

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
7節 其他ノ資料
2款 日米関係諸資料

第40巻 p.403-408(DK400123k) ページ画像




(相賀安太郎) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二五年二月一一日(DK400123k-0001)
第40巻 p.403-405 ページ画像

(相賀安太郎) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二五年二月一一日
         NO 928 NUUANU STREET
                  February 11, 1925
Viscount Eiichi Shibusawa,
  1 Banchi, Kabuto-cho,
  Tokyo, Japan.
Dear Sir:
  The American fleet, composed of a large number of vessels, is arriving in Hawaiian waters in April of this year for grand maneuvers.
  America's proposed naval maneuvers in the Pacific have precipitated a warm discussion in the United States and Japan. Arguments for and against the undertaking have been advanc
 - 第40巻 p.404 -ページ画像 
ed. Opinion is divided. The fact, however, remains that the fleet is coming.
  To help clarify any misunderstanding which may have risen among the Japanese people as to the real object of the maneuvers and among the American people as to the attitude of the Japanese toward the naval plan, and to create an opportunity for an intelligent discussion of the existing Japanese-American relations at a place so uniquely situated as Hawaii and at a time so opportune as at present, "The Nippu Jiji" is publishing about the time the fleet arrives in Honolulu harbor a Special Edition in commem oration of the fleet's visit. Leading members of the Japanese and American governments and representative people of the two countries will be invited to contribute articles to this Special Edition.
  The coming to these shores of the American fleet, moreover, gives Japanese residents in Hawaii an opportunity to extend to its officers and men a royal welcome and to reciprocate, in a way, the wonderful hospitality and courtesy accorded the Imperial Japanese Training Squadron upon its visit to the United States coast early this year. The fleet is not visiting Japan and it is our desire to make our welcome impressively representative. Anything we Japanese of Hawaii may do for the fleet will, we think, go a long way in promoting better understanding.
  Considering these things, may we at this time impose on you for a frank statement on American-Japanese relations in reference to the naval maneuvers, for publication in our Special Edition ?
  Several officials of the government and prominent business men of Japan have already been invited to write. Their articles are to be published in the Japanese and English languages. It is, therefore, respectfully requested that the statement of yours be in both languages, but preferably in the English language as the articles are intended primarily for American consumption.
  No limitation is placed on the length of the statement. Please let us have the statement by April 5th, 1925, as the fleet is scheduled to arrive in Honolulu on or about April 27th. May we also have your photograph?
  Trusting that you will readily approve of the object sought by "The Nippu Jiji" in publishing a special edition and will favorably meet with its request for a statement, I am
             Yours respectfully,
             (Signed) Yasutaro Sōga
                   Editor, Nippu Jiji.
 - 第40巻 p.405 -ページ画像 
           大正十四年三月十五日於大磯御一覧相賀氏申越ノ寄稿ハ頭本氏ニ請フテ立案スル事 明六
右御願まで得貴意度如此御座候 敬具

(相賀安太郎) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二五年三月七日(DK400123k-0002)
第40巻 p.405-406 ページ画像

(相賀安太郎) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二五年三月七日 (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
          No. 928 NUUANU STREET
                    March 7, 1925
Viscount Eiichi Shibusawa,
  1 Banchi, Kabuto-cho, Nihonbashi,
  Tokyo, Japan.
  Under date of February 12 last we transmitted to you a request for a statement for publication in the Special Edition of "The Nippu Jiji," which is to be published next April in commemoration of the visit of the American fleet to Hawaii. The purpose of this edition was fully stated in our letter.
  While we are confident that you will accede to our request and help us in our endeavor to serve Japan and the United States in the interest of closer friendship and better understanding, permit us to remind you of the fact that all contributors have been asked to send in their statements or articles by April 5, 1925, at the latest.
 - 第40巻 p.406 -ページ画像 
  We fully realize that public and private matters are engaging a large portion of your time, but we believe that you will not be sparing in granting a little of your time to assist us in our little undertaking whose primary object is to promote better Japanese-American relations.
            Yours respectfully,
              THE NIPPU JIJI
             (Signed) Yasutaro Soga

