glad to see just what I have written to him.
  On Saturday《(18th)》 we had a Farewell Reception at which 1000 dolls were gathered in, at the Hotel Plaza, where, I think you stayed when you were in New York. It was a beautiful sight.
  On that same day we were shipping over 800 dolls on the Mayebashi Maru. This is the first shipment but from now on, for the next few weeks, we expect to send dolls by every steamer leaving New York.
  You will be glad to know that all the steamship lines dispatching vessels to Japan have agreed to share in this gesture of goodwill by carrying these Doll Messengers of Friendship free of charge.
  With all good wishes for the New Year and with hopes that this doll project may help to change public opinion in America so that, in due time, the exclusion section of the immigration law may be rescinded, I am
            Cordially yours,
          (Signed) Sidney L. Gulick
              Secretary of the Commission
Viscount E. Shibusawa,
  Chairman, Committee on Japanese American Relations,
  2 Kabutocho, Nihonbashi,
  Tokyo, Japan
               追而人形之歓迎会相済候後丁寧なる回答相発し申度候事 二月二十六日一覧
 - 第38巻 p.26 -ページ画像 
新年の御挨拶を申上ぐると共に、此人形計画が米国に於ける輿論を変化せしむる一助となり、追而移民法中より排日条項を削除するに可至希望を表明致候 敬具
Release on December 22, 1926
  "Goodbye, Dollie dear, give my love to all the good little girls in Japan", said a four-year-old little tot, as she kissed her "World Friendship Doll" farewell and seated her in the little chair on the platform where the farewell reception was being given to a group of dolls starting on their long journey
to Japan.
  This little tot had been told what to say, but in the excitement of standing before the crowd she had forgotten the exact words and instead electrified the audience by her own formula, in which "good" was her principal idea.
  This is but one of many interesting incidents now coming in of farewell parties being held in towns and cities, in day schools and Sunday schools, by classes in schools, by Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, Girl Reserves and other groups, and even in private homes.
  When the full story is received of the happenings in every State of the Union and later of the receptions to the dolls by the children in the schools of Japan, an entire volume will scarcely suffice to tell of all the experiences and expressions of goodwill called forth by these Doll Messengers of Friendship.
  One of the most touching stories I have yet heard is that of the little twelve-year-old girl in Illinois-stone blind - who nevertheless caught the vision. She not only is sending a doll herself but has stirred up the young folk and the elders, too, in her small town, so that unitedly they have already sent off sixty-one of these Messengers.
  The city that so far has the highest record of Doll Mes
 - 第38巻 p.27 -ページ画像 
sengers is apparently sending some 700 of them.
  We wish to let all friends know that the final date for shipping Friendship Dolls from New York has been extended to January 20, and from San Francisco to January 30, 1927. This will allow those who have not been able to take up the matter before Christmas still to have a share in this expression of goodwill from the young people of America to those of Japan.
  We crave for every day school and every Sunday school in America the joy and the blessing of sending at least one doll on this international adventure of dolldom. Even a single doll from a school makes possible an experience for scores of children which they will never forget and which may have inestimable consequences in the years and decades ahead in the relations of America and Japan.
  All inquiries regarding this unique project may be sent to the Committee on World Friendship among Children, 289 Fourth Avenue, New York.
  How many dolls are going to Japan, many are asking. We do not yet know. We keep hearing of new schools, churches and groups that are doing or planning something. More than ten thousand, however, have apparently started already―enough to assure success ; but not till the whole adventure is over shall we know exactly how many Friendship Dolls have gone to Japan and how many children and elders in America and in Japan have shared in this enterprise.
               SIDNEY L. GULICK
 - 第38巻 p.28 -ページ画像 
けれども此企劃全体が終結する迄は、幾個の人形が日本へ行つたか又日本及米国の児童が、幾人此の企に参加したかを明瞭に知る事は出来ない。              (以上)
                   December 18, 1926
Honorable Chinjiro Matsuura,
  Vice Minister of Education,
  Department of Education,
  Tokyo, Japan
My dear Mr. Matsuura :
  Mr. S. Sawada of the Japanese Embassy at Washington has written me saying that I may communicate with you regarding the Doll Messengers of Friendship which our Committee is sending to Japan.
You have already been informed, no doubt, about this project but it may be well to report to you rather fully in order that you may have all the facts in the case.
 - 第38巻 p.29 -ページ画像 
  This letterhead indicates the authority under which this Committee on World Friendship Among Children has been formed. The Doll Project has been approved by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Council of Churches and by many groups and organizations and outstanding educators.
  Our plan has been to invite our children and young people of all classes and in all parts of our country to share in this expression of goodwill to the children of Japan. And this is what we now see taking place. The dolls are coming from every State in the Union, from public schools and private schools, from Sunday schools, from Camp Fire Girls, from Girl Scouts, from Y.W.C.A. Girl Reserves, from Protestant, Roman Catholic and Jewish schools, from single families and even from individuals.
  Before we undertook this project I called on Ambassador Matsudaira, to whom I explained it rather carefully and asked if the Japanese Imperial Government would look with favor upon it and would, itself, either through the Mombusho or some especially appointed Committee supervise the distribution of the dolls in the primary schools of Japan. I asked also if the dolls could be admitted free of import tax.
  After several months, word came back through the Ambassador that our plan was regarded with favor and that the admission and distribution of the dolls would be attended to as desired. We immediately began the preparation of the needed literature and in due time came the formation of many local committees.
  The outlines of our plan I also explained to our Department of State, to our Commissioner of Education, to high officials in the National Education Association and to the leaders in several important national organizations, whose approval was secured. I should add that none of these bodies were asked to undertake as organizations to push the project, as we felt that the best results would be secured by direct appeals to the young people and children, so that expressions of goodwill might be quite spontaneous and not in any way forced by organizational pressure.
  In our literature we defined the quality, size and appearance of the dolls desired; for it was clear that unless we did so, we would be likely to receive a few dolls of very great cost and many of inferior quality. This explains why the dolls are so uniform. And we thought it better on the whole to send a smaller number of good dolls than a larger number of second or
 - 第38巻 p.30 -ページ画像 
 third grade dolls.
