It is said that Shibusawa Eiichi was involved with nearly 500 companies and 600 public organizations over the course of his lifetime. The name change charts are divided by industry to give an understanding of the types of companies and organizations he was involved with, their connections to modern companies, and how their names have changed over time.

For each chart a company, public organization, or other organization was selected from those mentioned in the Shibusawa Eiichi denki shiryo (Shibusawa Eiichi Biographical Materials) and its history researched. There are currently 162 name change charts, listed below according to divisions found in the table of contents of the Denki shiryo.

Last updated January 16, 2025

Name Change Chart Totals

Companies and Organizations
(totals include some duplication)

Direct Connection*1 Subsequent Companies and Organizations*2 Others Total
720 562 890 2,172

*1 Direct Connection: Companies and Organizations with a direct connection to Shibusawa Eiichi (where Eiichi was a member of the board of directors, shareholder, advisor, or supporter)

*2 Subsequent Companies and Organizations: Successors to companies with a direct connection (companies and organisations that were inherited or underwent a name change)

List of Name Change Charts

Business and the Economy

Finance (36)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Banks: Daiichi / Kangyo / Kogin 6 10 0 16
Banks: Mitsui A 4 7 3 14
Banks: Mitsui B 0 5 9 14
Banks: Yokohama Shokin 1 4 11 16
Banks: Tokyo Chochiku A 1 2 11 14
Banks: Tokyo Chochiku B 0 5 4 9
Banks: Teikoku Shogyo 5 4 5 14
Banks: Hokkaido Takushoku 1 0 15 16
Banks: Tohoku A 1 3 10 14
Banks: Tohoku B 6 2 7 15
Banks: Kanto A 1 3 15 19
Banks: Kanto B 2 1 10 13
Banks: Kanto C 6 1 6 13
Banks: Chubu Tokai 4 4 5 13
Banks: Hokuriku A 1 2 8 11
Banks: Hokuriku B 3 2 7 12
Banks: Hokuriku C 3 2 5 10
Banks: Kinki and Shikoku 3 4 3 10
Banks: Kyushu A 2 4 7 13
Banks: Kyushu B 1 1 9 11
Bank of Japan 1 0 0 1
Miscellaneous Banks 6 2 5 13
Banking Organizations A 7 3 4 14
Banking Organizations B 5 1 10 16
Clearing Houses 7 4 5 16
Mercantile Agencies A 2 3 5 10
Mercantile Agencies B 4 1 2 7
Damage Insurance A 7 3 4 14
Damage Insurance B 2 8 12 22
Damage Insurance C 2 0 6 8
Damage Insurance D 2 6 8 16
Damage Insurance E 1 6 11 18
Damage Insurance F 1 0 18 19
Life Insurance A 2 6 9 17
Life Insurance B 2 7 9 18
Miscellaneous Financial Institutions 5 0 7 12

Transportation and Communications (16)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Marine Transportation A 7 4 5 16
Marine Transportation B 2 1 11 14
Marine Transportation C 4 1 11 16
Land Transportation: Hokkaido A 1 3 8 12
Land Transportation: Hokkaido B 4 3 6 13
Land Transportation: Eastern Japan A 9 1 0 10
Land Transportation: Eastern Japan B 9 1 0 10
Land Transportation: Eastern Japan C 2 3 6 11
Land Transportation: Tokyo A 10 2 7 19
Land Transportation: Tokyo B 3 3 13 19
Land Transportation: Tokai 6 1 1 8
Land Transportation: Western Japan A 4 2 6 12
Land Transportation: Western Japan B 6 2 1 9
Land Transportation: Kyushu and Taiwan 9 1 1 11
Aviation 2 1 1 4
Communications 3 1 8 12

Textiles - Commerce and Industry (9)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Cotton A 7 1 2 10
Cotton B 3 5 4 12
Cotton C 1 4 3 8
Silk A 6 2 7 15
Silk B 3 9 3 15
Hemp 5 7 6 18
Woolen Fabric A 3 4 2 9
Woolen Fabric B 1 4 4 9
Hats 2 1 1 4

Paper Pulp - Commerce and Industry (1)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Paper Manufacturing 8 10 5 23

Leather - Commerce and Industry (1)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Leather Tanning 7 5 12 24

Foodstuffs - Commerce and Industry (3)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Sugar A 5 7 4 16
Sugar B 2 3 10 15
Brewing 4 9 9 22

Ceramics - Commerce and Industry (4)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Ceramics 4 2 1 7
Glass 6 0 2 8
Bricks 7 1 3 11
Cement 7 5 8 20

Iron and Steel - Commerce and Industry (3)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Steel and Smelting 6 3 5 14
Iron and Steel A 2 2 6 10
Iron and Steel B 3 1 17 21

