

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
3節 国際団体及ビ親善事業
13款 社団法人国際聯盟協会

第36巻 p.481-484(DK360183k) ページ画像




集会日時通知表 大正一二年(DK360183k-0001)
第36巻 p.481 ページ画像

集会日時通知表 大正一二年 (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
五月三十日 火 午後六時半 国際聯盟協会催ピーアス、クロシヨウ

(国際聯盟協会)会務報告 第九輯 自大正一二年四月一七日至同年五月一九日(DK360183k-0002)
第36巻 p.481 ページ画像

(国際聯盟協会)会務報告 第九輯 自大正一二年四月一七日至同年五月一九日
開会の辞                   渋沢会長
 右英訳                   小畑久五郎氏
講師紹介                   同
On the Japanese-American Problems  Dr. C. C. Pierce
 右和訳                   小畑氏
League of Nations and America  Dr. W. H. Crawshaw
 右和訳                   小島立教中学校長
閉会の辞                   添田副会長

(シー・シー・ピアス)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二三年九月一日(DK360183k-0003)
第36巻 p.481-484 ページ画像

(シー・シー・ピアス)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二三年九月一日
 - 第36巻 p.482 -ページ画像 
                September 1, 1923
Viscount Shibusawa
  Tokyo Japan
Dear Sir :
  Having recently returned from a long anticipated trip to the Orient, and particularly to Japan, where we traveled extensively for two months, Mrs. Pierce and I are taking this method of informing our numerous friends, in various places, of our safe arrival home.
  Our principal object in visiting Japan was to see many highly esteemed friends and acquaintances there, and to secure from personal study and observation, a more accurate knowledge of the country and the people in general. We are pleased to state that the results very greatly exceeded our most sanguine expectations.
  We found Japan to be a country of fascinating natural beauty, and teeming with historical and artistic interests to a most surprising degree. The people are remarkable for their industry, unusually intelligent, and uniformly courteous. Everywhere we were treated with the greatest kindness, by acquintances and strangers alike; and favors of numerous kinds were showered upon us by all classes of people, from the begining to the end of our stay in the country.
  We are glad to say most sincerely that our high regard and love for the Japanese people, which is the result of many years' intimate acquaintance with them here in Southern California, has been confirmed and greatly strengthened.
  To express our thanks and appreciation to each one, for innumerable courtesies received, would be an almost impossible task, for it would necessitate a personal communication to scores, and even hundreds, of people. We desire to say, however, to a great number of friends, particularly in Japan, who receive this communication, as well as to many whose names we do not possess, that we are sincerely grateful to them for their many kindnesses.
  Both on the part of private individuals and those occupying conspicuous positions of influence and power in the government, we could not fail to note a practically universal desirerecently expressed by the beloved and lamented President Harding, in a personal communication to a guest at the White House from Tokyo, "an earnest wish for abiding friendship
 - 第36巻 p.483 -ページ画像 
 between Japan and the United States." Surely Mrs. Pierce and I can say that this is more than ever the great and sincere desire of our hearts. We found also, everywhere coulpled with this, a strong and growing sentiment in favor of a secure and abiding peace among all the nations of the earth.
  In closing this note, we desire to express again, in just as sincere and personal a way as we possibly can, our heart-felt thanks to all who, in various ways, did so much to make our journey successful and interesting, and who contributed so thoughtfully and generously to our comfort and well-being while in Japan. We shall long remember these kind friends with much pleasure, and hope to meet them some time again. While we regret that we are not able to express our sense of appreciation and friendship in a more satisfactory manner, we are at least glad to pledge ourselves anew to further in every possible way that great cause of peace and world-wide harmony in which we found the people of Japan so universally interested.
      Sincerely and fraternally yours,
                (Signed) C. C. Pierce
Dear Mr. Obata: Please tell our great and good friend the Viscount that I count it a great honor to have met him and trust that I may be of some real service in the great cause of international friendship which he so much loves.
                    (Signed) C. C. P.
 - 第36巻 p.484 -ページ画像 
擱筆に臨み、私共の日本旅行をして極めて愉快ならしめ、日本滞在中多大の慰安と幸福とを与へられし諸氏の御好意は、決して忘るゝ能はざる処にして、謹んで御厚礼申上ぐると共に、他日再会の機会あらんことを楽み居候、私共は充分感謝の意を表し得ざることを甚遺憾とするものに候へ共、日本人が一般に興味を有せらるゝ世界の平和を促進せんが為に、私共も及ばず乍ら微力を相尽し可申ことを誓ひ、僅に御好意の幾分に酬い申度と存居候 敬具
小畑様へ 子爵に御面会致すを得たるは、私共の大なる光栄とする処にして、閣下が常に多大の御尽力を被遊居る国際親善の為に、私共も衷心より尽力致度と存じ居るものなることを、閣下へ御伝達被下度候

〔参考〕集会日時通知表 大正一二年(DK360183k-0004)
第36巻 p.484 ページ画像

集会日時通知表 大正一二年     (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
五月十七日 木 正午 阿部吾市氏催