

公開日: 2016.11.11 / 最終更新日: 2022.3.15

3編 社会公共事業尽瘁並ニ実業界後援時代

1部 社会公共事業

3章 国際親善
7節 其他ノ資料
5款 外国人トノ往復書翰

第40巻 p.670-695(DK400226k) ページ画像



(ウォルター・エフ・デリンガム) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二五年一月三一日(DK400226k-0001)
第40巻 p.671-672 ページ画像


(ポールトネ・ビゲロー) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛 一九二五年六月四日(DK400226k-0002)
第40巻 p.672-675 ページ画像

(ポールトネ・ビゲロー) 書翰  渋沢栄一宛 一九二五年六月四日 (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
                   June' 4, '25
My very much honored
Viscount Shibusawa,
  You and I were together in the Paris of Napoleon III, and we have therefore witnessed many political and social madnesses ― usually the result of wrong reasoning or poisonous propaganda for interested demagogical purposes.
  Japan has today the benefit of reasoning with reasonable men in office ― her legislation bears the impress of hereditary aristocracy. These United States are dominated despotically by demagogical majorities in which a syndicate of Hearst newspapers and a well-organized labor union has more influence with Congress than the united voice of our learned and scientific societies.
  In other words we are in a small minority and the vast mob of ignorant voters is howling at any nation or people that seems to threaten trade union wages in California or any other section of this country.
  Mr. Hanihara spoke moderately and wisely on the eve of his resignation ― he spoke in harmony with Mr. Hughes the
 - 第40巻 p.673 -ページ画像 
 then Secretary of State ― yet he was made a sacrifice to mob feelings.
  Personally I can do but my duty as I see it with my imperfect faculties. I have just published a book on Japan and her Colonies which was rejected by Putnam the New York Publishers but accepted by Arnold and Co. of London. It would have pleased the American publishers had I been willing to accept the vulgar view of things Japanese.
  This book was to have been translated into Japanese by order of the Colonial Ministry, but the great earthquake doubtless interfered.
  Since my last visit and my most agreeable talks with you I have lectured in France and England and also on many occasions in my own country ― always on Japan and always urging the advisability of admitting them freely in order to teach Americans how to be clean and polite. I have deemed it my duty to refuse all money payment for such efforts ― both in Japan and outside. My enemies cannot undermine the position I occupy here by charging me with accepting pay for my pen or my speech.
  In a few months will appear my memories under the title: Seventy Summers ― to appear simultaneously in London and New York (Arnold & Co.). The work is in 2 volumes and will have much to say of Japan and the brutal manner in which the Washington Congress is behaving.
  And thus, my dear friend of many years, I seek to answer your kind letter of December 25th 1924, which has been lying in the mail bag during my long absence in Europe. Kusaka is no more ―; Kumasaki and Okuma are dead ―; Yamagawa was at Yale with me in 1873 but I have not heard from him lately. If I ever visited Japan again you would be the venerable sage ― the hardy pine tree that has escaped the thunders & lightenings of successive tempests and that grows in vitality because always thinking of the good you can do for others.
  War may occur any day between your country and mine, but when it comes it shall not be said that it was caused by you or
            Yours faithfully,
            (Signed) Poultney Bigelow
Is Mr. Obata alive & happy? Please remember me to him.
 東京市                (六月廿三日入手)
 - 第40巻 p.674 -ページ画像 
         モルデン・オン・ハドソン 一九二五年六月四日
貴我両国の間に万一戦争勃発する事あらんとも、そは閣下と小生との為めに発生せりとは、謂はしめ申す間敷候 敬具
 - 第40巻 p.675 -ページ画像 

渋沢栄一書翰 控 ハワード・ハインツ宛大正一四年六月二二日(DK400226k-0003)
第40巻 p.675 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰 控  ハワード・ハインツ宛大正一四年六月二二日
   大正十四年六月 日        東京
右御回答迄可得貴意如此御座候 敬具

 - 第40巻 p.676 -ページ画像 

(ゲーテンバーグ) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二六年一〇月一二日(DK400226k-0004)
第40巻 p.676-681 ページ画像


(ハーヴェー・エッチ・ガイ) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二六年一二月九日(DK400226k-0005)
第40巻 p.681-684 ページ画像

