

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
7節 其他ノ資料
5款 外国人トノ往復書翰

第40巻 p.642-644(DK400216k) ページ画像


是日栄一、在北京International Anti-Opium Associationノアーサー・サウァビーヨリ我国ニ同様趣旨ノ協会設立ニ就キ慫慂ヲ受ク。


(アーサー・サウアビー)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二〇年一〇月二三日(DK400216k-0001)
第40巻 p.642-644 ページ画像

(アーサー・サウアビー)書翰  渋沢栄一宛一九二〇年一〇月二三日
        Patron: H.E. President Hsii Shin Ch'ang
                 23 October, 1920
His Excellency,
Viscount Y. Shibusawa,
  Kabutocho, Nihonbshi Ku,
  Tokyo, Japan.
Your Excellency:
  The Board of Directors of the International Anti-Opium Association, Peking, has instructed me to respectfully bring before your notice the campaign against the misuse of narcotics in which this Association is taking a leading part.
  The necessity of such an organization as this is evidenced by the fact that in all countries there is at the present time legislation strictly controlling the trade in narcotics, and by the further fact that the Articles of the Hague Convention of 1912-1913 have been included in the terms of the Versailles Peace Treaty. The League of Nations also has undertaken to deal with this trade as a traffic dangerous to humanity, and one which can be controlleonly by international agreement.
  The chief aim of this Association is to promote the control of the opium and narcotic evil by international legislation. It emphasizes the fact that this object will be attained only when the production of opium and other narcotics is limited at the source. The Association recognizes the legitimate use of nar
 - 第40巻 p.643 -ページ画像 
cotics for medical purposes, but it also believes that the production and trade in them should be limited to known medicinal requirements.
  The Association has received much encouragement in its efforts to put a stop to the widespread traffic in opium and other narcotics which is at the present time such a menace to the peoples of Asia, as well as to western nations. Recently the Imperial Japanese Government, through His Excellency, Mr. Obata, informed this Association that it had been definitely decided entirely to abolish the opium monopoly system in Kwantung Leases Territory and Tsingtao, in the course of the fiscal year. This step on the part of the Imperial Japanese Government is a direct result of the efforts of this Association.
  Legislation has recently been passed in both the United States and Great Britain to control the trade in narcotics, and we hope eventually to secure the necesary international agreements which will strike the evil at its very root.
  It seems very desirable to this Association that an organization similar to ours should exist in Japan, and your name has been given to us by Mr. E. W. Frazar of Tokyo as one who might be interested in creating, or at least helping to create, such an association.
  We are also, at Mr. Frazar's suggestion, writing to Viscount Kaneko, Baron Sakatani, Marquis Okuma, Mr. Ryohei Uchida, and Dr. Anezaki of the Imperial Government University, about the hopes and aims of our Association, in the hope that something may be done in Japan towards helping in the suppression of a traffic that is a menace to humanity.
  I have the honour to be,
        Your most obedient servant,
             (Signed) Arthur Souerby
                   General Secretary.
拝啓 愈々御清勝之段奉大賀候、陳者私事今般北京万国拒土総会理事局ヨリノ命ニ依リ、主トシテ本会ガ尽力致シ居ル麻睡剤使用反対運動ニ就キ、一筆左ニ要項申述ベ候
 - 第40巻 p.644 -ページ画像 
本会ハ尚ホ右フレーザア氏ノ申入ニ依リ、金子子爵・阪谷男爵・大隈侯爵・内田良平氏及ビ帝国大学ノ姉崎博士ニモ出状致シ、本会ノ希望及ビ目的ヲ述ベ、人類ノ脅威タル右麻睡剤取引ノ禁圧ニ就キ御助力アラム事ヲ御願致申候 拝具