

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
5節 外賓接待
15款 其他ノ外国人接待

第39巻 p.593-616(DK390280k) ページ画像




竜門雑誌 第四九一号・第五一頁昭和四年八月 青淵先生動静大要(DK390280k-0001)
第39巻 p.593 ページ画像

竜門雑誌  第四九一号・第五一頁昭和四年八月
廿五日 米国新聞記者団招待茶話会(曖依村荘)

招客書類(三) 【昭和四年七月廿五日(木)午後三時半、於飛鳥山子爵邸 米国新聞記者団招待茶話会】(DK390280k-0002)
第39巻 p.593-594 ページ画像

招客書類(三)              (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
             欠通商局長 武富敏彦
             ○情報部長 斎藤博
 - 第39巻 p.594 -ページ画像 
  外務省次官○吉田茂     男爵○阪谷芳郎
  同情報部 ○鶴見憲       欠内田嘉吉
  同〃   ○筒井潔       ○頭本元貞

   以上〆三十三人 内出席十九人
 一、順備《(準)》 レモン、サンドウヰツチ、洋菓子、果物、アイスクリーム、冷紅茶
 一、接待場所 待合室 青淵文庫
        食堂 書院

竜門雑誌 第四九一号・第四三―四八頁昭和四年八月 米国新聞記者団招待会(DK390280k-0003)
第39巻 p.594-597 ページ画像

竜門雑誌  第四九一号・第四三―四八頁昭和四年八月
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 以上申上候事柄は、過日御来訪の節十分所懐を尽さゞりし憾み有之候故、更に一書を呈し候次第に候間、貴台より御一同へ可然御伝へ被下候様願上候 頓首

中外商業新報 第一五六一七号昭和四年八月一日 米国記者団送別 昨夜東京会館の盛会 一行を送る諸氏の言葉(DK390280k-0004)
第39巻 p.597-599 ページ画像

中外商業新報  第一五六一七号昭和四年八月一日
 - 第39巻 p.598 -ページ画像 
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(小畑久五郎)書翰控 ジョージ・エス・ジョーンズ宛一九二九年九月三〇日(DK390280k-0005)
第39巻 p.599 ページ画像

(小畑久五郎)書翰控  ジョージ・エス・ジョーンズ宛一九二九年九月三〇日
            K. Obata,
        c/o Shibusawa-Jimusho,
        2 Itchome, Marunouchi,
         Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo.
                 Sept. 30, 1929
Mr. George S. Johns,
  Editor, St. Louis Post Dispatch,
  St. Louis, Missouri,
Dear Mr. Johns,
  A few days ago, Viscount Shibusawa, one of whose secretaries I am, was remarking among other things as to whether or not any news came from America about the recent visit of the party headed by your good self. He seems to be anxious to get your reaction to his rather lengthy letter, especially to the sentiment expressed in those few words with regard to the anti-Japanese immigration law of 1924. You may remember that I personally delivered the letter to you at the Imperial Hotel.
  I am quite aware of the fact that you are very busy and your time is most valuable, but I shall be pleased to hear from you on the immigration question particularly, so that I may convey to the Viscount your ideas about, and attitude to, it.
  With my best wishes and kindest regards to you, I beg to remain,
            Yours most sincerely,
               (Signed) K. Obata

(ジョージ・エス・ジョーンズ)書翰 小畑久五郎宛一九二九年一〇月二九日(DK390280k-0006)
第39巻 p.599-601 ページ画像

(ジョージ・エス・ジョーンズ)書翰  小畑久五郎宛一九二九年一〇月二九日
              ST. LOUIS, MO. Oct. 29, 1929
 - 第39巻 p.600 -ページ画像 
Mr. K. Obata,
 Care of Shibusawa Jimusho
  2 Itchome Marunouchi,
  Kojimachi-ku, TOKYO,
My dear Mr. Obata :
  I read the letter of Viscount Shibusawa which you put into my hands in Tokyo rather hastily at the time and put it in my baggage to read more carefully when I returned home. I saw it there during the journey, but when the baggage was unpacked at home it must have been misplaced because I have been unable to find it since.
  I recall, however, the point concerning which you ask me in your letter. When the exclusion act was passed I wrote several editorials criticizing the action of Congress and particularly the brusque offensive manner in which the subject was handled. Nothing can be done now to wipe out the feeling of resentment on the part of the Japanese, which I feel sure from conversations with friends in Japan is softening. But my own view is that our Government should put Japan on a quota basis. The Government, supported by popular sentiment, is determined to restrict immigration from all countries and the Japanese quota would probably be small, but it will place Japan on an equality in mode of treatment with other nations. I found to my very great gratification a strong sentiment in Japan in favor of peaceful cooperative relations with the United States and a desire to foster trade between the two countries. To my mind war between Japan and the United States is unthinkable, but I am anxious to do everything in my power to foster a spirit of goodwill. I want to see in place of battleships on the Pacific fleets of merchant ships contributing to the prosperity of both Japan and America.
  I still have a vivid recollection of our very interesting meeting with Viscount Shibusawa on the occasion of the very delightful lunch he served at his villa. Please give him my highest regards.
                Yours sincerely,
                (Signed) Geo. S. Johns
 東京市               (十一月十八日入手)
 - 第39巻 p.601 -ページ画像 
右得貴意度如此御座候 敬具