渋沢栄一日布時事寄稿 控 一九二五年三月二〇日記(DK400123k-0003)
第40巻 p.406-407 ページ画像

渋沢栄一日布時事寄稿 控 一九二五年三月二〇日記
                   March 20, 1925
  I gladly take advantage of the "Nippu Jiji"s opportune invitation to me to offer a few words on what I think about the American Naval Maneuvers and the relations between the two countries.
  Let me first extend my most hearty greetings to the officers and men of the American fleet engaged in the maneuvers. I sincerely regret that I have not now the pleasure of shaking their hands personally. They have certainly the best of my wishes for their successful participation in the important task they are now engaged in the service of their country.
  I do not think it advisable or necessary in this article to enquire into the circumstances leading to the unfortunate unpleasantness that undoubtely existed in a section of the public here in regard to the present maneuvers in Hawaiian waters. Such unpleasantness, I am happy to say, is already for the most part a thing of the past. The truth is that no sensible person on this side has ever considered the American naval maneuvers in any way a menace to his country. I have no doubt whatever that if the American fleet visited us now it would receive from our people as warm a welcome as did a similar fleet sent here by President Roosevelt some eighteen years ago.
  Speaking of the general relations between the two nations, deeply as I regret the way in which the American Congress recently handled or mishandled the question of Japanese immigration, I am profoundly gratified to discern in the present situation a brighter hope than ever before for the ultimate solu
 - 第40巻 p.407 -ページ画像 
tion of all outstanding questions in a just and satisfactory manner. It was, indeed, a revelation to me to observe the spontaneous outburst of unreserved criticism which the Congressional action called forth throughout the length and breadth of the Republic. And the criticism was most hearty and outspoken in those quarters which have most to do with the shaping of public sentiment, namely the Press and the Pulpit. The recent episode, highly unfortunate from the political point of view, has, however, been a blessing in disguise, as it has incidentally shown to us, as nothing else could show, the real strength of the sentiment of friendship for us among the Americanpeople.
  I am therefore thankful and optimistic, inspite of what has happened in the political relations between the two nations. I am now surer than ever before of the soundness of the great American hearts. What we need is Time and Patience.
                 Viscount E. Shibusawa.

(相賀安太郎) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二五年五月二日(DK400123k-0004)
第40巻 p.407-408 ページ画像

(相賀安太郎) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二五年五月二日 (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
         NO. 928 NUUANU STREET
                   May 2, 1925
Viscount Eiichi Shibusawa,
  1 Banchi, Kabuto-cho,
  Nihonbashi, Tokyo, Japan
Dear Sir:
  We are sending you, with our aloha, a copy of "Welcome United States Fleet Edition" of The Nippu Jiji, which we have published in commemoration of the visit to Hawaii of the United States fleet.
  This edition, printed in the English and Japanese languages, among other things, contains a description of the Japanese community in Hawaii, together with the aspirations, activities and accomplishments of Japanese in the territory.
  An entire section has been devoted to the presentation of the life of Japanese in Hawaii. What the citizens of Japanese ancestry are doing for the uplift of Hawaii? Are Japanese assimilable? Is Hawaii being Japanized? These are some of the many questions discussed in the edition.
             Yours sincerely,
           (Signed) Y. Sōga 相賀安太郎
                   Editor, Nippu Jiji.
 東京市                (五月十九日入手)
 - 第40巻 p.408 -ページ画像 
  子爵 渋沢栄一閣下
全篇在布日本人の生活状態を紹介するに充て、日系市民は如何なる事業に従事して布哇の進歩を計り居るや、日本人は同化し得るや、布哇は日本化しつゝありや此等問題につきても記載有之候 敬具