Freight Machinery - Commerce and Industry (4)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Shipbuilding and Docks A 4 9 3 16
Shipbuilding and Docks B 3 5 4 12
Shipbuilding and Docks C 2 0 9 11
Steam Engines and Automobiles 7 1 3 11

Chemicals - Commerce and Industry (7)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Chemical Fertilizer 4 5 8 17
Pharmaceuticals 3 0 5 8
Chemical Industry A 4 2 5 11
Chemical Industry B 1 4 7 12
Chemical Industry C 3 0 0 3
Chemical Industry D 1 0 5 6
Chemical Industry E 3 3 0 6

Gas - Commerce and Industry (2)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Gas A 6 0 0 6
Gas B 2 7 12 21

Electricity - Commerce and Industry (4)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Electricity A 10 3 9 22
Electricity B 3 2 5 10
Electricity C 1 4 6 11
Electricity D 0 16 14 30

Construction - Commerce and Industry (3)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Public Works 3 8 12 23
Harbor Construction 10 3 2 15
Land Companies 6 1 2 9

Stock, Commodity, and Grain Exchanges - Commerce and Industry (3)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Tokyo Exchanges 9 2 7 18
Yokohama Exchanges 6 2 6 14
Osaka Exchanges 2 2 12 16

Warehouses - Commerce and Industry (1)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Warehouses 8 1 2 11

Hotels - Commerce and Industry (1)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Hotels 6 3 3 12

Foreign Trade - Commerce and Industry (2)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Foreign Trade A 8 2 0 10
Foreign Trade B 2 3 9 14

Miscellaneous Commerce and Industry - Commerce and Industry (5)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Printing 2 4 1 7
Electrical Goods Manufacturing 4 1 5 10
Manufacturing 11 4 7 22
Retail 8 2 8 18
Service Industry 6 0 5 11

Mining and Extraction (6)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Copper A 2 9 4 15
Copper B 1 0 7 8
Coal A 7 4 1 12
Coal B 1 1 10 12
Oil 2 0 17 19
Mines 3 0 0 3

Agriculture, Ranching, Forestry, and Fisheries (4)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Agriculture, Ranching, and Forestry A 9 0 0 9
Agriculture, Ranching, and Forestry B 8 2 0 10
Fisheries A 8 6 6 20
Fisheries B 6 1 8 15

Foreign Projects (7)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Foreign Projects: Korean Peninsula A 8 1 0 9
Foreign Projects: Korean Peninsula B 8 0 4 12
Foreign Projects: Korean Peninsula C 7 1 2 10
Foreign Projects: Manchuria A 4 2 0 6
Foreign Projects: Manchuria B 1 1 4 6
Foreign Projects: China 9 0 4 13
Foreign Projects: Various Countries 6 2 1 9

Economic Organizations (2)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Economic Organizations A 8 11 1 20
Economic Organizations B 3 1 14 18

Public and Social Works

Social Programs (6)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Social Welfare A 6 12 4 22
Social Welfare B 8 9 2 19
Social Welfare C 5 11 2 18
Health and Medical A 9 9 4 22
Health and Medical B 4 13 2 19
Health and Medical C 5 0 8 13

Labor and Capital Cooperation and Other Harmonization Projects (1)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Cooperation Between Labor and Capital 1 0 10 11

International Friendship (2)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
International Friendship 6 13 4 23
Japanese-American Friendship 4 1 2 7

Morality and Religion (5)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Confucianism 5 1 4 10
Shrines 10 0 3 13
Temples and Buddhist Organizations 5 1 0 6
Christian Organizations 3 2 11 16
Character-building Organizations 5 5 1 11

Education (13)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Business Education A 12 10 0 22
Business Education B 4 9 6 19
Business Education C 5 5 17 27
Business Education D 4 0 14 18
Women's Education A 5 2 0 7
Women's Education B 4 6 6 16
Women's Education C 6 5 2 13
General Education A 7 3 4 14
General Education B 3 2 9 14
General Education C 5 8 2 15
General Education D 5 5 8 18
General Education E 5 4 2 11
General Education F 4 5 7 16

Scholarly and Cultural Projects (8)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Scholarly Projects A 9 16 1 26
Scholarly Projects B 5 6 6 17
Performing and Fine Arts 5 2 1 8
Newspapers 5 2 7 14
Magazines A 3 4 1 8
Magazines B 2 0 0 2
Telecommunications 5 8 7 20
Broadcasting 1 1 3 5

Political and Public Administration (1)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Public Administration 3 3 4 10

Other Public Works Projects (2)

Name Change Chart Direct Connection Subsequent Companies Other Companies Total
Various Organizations A 3 3 0 6
Various Organizations B 5 4 3 12