  In commending this Doll Messenger project to our children we have made much of the Hina Matsuri ― as a beautiful ancient festival, quite unique in the history of the world. And we have suggested to the children of America that they send dolls as their representatives to see this Hina Matsuri and perhaps even to have their dolls join the Doll Families of Japan, if thought worthy by the receivers.
  We have urged the teachers and parents to let our children work by classes and groups, and in order to promote a living interest we have urged them to buy undressed dolls and to make the dresses with their own hands. This has been generally done, adding immensely to the joy and the educational value, and also to the variety and beauty of the dresses and wardrobes.
  You will find with each doll a tiny passport and ticket, costing $1.00 per doll. This has added much to the interest and the educational value. This has been the means by which we have sought to provide the necessary expenses for transportation and for the printing, postage, correspondence, office and store-room rent and for the staff of secretaries and stenographers and many local committees.
  We have asked each group sending a doll to enclose a "Message of Goodwill" and in most cases this has been done. We have made no effort to have them translated for we are sure that in every school, in every city, town and village in Japan, some one will be found who can do it well.
  We have also asked the senders to enclose the name and address of the person to whom the thank-you letter may be sent. Knowing the extreme courtesy of the Japanese people, I wish to say with great emphasis that we hope no one who received a doll will for a moment think of sending a doll in return. If a thank-you letter of acknowledgment is sent, that will be quite enough. Our children are looking eagerly for letters.
  Many have naturally asked how the dolls will be distributed, how the girls will be chosen who shall receive the dolls. We have replied that that will depend on the superintendent and teachers in each school. I may, however, pass on to you a suggestion frequently made that the superintendent might ask all the girls to write a composition on how to promote world friendship among children, the doll to be given to the one who writes the best composition.
  Some have suggested that the doll might be given to that girl whom the teachers may select as particularly worthy from
 - 第38巻 p.31 -ページ画像 
 the standpoint of scholarship, family devotion and friendliness.
  The suggestion has also been made that the doll might belong to an entire school and be loaned to each girl to have in her home for two or three days in turn.
  I may add, however, that the personal ownership of the doll will appeal to our children more, I think, than impersonal ownership.
  We have been hoping that the dolls may arrive in Japan in time to be distributed in the schools on Doll Festival Day. I plan to give out a story to the papers, to be printed on March 3, reminding our people of the Hina Matsuri and saying that our children may think of their dolls as coming out of their boxes on that day and opening their eyes on the new scenes and being welcomed by their new mothers.
  I am glad to be able to report that in furthering this enterprise of goodwill a great many persons have rendered long and arduous voluntary service. This project has proven a much more difficult undertaking than any of us imagined, when we first started out upon it. But the goodwill and friendship expressed by the tens of thousands of older and younger people in preparing and sending these "Doll Ambassadors," as several editorials have called them, has been most encouraging.
  We were greatly delighted when word came to us recently that all the steamship companies dispatching steamers to Japan had responded to our request to carry these Doll Messengersfree of charge. This they do as their part in this adventure in international friendship.
  And this is the reason why we are sending the dolls in several shipments in order to distribute the tax on the generosity of the shippers. We have arranged that all dolls from places east of the Mississippi will come to New York for shipment hence and those from places west of the Mississippi will be sent by rail to San Francisco for shipment thence.
  Regarding expenses of distribution in Japan, may I ask you please to have careful record kept of all expenses incurred by your Committee, which in due time you will please report to me. For, of course, we plan to meet these charges.
  It may not, perhaps, be amiss to say that in carrying out this project we have not been without critics and opponents. Some have ridiculed the whole enterprise. Some have regarded the sending of dolls as a great waste of time, energy and money, feeling that dolls cannot help international relations. Our greatest obstacle, however, has been the shortness of the time. We were not able to get fairly started till November. By that
 - 第38巻 p.32 -ページ画像 
 time, however, Christmas and New Year with all their activities were on us so that many who wanted to help have found themselves prevented.
  The number, accordingly, of the dolls that will go to Japan will be much less than might have been the case. We do not yet know how many to expect. At the minimum we think there will be over 10,000 and we are hoping the full figure may prove to be two or even three times that number.
  I wish to make it clear that in undertaking and carrying out this Doll Messenger project our Committee has kept our literature and our discussions entirely free from connection with the exclusion section of the immigration law of 1924. The project is in no way regarded as a substitute for certain other proposals and measures for goodwill which many in the United States regard essential to the permanent maintenance of friendly relations between our land and yours. This is a project of goodwill, pure and simple, with no relation to or implications about any other question and matter.
  In closing let me say on behalf of our Committee how deeply we appreciate the courtesy and assistance of yourself and your Committee in this enterprize. Without your help it would of course be quite impossible for us to have carried it out. We are hoping that in consequence of this "doll adventure" a great fund of good feeling will spring up in the minds and hearts of the children and young people of the United States and those of Japan toward each other, so that in the decades ahead only friendly relations may prevail between our two nations.
  Please accept my personal expressions of appreciation and gratitude for your invaluable assistance.
  With warmest good wishes also to all your assistants who may help in this matter, I am
     Respectfully and sincerely yours,
          (Signed) SIDNEY L. GULICK
               Secsetary of the Commission
  P.S. On reading over this letter I note that I have not reported the fine enthusiasm with which this Doll Project has been taken up in all parts of the country. Letters are coming in daily telling of the interest in Japan and the new goodwill toward Japan that is being developed among our children through their activities in buying and dressing the dolls. In many places boys as well as girls have been active in this unusual adventure in "Doll Diplomacy."
  P.S. It occurs to me that it might be well to have this letter translated into Japanese and given to the press.
 - 第38巻 p.33 -ページ画像 

