

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
4節 国際記念事業
2款 タウンゼンド・ハリス記念碑建設

第38巻 p.331-342(DK380037k) ページ画像




集会日時通知表 大正一四年(DK380037k-0001)
第38巻 p.331 ページ画像

集会日時通知表 大正一四年       (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
十月廿二日 木 午前十一時 清水釘吉氏来約(兜町)

(増田明六)日誌 大正一四年(DK380037k-0002)
第38巻 p.331 ページ画像

(増田明六)日誌 大正一四年      (増田正純氏所蔵)
二十二日○十月 木 曇             出勤
10清水釘吉 豆州柿崎玉泉寺境内タウンセント・ハリス氏記念碑建立ニ関する件

(エドウィン・エル・ネヴィル)書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二五年一〇月一四日(DK380037k-0003)
第38巻 p.331-333 ページ画像

(エドウィン・エル・ネヴィル)書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二五年一〇月一四日
           EMBASSY OF THE
 - 第38巻 p.332 -ページ画像 
               Tokyo, October 14, 1925
My dear Viscount Shibusawa :
  Before his death the late Ambassador, Mr. Bancroft, was as you remember very much interested in the erecting of a monument at Shimoda to the memory of Townsend Harris. Mr. Henry Wolf of Chicago offered, I understand, to contribute about Yen 2,000, to the erection of this stone and before his departure to America he had some conversation with Mr. Bancroft, the substance of which I believe was contained in a letter to you dated Karuizawa, July 9, 1925. After Mr. Bancroft's death I wrote to Mr. Wolf at Chicago giving my understanding of the situation and asking whether he desired to go on with the monument. I had the pleasure of giving Mr. Obata this information orally from time to time and no doubt you have heard of the matter through him.
  I am now in receipt of a letter from Mr. Wolf in which he says, among other things,
 "I wish you would tell Mr. Obata that I am glad to learn through you that Viscount Shibusawa still desires to go on with the project, and to assure you and him that I also desire and am prepared to do so, and await further word about the matter.
 "In connection with the letter of July 9, may I say that Mr. Bancroft favored a simple, dignified stone as perfect in proportions as it could be designed. Mr. Bancroft also told me he thought that Viscount Shibusawa would prepare the Japanese inscription which, it is perhaps needless to add, I did also.
 "Mr. Bancroft's letter of July 9 refers to a rough sketch. This I have never seen, and should appreciate it if a copy would be sent me.
 "Below Mr. Bancroft's name on the proposed inscription, I suggest that there be placed the words 'Late American Ambassador to Japan.'
 "When we first discussed the date, Mr. Bancroft suggested either May 30 or September 4; but, because this inscription was probably one of the last, if not the last, work to which Mr. Bancroft ever devoted himself, sentiment might suggest that the date be left unchanged and that the stone be unveiled by our next Ambassador at such time and with such ceremonies as Viscount Shibusawa and he may deem appropriate.
 "Awaiting further word from you, believe me, always with my kindest regards ……"
 - 第38巻 p.333 -ページ画像 
  I think we may assume from this, that Mr. Wolf is quite prepared to contribute to the monument and desires the work to go on as fast as possible. I suggest, as I understand you have been good enough to go into the matter somewhat thoroughly, that we tell Mr. Wolf about how much a suitable monument would cost, say as near to Yen 2,000, as may be feasible, and send him if possible a rough sketch of the stone we have in mind.
              Sincerely yours,
             (Signed) Edwin L. Neville
His Excellency
Viscount Shibusawa,

(エドウィン・エル・ネヴィル)書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二六年四月三〇日(DK380037k-0004)
第38巻 p.333-334 ページ画像