(ハーヴェー・エッチ・ガイ) 書翰  渋沢栄一宛一九二六年一二月九日
          2515 Hillegass Ave.
                      Dec. 9, 1926
Viscount Eiichi Shibusawa,
  Tokyo, Japan
Dear Viscount and very good Friend:
  Since receiving a copy of the very good letter which you so kindly sent to Mr. Wallace M. Alexander commending me to his consideration for a position in the University of California I have been thinking how best I could reply to you and how fittingly to thank you for this very deep courtesy. However the more I thought the more difficult the task appeared to be. I think my best reply will be my life which I hope to spend for the betterment of the relations between our two peoples and not any words which I might select however beautiful or perfect. I have now but one ambition, to serve the cause of American-Japanese relations for the rest of my life at whatever sacrifice that may require.
  The position which is to be filled in the University has heretofore been filled by a man who was primarily a Chinese scholar. I am primarily a student of Japanese though in acquiring my Japanese training I went to the trouble to read all the writings of Confucius and did some little work in Mencius, as well as some modern Chinese writers. The University, however, has decided to follow the line of its traditions and call a Chinese scholar. I think they have not yet selected a man.
  In view of this fact I have given up any idea of teaching in the University and shall devote my time as fully as possible
 - 第40巻 p.682 -ページ画像 
 to lecturing on Japanese subjects before popular audiences and colleges, which may, after all, be the very best thing for me to do. I shall, of course, keep my membership in the Japanese Relations Committee of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce and work along with that splendid group of men at whatever seems possible.
  If we had the money it would be possible to make permanent contacts with some of the smaller institutions in this State which might, in the long run, prove fully as helpful as contacts with the State University. At any rate we need to support a lecture bureau so that we may be able to keep the cause of American-Japanese friendship continually before the American people, particularly at this time when they are willing and anxious to know the facts. Of course you realize how difficult it is to get Americans to support such a work because of the "touchy" condition of the public mind on the Japanese question due to the work of McClatchy and company. Someday we shall find a man with money who will see in this a great opportunity for service and he will support it with his money. Unfortunately most of the people interested in the cause of world peace are men of limited means and consequently are limited in the time they can give to such causes. But in spite of all this things are getting better and more and more the general public is becoming interested in this great human problem.
  My recent lecture trip to Southern California convinces me that this is the greatest opportunity we have ever had of getting at the general public with our information. I found everywhere interested audiences and a willingness to get at the real situation. I found, also, the Japanese growing in local favor. People were saying good things about their Japanese neighbors. Americans are deeply interested in the problem of the second generation Japanese. They see that here is a truly great American problem which they are duty bound to solve. Farseeing Americans also realize the tremendous reaches of the race problem and, while not seeing the solution, feel that something must be done about this. On the whole, therefore, I should say the local problem is much better than it has been for years. Local Japanese are better off, financially, than two years ago, though general conditions are very bad for every one engaged in farming in this State. The general public is in a spirit of expectancy, hoping that some way may be found to mitigate the rigors of present laws and give ground for hope to the rising second generation of Japanese.
  The visit of Hon. K. Nakamura and his group of young
 - 第40巻 p.683 -ページ画像 
 students was a fine thing and interested many Americans. Such visits properly arranged will do much good. I hope they may be continued next year.
  I greatly appreciate your splendid efforts on behalf of American-Japanese friendship and hope if any way suggests itself to you whereby I may be of more effective assistance in this great cause you will feel free not only to make suggestions but to command my service.
  In closing this all too long letter may I be permitted to wish you a very happy and successful New Year.
  May I trouble you, also, to give my very best regards to my good friend Mr. Zumoto.
             With high regard,
                 Harvey H. Guy.
 東京市             (十二月廿七日入手) 明六
  子爵渋沢栄一閣下    加州麦領、一九二六年十二月九日
 - 第40巻 p.684 -ページ画像 
尚ほ御面倒乍ら親しき友人頭本氏へも何卒宜敷く御鳳声被下候はゞ仕合に御座候 敬具

(トマス・ダブリユー・ラモント)書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二七年四月二二日(DK400226k-0006)
第40巻 p.684-685 ページ画像

(トマス・ダブリュー・ラモント)書翰  渋沢栄一宛一九二七年四月二二日
23 Wall Street
 New York
                    April 22, 1927
Viscount E. Shibusawa,
  1 Nichome Yeirakucho Kojimachiku,
  Tokyo, Japan.
My dear Viscount Shibusawa:
  I had the very great pleasure yesterday of receiving your friend Mr. Kokichi Mikimoto, who presented your letter of October 13th last to Mrs. Lamont. Had it not been for an absence of some weeks on a cruise through the West Indies, and
 - 第40巻 p.685 -ページ画像 
 for several other brief periods when I was away from my office, we should have been able to see Mr. Mikimoto earlier. Now it so happens Mrs. Lamont is away from home recuperating from a brief illness, and therefore was most disappointed at not being able to see Mr. Mikimoto.
  It was a privilege indeed to learn of his work in the production of the culture pearl, and I enjoyed the opportunity of seeing the specimens he was good enough to produce for my examination. It is a wonderful thing he is doing, and I hope his efforts to open the western markets to his product will be crowned with well-earned success. I understand he is shortly leaving for Europe, and he has promised to call on me again when he returns to New York, at which time I am sure Mrs. Lamont will be able to see him.
  I take this opportunity of repeating my congratulations, cabled to you yesterday, upon your 88th birthday. I trust you will be spared for many more years of usefulness to your country.
  With kindest personal regards, in which my wife joins, I am
               Yours sincerely,
             (Signed) Thomas W. Lamont
          五月十八日一覧 懇切なる来状之趣旨を謝する之意にて回答致し度且其書状中ニ令閨へ之伝言も申添度候事
 東京市                 (五月十一日入手)
荊妻と共に謹んで敬意を奉表候 敬具
 - 第40巻 p.686 -ページ画像 

