

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
3節 国際団体及ビ親善事業
8款 聖路加国際病院

第36巻 p.202-210(DK360070k) ページ画像




聖路加国際病院一覧 同病院編 第二〇―二二頁大正一四年刊(DK360070k-0001)
第36巻 p.202 ページ画像

聖路加国際病院一覧 同病院編  第二〇―二二頁大正一四年刊
△ 大正十四年一月十三日、祝融氏に呪はれて再び火災に罹る、全建築の三分の二は烏有に帰し、粧飾要具を始め諸種の設備は咸く焼失したれど、今回も亦一人の負傷者死者を出ださゞりしは蓋し不幸中の幸と謂ふ可き乎、損害の程度約三十万円に達するも、右の中二十五万円は火災保険に頼りて補塡せられたれば、実際之に依りて病院の蒙りたる物質上の損害は敢て驚く程でもありませんが、而も数ケ月の長きに亘りて天職の責を竭さず、社会的奉仕の務を怠りし間接の被害は甚大のものでもあり、且つ収入の上にも激減を来たしましたのです。○下略

聖路加国際病院書類(一) 【大正十四年一月十三日入手之電報 (栄一墨書)】(DK360070k-0002)
第36巻 p.202 ページ画像

聖路加国際病院書類(一)        (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
 湯ケ原天野屋                東京
  渋沢子爵                  増田

拝啓益御清福之段奉慶賀候、扨御存ノ事ト存候ヘトモ、去ル十三日午後聖路加国際病院失火ノ為メ、過半ノ建物焼失致候間御相談ニ預リ度キ儀有之候ニ付、評議員会ヲ来ル二十四日午後三時丸ノ内日本クラブニ於テ開催可申候間、公私御多用中甚ダ恐入候得共御来駕ノ程御待申上候 敬具
  一月二十一日             阪谷芳郎

 - 第36巻 p.203 -ページ画像 

渋沢栄一電報 控 ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー宛大正一四年一月二四日(DK360070k-0003)
第36巻 p.203 ページ画像

渋沢栄一電報 控  ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー宛大正一四年一月二四日
    大正十四年一月廿四日発電      一月廿七日入手《(別筆)》
  アール・ビー・トイスラー殿    子爵 渋沢栄一

(久保徳太郎) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛大正一四年二月二日(DK360070k-0004)
第36巻 p.203 ページ画像

(久保徳太郎) 書翰  渋沢栄一宛大正一四年二月二日
先般評議員会之儀、早速在米ドクトル・トイスラ氏へ打電仕候処、別書の如き返電に相接し申候間、御覧に入れ申候 敬具
Cable received February 1st, 1925, from Dr. Teusler, in New York.
  Please express to Viscount Shibusawa and the Japanese Advisory Council of St. Luke's Hospital, my profound thanks. I sincerely appreciate their loyal support and friendship in this emergency, and gladly accept their co-operation in raising funds. I will keep them advised of developments here.
                   R. B. Teusler

 - 第36巻 p.204 -ページ画像 

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰 久保徳太郎宛一九二五年二月二五日(DK360070k-0005)
第36巻 p.204 ページ画像

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰  久保徳太郎宛一九二五年二月二五日
Office of the Director
    Extract from letter written by Dr. Teusler
      to Dr. Kubo, from Washington, D. C.
        on February 25th, 1925
Dear Doctor Kubo:
  Thank you for your letter of January 30th and I was very glad to hear from you. It has been a great encouragement, not only to me but to Dr. Wood and the officials of the Department of Missions, to receive the sympathy and practical cooperation of Viscount Shibusawa, Baron Sakatani, Mr. Sakai, and the other members of our Advisory Committee. As soon as the cable came about their meeting and plans to raise funds in Tokyo to help the Hospital, we gave publicity through the newspapers and church periodicals, and I am sure their prompt cooperation and practical help has been of real assistance in our efforts to raise funds on this side. Please express to all of the gentlemen my hearty appreciation, in the name of the Hospital, and personally, and tell them how sincerely all of us on the Staff of St. Luke's Hospital value their help at this time.
               (Signed) R. B. Teusler
 東京、聖路加病院            「四月十七日入手」
  久保徳太郎博士殿     華盛頓、一九二五年二月廿五日

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二五年二月二七日(DK360070k-0006)
第36巻 p.204-206 ページ画像

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰  渋沢栄一宛一九二五年二月二七日
                  1329 K Street, N. W.
                   Washington, D. C.
 - 第36巻 p.205 -ページ画像 
                  February 27, 1925
Viscount Shibusawa
  Tokyo, Japan
My dear Viscount Shibusawa:
  Recent letters from Tokyo have brought me details of the very generous and prompt interest taken by our Advisory Committee in plans to help the rebuilding of the temporary St. Luke's Hospital following the fire.
  I want to express to you especially my gratitude and appreciation for this action of the Committee, which has not only been of great help in Tokyo in a particular way, but is a real stimulus here for further interest on the part of our American friends in the welfare of the institution.
  Your long friendship for St. Luke's and the convincing proof we have repeatedly received of your genuine interest in the work has been one of the greatest inspirations in trying to build up and establish this hospital. I count it the greatest privilege that the institution has your friendship and I also count your friendship for me one of the strongest personal ties I have in Japan.
  Our effort to build the new St. Luke's Hospital has been from a time standpoint slow in fruition, but in many ways I think the development of the work has contributed its part towards that friendship between Japan and the United States which we both so ardently desire. It is a great satisfaction to me that we still have intact the original fund for the building of the new hospital, and as soon as it is convenient for you, after my return to Tokyo this spring, I hope I may have the privilege of conferring with you about the continuation of the building. Engineers assure me that the foundations in Tsukiji were practically uninjured by the earthquake, and if this is the proper place for us to build there is no reason we cannot begin construction as soon as plans are completed following my return.
  I hope this letter will find you well, and it carries with it my warmest gratitude and thanks for all you have done for the hospital and for me personally.
  With kind regards and best wishes, I am
              Cordially yours,
                   R. B. Teusler
 東京市                 (三月卅日入手)
  渋沢子爵閣下   華盛頓、一九二五年二月廿七日
 - 第36巻 p.206 -ページ画像 
閣下には益々御壮健の事と存申候、病院及小生の忝ふせる御厚情に対し、深厚なる敬意を奉表候 敬具