(エドウィン・エル・ネヴィル)書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二六年四月三〇日
       American Consulate General, Tokyo, Japan
                    April 30, 1926
His Excellency
Viscount E. Shibusawa,
  Tokyo, Japan
Dear Viscount Sbibusawa:
  I have received a letter from Mr. Wolf from Chicago, in which he states that he took up the question of the Shimoda Monument with the Executors of Mr. Bancroft's estate and that Mr. Bancroft's nephew states that the Executors will be glad of an opportunity to participate in this project and are prepared to contribute an equal amount with Mr. Wolf. We can, therefore, count upon Yen 4,000 from Mr. Wolf and Mr.Bancroft's estate.
  Your Excellency will remember that when the project was first mooted, we were optimistic enough to think that we could get it done by the thirtieth of May. That is Memorial Day in the United States, but of course it is out of the question and we shall, no doubt, have to arrange for a suitable time in the autumn. Mr. Wolf seems to feel that, if possible, some arrangement might well be made for taking care of the stone after it is erected. I presume that, as the stone will be in the
 - 第38巻 p.334 -ページ画像 
temple grounds and there is already a project on foot to prepare the temple and give it sufficient funds for upkeep, the stone as well as the grounds in the little cemetery there will be taken care of as part of the temple property. I should not like to tell Mr. Wolf this, however, without being quite sure of my ground.
  The inscription, I think, will cause no difficulty at all as it has been worked out, except that Mr. Wolf and Mr. Pierce are very firmly of the opinion that the Japanese inscription should be written by Your Excellency and presumably signed by you.
                 Sincerely yours,
                    Edwin L. Neville
 東京市                 (五月三日入手)
  子爵 渋沢栄一閣下    東京、一九二六年四月三十日
碑文は已に出来上り居候事故、別に面倒可無之、只ウオルフ、ピアス(故バンクロフト氏の甥)両氏に於ては、日本文の分は閣下を煩はし御署名をも御願ひ申上度と強く主張致居る次第に御座候 敬具

(エドウィン・エル・ネヴィル) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二六年七月七日(DK380037k-0005)
第38巻 p.334-336 ページ画像

(エドウィン・エル・ネヴィル) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二六年七月七日
      American Consulate General, Tokyo, Japan
                    July 7, 1926
His Excellency
 - 第38巻 p.335 -ページ画像 
Viscount Shibusawa,
  Tokyo, Japan
Dear Viscount Shibusawa :
  Referring to my letter of April 30 last and Mr. Obata's letter to me of May 20, I am now in receipt of a letter from Mr. Wolf in Chicago, dated June 19, in which he states that he has received the pictures of Gyoku-sen Temple at Shimoda, the sketch of the proposed tablet and a typewritten copy of the inscription which it is proposed to place thereon.
  Mr. Wolf states that Mr. Pierce and himself are very pleased indeed with the proposed plans and that they are very glad indeed to learn that Your Excellency will add a few words in the nature of an inscription on your own account.
  Mr. Wolf authorizes me to state that both he and Mr. Pierce are prepared to donate Yen 2,000 each to the proposed monument, and that you are at liberty to draw on them in Chicago or, if you prefer, they will remit Yen 2,000 each to you here in Tokyo. They desire to express to you their deep appreciation of your continued interest and attention to this matter.
  If there is any other manner in which I can serve you in this connection, I shall be very glad to receive your instructions in the premises.
            Very sincerely yours,
                  Edwin L. Neville
          増田氏ニ打合せ早々為替取組本金額受取方可取計事 十五年七月二十日一覧
 東京市                 (七月九日入手)
  子爵 渋沢栄一閣下   東京、一九二六年七月七日
 - 第38巻 p.336 -ページ画像 
此の件に関し何か小生にて出来候事も有之候はゞ、何卒御下命被下度願申上候 敬具

渋沢栄一書翰 控 エドウィン・エル・ネヴィル宛 大正一五年八月一七日(DK380037k-0006)
第38巻 p.336 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰 控 エドウィン・エル・ネヴィル宛 大正一五年八月十七日
    大正十五年八月十七日         東京 渋沢栄一
右貴答旁々得貴意度如此御座候 敬具

