

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

6章 学術及ビ其他ノ文化事業
5節 新聞・雑誌・通信・放送
1款 新聞・雑誌 23. 外国新聞関係

第48巻 p.255-257(DK480077k) ページ画像



渋沢栄一 日記 明治四四年(DK480077k-0001)
第48巻 p.255 ページ画像

渋沢栄一 日記 明治四四年        (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
四月二十七日 曇 軽暖
六月二日 晴 暑
此日午前十時○中略 東京商業会議所ニ小集アリタレハ出席シテ意見ヲ述ブ、同所ニテ桑港クロニクル新聞記者ニ面話ス、午後再ヒ記者ヲ招キテ広告料ナル二万円ヲ付与シ且要旨ヲ談ス、佐藤毅訳ス
六月四日 晴 暑
午前七時起床、半身浴ヲ為シテ朝飧ヲ食シ後○中略 佐藤毅氏来リ、桑港クロニクル新聞ノ寄書ニ関シテ原稿ヲ説明セラル、依テ尚意見ヲ添ヘテ詳細ニ指示ス○下略
六月十一日 雨 冷
午前六時半起床、入浴シテ朝飧ヲ食シ後○中略 佐藤毅氏リ来、桑港クロニクル新聞投書及書翰ノ文案ヲ協議ス○下略

渋沢栄一 日記 大正九年(DK480077k-0002)
第48巻 p.255-256 ページ画像

渋沢栄一 日記 大正九年         (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
一月九日 晴 寒
○上略 午後三時紐育サン新聞社員ボスウオールス及マツキントシ氏来リ新聞紙ノ事ヲ談ス ○下略
二月十七日 晴 寒
○上略 午前九時事務所ニ抵リ○中略 紐育サン新聞社員来リテ活動写真ヲ撮影ス
二月二十六日 曇 寒
○上略 正午外務大臣官舎ニ抵リ午飧ス、食後米国サン新聞紙ヘ広告料トシテ寄附金ヲナスニ付、各関係会社ノ人々ト会話ス、外務大臣ヨリ勧誘ノ言アリテ後余ハ詳細ニ其必要ヲ縷述ス、一同賛成シテ寄附金額ハ余ト井上日銀総裁トニテ調査分賦ノ事ニ決ス○下略
二月二十七日 晴 厳寒
○上略 午後二時日本銀行ニ抵リ井上氏ト会見シ、昨日外相官邸ニ於テ協調セル米国新聞紙募金ニ関シテ処分案ヲ協議ス○下略
 - 第48巻 p.256 -ページ画像 
三月二日 曇 寒
○上略 米国紐育サン新聞記者ノ件ニ付斎藤総督ニ電話ヲ通ス○下略

日布時事 大正一四年三月二〇日 【I gladly take advantage of…】(DK480077k-0003)
第48巻 p.256-257 ページ画像

日布時事 大正一四年三月二〇日      (渋沢子爵所家蔵)
                      March 20 1925
  I gladly take advantage of the "Nippu Jiji"'s opportune invitation to me to offer a few words on what I think about the American Naval Maneuvers and the relations between the two countries.
  Let me first extend my most hearty greetings to the officers and men of the American fleet engaged in the maneuvers. I sincerely regret that I have not now the pleasure of shaking their hands personally. They have certainly the best of my wishes for their successful participation in the important task they are now engaged in the service of their country.
  I do not think it advisable or necessary in this article to enquire into the circumstances leading to the unfortunate unpleasantness that undoubtedly existed in a section of the public here in regard to the present maneuvers in Hawaiian waters. Such unpleasantness, I am happy to say, is already for the most part a thing of the past. The truth is that no sensible person on this side has ever considered the American naval maneuvers in any way a menace to his country. I have no doubt whatever that if the American fleet visited us now it would receive from our people as warm a welcome as did a similar fleet sent here by President Roosevelt some eighteen years ago.
  Speaking of the general relations between the two nations, deeply as I regret the way in which the American Congress recently handled or mishandled the question of Japanese immigration, I am profoundly gratified to discern in the present situation a brighter hope than ever before for the ultimate solution of all outstanding questions in a just and satisfactory manner. It was, indeed, a revelation to me to observe the spontaneous outburst of unreserved criticism which the Congressional action called forth throughout the length and breadth of the Republic. And the criticism was most hearty and outspoken in those quarters which have most to do with the shaping of public sentiment, namely the Press and the Pulpit. The recent episode, highly unfortunate from the political point of veiw, has, however, been a blessing in disguise, as it has incidentally shown to us as nothing else could show the real strength of the sentiment of friendship for us among the American people.
 - 第48巻 p.257 -ページ画像 
  I am therefore thankful and optimistic, inspite of what has happened in the political relations between the two nations. I am now surer than ever before of the soundness of the great American hearts. What we need is Time and Patience.
                Viscount E. Shibusawa.