

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
5節 外賓接待
15款 其他ノ外国人接待

第39巻 p.311-324(DK390183k) ページ画像




竜門雑誌 第四四四号・第八三―八五頁大正一四年九月 ヘルムス氏と語らる(DK390183k-0001)
第39巻 p.311-313 ページ画像

竜門雑誌 第四四四号・第八三―八五頁大正一四年九月
 - 第39巻 p.312 -ページ画像 
 - 第39巻 p.313 -ページ画像 

竜門雑誌 第四四七号・第七二―八五頁大正一四年一二月 MY IMPRESSIONS OF VISCOUNT SHIBUSAWA(DK390183k-0002)
第39巻 p.313-322 ページ画像

竜門雑誌 第四四七号・第七二―八五頁大正一四年一二月
  When one has the honour of meeting and talking with Viscount Shibusawa within the deepening shadows of his beautiful library, it seems that you are in communication with both the ancient feudal as well as with the modern liberal spirit of Japan. A spirit which is now lending a helping hand to China in her present national awakening but which in former days opened the doors of Nippon to Commodore Perry and since then has made every honorable effort to maintain the most friendly relationships with the United States and other nations.
  In this unique and historic environment, it is indeed a rare distinction to confer with this Grand Old Man of Japan but the longer you remain with him the more you realize that such a title is not complete, for Viscount Shibusawa should be known as the Grand Young Old Man of Japan.
  Psychologists observe that as man grows older and more mature, he reflects in his face the inner workings of his mind and the texture of his soul. The first impression of Viscount Shibusawa is the strength, nobility and delicate character of his countenance. A foreigner, who never had the honor of knowing who Viscount Shibusawa is, would recognize by simply looking at him the features of a great leader of men, one who had rendered pre-eminent service to his country as well as to humanity as a whole.
  Here is a man, you remark to yourself, who has helped Japan grow from an isolated community, secluded from the world, to a position in international affairs ranking with the few great powers of the earth. There is no statesman now
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 living, who occupies such a unique position. But with the weight of so many years on his shoulders, Viscount Shibusawa stands erect and proud of his race and country with a vigor of body and activity of mind most superb indeed. With the deeds of his life so well grounded in the past, his mind is not entombed in the past but is alert and progressive, seeing into the future with a clear vision that is almost unprecedented for a statesman of his years.
  If the younger generations of the west only venerated age to the same extent as do the younger generations of the east how much better this world would be. It is unfortunate that the west has not a venerable statesman to guide its youth as Viscount Shibusawa can direct the young men and women of Japan. Age commands respect in the Orient but in the Occident, it seems to have lost its wise influence. Viscount Shibusawa is like a towering beacon light to the aspiring youth of Nippon, who may draw upon the wealth of his experience without the least hesitation, for the Viscount has never failed to lend a helping hand to whomsoever would ask of him.
  History is just the portrayal of the lives of great men of successive periods of time. In Viscount Shibusawa there is embodied the history of Japan. Thus when he speaks, his words represent the wisdom of an experience, which is founded on deeds and his utterances are most precious not alone to Japan but to the peoples of all nations. Viscount Shibusawa belongs not to Japan alone. His life is so interwoven in the woof and web of international affairs that all nations claim the privilege to sit at his feet and listen to him as well as learn from him when he speaks. Like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln history claims him for all ages.
  No one could be more solicitious of the welfare and progress of the Chinese than is Viscount Shibusawa. He realizes the trials and tribulations of his fellow Asiatics and recognizes the nascent spirit of patriotism developing among them. His knowldege of conditions, personalities and events in all quarters of the Celestial Empire is marvelous and as you listen to him your admiration for his prodigious mental acumen increases in geometric proportion as each moment speeds so rapidly by. Liberal thinkers throughout the world can share his opinion as to helping China recover the ground she has lost in centuries past, for Viscount Shibusawa feels that the present time is most opportune for China to follow the same hard path which Japan has pursued in freeing herself from foreign interference. It is the opinion of this Grand Young Old Man of Japan that his
 - 第39巻 p.315 -ページ画像 
 country should be the big brother to China in the latter's present predicament and by peaceful means assist the Chinese to resume their place among the self-governing peoples of the world. A prosperous contented China means a prosperous contented Japan.
  Doubtless Viscount Shibusawa's most noted achievement is the pioneer spirit he has manifested in establishing the banking system of Japan upon so sound and substantial a basis. Likewise the business system of modern Japan has been fabricated by him. His handiwork is evident in every branch of Japanese finance, commerce, industry and trade, which all reflect the skillful touch of his initiative and foresight. Whatever Japan has accomplished in the spheres of finance, commerce, industry and trade and even agriculture can be attributed to the endeavors of Viscount Shibusawa in each one of these spheres but it is doubtful whether there will ever arise one leader such as himself, who has been entitled to exert such a predominant influence in so many varied enterprises. His work is the cornerstone of most of the private and public corporations of Japan. His versatility is unusual nowadays, for like Napoleon he was a warrior as well as an administrator and even to-day the old samurai spirit is apparent in his demeanor. But not-withstanding this old samurai spirit, it is his work and his work alone, which has elevated the mercantile or merchant class of Japan from a level in society below the soldier, farmer and artisan to its present-day highposition.
  The casual observer might conclude that like most industrial and financial pioneers of earlier years Viscount Shibusawa would now be ultra-conservative in his business outlook. Such is not the fact. Viscount Shibusawa is progressive without being impulsive ; he is enthusiastic but patient, with a strong inclination for co-operation which was an essential requisite in the establishment of the structure of credit in the early foreign financial business of Japan. He has always realized the need of foreign capital in Japan. As late as 1903, a great portion of the Japanese people were opposed to the idea of sharing any profits equally with other nations. Viscount Shibusawa then remarked that their exclusiveness in this respect was a distinct relic of the old era. It is not generally known that twenty five years sgo, Viscount Shibusawa endeavored to liberalize the land laws of Japan so as to encourage foreign residence, foreign ownership and foreign investment in Japan. He even advocated a system of trusteeship by Japanese bankers and capitalists so that it would be possible for them to make themselves