タウンゼンド・ハリス氏 記念碑除幕式 玉泉寺修繕落成式 書類(DK380037k-0007)
第38巻 p.336-337 ページ画像

タウンゼンド・ハリス氏 記念碑除幕式 玉泉寺修繕落成式 書類

  大正十五年十月四日     玉泉寺境内建碑ノ件
  決定 明六


    見積書 3,074,50  962,18 4,036,68 

   金弐千円 ウルフ氏故バアンクロフト大使友人
   金弐千円 ピーアス氏故バアンクロフト大使甥 合資会社 清水組

   見積書          明六
  大正十五年十月四日    合資会社  清水組
                代表者 清水釘吉(印)
  碑台石厚サ十二吋 長五呎巾三呎 ノ上高サ八呎 巾四呎四分ノ一吋厚八吋 ノ石碑ヲ建立
 - 第38巻 p.337 -ページ画像 
何レモ表面花崗石水磨キノ上、一面ハ英文、一面ハ日本文ヲ彫刻ノ事 以上
    内訳 ○略ス

渋沢栄一書翰 控 ヘンリー・エム・ウォルフ宛 一九二七年五月一七日(DK380037k-0008)
第38巻 p.337 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰 控 ヘンリー・エム・ウォルフ宛 一九二七年五月一七日
先は右御通知旁得貴意度如此御座候 敬具

(ヘンリー・エム・ウォルフ) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二七年九月二六日(DK380037k-0009)
第38巻 p.337-342 ページ画像

(ヘンリー・エム・ウォルフ) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二七年九月二六日
       Judah, Willard, Wolf & Reichmann
        Attorneys & Counselors, at Law
            134 South La Salle Street
              Dhicago September 26, 1927
Dear Viscount Shibusawa,
  I thank you for the photograph of yourself autographed by you with those remarkable characters whose beauty I have learned to appreciate and admire. You rlikeness is almost as well known in America as your name, for both appear frequently in our newspapers and magazines (a page from one of which ― TEME of November 8, 1926 ― is enclosed); but never have
 - 第38巻 p.338 -ページ画像 
 I seen so fine, so serene and satisfying a picture of you as the one that you have inscribed to me and that it is now my proud privilege to possess. May I repeat to you what I said a few days ago to our good friend Mr. B. W. Fleisher of The Japan Advertiser (who spent with me an afternoon that passed all too quickly), ― that to me your calm, strong, wise face typified Confucian kindliness, Shinto sincereity and Buddhist benevolence, and that you have made Dai Nippon greater.
  When your picture together with your kind letter and the unusually excellent rubbing of the English inscription taken from the Townsend Harris Memorial Stone were handed to me a short time ago by our Consul General Mr. Edwin L. Neville, there were present ten genuine lovers of Japan. Besides Mr. and Mrs. Neville (who were spending only the night in Chicago) there were Mrs. Wilson H. Pierce (the sister of our late Ambassador Mr. Bancroft), her son Mr. Elbridge Bancroft Pierce; Mr. and Mrs. George Pond (the friends of the late Ambassador who were with him at Karuizawa during all the days and nights of his last illness even to the end); Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Gookin and their daughter. Mr. Gookin was my travelling companion during all the delightful months that I spent in Japan. He is well known to all lovers of Japanese art as a great collector and probably the foremost authority on Ukiyo-é. They as well as I were delighted with your picture and admired the rubbing which indicated such a high degree of splendid craftsmanship.
  I am looking forward to receiving from you a rubbing (with a translation) of the Japanese inscription, which I had understood was to be composed and written by you.
  I should appreciate it very much if you would kindly send me a copy of the sketch of Townsend Harris which you tell me that you have prepared and also an English translation of it if one has been made; but if not, I shall be glad to have it translated by one of my Japanese friends here. Because of your great knowledge of Japan and your personal acquaintanceship with and devotion to Townsend Harris, I look forward eagerly to learn what you may say about the man who has meant so much to Japan, America and the world.
  It has occurred to me that you might be glad to see what was said about Townsend Harris and yourself on May 20, 1925 when the Mural Tablet in memory of Townsend Harris was unveiled at the College of the City of New York which, under the name of the Free Academy of New York City, was founded through the efforts of Townsend Harris seven years before he
 - 第38巻 p.339 -ページ画像 
 went to Japan. The addresses that Ambassador Tsuneo Matsudaira and others made are printed in the City College Quarterly of June 1925, a copy of which I take pleasure in sending you with this letter.
  Because of a change in Mr. Neville's plan, it was impossible to give him this letter to deliver to you, but fortunately Mrs. Pierce with her daughter is about to visit Japan and she has kindly offered to see that this letter with the magazine is delivered to you.
  With my renewed thanks to you, may I add what I understand to be a Japanese wish ― that I hope you may live as long as the pine tree and be as strong as the bamboo.
       Always, sincerely and cordially,
                  Your friend,
              (Signed) Henry M. Wolf
Viscount E. Shibusawa,
  1 Nichome Yeirakucho Kojimachiku,
       Tokyo, Japan
          十一月十九日一覧  明六
 東京市           (十一月七日ピアース夫人持参)
   子爵 渋沢栄一閣下
 - 第38巻 p.340 -ページ画像 
擱筆に臨み改めて深謝の意を表し、且閣下に対し日本流に松の如く永く竹の如く強く、栄えられ候様祈り上け候 敬具