(ジェー・ラッセル・ケネディ) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二七年四月二七日(DK400226k-0007)
第40巻 p.686 ページ画像

(ジェー・ラッセル・ケネディ) 書翰  渋沢栄一宛一九二七年四月二七日
                  Tokyo, April 27, 1927
H. E.
Viscount E. Shibusawa,
Your Excellency:
  If I can help you personally, or your friends in general in this crisis, please ask me. I would consider it a personal favour to be called upon to help and especially by my friends, among whom I have always counted you as one of the earliest and the most valuable.
             Very sincerely,
          (Signed) J. Russell Kennedy
 東京市                 (四月廿八日入手)
拝啓、益御清栄奉大賀候、然ば現今経済界の危機に際し、閣下御自身又は一般御友人諸氏に対し御援助申上げ得る場合は何卒御申聞被下度候、特に友人諸氏より、就中小生の最も古き且つ最も尊き友人の一人として常に算へ居候閣下より援助を要求せられ候はゞ、光栄の至に御座候 敬具

渋沢栄一書翰 控 シドニー・エル・ギューリツク宛昭和三年一月二八日(DK400226k-0008)
第40巻 p.686-687 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰 控  シドニー・エル・ギューリック宛昭和三年一月二八日
                   東京 渋沢栄一
 - 第40巻 p.687 -ページ画像 
右拝復旁得貴意度如此御座候 敬具
 二伸 御丁寧なる季節の御挨拶に接し拝謝の至に御座候、老生よりも新年の賀詞申述候

渋沢栄一書翰 控 スターリング・ジェー・ジョイナー宛昭和三年一二月四日(DK400226k-0009)
第40巻 p.687-688 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰 控  スターリング・ジェー・ジョイナー宛昭和三年一二月四日
          昭和三年十一月二十八日一覧 字句少しく修正致候事
                   東京 渋沢栄一
 - 第40巻 p.688 -ページ画像 
右貴答旁得貴意度如此御座候 敬具

渋沢栄一書翰 控 ジェームズ・ウエブスター宛一九二九年一月二六日(DK400226k-0010)
第40巻 p.688 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰 控  ジェームズ・ウエブスター宛一九二九年一月二六日
愉快なる御旅行を全うせられ、一路平安御帰国被遊候様祈上候、右得貴意度如此御座候 敬具

渋沢栄一書翰 控 ハワード・ハインツ宛昭和四年二月二七日(DK400226k-0011)
第40巻 p.688-689 ページ画像

渋沢栄一書翰 控  ハワード・ハインツ宛昭和四年二月二七日 (渋沢子爵家所蔵)
 - 第40巻 p.689 -ページ画像 
右得貴意度如此御座候 敬具

(ハワード・ハインツ) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九二九年九月一七日(DK400226k-0012)
第40巻 p.689-691 ページ画像

(ハワード・ハインツ) 書翰  渋沢栄一宛一九二九年九月一七日
           HOWARD HEINZ
                 September 17th, 1929
Viscount E. Shibusawa,
  2 Itchome Marunouchi Kojimachiku,
  Tokyo, Japan.
My dear Viscount:
  I have just returned from a trip to England to visit our new factory there and it was a great pleasure to find your letter of August 21st awaiting my return.
 - 第40巻 p.690 -ページ画像 
  It was very interesting to find that the Japan Times had referred to our plans for building a theatre for our employes. Truly, the newspaper does bring the nations together. This Auditorium and Welfare Building will be completed in about a year and we hope to have President Hoover dedicate it. I wish you could be here on that occasion with the other prominent men we will have from different parts of the world. We expect to celebrate sixty years of industrial peace with our workers and they are just as happy over the celebration as we are. Above all, I wish my dear father could be here, too, for he built the first theatre in his factory over thirty years ago and I know he would like to see ― and I really believe he does see ― what we are doing today.
  You referred to my father and his ideals and I can only tell you that the best I know in life and whatever qualities I may possess which may make me a success are entirely due to my father. Above all, he was a great teacher and he helped many men. His character and attitude toward his fellowman was my greatest inheritance. It is a source of pride to me to have you refer to my father in such a beautiful way and it is a special privilege to feel that I have your friendship just as he had it.
  I only wish I could have the privilege and the opportunity to visit with you so that I might further learn from your great experience with life. Your philosophy is like my father's in so many ways. Every year I hope my plans can be arranged so as to make it possible to visit you but so far I have been unable to make the trip. I am still hoping that you may be spared for years to come, for I would not want to visit Japan without seeing you. Every once in a while I meet a prominent Japanese who tells me that you are setting everybody an example as to how to keep young.
  Assuring you that I appreciate your thoughtful letter and that my family joins in hearty felicitations, believe me,
           Most sincerely yours,
             (Signed) Howard Heinz
 東京市                 (十月十六日入手)
   一九二九年九月十七日       ハワード・ハインツ
 - 第40巻 p.691 -ページ画像 
右得貴意度如此御座候 敬具

