

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
7節 其他ノ資料
3款 其他外国関係資料

第40巻 p.524-530(DK400159k) ページ画像




ノーベル平和賞ニ関スル書類 【 (COPY) Tokyo, December 15, 1925】(DK400159k-0001)
第40巻 p.525-526 ページ画像

ノーベル平和賞ニ関スル書類      (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
              Tokyo, December 15, 1925
To The Nobel Committee of
 The Norwegian Parliament,
  Oslo, Norway.
  The undersigned beg respectfully to submit to you the name of Viscount Eiichi Shibusawa, of Tokyo, Japan, for the high honour of the Nobel Peace Prize of 1926 in recognition of the magnificent services renderd by him in the cause of international amity and peace, more particularly between Japan and the United States, as briefly summarised in the outline of his life herewith attached.
            Respectfully yours,
        (Signed) T. Kato,
            Minister President of State.
        (Signed) K. Shidehara,
            Minister for Foreign Affairs.
        (Signed) Shimpei Goto,
            Member of House of Peers;
            Ex-Minister for Home Affairs.
        (Signed) Kentaro Kaneko,
            Privy Councillor;
            Assocate of the Institute of International Law.
        (Signed) K. Furuichi,
            Privy Councillor.
        (Signed) M. Tomii,
            Privy Councillor;
            Judge of the Court of Arbitrage at the Hague.
        (Signed) Tokugawa Iyesato,
            President of the House of Peers.
        (Signed) Gizo Kasuya,
            President of the House of Representatives.
        (Signed) Yoshiro Sakatani,
            Member of the House of Peers;
            Ex-Minister of Finance.
        (Signed) Sanaye Takata,
            Member of the House of Peers;
            President of Waseda University, Ex-Minister of Education.
        (Signed) Eikichi Kamada,
            Member of the House of Peers;
            Ex-Minister of Education;
            Ex-President of Keio Gijuku
 - 第40巻 p.526 -ページ画像 
        (Signed) Junnosuke Inouye,
            Member of the House of Peers;
            Ex-Minister of Finance.
        (Signed) Masataro Sawayanagi,
            Member of the House of Peers.
        (Signed) Unokichi Hattori,
            Professor of Chinese Philosophy, Tokyo Imperial University;
            Member of the Imperial Academy, Japan.
        (Signed) Saburo Yamada,
            Professor of Public International Law and Private International Law, Tokyo Imperial University.
        (Signed) Masaharu Anesaki,
            Professor of Science of Religion and History of Religion, Department of Philosophy, Tokyo Imperial University.
        (Signed) Sakutaro Tachi,
            Professor of International Law and Diplomatic History, Tokyo Imperial University.
(Please address all communication to
  Dr. Masaharu Anesaki, the Imperial University, Tokyo. Japan)