(ジョージ・エス・ジョーンズ)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二九年一一月一二日(DK390280k-0007)
第39巻 p.601-602 ページ画像

(ジョージ・エス・ジョーンズ)書翰  渋沢栄一宛一九二九年一一月一二日
               ST. LOUIS, MO. Nov. 12, 1929
Viscount Shibusawa,
My dear Viscount :
  I wrote your secretary recently saying that I was unable to find the letter which he put in my hands in Tokyo. Subsequently I found it in a drawer where it had been placed by a servant who unpacked my baggage. I read it again carefully, with pleasure.
  I am enclosing an editorial page of the Post-Dispatch containing a brief article I wrote, based upon your statement submitted to the Institute of Pacific Relations at Kioto, on the Japanese exclusion act. I thought it would be timely, since you had brought up the subject, to tell the story of your con
 - 第39巻 p.602 -ページ画像 
version to foregin intercourse through Townsend Harris, and of your activities for peace and good will and the general sentiment of the Japanese people on that subject so far as I could learn it from my personal intercourse with them. I put in the article a plea for Congress to do something to heal the wound caused by the exclusion act in Japan. I hope the article will be satisfactory to you, and I hope that Congress will find a way to remove the sentiment of sorrow and resentment over that act in the minds of the Japanese people.
  I still have a lively recollection of the pleasant hours we spent at your villa and your very interesting discourse.
  With highest regards, I am
               Yours sincerely,
               (Signed) George S. Johns
          昭和五年四月七日御一覧済 要回答
 東京市                 (十二月三日入手)
右得貴意度如此御座候 敬具

St. Louis Post-Dispatch Nov. 12 The Japanese Exclusion Act(DK390280k-0008)
第39巻 p.602-607 ページ画像