(フレッチャー・エス・ブロックマン) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九三〇年二月一三日(DK400226k-0013)
第40巻 p.691-693 ページ画像

(フレッチャー・エス・ブロックマン) 書翰  渋沢栄一宛一九三〇年二月一三日
           Committee on the
          Promotion of Friendship
         America and the Far East
        FLETCHER S. BROCKMAN, Secretary
                  February 13, 1930
My dear Viscount Shibusawa:
  Mrs. Brockman and I were deeply touched at the meeting of the National Council of the Y.M.C.A. in Chicago when the General Secretary handed us a bunch of letters and announced that it included one from yourself. To think that with all of your obligations you had taken time to send this message of
 - 第40巻 p.692 -ページ画像 
 affectionate good will across the ocean to us, moved us very greatly. I shall never be able to tell you how much your friendship means to me. Year after year in my trips to the East I have looked forward to my visits with you. Your kindliness towards all nations, your profound friendship for America even when America has not acted worthily, your confidence in the justice of the American people, your deep interest in every good cause―Christian, Confucianist, Buddhist, and your many marks of friendship to me personally, are among the very precious things of my life.
  I am so disappointed and even ashamed that I have little progress to report to you in political renunciation of the Immigration Act, but I can with the greatest sincerity report to you an ever deepening growth in the understanding of Japan, in an appreciation of her love of peace, her friendship for America, her patience, her remarkable contribution to civilization. These are real gains. The propaganidsts for a big navy who for their own purposes attempted to build up a disregard of Japan have been thoroughly discounted.
  I am telling Your Excellency these things so that you may feel that your confidence in America has not been misplaced, and that your patience will be rewarded.
  With affectionate regards, I am
            Most sincerely yours,
           (Signed) Fletcher S. Brockman
To His Excellency
Viscount E. Shibusawa
  2 Itchome Marunouchi Kojimachiku
  Tokyo, Japan.
P. S. Since writing this I have attended a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Pacific Relations. I find that Japan made a profound impression upon all delegates from America to the Kyoto meeting. The American engineers also are enthusiastic about Japan. F. S. B.
 東京市                  (三月十日入手)
 - 第40巻 p.693 -ページ画像 
右得貴意度如此御座候 敬具
 二伸 本書認め候後、太平洋問題調査会評議員会に出席仕候処、京都大会に出席したる亜米利加代表者全部に対して、日本が深大なる印象を与へたることを知り申候、亜米利加機械技師団も亦日本を極力謳歌致居候

(オデッサ・モーリス) 書翰 渋沢栄一宛一九三〇年六月一〇日(DK400226k-0014)
第40巻 p.693-694 ページ画像


第40巻 p.694-695 ページ画像

            CHAPTER XI
           (Chinese and Japanese)
 - 第40巻 p.695 -ページ画像 
  When a letter came addressed to the Viscount from one of his American friends, it was first translated by his English secretary into Japanese. Then it was submitted to the regular secretary who made quite careful corrections to make it plainer and smoother. Then it was typed.
  This typed letter clipped together with the original was presented to him. He read it, and as he read it corrected the sentences in the letter―here and there. When he got through with it he signed his full name to it, giving the date of his inspection. If a reply to it was needed, he wrote down "to be answered." Often he gave oral instructions to his English secretary for the answer. Then the secretary prepared the answer according to the instruction. He took it to the regular secretary who corrected and polished the whole composition. It was typed.
  Now it was ready for the final inspection in which several changes or additions were made. This was translated into English and was sent to the friend. Therefore in the files of the letters for translation the pencil corrections are conspicuously seen. The process was a tedious and circuitous one, but the Viscount never gave up this method for years.

渋沢栄一伝記資料 第四十巻 終