

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
3節 国際団体及ビ親善事業
8款 聖路加国際病院

第36巻 p.238-241(DK360075k) ページ画像




(ジョージ・ダブリュー・ウィカシャム) 書翰 渋沢栄一苑 一九二八年一一月三〇日(DK360075k-0001)
第36巻 p.238-240 ページ画像

(ジョージ・ダブリュー・ウィカシャム) 書翰  渋沢栄一苑 一九二八年一一月三〇日
                        40 Wall Street
                          New York
                   November 30, 1928
Viscount Shibusawa
  1 Nichome Yeirakucho Kojimachiku
  Tokyo, Japan
My dear Viscount :
  I received your kind note of November 9th, with much appreciation. I am afraid there has been somewhat of a misapprehension as to the action of the General Convention of the Episcopal Church in Washington last month. The resolution adopted pledged the Church to an effort to raise $1,000,000 towards the St. Luke's Hospital Fund, and gave precedence to that effort over all other undertakings of the Church. The resolution did not itself pledge the payment of the amount
 - 第36巻 p.239 -ページ画像 
 mentioned, but it only pledged the Church, in its organized capacity, to use its best efforts to raise that money. This is being done, and committees are being organized all over the country and every effort is being made to fulfil what was intended to be a moral obligation on the part of the Church, although not a legal one. I am confident that that moral obligation will be fulfilled. You have doubtless been advised of the action of the Rockefeller Foundation in appropriating $400,000 to the Hospital for the endowment of its College of Nursing, to be paid upon the completion of the buildings of the Nursing College. That action, I believe, will be most helpful in aiding the committee to secure the necessary subscription.The movement has enlisted some of the very best people in this country, both members of the Church and outside of it, and I shall be deeply disappointed if its effort is not crowned with success.
  I am very happy to learn of your improved physical condition, and I trust you will live many more years full of the interest in all good works which has so characterized you throughout your distinguished career.
  I am handing your letter to Dr. Teusler, who begs me to convey to you his warm greetings, and may I take this opportunity to wish, you a very happy and a very peaceful New Year.
  I am
              Faithfully yours,
            (Signed) Geo. W. Wickersham
 東京市                (十二月廿四日入手)
 - 第36巻 p.240 -ページ画像 
此機会に於て新年の御慶申上げ、且つ極めて平和なる新年を御迎へ被遊候様遥かに祈り上候、右御回答旁得貴意度如此御座候 敬具

渋沢栄一書翰 控 ジョージ・ダブリュー・ウィカシャム宛 昭和四年二月六日(DK360075k-0002)
第36巻 p.240 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰 控  ジョージ・ダブリュー・ウィカシャム宛 昭和四年二月六日
                   東京 渋沢栄一
老生も本年は九十歳と相成追々老衰いたし、従来の如く活動致難く候へとも幸ひ左したる障害もなく消光罷在候間、乍他事御省念被下度候右乍遷延拝復旁得貴意度如此御座候 敬具

(ジョージ・ダブリュー・ウィカシャム) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二九年三月一日(DK360075k-0003)
第36巻 p.240-241 ページ画像

(ジョージ・ダブリュー・ウィカシャム) 書翰  渋沢栄一宛 一九二九年三月一日
                       40 Wall Street
                         New York
                    March 1, 1929
The Viscount Shibusawa
  1 Nichome Yeirakucho Kojimachiiku
  Tokyo, Japan
 - 第36巻 p.241 -ページ画像 
My dear Viscount :
  I greatly appreciate your kind letter of the 6th ultimo. It is a marvelous thing to think that at your age of ninety years you keep up your interest in international affairs, and are aiding, as you are doing, in the work for the welfare of St. Luke's International Hospital. You have many friends in America, all of whom are interested in your continued good health and welfare, and send you their earnest prayers for a continuance of the good health that has enabled you to carry on your manifold activites, and I am taking the liberty of being the interpreter of their admiration and esteem.
  Believe me to be, my dear Viscount,
             Faithfully yours,
           (Signed) Geo. W. Wickersham
 東京市                 (三月廿三日入手)
拝復、益御清適奉賀候、然ば去月六日付尊書、正に難有拝誦仕候、閣下が九十歳の御高齢にて猶国際問題に興味を持たせられ、現に聖路加国際病院の為め御尽力被遊候は、驚嘆措く能はざる次第に御座候、閣下は亜米利加に於て多数の友人を有せられ、何れも皆閣下の引続き御健勝御幸福ならん事を懸念致し、多岐に亘る閣下の御活動の遂行を可能ならしめたる御健康の永続せんことを、衷心より祈願致居候、玆に小生は僭越ながら米国に於ける閣下の御友人諸氏が、閣下に捧げんとする讃嘆と敬意とを伝達申上候、右得貴意度如此御座候 敬具