St. Louis Post-Dispatch  Nov. 12, 1929.
        The Japanese Exclusion Act
Viscount Shibusawa makes a friendly protest against immigra
 - 第39巻 p.603 -ページ画像 
tion policy of U. S.; says the Japanese don't talk about slight, but resentment and grief still rankle; statesman, 86, tells how he was converted to friendship for U. S.; other leaders, eager to co-operate for peace, share sentiment, granting of small quota might be solution.
     By George S. Johns, Associate Editor.
  At the recent conference on Pacific relations, held in Kyoto, Japan, Viscount Eiichi Shibusawa of Tokio revived the issue of the Japanese exclusion act of 1924. In a paper presented to the conference the Viscount made a friendly protest against the act. He siad that the Japanese were very courteous and reticent and refrained from talking about the slight put upon them by the American Congress, yet the resentment and grief caused by it still rankled in the minds of the Japanese. He expressed the hope that America would find some way to right that wrong and thus remove the one obstacle to complete understanding and cordial co-operation for peace and friendly intercourse.
  The protest comes with peculiar force from Viscount Shibusawa, whose admiration and warm friendship for America are universally recognized in Japan. His influence is strong for cordial relations and peace. The Viscount is one of the great old men of Japan, continually striving to establish understanding and appreciation of each other's good qualities between America and Japan.
  At a luncheon given in his home to the American newspaper men traveling in the Orient under the auspices of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the Viscount told an interesting story about his conversion from a bitter opponent of the opening of Japan to foreign intercourse and trade with other nations to an ardent supporter of the cause of progress under the leadership of America. He is 86 years old, but vigorous physically and mentally. As a young man, he said, he violently opposed any change in the hermit policy of Japan. He resented the intrusion fo foreigners. He thought Americans were barbarians, without understanding of Bushido or any code of honor or ethics. Bushido, literally "the way of the warrior," was the unwritten traditional code of the Samurai, the warrior class of Japan. Bushido inculcates courage and loyalty in the highest degree, self-sacrifice, self-discipline and chivalrous treatment of inferiors and enemies; in short, honorable conduct and a poignant sense of shame at the least taint
 - 第39巻 p.604 -ページ画像 
of dishonor. While the code was practiced only by the Samurai, it had a potent influence on the ideals, manners and customs of all the Japanese.
  As the ruling class, whose superiority was recognized by the Japanese people, the Samurai was a strong force and contributed invaluable service in the transition from feudalism to imperial parliamentary government. It was their work more than anything else that enabled Japan to establish a stable government after the restoration of the imperial family and to become a great military and economic Power.
  Townsend Harris was the first American Consul-General sent to Japan, afterward being promoted to the office of Envoy Plenipotentiary. He raised the first foreign flag in Japan when he unfurled the Stars and Stripes at his residence in the Gyokusenji Temple at Kakizaki, Shimoda, Idsu. It was through his patient, persistent efforts and honorable conduct that the first commercial treaty between Japan and America was signed by the then Japanese Government. His treaty was the model of others and to his influence is ascribed the beginning of modern progress in Japan.
  When Henry C.J. Heusken, the interpreter of Mr. Harris, was assassinated by rowdies, all the foreign Ministers except Harris closed their legations and declared that the Japanese authorities were neither able nor willing to protect them. They moved elsewhere. Minister Harris took the opposite course, saying that the unfortunate incident might happen in any country and expressing confidence in the good intentions of the Japanese Shogunate. He stuck to his post.
  Viscount Shibusawa said this courageous and fair conduct of Townsend Harris revolutionized his opinion of Americans and of the opening of Japan to foreign intercourse. He was convinced that Americans understood Bushido and were governed by a high code of honor and ethics.
  The Viscount led the visitors through the spacious and beautiful grounds and gardens of his villa in Tokio to an eminence overlooking the city. His home was built in the far suburbs of Tokio, but the city has reached it. In front is a great industrial district as evidences of the great changes which have taken place in Japan. He ascribed the steps which had enabled Japan to become the progressive nation of the Orient and one of the five great Powers of the world to the example and leadership of America. He expressed heartfelt gratitude
 - 第39巻 p.605 -ページ画像 
 to America, not only for her aid in progress, but for her generous benefactions, especially in the earthquake disaster which destroyed Tokio and Yokohama.
  Everyone who mingles with the Japanese people, particularly Government officials, leading business and professional men, is convinced that the sentiment of Viscount Shibusawa is generally shared by the Japanese. Japan has the will to peace toward America. Gratitude and good will and desire for cooperation for peace and commerce were expressed by all with whom I came in contact. They are, however, exceedingly sensitive and the sting of the exclusion act, especially the rough and offensive manner in which it was passed after the demonstrations of Japan's good faith under the gentlemen's agreement, rankles in their hearts. The utterances I heard were expressed "more in sorrow than in anger" that the slight had been put upon them by a friend.
  Now when we are co-operating with Japan for limitation of armaments and for peace, not only in the Pacific but in the world, we should consider ways and means to remove that sting. The responsibility for peace and good relations in the Far East rests mainly upon the United States and Japan, and there should be no removable obstacle to complete accord.
  Perhaps the best way would be to give Japan a quota. It would be small, and with the co-operation of the Government probably would be more effective in holding down immigration than exclusion. The border of Mexico is a tempting line for the smuggling in of immigrants. The price of an airplane ride across the Canadian or Mexican borders is only $50.
  Congress ought seriously to consider what can be done to make amends for the exclusion blow. The healing of that wound would clear the sky in the Pacific. We owe it to our Japanese friends.
 - 第39巻 p.606 -ページ画像 


 - 第39巻 p.607 -ページ画像 


 排日法の与へた打撃を恢復するために如何なる方法を採り得るか、之は我国会の真面目に考慮すべきことである。此創痍が癒えれば太平洋上の雲霧は晴れるでせう。我々の親友なる日本人に対して私共は之れを実現すべき義務があるのである。   (終)

 - 第39巻 p.608 -ページ画像 

渋沢栄一書翰控 ジョージ・エス・ジョーンズ宛 昭和五年五月九日(DK390280k-0009)
第39巻 p.608 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰控  ジョージ・エス・ジョーンズ宛昭和五年五月九日
                   東京 渋沢栄一
右遷延ながら拝答旁得貴意度如此御座候 敬具

(ジョージ・エー・フィンチ)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九三一年三月三一日(DK390280k-0010)
第39巻 p.608-609 ページ画像