    (写)                 (大意)
  文部次官 松浦鎮次郎殿
 - 第38巻 p.34 -ページ画像 
 - 第38巻 p.35 -ページ画像 
此企の為めに多大の御尽力を忝うし候に就ては、小生一個人としても親しく御礼申上候、猶ほ此れが為めに御助力可被下、貴官の助手諸氏に対しても亦御厚礼申上候 敬具

渋沢栄一 日記 昭和二年(DK380002k-0002)
第38巻 p.35 ページ画像

渋沢栄一日記 昭和二年      (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
一月二十二日 快晴 寒気昨ト同シ
○上略 午前増田明六・白石喜太郎来ル、増田ニハ米国ヨリ送り越セル雛人形ノ取扱ニ付、文部省・外務省ノ官吏ト充分協議シテ、意見ノ齟齬又ハ処置ノ違却ナカラシムル事ヲ注意シ、其要領ヲ口授ス、白石ニハ諸方ノ本翰ニ対スル処方ヲ指示ス○下略

第38巻 p.35 ページ画像

国際親善人形ニ関スル往復書翰及書類 (渋沢子爵家所蔵)


第38巻 p.35-36 ページ画像

国際親善人形ニ関スル往復書翰及書類 (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
 - 第38巻 p.36 -ページ画像 
 関屋局長 菊地課長 外務省情報部山路章 東京府 同市 神奈川県 横浜市ノ各学務課員 日米協会 日米関係委員会 南幹事出席

第38巻 p.36-37 ページ画像

国際親善人形ニ関スル往復書翰及書類 (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
*一、日的 本会ハ米国世界児童親善会ノ寄贈ニ係ル人形ノ受領配布
 - 第38巻 p.37 -ページ画像 
*二、名称 本会ハ日本国際児童親善会ト称ス 当日の出席者十八名《(鉛筆書入)》
*三、事務所 本会事務所ヲ文部省内ニ置ク
*四、役員 本会ニ左ノ役員ヲ置ク
**    会長                                    壱名
      副会長 文部省普通学務局長外務省情報部次長《(小文字鉛筆書入)》       弐名
      委員  外務一、文部一、帝教一、婦人平和一、日米関二、日米協二、国際聯盟二 拾名以内
      幹事  文部省六・七名                           若干名
      顧問  日米関係委員より二名を推薦すること。他の団体よりも顧問を出すこと。 若干名
  会長  徳川家達公
  副会長 渋沢栄一子

〔参考〕中外商業新報 第一四六九八号 昭和二年一月二三日 歌をうたつて帝劇で お人形さんの大歓迎会 展覧会をも来月廿日に開催 日本国際児童親善会の誕生(DK380002k-0006)
第38巻 p.37-38 ページ画像

中外商業新報 第一四六九八号 昭和二年一月二三日
 - 第38巻 p.38 -ページ画像 
