

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
6節 国際災害援助
9款 関東大震災ニ対スル外国ノ援助

第40巻 p.225-226(DK400056k) ページ画像



40. シーモア・エル・クロムウェル


(シーモア・エル・クロムウェル)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二三年一〇月四日(DK400056k-0001)
第40巻 p.225-226 ページ画像

(シーモア・エル・クロムウェル)書翰  渋沢栄一宛一九二三年一〇月四日
         New York Stock Exchange,
                   October 4, 1923
Viscount Y. Shibusawa,
  Tokyo, Japan.
Dear Viscount Shibusawa :
  I want to be one of the hundreds of thousands to express to you my sorrow at what has passed in your wonderful country.
  You seem to be the natural person to turn to to express my deep grief and sympathy. It would, I know, have gone to your heart to have seen how vividly there was reflected in the American mind the picture of your suffering. Those of us who have been among you and have been able to know the character of your people realize full well with what courage you have met the disaster and with what earnestness you are seeking to repair what seem to be almost incurable wounds. It is
 - 第40巻 p.226 -ページ画像 
 fortunate indeed that the Japanese nation have such great leaders, and I congratulate you that you have been spared to give your help in this crisis.
  The organization of which I have the honor of being President responded with great eagerness to the call made upon it, and I have great pleasure in informing you that its members played a large part in the response that was made to the demand on the sympathies of the American people.
  With great respect and the deepest expression of my friendship, believe me,
            Yours very truly,
         (Signed) Seymour L. Cromwell
 東京市                 (十一月二日入手)
  渋沢子爵閣下       紐育、一九二三年十月四日
終に臨み謹んで敬意を表し深厚なる同情を捧申候 敬具