

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
6節 国際災害援助
9款 関東大震災ニ対スル外国ノ援助

第40巻 p.260-261(DK400079k) ページ画像



63. ジョン・アール・モット


(ジョン・アール・モット)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二三年一二月一二日(DK400079k-0001)
第40巻 p.260-261 ページ画像

(ジョン・アール・モット)書翰  渋沢栄一宛一九二三年一二月一二日
 - 第40巻 p.261 -ページ画像 
     The International Committee of Young Men's
          Christian Associations
         347 Madison Avenue, New York.
                 December 12, 1923
Dear Viscount Shibusawa:
  My heart is deeply touched by your gracious and kind letter of October 12th which you have sent me in care of our mutual friend Mr. H. E. Coleman. I value the service of Mr. Coleman very highly indeed, and, therefore, I respond heartily to all that you have so well said regarding him and his valuable work.
  Let me, likewise, express my profound sense of gratitude for your generous words concerning the interest America has taken in helping to be of service to your great country in connection with your recent disaster. I am just now working hard to secure a fund of at least one million dollars to help reconstruct and rehabilitate the important work of the Young Men's Christian Association in Tokyo and Yokohama.
  With highest regard,
            Very sincerely yours,
                (Signed) J. R. Mott
Viscount E. Shibusawa,
  Marunouchi, Tokyo,
 東京市              (十三年一月十八日入手)
  子爵渋沢栄一閣下   紐育、一九二三年十二月十二日
右御返事旁御挨拶まで 敬具