(ジョージ・エー・フィンチ)書翰  渋沢栄一宛一九三一年三月三一日
      Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
  SECRETARY               700 JACKSON PLACE
                   March 31, 1931
Viscount Eiichi Shibusawa,
  1036 Nishigahara,
  Takinogawa, Tokio-fu,
My dear Viscount Shibusawa,
  I am sending you under separate cover a copy of the ma
 - 第39巻 p.609 -ページ画像 
gazine entitled "The Maryland Clubwoman," in which I have taken the liberty of publishing an article in regard to the story you told the American journalists on the occasion of their delightful visit to your home in Tokyo in July, 1929. I hope very much that the article will meet with your approval.
  I have cherished the most pleasant memories of my visit to Japan, and I have especially valued the privilege of meeting you at your home. When I was asked to contribute an article to the magazine, I at once thought of the wonderful story told us of your personal experience and decided that it should be preserved in printed form.
  Trusting that you are in the best of health and with my warmest good wishes, I am,
              Sincerely yours,
               (Signed) Geo. A. Finch
 東京市                  (四月廿日入手)
右得貴意度如此御座候 敬具

Maryland Clubwoman Apri, 1931 A Bit of Unrecorded History(DK390280k-0011)
第39巻 p.609-616 ページ画像

Maryland Clubwoman,  April, 1931
       A Bit of Unrecorded History
       Assistant Secretary of the Carnegie
       Endowment for International Peace
  Near the end of a visit of a group of American journalists to Japan in the summer of 1929, undertaken as a part of the plan of work of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace to promote better international understanding by personal contacts of representative groups of citizens of different countries, the party was invited and accepted an invitation to tea on the afternoon of July 25 at the residence of Viscount
 - 第39巻 p.610 -ページ画像 
 Eiichi Shibusawa in Tokyo. The Viscount's residence was typical of a number of the homes of leading Japanese of means, ― a commodious house artistically furnished in Japanese style but with a few rooms in Western style for the reception and accommodation of foreign visitors, and surrounded by a garden large enough to provide seclusion from the busy city adjoining on all sides.
  Upon arrival, we were escorted by our venerable host on a walk through the garden, over the same timeworn paths and through the same vistas of natural beauty as, our host informed us, he had fifty-one years before led a more prominent and important visitor, General Grant.
  Returning to the Viscount's home, we took seats about a table in a modernly furnished library, our host on one side, with an interpreter beside him, and his guests on the other side. The newspaper men in the party were invited to ask questions, which they proceeded to do in wellknown American fashion. As I sat there facing this grand old man of Japan, who lacked only a few months of becoming a nonagenarian, marvelling at his exceptional physical vitality in leading us for half an hour over the rugged grounds of his garden, and at the alertness of his mental faculties in this interview with trained American journalists especially selected for their ability, my thoughts began to wander back over the transformative period in Japan's emergence from seclusion and her modern development covered by this single lifetime―Viscount Shibusawa was born in 1840. During a lull in the conversation, I ventured to suggest to our host that perhaps he had witnessed many events with important consequences not only to his own country but to the world at large, which were known only imperfectly to others by the reading of history. Evidently this was a subject upon which Viscount Shibusawa most desired to speak, for he welcomed the suggestion and responded with an enthusiasm that belied the heavy burden of his years. As he began to reminisce, we all listened with rapt attention, and this is what he told us :
  He was a boy living on his father's farm when Commodore Perry forced open the barred door of Japan to Western civilization in 1853. He was raised in an atmosphere surcharged with the anti-foreign spirit which made him hate the foreign barbarians. The intensity of his feelings grew with his years, and when he became old enough he joined Japan's knighthood known as the Samurai, and took service under the Shogun in order to be able better to serve his country in resisting the
 - 第39巻 p.611 -ページ画像 
 foreign aggressors. In this service he became imbued with the code of chivalry known as Bushido, and he explained that the foreigners were held in contempt largely because of the belief that they were barbarians incapable of living up to and lacking the courage to practice the high standards of Bushido.
  Then came to Japan Townsend Harris, the first Consul General and later the first Minister of the United States, to carry forward by diplomatic negotiation the work begun by Commodore Perry and his fleet. Those were turbulent times in Japan. The natives were trying by every means in their power to prevent the establishment of the foreigners in their country and did not hesitate to resort to acts of personal violence and intimidation. They were especially agitated over the presence of the foreign representatives in Yedo (now Tokyo), and the Government had repeatedly warned these representatives of the personal dangers they were incurring by remaining in that city. Finally, in January, 1861, Mr. Harris' secretary and interpreter, who had been an invaluable aid in his negotiations, was murdered by desperate characters called ronin. This act evidently produced the desired result upon all the Western diplomats, except the American, who was the most seriously affected. They hauled down their flags and fled Yedo to the port of Yokohama; but Townsend Harris refused to withdraw, and remained alone of the foreign diplomatic representatives to keep his colors flying in the capital, which he continued to maintain was the only proper place for the residence of a foreign envoy.