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二五年六月六日(DK360070k-0007)
第36巻 p.206-207 ページ画像

(ルドルフ・ビー・トイスラー) 書翰  渋沢栄一宛一九二五年六月六日
           ST. LUKE'S
                 June 6th, 1925
His Excellency
Viscount Eichi Shibusawa
  Kabutocho, Nihonbashi
My dear Viscount Shibusawa:
  I hope very much your health has improved during the past weeks. I was glad to hear from Baron Sakatani a few evenings ago that you are stronger. I am very much afraid you will not feel well enough to attend a meeting of our Advisory Council, to be held here in Tsukiji, on Tuesday, June the sixteenth next. I am inviting these gentlemen down to luncheon at half past twelve, and if you are well enough, would greatly appreciate having you attend.
  My plan is to talk over with them the present status of
 - 第36巻 p.207 -ページ画像 
 the Hospital, and particularly to ask their advice regarding whether it is advisable to build here in Tsukuji, or to try to purchase land in some other part of the City. I want to talk this matter over in detail with your secretary, Mr. Obata, and receive your opinion about such an important matter before making a decision.
  With renewed thanks for all of your help and interest in St. Luke's Hospital, and deepest appreciation for your many kindnesses, I am
            Sincerely yours,
             (Signed) R. B. Teusler.
 東京市                  (六月八日入手)
  子爵 渋沢栄一閣下
当病院の為に多大の御尽力を賜り候段、御厚情奉深謝候 敬具

聖路加国際病院書類(一) 【June 16th, 1925 Short Report to Japanese Advisory Council…】(DK360070k-0008)
第36巻 p.207-210 ページ画像

聖路加国際病院書類(一)     (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
                 June 16th, 1925
  Short Report to Japanese Advisory Council of the Activities of St. Luke's International Hospital, from the time of the earthquake,
        September 1st, 1923, to date.
  As Director of St. Luke's Hospital, I wish, to express my most earnest official and personal thanks for the continued support, sympathy and interest vouchsafed this institution by our Japanese Advisory Council. Without your help it would be impossible to carry forward the purpose and aims of the institution and I have no words to express adequately to each
 - 第36巻 p.208 -ページ画像 
 individual member of the Council the sincerity of my gratitude.
  It may be interesting for the Council to recall that in less than two years, the Hospital has been completely destroyed once, by the fire and earthquake of September 1, 1923, and twothirds destroyed by the fire of January 13, 1925, whereby in addition to the buildings much of the equipment contained was lost. These two catastrophes in such a short while have meant heavy additional financial outlay far exceeding our expectations and plans in arranging for the building of the new St. Luke's Hospital. Our loss at the time of the earthquake totalled well over a million yen. This was a total loss, as we could recover no insurance, and not a vestige of the hospital or its equipment remained for salvage. During the following winter, the Hospital operated in tents until temporary barracks could be built, and during the spring and early summer of 1924, still better barrack buildings were erected and put into operation by July 1st, 1924. The capacity of this hospital was over two hundred beds, and this Hospital continued in operation until January 13th, 1925, when owing to a fire of undiscovered origin, two thirds of the best buildings were destroyed and thousands of yen lost in equipment. The insurance recovered was approximately two hundred and fifty thousand yen; the total loss amounted to over three hundred thousand yen. In addition, this destruction meant a heavy increased burden in the payment of running expenses and salaries which now are totalling about twenty thousand yen a month.
  On March 15th the Shimidzu Company started new buildings and early in May these buildings were once more put into commission, with a total of one hundred and sixty beds when entirely completed and equipped.
  It is gratifying, looking back over this history of the past twenty months, to note the splendid loyalty and devotion of the Staff of the Hospital and their unfaltering response to the heavy demands made upon them. The Hospital has every right to be very proud of its Staff, and the spirit of cooperation and loyalty shown by them is well worthy of record.
  It is permissible, in view of the history of twenty-five years of service the Hospital has given to this community, and the grilling tests which have been inflicted upon it during the past twenty months, to state that the Hospital has a real mission to serve here in Tokyo, and that in appealing to its Advisory Council there is justification in asking for help and confidence in believing that through this help still greater fields of activity and usefulness will develop.
 - 第36巻 p.209 -ページ画像 
  The total disbursements since the earthquake until the present, to maintain the Hospital, aggregate approximately eight hundred thousand yen. This sum includes the two sets of hospital buildings, plus the school and dormitories for nurses, the dormitories, storehouses, and Community Hall. At present the Hospital has available in the United States $ 600, 000 (American gold dollars), for the new buildings when it is finally decided where they are to be erected.
           Respectfully submitted,
              (Signed) R. B. Teusler
 - 第36巻 p.210 -ページ画像 

〔参考〕(増田明六) 日誌 大正一四年(DK360070k-0009)
第36巻 p.210 ページ画像

(増田明六) 日誌  大正一四年      (増田正純氏所蔵)
廿五日○五月 月 晴