

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
2節 米国加州日本移民排斥問題
3款 日米関係委員会

第34巻 p.454-457(DK340048k) ページ画像




(シドニー・エル・ギューリック)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二五年一月一日(DK340048k-0001)
第34巻 p.454-457 ページ画像

(シドニー・エル・ギューリック)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二五年一月一日
       105 EAST 22d STREET, NEW YORK
                    January 1, 1925
Viscount Shibusawa,
  Tokyo, Japan.
My dear Viscount Shibusawa :
  My first letter this New Year's day is to my many friends in Japan. May blessing and joy and peace be yours throughout the whole New Year.
  Let us all take fresh courage to grapple again with the tasks God has given us.
  Much I would fain write you of the past year's experiences ― disappointing and sad in many respects ― and of the efforts made and work done. And I would also write of plans, some of them begun. But time and space forbid.
  I will make but a single comment. The recent utterances by Premier Kato, Foreign Minister Shidehara and Secretary of State Hughes have quieted for the present at least the vicious and sinister interests which have of late been formenting ill will between America and Japan.
  Ambassador Wood's letter to the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America on American Japanese relations has made a notable impression. Many thoughtful men and women are saying that although we cannot expect from the present Congress any adjustment of the immigration law as it bears on Japan, yet we must not regard the matter as a "closed incident." We shall turn to the next Congress, which meets in December, 1925, and are not wholly without hope. Much
 - 第34巻 p.455 -ページ画像 
 careful work, however, will be needed to secure results.
  The enclosed "1925 Program" tells its own story. It is the official declaration on international questions of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America at its quadrennial meeting held December 3-9 in Atlanta, Georgia.
  May we not all join in Whittier's faith
         "Before us as even behind, God is,
         "And all is well."
             Faithfully yours,
             (Signed) Sidney L. Gulik
 東京市                (二月十七日入手)
  渋沢子爵閣下    紐育、一九二五年一月一日
吾等はホイツチアの所謂「神は吾人の前後を守り給ふが故に万事安全なり」との信念を以て進み度と存候 敬具

          The 1925 Program of
         The Federated Churches
             for a
           Warless World
 - 第34巻 p.456 -ページ画像 
        Adopted at Atlanta, Georgia
          December 8, 1924
    Reestablishing Right Relations With Japan
  Let American Christians study with utmost care the situation of strain recently created between America and Japan by the action of Congress in abruptly annulling the Gentlemen's Agreement with Japan and in refusing even to consider Japan's courteous offer to adjust the matter on any terms within the bounds of reason and honor. Congress committed an act in flagrant disregard of the customary amenities and procedures of international relations.
  Congress, moreover, disregarded the constructive proposals of President Coolidge and Secretary of State Hughes for a friendly solution and ignored the warning of Secretary Hughes that the proposed action "would largely undo the work of the Washington Conference on Limitation of Armament which so greatly improved our relations with Japan "; and that "the manifestation of American interest and generosity in providing relief to the sufferers from the recent earthquake disaster in Japan would not avail to diminish the resentment which would follow the enactment of such a measure, as this enactment would be regarded as an insult not to be palliated by any act of charity."
  These actions of Congress the Federal Council of Churches views with grave concern.
  We are deeply impressed by the declaration of the Honorable Cyrus E. Woods, former Ambassador to Japan, that the Immigration Act of 1924 which repudiated all obligations of the Gentlemen's Agreement was an international disaster of the first magnitude ― to American diplomacy, to American business, to the Christian movement, and to American missions in Japan. We are also impressed by his declaration that what Congress desired might have been entirely and easily secured without in the lesat affronting Japan's honor, dignity, self-respect, or international prestige.
  The point at issue was not the complete stopping of Japanese immigration. That principle was accepted by Japan many years ago, and the Gentlemen's Agreement had been from the beginning honorably and faithfully carried out by Japan, as is proved by the figures annually published by our own Government. The point at issue was not the stopping of immigration, bnt the method adopted in annulling the Gentlemen's
 - 第34巻 p.457 -ページ画像 
 Agreement and the enactment of a race-discriminatory law, the effect of which was to wound and humiliate a great and friendly nation.
  Let us seek a fundamental solution of our relations with Japan which, while completely protecting the Pacific Coast States from all dangers of Asiatic immigration, shall be thoroughly courteous and free from humiliating race discrimination. The issue is not "closed." Some friendly adjustment must be found.
  Let American Christians urge such change in the law as would put Japan upon the quota basis, which would admit at the maximum only 150 immigrants annually, and which was recommended by Secretary Hughes in February last and supported by Ambassador Woods in his recent letter to the Federal Council.
  The foregoing considerations and proposals are recommended on the basis of actions and overtures from constituent churches of the Federal Council.