 - 第39巻 p.316 -ページ画像 
personally responsible for the repayment of loans made by foreign investors, thus encouraging foreign nations to invest their money in Japanese enterprises. As far back as 1902, Viscount Shibusawa predicted that oil would take the place of coal and that Japan then in an infant industrial stage would compete with all other nations in varied lines of manufactured goods. His predictions have been verified to-day.
  Viscount Shibusawa realizes that Japan must be a strong industrial nation in order to provide for her growing population. Cheap water power and low labor costs will facilitate the transition of Japan from an agricultural to an industrial community. But Japan can not become an industrial country unless she borrows money from abroad at low interest rates. Japan now pays high interest rates in New York for her governmental national loans because she follows the English method of borrowing there when she should follow the American method of competition. Most countries in the world borrow in New York by asking for competitive bids and thus secure loans at lower rates than the Imperial Government of Japan is required to pay. The English system is to deal with only one bank or syndicate. The American system is to ask for different banks or syndicates to bid for the privilege of floating the loan. The English system may be ideal for private corporations but it is not followed generally in New York with regard to foreign national loans. Competition is the breath of life in New York and Japan should avail herself of its advantages so as to obtain lower interest terms in her national loans.
  Viscount Shibusawa recognizes, as do all broad-minded bankers, that no loan can ever be of permanent success unless it is as of much benefit to the borrower as it is to the lender. For that reason he would like to see Japan obtain cheaper money abroad so as to properly and profitably develop her industries.He thus shows that his mind is not entombed in the past and that he is not ultra-conservative in his outlook when he states that in his opinion Japan must obtain better terms in New York by dealing with more than one syndicate in floating national loans, for as Viscount Shibusawa remarks in the past Japan was not well acquainted in the matter of borrowing money from foreign countries simply following the methods of old but henceforth Japan should adopt the American method when borrowing in New York. Just as the leaders of the Tokugawa period lost much territory and undiscovered lands for Japan by remaining too conservative and secluded in their geographical viewpoint, in a similar manner modern Japan will lose much in the in
 - 第39巻 p.317 -ページ画像 
dustrial and financial world unless she follows the progressive advice of her Grand Young Old Man.
  But Viscount Shibusawa can also be conservative when the occasion demands. Just read the following lines quoted from a statement by him in 1903. How apt they are to-day.
  "The present financial difficulty in Japan is only the natural sequence of the over expansion of business of some years ago. In every country there are waves of prosperity followed by periods of depression. I have known, in the economic history of Japan since the restoration, five or six such waves. They do not necessarily injure the real financial standing of the country. The peculiarities of the Japanese business character have much to answer for in the way of increasing the appearances of finanical insecurity during the times of depression. After the prosperous times of 1893 came the war with China and the subsequent indemnity. Much of the money paid by China was spent in Japan and the Japanese people came to the conclusion that this increased circulation of money would be permanent. They acted impulsively in many enterprises and rushed into all kinds of business because the government has over-expanded its enterprises after the war. The depression reached its height in 1900 and 1901 and businesses were abandoned or reduced because it was not such easy work as formerly. By proper management our national income can be made still greater than our expenditure."
  Just as Viscount Shibusawa manifests a breadth of vision as to China and a progressive viewpoint as to competitive bidding for governmental national loans in New York, he likewise cherishes a most liberal conception as to the relative merits of Christianity, Buddhism and Confucianism. Viscount Shibusawa is a disciple of Confucius. He is such not because some one told him to be or because his ancestors were but because after deep study and research coupled with his own experience in life he has come to the solemn decision that the moral precepts of Confucius constitute a sound basis upon which he can build his character so that it would mean the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
  If it were only destined that such a noble character could have been a Christian it would have pleased Westerners greatly. But here again, Viscount Shibusawa has demonstrated his initiative, his courage and pioneer spirit. He first laid a sound foundation for his religious belief by study and prayer, which is just a synonym for sober meditation and contemplation. Then applying his religous theories to actual conditions in
 - 第39巻 p.318 -ページ画像 
 real life, he has formulated a religion of his own that coincides with the teachings of Confucius. In such a manner ought all men to establish their religious beliefs regardless of denomination or faith so that they will bring comfort to them not alone in times of prosperity but also in times of hardship, sorrow and distress.
  Like the man of vision as he is, Viscount Shibusawa is prepared for whatever the future may have in store for him whether it be in this mortal world or in the world of immortality, which may lie ahead of him. He has not neglected the spiritual aspects of life, like so many businessmen have done only to realize on the brink of the grave that while accumulating fame, fortune, families and fun they have overlooked the fact that in a future world they may be required to travel alone with their own spirits benumbed and dwarfed from lack of attention and thought. Viscount Shibusawa has so developed the many versatile sides of his nature and character that he can always walk alone but not be lonely. His mind can dwell on the past with equanimity and on the future with composure, for like Abou Ben Adhem he loves God because he has loved his fellow men.
 - 第39巻 p.319 -ページ画像 
 - 第39巻 p.320 -ページ画像 
 - 第39巻 p.321 -ページ画像 
 - 第39巻 p.322 -ページ画像 