Time  Nov. 8, 1926
          Monument of Moment
  "So long as the sun warms the earth let no Christian be sobold as to come to Japan. Let all know that if King Philip† himself or even the very god of the christians contravene this prohibition they shall pay for it with their heads. Let them think no more of us, just as if we were no longer in the world."
  With edicts couched in such terms as these the Shoguns of Japan banished, not quite three centuries ago, the Jesuit Missionaries and Occidental traders who had flocked to Nippon a century earlier, when it was "discovered" by the Portuguese.
  Not until Commodore Perry appeared off the Japanese
 - 第38巻 p.341 -ページ画像 
coast in 1854 with ten battleships were the Shoguns or Tycoons ("High Princes") intimidated back into contact with the world. Not until two years later did Townsend Harris, as U. S. Consul General, raise at Kakisaki, near Shimoda, the first consular flag ever unfurled in Japan. Despatches told last week that many a parchment skinned workman is chipping with light mallet and fine chisel at a granite memorial to be unveiled on completion at the spot where Mr. Harris raised his standard.
  The Monument. Japanese hearkened with approval last week as the great Viscount Shibusawa, "the Morgan of Japan," founder of the Dai-ichi Ginko (First National Bank) of Japan, organizer of the world spanning Nippon Yusen Kaisha (Japanese Mail Line), financier, industrialist, philanthropist, first "businessman" ever to be created a Japanese peer, announced at Tokyo that he will unveil the Harris Monument in the presence of U. S. Ambassador Charles MacVeagh.
  One third of the memorial's cost will be borne by the estate of the late U. S. Ambassador to Japan, Edgar Addison Bancroft at whose instigation it is being constructed. His friend and fellow Chicago attorney Henry M. Wolf (of Judah, Willard, Wolf, and Reichmann) has contributed another third. Viscount Shibusawa having made up the rest, the monument partakes of a bi-national character soothing to the feelings of Japanese unfriendly to the U. S.
  The present U. S. Ambassador Charles MacVeagh moreover greatly resembles his very generally popular predecessor, Ambassador Bancroft. The names of both men are identified with culture and position more than politics, characteristics to which Japanese have been quick to react with favor.
  † Philip IV of Spain (1621-1665)
               十二月十七日一覧 栄一
 - 第38巻 p.342 -ページ画像 