(原田助)書翰 増田明六・小畑久五郎宛昭和元年一二月三〇日(DK400159k-0002)
第40巻 p.526-528 ページ画像

(原田助)書翰  増田明六・小畑久五郎宛昭和元年一二月三〇日
拝啓 陳者渋沢子爵ノーベル賞受賞候補トシテ推薦之件、貴方ノ分其後御運ビ被下已ニ御発送ノ事ト奉存候、小生ヨリハ昨年ノ書面ニ聊カ修正ヲ加ヘ、別紙写之通リ一昨廿八日書留郵便ヲ以テ発送仕候、二月一日ノ期日迄ニハ到達可仕ト存申候、別紙ニ添ヘル昨年同様子爵ノ御略歴ヲ添附仕リ候、以上御諒承之程願上申候、右御報迄申上候
御諒闇中ニ付新年ノ賀辞御遠慮申上候 匆々
  十二月三十日            ホノルルニテ
   増田明六様 明六 小畑
   小畑久五郎様 各位
                 December 28, 1926
The Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Parliament
Oslo, Norway
 - 第40巻 p.527 -ページ画像 
Honorable Gentlemen :
  Permit me to present Viscount Eiichi Shibusawa of Tokyo, Japan, as a candidate for the Nobel Prize of 1927 on account of his long and distinguished services for the cause of international peace.
  Viscount Shibusawa, called by many "the grand old man of Japan" at his eighty-sixth year, is an outstanding figure among social, moral and educational leaders of the Empire. He is a rare personality, loved and respected by all classes of people irrespective of political, religious and national differences.
  For years Viscount Shibusawa has been outstanding advocate and promoter of peace between the United States and Japan. In 1909, 1915 and 1921 he made, with his friends, extensive visits in the United States for the sole purpose of the maintenance and promotion of good-will between the two nations. American-Japanese Relations Committee of Tokyo, New York, San Francisco and Honolulu were organized as the results of these visits.
  After the Great War he realized that World Peace depended, more than any one single factor, upon the relations between the United States and Japan. He therefore spared no effort to help the maintenance of friendship between America and Japan.
  In recent years his chief activity has been directed toward the promotion of international cooperation and friendship.
  He was a founder and the Honorary Counsellor of the Japan Peace Society.
  He was a charter member and a chief supporter of Association Concordia of Japan.
  He was the Chairman of American Relief Committee.
  He was President of the Siberian Relief Society.
  He was President of the Association of Consolation for Sick and Wounded Soldiers of the Allied Nations.
  He is the Chariman of the Board of Directors of the League of Nations Association of Japan.
  He is Vice-President of America-Japan Society.
  He is Chief-Director of Franco-Japanese Society.
  He is President of Japan-India Society.
  He is the Chairman of Louvain International Enterprise Committee.
  He is Chairmam of Japanese-Roumanian Commercial Committee.
  To speak briefly, there has been hardly any organization of international and general nature in Japan, in recent years, with which the Viscount has not been more or less closely indentified.
 - 第40巻 p.528 -ページ画像 
 Often he has been the organizer and leader.
  The recognition of Viscount Shibusawa's service for humanity by your Committee will be a great encouragement for younger persons who are following the Viscount's footsteps in the same kind of service, not only in Japan but throughout the Far East.
  As the fame of Viscount Shibusawa as an ardent advocate of American-Japanese friendship is well known in both countries, your recognition of his service will give an impetus to the promotion of good-will between these two countries on opposite sides of the Pacific. Their relations largely determine the future situation in this great ocean and are at the same time a key to the peace of the world.
  The grant of the Nobel Prize until this time has been confined to the people of the Occident; it is highly desirable that it should be extended to the Orientals. There is no person better qualified for the first recipient among Orientals than the candidate I present.
  The Viscount being in such an advanced age, it seems most desirable that the prize of 1927 be granted to him.
           Most sincerely yours,
               TASUKU HARADA
        B.D. (Yale); DD. (Amherst); LL.D. (Edinburgh);
        Professor of Japanese language and history,
        University of Hawaii; formerly President of
        Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan.

ノーベル平和賞ニ関スル書類 【Tokyo, December 15, 1926】(DK400159k-0003)
第40巻 p.528-529 ページ画像

ノーベル平和賞ニ関スル書類     (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
              Tokyo, December 15, 1926
To The Nobel Committee of
 The Norwegian, Parliament,
  Oslo, Norway.
  Under date of December 15, 1925, the undersigned, together with several others who would have gladly joined us again but whose signatures pressure of time regretfully has prevented us from securing, respectfully submitted to you the name of Viscount Eiichi Shibusawa as candidate for the high honour of the Nobel Peace Prize of 1926. No announcement has yet been received here of your committee's decision for 1926, and in case your choice has not fallen on Viscount Shibusawa we herewith beg to present his name for Peace Prize of 1927.
  The services in the cause of peace for which he fully deserves the great honour for which we appeal to you once more, are set forth in detail in the accompanying sketch of his career.
 - 第40巻 p.529 -ページ画像 
 There is, however, a point to which we wish here to invite your special attention. Viscount Shibusawa's activities in the interests of international peace and understanding have been comparatively limited in a geographical sense, they being chiefly concerned with the relationship between the United States of America and Japan. When we remember, however, that the maintenance of peace between these two powers means peace in the Pacific, and when further consider the close connection between peace in the Pacific and peace in the world, it seems plain that in working as he has done, for the promotion of friendship and good understanding between Japan and America, Viscount Shibusawa has rendered a real service of highest order to the cause of world peace.
  There is another consideration which makes us believe that the selection of Viscount Shibusawa will be very felicitous. The Nobel Peace Prize has so far been awarded to Occidentals alone. The selection of an Oriental leader like Viscount Shibusawa whose noble devotion to the cause of international peace is so widely appreciated in Eastern Asia will be regarded as a special compliment to the East and will be productive of most happy results in the interest of human solidarity.
             Respectfully yours,

              Minister President of State.

              Minister for Foreign Affairs.


(姉崎正治)書翰 小畑久五郎宛(昭和二年)二月二三日(DK400159k-0004)
第40巻 p.529-530 ページ画像

(姉崎正治)書翰  小畑久五郎宛(昭和二年)二月二三日
事務所各位へ宜く申上候 敬具
             DRAMMENSVEI 19
 - 第40巻 p.530 -ページ画像 
                      le 25/1 27
  J'ai l'honneur de vous accuser réception, en temps utile, de votre lettre du 15. Déc., regardant la distribution, du Prix Nobel de la Paix en 1927.
  Veuillez agréer, Monsieur, l'assurance de ma haute considération.
                   Le secrétaire,
                   (Signé) R. Moe
  Masaharu Anesaki,
   Imperial University Library,
   Tokyo (Japan)