  When young Shibusawa learned of these happenings, he changed his mind as to the courage at least of the American foreigner, and the sincerity of his Samurai chivalry asserted itself, for from that time onward he not only ceased to oppose those whom he formerly regarded as barbarians, but became an ardent advocate of the introduction of their ideas and methods into Japan. He became one of the leaders in the industrial development of his country, founded the first bank in Japan, and was chairman of the first Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo. His admiration for America now increased with his years in inverse ratio to the growth of his former hate for foreigners. He has cordially received many prominent Americans on visits to his country, and he has been likewise received here on several trips to America. He has had translated and published in Japanese, articles and books written by Americans, and is the chairman of the Japanese-American Relations Committee.
 - 第39巻 p.612 -ページ画像 
  The impression made upon him by Townsend Harris has not dimmed with Viscount Shibusawa's years as they advance nearer and nearer to the century mark. To preserve the historic spot where Harris established the first Consulate General in Japan, and to perpetuate the memory of his heroism, Viscount Shibusawa in 1927 erected at Shimoda a monument to Harris, upon the back of which is an inscription in Japanese which reads in part as follows :
  "Townsend Harris, the first Consul-General of the United States of America to reside in Japan, arrived at Shimoda, Idzu, in August, 1856. In those days, our people of all classes were poorly informed about the world's affairs, and most of them took it for granted that all foreign Powers were insatiably greedy and aggressive. Nothing daunted by this unfavorable atmosphere, he spared no pains to point out to our authorities the advantage of starting commercial connections with foreign nations, and explained to them the established usages and conventions of international intercourse. His painstaking efforts at enlightening the minds of the officials of the Shogunate, were finally crowned with success in concluding a commercial treaty between Japan and America. This formed a model for the treaties which the Shogunate subsequently negotiated with other Powers. As a matter of fact, however, there were not wanting among our countrymen people who entertained toward Mr. Harris a deep feeling of indignation, because they thought that the treaty which he had succeeded in arranging was won by intrigue and chicanery on his part.
  "In the meantime, Mr. Harris was promoted to the post of Minister Plenipotentiary and his official residence was moved to Edo. The Shogunate was then increasingly involved in difficulties, domestic as well as foreign. To add to its troubles, the representatives of the Powers, generally lacking proper understanding of Japan and of things Japanese, not infrequently acted in an arbitrary and arrogant manner, thereby aggravating the public agitation against the Government. But so far as Mr. Harris was concerned, he always conducted himself fairly and squarely, constantly showing his sympathy to Japan. His honorable attitude was most strikingly demonstrated in connection with the death of Mr. Henry C. J. Heusken, his official interpreter, who was assassinated in January, 1861, by rowdies on the bank of the Furukawa in Azabu. All the foreign Ministers, with one exception, were highly wrought up by the incident, and blaming the Shogunate for its incompetency to protect them, they closed their legations at Edo and withdrew
 - 第39巻 p.613 -ページ画像 
 to Kanagawa. But the American Minister who happened to be the one most intimately concerned, did not approve the step taken by his colleagues of the other Powers. He refused to stir from his official quarters at the Zempukuji Temple, but calmly attended to his duties as usual as if wholly unconcerned about his own safety. The courageous and magnanimous attitude taken by Mr. Harris on this critical occasion made a strong appeal to the imagination of our people, who were now convinced of the genuineness of his sentiment toward them, and who from that moment began to put trust in America as true friend of Japan. Japan and America owe a heavy debt of gratitude to Mr. Harris whose noble personality thus initiated the relationship of mutual friendship wihch has happily united the two nations during these seventy years."
  When, in the year 1909, Viscount Shibusawa came to the United States as chairman of the Honorary Commercial Commission of Japan, he visited the grave of Townsend Harris in an old cemetery in Brooklyn, New York, and reverently laid a wreath upon the tomb. The season was autumn, and the time near the close of the day. The visitor found it hard to tear himself away from the scene, and buried in deep reverie, he composed two poems, one in the Japanese and the other in the Chinese style, and dedicated them to the memory of his admired hero. Their free translation into English reads:
  "Late in autumn in the moss grown grave yard,
   A traveller from afar mournfully stands at the tomb,
  Lo the sunset glow transfuses the overshadowing maple into scarlet,
  An apt symbol of the genuine heart of the ancient hero."

  "The visitor at the tomb
   A glimpse of the hero's heart caught
    In the maple aglow with the sinking sun."
    史外史伝の一節 「ザ、メリランド、クラブ、ウーマン」(一千九百三十一年四月号所載)
            副幹事 ジヨージ・エー・フインチ氏
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