(小畑久五郎)書翰控 バーチ・ヘルムス宛一九二六年一月二三日(DK390183k-0003)
第39巻 p.322-323 ページ画像

(小畑久五郎)書翰控 バーチ・ヘルムス宛一九二六年一月二三日
                    K. Obata,
                    No. 2 Kabutocho,
                    Nihonbashiku, Tokyo.
                      Jan. 23 1926
Col. Birch Helms,
  Imperial Hotel, Kojimachiku, Tokyo.
Dear Col. Helms :
  On the morning of the 19th inst., I had an opportunity to quietly attend to sundry matters for the Viscount at his home, and among other things, I brought up a question regarding his impressions on reading your article published in the last issue of the Ryumon Sha magazine. What he told me to convey to you might be summarized as follows : The essay shows a fine literary merit. Although the eulogy part is extravagant and over stressed, yet the general trend of thoughts therein expressed rightly interpret both what I partly achieved and what I intended to achieve during my active life in the business world.
 - 第39巻 p.323 -ページ画像 
 During my business career, I wanted to accomplish two things, (I) being to make the country rich instead of making myself rich, and (2) to elevate the social status of business men. When one faces the question of making the country rich, he will be at once reminded of the necessity of developing her industry, but Japan has scarcely raw materials for manufacturing, depending largely on imported materials. This means a large finance, ― namely to borrow money at the lower rate of interest. I wanted to bring down the interest rate of the country and hoped to be able to see it come true, but the reverse was true, even at the time when I retired from my active life in 1916. To-day the interest rate is much higher. So in this regard I failed to accomplish my object over which fact my regret is very keen.Of course the Great War which no human being could foresee might be counted as a mighty disturbing force of the world's economics. Whether or not it is immediately practicable for Japan to launch a new method of raising her national loan according to the suggestion made by Col. Helms requires a careful consideration, but the principle is a good one, because its aim is to lower the rate of interest, thus helping the debtor. Japan established certain precedents with some of American bankers, from which tradition she feels quite diffident to break off, remembering a fine courtesy shown her by them. Viscount asserts that courtesy once received should never be forgotten, but that at the same time one should not be bound by it in such a degree as to hinder him from starting a new venture of reasonable expediency. Hence if there can be found out an improved method to help develop the nation's industry one should at least try to experiment it. In this sense I welcome Colonel's suggestion as a timely advice.
  I told you yesterday about the same thing. I scribbled it here because I told you to write to you.
            Yours very truly,

(バーチ・ヘルムズ)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二六年八月三一日(DK390183k-0004)
第39巻 p.323-324 ページ画像

(バーチ・ヘルムズ)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二六年八月三一日
 24 Broad Street
             NEW YORK, August 31, 1926
Viscount Eiichl Shibusawa,
  Takinogawa, Japan.
Dear Viscount :
 - 第39巻 p.324 -ページ画像 
  Just a line to let you know that I have returned to the United States. However I have not forgotten the pleasant interview I had with you in Tokyo when I learned so much about Japan. I hope that if,I can ever be of any service to you in this country, you will not hesitate to let me know. I can be reached at this address or in care of Blairco by cable. As you know, I am always interested in any prospective Japanese financing to be done in the New York market. So if any such opportunities should come to your attention, I hope you will direct them my way.
  With kindest regards and best wishes, I am
             Very sincerely yours,
               (Signed) Birch Helms
 東京市                (九月廿五日入手)
  子爵 渋沢栄一閣下   紐育、一九二六年八月卅一日
拝啓、米国へ無事帰着致候事を御報知申上候、小生は東京に於て閣下に会見致し日本に関し多くの事を承知する事を得たる愉快なりし日を忘却致さず候、小生が我国に於て御用相勤め可得機会も候はゞ御遠慮なく御申越被下度く、電報ならばブレーヤ会社気附けにて小生の手に到達可致候、御承知の如く小生は紐育市場に於ける日本の国債に対し常に興味を抱き居候へば、将来左様なる機会相生じ候節は何卒当方に御用命被下候様御願申上候、乍末筆謹んで敬意を奉表候 敬具